all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

Good luck sarah with your midwife appointment today!x
Yeah I think it is normal and I'm just a worry wort, I said at appt that had this goin pain and she said all normal and ligament pain. Keep havin this cold feelin in thoart think heart burn. Mainly think cos I'm at a desk and swashed in a car! Lol
Yep im sure its just the uterus stretching out darling :)

Midwife went GREAT! She never mentioned my weight or put fear of god in me. She just said that with my weight and my other condition with my thyroid, I would also have consultant led care, which I knew anyway. She was lovely :)

She also put my mind at rest about something. Last night matt and i went to the cinema and whislt there i started getting af cramps. When I got home there was some brown and red spotting. Started to panic with the af cramps. When I woke up there was no more spotting and af pains seemed to be gone. Then they started again during the midwife visit and when I went to do my wee sample there was more brown and red.

So we asked her about it. She said that most cases, bleeding is harmless. She said that because the bleeding is not substantial, and because im not in severe pain, she thinks its just one of those things. She said at 9wks, the pain accompanying a miscarriage would be strong, and not af like which i have that really helped.

Sooo..just taking it easy now. And waiting for my 12wk scan date to now come, cant wait! xx

Hope my ladies are good today? :hugs: xx
Glad to hear the appointment went well Sarah and that you had a lovely midwife! Makes me look forward to mine next Monday...were you in long?

In a way,it's lucky that if you had any spotting,that it happened at the midwife appointment, because I guess it's the perfect place and the perfect person to set your mind at ease! I also wonder whether the spotting could be related to breakthrough bleeding at the time when your next period would have been due? I had a bit of brown spotting at the end of last week and,when I checked the calendar, it was exactly when af would have been due, so I'm sure mine was breakthrough, maybe yours is the same? either way,look forward to your 12 week now!! Eek!!!x
Yep im sure its just the uterus stretching out darling :)

Midwife went GREAT! She never mentioned my weight or put fear of god in me. She just said that with my weight and my other condition with my thyroid, I would also have consultant led care, which I knew anyway. She was lovely :)

She also put my mind at rest about something. Last night matt and i went to the cinema and whislt there i started getting af cramps. When I got home there was some brown and red spotting. Started to panic with the af cramps. When I woke up there was no more spotting and af pains seemed to be gone. Then they started again during the midwife visit and when I went to do my wee sample there was more brown and red.

So we asked her about it. She said that most cases, bleeding is harmless. She said that because the bleeding is not substantial, and because im not in severe pain, she thinks its just one of those things. She said at 9wks, the pain accompanying a miscarriage would be strong, and not af like which i have that really helped.

Sooo..just taking it easy now. And waiting for my 12wk scan date to now come, cant wait! xx

Hope my ladies are good today? :hugs: xx
Pleased to hear it was a good appointment!

Sorry to hear you had the stress of spotting but as lpjkp says, at least you were in the right place for it to happen! Fingers crossed that its nothing just some more burrowing!

Glad to hear the appointment went well Sarah and that you had a lovely midwife! Makes me look forward to mine next Monday...were you in long?

In a way,it's lucky that if you had any spotting,that it happened at the midwife appointment, because I guess it's the perfect place and the perfect person to set your mind at ease! I also wonder whether the spotting could be related to breakthrough bleeding at the time when your next period would have been due? I had a bit of brown spotting at the end of last week and,when I checked the calendar, it was exactly when af would have been due, so I'm sure mine was breakthrough, maybe yours is the same? either way,look forward to your 12 week now!! Eek!!!x
lpjkp, I'm in London too. Where are you going for your mid-wife appointments?

J x
Wow! finally someone else from London! I live in Victoria, so I've got it in a clinic in Pimlico and then my scans at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital...what about you?x
Wow! finally someone else from London! I live in Victoria, so I've got it in a clinic in Pimlico and then my scans at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital...what about you?x
Well, I'm sort of going to do it in tandem as going to go privately I think. I'm trying to decide between Donald Gibb and Clive Spence-Jones. The former includes all bloods and scans (although can do a reduced cost package too if you want care further along into the pregnancy) and the latter doesn't (although by the time you add all of that in you're looking at a similar cost). At the moment my nucal scan is scheduled through Clive at Ultrasound Diagnostic Services on 16 October.

If we go with Clive then I think I'll use the NHS to run all the bloods and, as we're sort of Dulwich way I was going to register at Kings College Hospital. Have to say they are
blo0dy clueless so far though and I don't even have an appointment booked yet....
Glad to hear the appointment went well Sarah and that you had a lovely midwife! Makes me look forward to mine next Monday...were you in long?

In a way,it's lucky that if you had any spotting,that it happened at the midwife appointment, because I guess it's the perfect place and the perfect person to set your mind at ease! I also wonder whether the spotting could be related to breakthrough bleeding at the time when your next period would have been due? I had a bit of brown spotting at the end of last week and,when I checked the calendar, it was exactly when af would have been due, so I'm sure mine was breakthrough, maybe yours is the same? either way,look forward to your 12 week now!! Eek!!!x

Thank you honey! :hugs: She actually came out to me and was here about an hour and a half. Its mostly loads of questions and history gathering. But I found it really informative!

It could well be breakthrough! Plus she did mention that as I burst a blood vessel down there last week that even sneezing or coughing etc could be irritating it and causing a little re-bleed. Its settled now though so..not worring about it! xx
Hiya thanks for the words of support, glad midwife lovely sarah and hope date comes fast! 19 more sleeps! Lol!! Just wish time would hurry up. Still got this annoyin ache on the left low near hip pubic area but seems worst when windy or siting in a chair. Feel bit like somone pressing down on it. Not tender too touch low and altho few on off cramps think as every site every woman says its all normal!! Just preyin for a easy 2 and hal weeks and scan is successfully. Keep feelin like leaking but seems just be creamy. Keep havin a head on and off and pressure near boobs and neck think heart burn! X
Aww bless yah. I have those pains and on one side too. When I had my last scan it turned out that the side i had all the pain was exactly where i had maybe thats your place too! The body is preparing for the next few weeks when the baby no longer uses the yolk sac and the placenta kicks into proper use so maybe the pains youre getting are the placenta growing and makign connections to you :) x
Hiya how r u all?! Gone a bit quiet on here!! Well I'm 10weeks today! Double digs! Lol boob only lighty sore and burping, tum is tiny bit bump ish now but part that and light waves of feeling bit sick when hungry feel the same!! Hope is a babba alive in there, 17days to scan feels like forever!! Xxxx
congrats on double dig!! wow.. i ll be with u soon.. 17week scan is so far 7weeks more.. i agree..
Hello Ladies!! I have been around, just slightly non-functional due to feeling so poopy the last couple of days!!! Looks like we all are nearly/already in double figures now!! It's all so exciting!

Charmed: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!! You've reached double figures!! What an amazing feeling that must be!!!! Does that mean your baby is a prune and not an olive now?! Not long now until the 12 week scan, it's all so exciting!

Sarah: How is it all going for you? Has all the bleeding died down for you now? Your scan can't be too long away either can it?

Jules: Ahhh, that would be soo lovely to be able to go private...I went private for my early reassurance scan and it was such a lovely experience compared to the NHS! Though I'm by no means in any position to go private, I'm a little worried about the standard of care I'll receive with the London NHS service throughout my pregnancy...when I phoned the midwife last week, they were anything but friendly and it kind of discouraged me a bit, you know? I really hope they prove me wrong on my visits and at the hospital, which I hopefully will get far enough along to experience!x

Piya: How are you doing lady? Pregnancy symptoms still going strong?

AFM: After a great day yesterday with just mild nausea, I feel like I've been whacked with the pregnancy stick today! I'd definitely say it's been my worst day so boobs are SO sore, I've vomited twice (Twice?! What the hell?!), I had a good hormonal cry to my DH all because I was hungry (He didn't know what to do, bless him!) and my energy jumped out of the window today...thankfully, this afternoon I'm starting to feel much better and I think I may even be able to get some of this uni work done so I'll make the most of it for now, because I KNOW it will be back tonight!
I've got my midwife appointment on Monday, so only 4 days away, then 2 weeks on monday until my 12 week ultrasound! Argh!
Wow yep sounds like we are all indeed headed to doubleland...I cant wait!!

Sounds like everyone is feeling rather crappy too atm. I dunno about u girlies but i cant wait for 2nd tri!! I did smile at your hormonal cry over being hungry..I had one yesterday because my shoe felt funny on my foot :p

The bleeding didnt calm down and yesterday I had some cramping so the EPU made me go back in again. I feel really greedy because ive seen bubba 4 times now and so many people havent seen it once :( But hey...atleast I can say the EPU are looking after me!

Turns out the bleed is nowhere near pregnancy and my little Snook is fine and dandy. Doesnt look like cottonwool ball anymore...looks like a proper baby! I was proper shocked!!

Hope youre all well today! Almost friday :happydance:



  • 9wks 3days.jpg
    9wks 3days.jpg
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And yep...I know..hes a little gymnast..looks like hes kicking himself in his head lol x
Hiya how r u all?! Gone a bit quiet on here!! Well I'm 10weeks today! Double digs! Lol boob only lighty sore and burping, tum is tiny bit bump ish now but part that and light waves of feeling bit sick when hungry feel the same!! Hope is a babba alive in there, 17days to scan feels like forever!! Xxxx
Me too! 10 weeks today also. Very exciting!

DH's birthday tonight so off out fopr dinner to celebrate (although after a full day at work and being bone tired I wish we could just go home and put PJ's on! Shhhh......)

Hello Ladies!! I have been around, just slightly non-functional due to feeling so poopy the last couple of days!!! Looks like we all are nearly/already in double figures now!! It's all so exciting!

Charmed: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!! You've reached double figures!! What an amazing feeling that must be!!!! Does that mean your baby is a prune and not an olive now?! Not long now until the 12 week scan, it's all so exciting!

Sarah: How is it all going for you? Has all the bleeding died down for you now? Your scan can't be too long away either can it?

Jules: Ahhh, that would be soo lovely to be able to go private...I went private for my early reassurance scan and it was such a lovely experience compared to the NHS! Though I'm by no means in any position to go private, I'm a little worried about the standard of care I'll receive with the London NHS service throughout my pregnancy...when I phoned the midwife last week, they were anything but friendly and it kind of discouraged me a bit, you know? I really hope they prove me wrong on my visits and at the hospital, which I hopefully will get far enough along to experience!x

Piya: How are you doing lady? Pregnancy symptoms still going strong?

AFM: After a great day yesterday with just mild nausea, I feel like I've been whacked with the pregnancy stick today! I'd definitely say it's been my worst day so boobs are SO sore, I've vomited twice (Twice?! What the hell?!), I had a good hormonal cry to my DH all because I was hungry (He didn't know what to do, bless him!) and my energy jumped out of the window today...thankfully, this afternoon I'm starting to feel much better and I think I may even be able to get some of this uni work done so I'll make the most of it for now, because I KNOW it will be back tonight!
I've got my midwife appointment on Monday, so only 4 days away, then 2 weeks on monday until my 12 week ultrasound! Argh!
Ooo, sorry to hear you're feeling a bit poo. Starting to get a better idea now as, while I've had no sickness so far over the last week I've definitely been feeling nauseated. Just read somewhere that for those who it hasn't kicked in for already, it tends to be weeks 9-10. Cheers. I am in the process of pulling my IVF hormonal support so thought it was related to that.

I have been on the phone to Kings this week trying to get an appointment. Think I may abandon that plan as the receptionists/bookers are borderline rude and very dim (which is frustrating). I too am concerned about the level of care London NHS can offer. She even said to me, we'll be in touch to have you come in a 10 weeks. For the third time that call I said I WAS already at 10 weeks. She then said "We're only obliged to give you a booking appointment before 12.5 week so as long as we do that we won't get in troube" Pardon?!

Wow yep sounds like we are all indeed headed to doubleland...I cant wait!!

Sounds like everyone is feeling rather crappy too atm. I dunno about u girlies but i cant wait for 2nd tri!! I did smile at your hormonal cry over being hungry..I had one yesterday because my shoe felt funny on my foot :p

The bleeding didnt calm down and yesterday I had some cramping so the EPU made me go back in again. I feel really greedy because ive seen bubba 4 times now and so many people havent seen it once :( But hey...atleast I can say the EPU are looking after me!

Turns out the bleed is nowhere near pregnancy and my little Snook is fine and dandy. Doesnt look like cottonwool ball anymore...looks like a proper baby! I was proper shocked!!

Hope youre all well today! Almost friday :happydance:

Ouch Sarah, how stressful.... Pleased though that its nowhere near buba but still. Not what you need! Hope it eases up.

Yep, nearly TGI Friday. Bring. It. On. xx

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