hi im back!!! yay phew made it home with no babba dramas.
so an update: now 7weeks woop. done a test before left and was so dark and also could not resist today and did a opk and that went dark red before the wee had reached the control line, still no bleeding yay.
ive had a couple of days of beening ache and sore cramps but i think thats more from diff food and not pooin as much a may of here - normally have diarreha and gone to a few small dark ish stools just in morning - sorry tmi, but have these pains more when curl up in bed?? think its just wind!! or constapiated!! lol. pain worst then if pass wind tad better.
also i get a lot of uti and had a few twinges on holiday so took my anti bocs but last day or too had a slight more white ish discharge altou have had increasin discharge all week. and now its still bit sore and burning slightly. think ill ask midwife morro as maybe its bit of thursh?
boobs ok not hurting too much just nipples senstive, not been sick but few cramps and feelin sick in the morning and burping alot still. Not sure if cos not been eating to much until later in day or in head but im sure the sicky feeling has been getting worst in mornings.
guess from all my travelling and diff bed and foods and not as much water as should i guess bowels, back, shoulders and tum been through a lot and guess in a day or too should be back normal!! just had a sicky burp as we chat tmi yuck!!
glad see lines still dark today and got first midwife tomorrow at 3!!!! YAY so excited, will seem real tomorro i hope. Not sure they will test for anything or just chat but ill update u all.
Mann its chilly here feel really shivery and cold but gone from 40* to 20*
how are u all feeling and doing. Be exciting morro see what date midwife says as guess if go from last period maybe a few extra days ahead in there eyes but i know ov on 13th!
another thing ive noted is that gone off chocolate! and all i want is meat and cheddar cheese!!!!!
hope u all well bump buddies - talking of bumps i feel huge already, sure just my tubby belly and too high for bump yet but i read u should gain a cm a week of preg not sure if that true but if so im in there!! keep dreaming of twins! one healthy babba be amazing.
keep preyin and thankin god everyday that goes.
speak tomorrow wish me luck!!!
love all rach xxxx