Ooohhh good luck with your appointment! How exciting!!
Not much going on this end tbh...I tend to get a bit crampy towards bedtime, and feel really tired all day everyday. Boobs are always mildly achy but get more achy as the day goes new symptom though: INSANELY ITCHY NIPPLES! To the point where they are soo irritable!
Can't wait for the vomiting to begin though...all I get at the minute is mild nausea afternoon time.
Got doctors on Monday to get a referral to the midwife...and I booked a private early scan for the 19th September! Only 2 weeks and 5 days away, so I'll be between 7-8 weeks and should see a heartbeat!! So excited and so anxious all at the same time!
Still 2-3 for me on clearblue but got tired of testing and stressing myself out...I've been testing everyday and I've got a lovely dark line. No bleeding whatsoever so far (Not even IB) and cramps have died down, so I guess I'm still pregnant!x