all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

Good luck with the news! I bet they are SO happy for you!

Ive told my parents, sister, best mate, close neighbour who knew we were struggling, OHs brother and his mum will know next weekend for her 70th birthday...extra pressie!

Tbh..once ive had the placement scan I dont think im going to hold back. Things can go wrong at any stage so just have to see it all positively and enjoy the pregnancy. Once ive seen the heartbeat ill probably just tell people. Most people knew we were trying anyway :)

Well my ticker says 5 weeks today, been havin few twingy cramps and feeling damp today, I know it was bit soon and wanted to hold off cb til nx week but I had to the min I saw on offer in boots 2x £9.99 I rushed to buy. More! Just now peed on it, not weed since 12ish, and got this! It came up the fasted ever within 1min if that and the 3+ was up at same time as the preg! :) do u think this gd sign? Xxx


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Oh yes :) It means your HCG is around the 2000 mark which is fantastic!

Let me put it this way...ive been told my hcg is also ok and tomorrow ill hit 5wks and ill have an estimated hcg of 1200. So you can relax :)
Aw thank yay! Think I'm 20dpo so only got first 1-2 last fri so get 3+ a week a day or so is good! I'm happy. I could not believe how it quicky came up, 23 my preg came up fast then took while to give the dates, but this I didn't even get up from the loo and it was there! No bleeding still been a week now :) but had some deep cramps like af today and now still which worry me but guess its babba stretch me. Least when speak gp morro I can tell him got 3+. Just wanna relax now, really wanted tell mum today but think wait until the midwife on 18th. I don't think I want any tests as such, I'd love babY with anything so don't want risk the worry with extra tests, will u have them done. Do u know if in uk we get scan fast? Do u think if I said didn't know dates I'd get a early date scan?! Hehe xx
You could try...but they know that you know the date of your last period not sure they would fall for it :D

If they dont want to send you for an extra scan then see that as a positive! They dont think you have anything to worry about! I kinda wish that I didnt need to have it truth be told. Dont get me wrong, I really want to make sure its in the right place but...I think it would be happier time if I was going jsudt for that sake, and not because I have a risk of problems :D

Im not going to have the amniocentist (cant remember how its spelled) one where they take fluid from around the baby. I know its only a small risk of miscarriage after but I dont want to go with that.

As for the others, yep I will have them I think, just to be prepared. But it wont make any difference to me in the long run if something came back a concern. I would still go ahead with the pregnancy regardless :)

Yay charmed on the 3+!!

The in laws were very happy, think they were in shock though!!
aw thats great + sarah i understand just need relax! might buy the pregnancy bible now hehe!!!!
Why not charmed :) hell..Ive bought a pregnancy journal :P

5wks today! :yipee: Im now an appleseed yay!

Im so glad they are happy for you Claire!

How are you ladies feeling today? I dare say Im feeling nauseas!!
Hi ladies how you feelin today? Ive just had a nice chat with normal gp, he said everything sounds good, if my test is postive I am preggo and book see midwife! Told him I had. I said bout going away, just said to buy some rehydation stuff if get a bad tummy. Said to avoid the water etc and just be safe in sun, he said if the pregnancy is Gonna carry on, even jumping out of a plane wouldnt effect it! So enjoy it. He said should tell travel agent so can check allowed to fly n insurance covered so guess That means should check with travel agent, trouble she is a family friend, and I didn't wanna tell her yet, and she's the manage too, so would find out that I called, I think everyone says allowed fly as long as nnot near due date! And think covered by insurance but could just double check online. What do u think? I asked bout risks said mc is one in 4, and the ectopic is only a 3% chance and if happens it happens and just up2 me if happy to take that risk that should get sick when away. But nothing can do as such. Long as got insurance should be fine. Xx
Hey ladies! Lots to catch up on! Sorry I've not been able to write much...I'm working for the London paralympics, doing some very long and unsociable shifts, so I feel like I'm working/eating/sleeping at the minute!!

Charmed: Wow!! Yay for your "3+" on the clearblue!! That must be the most amazing feeling!!! I'm so excited for you! I'd say little bubba is definitely all nestled in and snuggled and excited for his/her first holiday in an aeroplane!! Have fun! I can't wait to hear how the midwife appointment goes!

Sarahuk: Yay! for being 5 weeks!! That's the major struggle over and done with, I've read reassuring statistics that once you get to around 8 weeks and see a heartbeat, you really can breathe a sigh of relief because, chances are, things will go fine from there! So only a couple of weeks to go and no stressing until the 13 weeks/second trimester!

Hello to the other ladies!!

AFM: I've been stalking the other may babies thread, too, but I like being part of this group for the "intimacy" so, if you've read exactly the same on the other thread, my apologies!
Not too much to report this end with working/sleeping/eating...maybe bullet points will be better?
-pregnancy is progressing pretty uneventfully at this end! Still no bleeding/spotting since last AF (Yay!), always fatigued, sore boobs (My nipples have gotten bigger though, which grosses me out!), mega bloated (Some cheeky coworker told me I had a "cute bump", the cheek!) and slightly queasy at times...but not too bad! Cramps have all settled down so I'm assuming he/she is all snuggled in but, if I start to worry that things are too quiet, I get a little "poke" low down in my tummy as if to reassure me they're still in there!
-No morning sickness yet though...where are you morning sickness to reassure me?!
-Lines are now as dark as the control...I've attached a piccie to show you! The bottom two are from yesterday and today with a normal first response with sensitivity of 100 instead of 25, so I'm assuming a line that is as dark on those as early first response is a good progression? I did take a CBD this morning which still said 2-3, but I'm trying not to worry about that because of the dark lines? I'll leave it a week to test again with CBD so it doesn't stress me out!
-Got first doctors appointment tonight at 6:30pm (Woohoo!), so will finally get a referral to the midwife!
-Booked my early scan for Wednesday 19th September at 4pm, very excited but nervous...
-My DH has FINALLY started to accept that I'm pregnant, and finally admitted that he acted so distant because he's terrified we'll lose this one too...I'm still staying positive (I guess the dark lines, no cramping and no bleeding says everything is fine?) and he's even started trying to talk names with me...I can see we're going to have a huge disagreement on that though! He suggested "Rio" for a boy?!
-Close family have been told and are absolutely thrilled! My mom and sister have been arguing about the baby's nickname whilst he/she is still in my tummy, and could agree so have combined it...hence, my baby for the forseeable future is now nicknamed "peabug"! It's got a little bit of a ring to it I guess!

I'd also be over 5 weeks going from my LMP, but I've finally decided to go by my ovulation date (It was slightly late), which would make me least then it's a bonus if they say I'm further along than what I am! It also makes me relax slightly about those dreaded CBD because it means I got:

1-2: 9dpo (3wk+2)
2-3: 15dpo (4wk +1)


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Thanks just prey alls quiet whilst I'm away xx
I wouldnt worry about those Cb digis :) The 3+ triggers at about 2000hcg and im not going to hit that till a couiple of days from now and I know the docs are happy with my levels so im sure all is well!

Like you spotting etc are all positive signs that everything is fine and that this one is a sticky. I bet you cant wait for your scan!

Peabug..I love it!!! Thats so cute!! I named mine Snooky because next year is the year of the water snake and thats how you pronounce it in swedish (my other half is swedish).

Im so glad your OH has admitted to you about how he has been. Matts been the same. He has these moments of intense happiness and then he starts to panic and starts to hold back a little.

Yep I read that the chance of MC after seeing a heartbeat on an early scan is down to less than 10%...ill take those odds! And since it can be picked up from 6wks onwards lets hope that our scans will bring us super fast little hearts so we can relax. Sure it will.!

I agree about the other group btw...its too fast and not personal at all :hugs:

No need to pray charmed! You just enjoy your time away and look forward to your midwife appointment when you get home!

Thanks sarah! You've set my mind at ease! I keep reassuring myself that the odds are in my favour and, for someone my age, the risk of mc is only around 10-15% anyway, so I'm 85% likely to have my little peabug in May! Haha! The nicknames we end up with!! I love 'em!
Lol its great isnt it!! But its a lovely way to have a little pet name if you ask me!

I reckon since we got past af with no probs, we can defo breath a sigh of relief. We are going to all be jumping up and down for job and showing off our babies first portraits in here in no time!!

Friday cant come quick enough :) x
Took my digi apart as it had gone off, all the 3 were same colour and all bright dark blue :) thanks for all the supprt girlies, gonna be lost without being able chat whilst away, maybe I can txt some u :) few painful cramps a min ago but I pretty sure its wind!! X
No need to pray charmed! You just enjoy your time away and look forward to your midwife appointment when you get home!


Thanks I gonna try and keep relaxed and postive and enjoy it! And the rest from work will help baba! And when get home and back work be nearly 2 months and have midwife app! Do midwifes listen for heart beat? X
Im going away too hun on saturday :) Gunna be strange without my updates!!
So I've come back from my doctor appointment feeling really doctor, to be honest, was a complete douchebag and seemed to go out of his way to make me feel less reassured and like the pregnancy will fail...he said:

-He didn't confirm my pregnancy/ask how I'd tested/when I'd tested

-He told me 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so It's still a likely possibility even though I've not had cramping/bleeding etc

-He doesn't really care that I had the mc before ("Every pregnancy is different"-err, tell that to the many women with recurrent mcs) so won't be doing anything to reassure me

-Not to bother going for the early private scan because "The rays damage the cells and make you miscarry the baby" and it's not worth it anyway because all I'll see is a "dot"

-That my pregnancy is not likely to go well because, even though I've got all "secondary symptoms" (I.e. sore boobs, fatigue) only morning sickness and vomiting tells you the pregnancy will be ok

-I won't get to see the midwife to book in until at least 10 weeks

-I shouldn't be offered any early scans etc "because you're only 22"

I've been left feeling a little upset, like this pregnancy will be doomed and I'm only just starting :( I could cry and wish I'd never gone, because at least I was happily pregnant before I just feel like a ticking timebomb...
So I've come back from my doctor appointment feeling really doctor, to be honest, was a complete douchebag and seemed to go out of his way to make me feel less reassured and like the pregnancy will fail...he said:

-He didn't confirm my pregnancy/ask how I'd tested/when I'd tested

-He told me 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so It's still a likely possibility even though I've not had cramping/bleeding etc

-He doesn't really care that I had the mc before ("Every pregnancy is different"-err, tell that to the many women with recurrent mcs) so won't be doing anything to reassure me

-Not to bother going for the early private scan because "The rays damage the cells and make you miscarry the baby" and it's not worth it anyway because all I'll see is a "dot"

-That my pregnancy is not likely to go well because, even though I've got all "secondary symptoms" (I.e. sore boobs, fatigue) only morning sickness and vomiting tells you the pregnancy will be ok

-I won't get to see the midwife to book in until at least 10 weeks

-I shouldn't be offered any early scans etc "because you're only 22"

I've been left feeling a little upset, like this pregnancy will be doomed and I'm only just starting :( I could cry and wish I'd never gone, because at least I was happily pregnant before I just feel like a ticking timebomb...

OMFG...WHAT...a douche. seriously...ignore everything he told you. Its bullshit.

1) Ok fair enough on this...seems to be fairly common practice that if youre getting home positives they dont test you anymore. Tho having said that my doc did ask how i was sure i was pregnant, and i said i had about 12 tests confirming it lol.

2) How can he say its still highly possible despite having no bleeding etc. Youre beyond af date, you have absoultely no evidence of a period coming or anything to suggest baby didnt stick. Youre beyond implantation stage. Yes, a lot of early picked up pregnancies end, but we are talking chemicals here. In my opinion, once your late with no evidence of a say youre well and truly implated and beyond that chemical stage! 25% of pregnancies maybe...but when you look at the data, they start talking about pregnancies that werent picked up. So bollox to that shite.

3) Yep every pregnancy is different. But when youve had a loss you do look for that doctor to give you a heads up if it looks good or not. Theres a way to respond to a girl whos scared. And that is definitely not the way.

4) The rays do not damage lol. And hell..even xrays are pretty safe. I had two abdominal xrays done this cycle before i knew i was pregnant. And after hours of research ive found that its safe below a certain level of radiation, and youd need about 20 xrays in a row to even hit that level where it starts to get iffy. Ultrasounds are safe. Im fairly sure if they damage anything they wouldnt bloody do them.

If you want the scan have the scan!

5) My mum had two pregnancies of which she had absoutely zero symptoms. Some people have it some dont. Its all down to hormone levels and some women react to them and some dont. I know a lady who gets really ill afte ovulation even because shes so sensitive to the change in progesterone. So hes talking crap. Plus...some of us dont get it till later on in pregnancy anyway

6) I think my booking in at my doctors is about the 9 to 10wk stage. I think imo thats too late. But what can we do eh

7) Erm...say what? So if a women goes to A&E with evidence then of say an ectopic..she shouldnt be scanned cos of her age? What is he ON. Theres a zillion different reasons why some women need early scans and not one of them are age related!! What a dick!!

Seriously hun...fuck this doctor. Ignore 100% of anything he said, he told you crap. I wish I could go kick the crap out of him for what hes said and how hes left you feeling :(

Are you holding up ok? :( :hugs: x
Lpjkp- I have just read your last post and I think that the gp you saw is an absolute disgrace. I understand they have to be realistic with you but I'm sure it doesn't need to be so hurtful!
We have all just got to trust that fate will see our new babies into the world healthy and as smoothly as possible. I'm sure we all know the realities, but odds ate in our favour eh!!

I had almost zero ms by the way with my lo and he is fighting fit!

Charmed and Sarahuk hope you both have a lovely time away, a holiday with children is so different so enjoy yourselves and your lie ins while you can!!

I found out today that my maternity buddy from when I had lo is having a baby and is due April. I am so pleased that we will be off again together-touch wood! Haven't told her yet though!!

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