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all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

So I've come back from my doctor appointment feeling really sad...my doctor, to be honest, was a complete douchebag and seemed to go out of his way to make me feel less reassured and like the pregnancy will fail...he said:

-He didn't confirm my pregnancy/ask how I'd tested/when I'd tested

-He told me 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so It's still a likely possibility even though I've not had cramping/bleeding etc

-He doesn't really care that I had the mc before ("Every pregnancy is different"-err, tell that to the many women with recurrent mcs) so won't be doing anything to reassure me

-Not to bother going for the early private scan because "The rays damage the cells and make you miscarry the baby" and it's not worth it anyway because all I'll see is a "dot"

-That my pregnancy is not likely to go well because, even though I've got all "secondary symptoms" (I.e. sore boobs, fatigue) only morning sickness and vomiting tells you the pregnancy will be ok

-I won't get to see the midwife to book in until at least 10 weeks

-I shouldn't be offered any early scans etc "because you're only 22"

I've been left feeling a little upset, like this pregnancy will be doomed and I'm only just starting :( I could cry and wish I'd never gone, because at least I was happily pregnant before it...now I just feel like a ticking timebomb...

Aw sweetie he sounds like my shit gp I saw last week! He said same stuff, no scan, no bloods I'm young and no need too! Just ignore him honestly, ur babba is safe in your tummy and ur like me only young the risks as very low. Please try not worry, there are no signs to say gonna mc so just relax and enjoy it please! Every one here will say same and did to me, I called and we se md wife between 7-9 weeks. I was the same left upset he tried say my babby had moved as I had a bleed and just try keep calm! How can I when said baby moved where! :( got my progess on cb digi so alls ok at moment jjust gonna try keep postive! X
Claire thats fantastic news about your buddy being pregnant too! Real life bump buddy again!
I just keeping thinking that this is all too good to be true. I am so emotional!! I have cried countless times since finding out as we really were beginning to think it wasn't going to happen and it really is a shock that it is!

Are you all emotional? Cried at star trek film last night!!
I'm like that too, keep welling up or being moody! Still got the cramps but think sorry tmi when sat on loo for wee lot air come out so think just gas! My burpin sign still there :) not ben to hungry lately but fancy cheddar chEese and finger bicckies! Lol!!
I craved cheese last time but really don't fancy it this time round. Just want a burger!! So unhealthy!! Oh dear

My cramps have disappeared last day and half. It always worries me when symptoms disappear. Although I was constipated today which is really rare for me (tmi I know sorry)!
Hiya how's everyone today! 2 weeks today and I get see midwife please stick babba! I've put photo here of inside my clearblues! Feel bit ickly but I've got a cold :( but prey ms starts as. Didn't have any before and didn't go to plan xx


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I just keeping thinking that this is all too good to be true. I am so emotional!! I have cried countless times since finding out as we really were beginning to think it wasn't going to happen and it really is a shock that it is!

Are you all emotional? Cried at star trek film last night!!

Oh yes!!! Im crying at everything atm! :)
First day back at work and I am absolutely shattered!
Cramps are back today. But more on the right.

How's your week going ladies?

Do you get cramps all over or more one side? Panicking again. Must stop!
First day back at work and I am absolutely shattered!
Cramps are back today. But more on the right.

How's your week going ladies?

Do you get cramps all over or more one side? Panicking again. Must stop!
Mine are all over, except last night I woke to pee at 2.30am and when I got back into bed I started getting stabbing on one side towards my ovary, of course then lying awake until 7am thinking it was indicative of an ectopic. Argh!
First day back at work and I am absolutely shattered!
Cramps are back today. But more on the right.

How's your week going ladies?

Do you get cramps all over or more one side? Panicking again. Must stop!

Aww rest up hun :hugs:

Yep totally...when I started with mine they were on the left side. NEver felt anything on the other side. I started to freak about it also but then after a good few days it did seem to start to move a bit.

Ive goten the cramps back today too. But not the stabby type..ive got like a low uterus type throb. Anyone had that? x
First day back at work and I am absolutely shattered!
Cramps are back today. But more on the right.

How's your week going ladies?

Do you get cramps all over or more one side? Panicking again. Must stop!
Mine are all over, except last night I woke to pee at 2.30am and when I got back into bed I started getting stabbing on one side towards my ovary, of course then lying awake until 7am thinking it was indicative of an ectopic. Argh!

Oh no!!! Our minds are our worst enemies arent they? :)

You know the irony is, when I had my ectopic, I didnt have any cramping at all until after it was picked up! x
Oh no!!! Our minds are our worst enemies arent they? :)

You know the irony is, when I had my ectopic, I didnt have any cramping at all until after it was picked up! x

Ack, indeed, it really is ironic. Would much better for all of us just to ignore these symptoms instead of trying to read what ever twinge means...!

Hiya I've just had to have a big works meal and drinks, I've avoid most it my our manager brought me a single vodka and orange drink, didn't taste strong. I had drink it as I haven't told anyone at work! :( I feel bad as didn't want to drink, now I'm scared I could have damaged the baby?! Do u think one single drink would do any harm?! X
Hiya I've just had to have a big works meal and drinks, I've avoid most it my our manager brought me a single vodka and orange drink, didn't taste strong. I had drink it as I haven't told anyone at work! :( I feel bad as didn't want to drink, now I'm scared I could have damaged the baby?! Do u think one single drink would do any harm?! X
No probably not. Don't forget, lots of people are still drinking weeks before realising they're pregnant. That said, I'd really try not to do it again esp in the first trimester. If you're our with work again say you're having liver function tests so you can't drink at the moment. Or you could say you're on antibiotics etc x
Hiya I've just had to have a big works meal and drinks, I've avoid most it my our manager brought me a single vodka and orange drink, didn't taste strong. I had drink it as I haven't told anyone at work! :( I feel bad as didn't want to drink, now I'm scared I could have damaged the baby?! Do u think one single drink would do any harm?! X
No probably not. Don't forget, lots of people are still drinking weeks before realising they're pregnant. That said, I'd really try not to do it again esp in the first trimester. If you're our with work again say you're having liver function tests so you can't drink at the moment. Or you could say you're on antibiotics etc x
Hi thx that is an idea but its a tiny team and they know if we ill or on med so I coulf use that excuse! :(
Hi thx that is an idea but its a tiny team and they know if we ill or on med so I coulf use that excuse! :(
Then say you're on a health kick and having a couple of months off booze! Just has to get you to the end of the first trimester and thereafter they'll know anyway. Feel sorry for those people who will have their first trimester over the Xmas holidays - would be a nightmare to try to cover that off while socialising lots! lol x
Hiya I've just had to have a big works meal and drinks, I've avoid most it my our manager brought me a single vodka and orange drink, didn't taste strong. I had drink it as I haven't told anyone at work! :( I feel bad as didn't want to drink, now I'm scared I could have damaged the baby?! Do u think one single drink would do any harm?! X

Generally speaking, it will be fine. See, in these early stages the baby is taking from the yolk sac whilst it builds the placenta. But I agree with Jules, moving forward tell them ur having blood tests, or even just say youre on antibiotics to avoid it :) x
Hiya I've just had to have a big works meal and drinks, I've avoid most it my our manager brought me a single vodka and orange drink, didn't taste strong. I had drink it as I haven't told anyone at work! :( I feel bad as didn't want to drink, now I'm scared I could have damaged the baby?! Do u think one single drink would do any harm?! X
No probably not. Don't forget, lots of people are still drinking weeks before realising they're pregnant. That said, I'd really try not to do it again esp in the first trimester. If you're our with work again say you're having liver function tests so you can't drink at the moment. Or you could say you're on antibiotics etc x

Oh sorry chick...ud said antibiotics! :dohh: :D x
ITs times like this im glad i dont drink lol. Mind you...I think when i conceived this little one I was totally off my trolly as it was our anniverary and got pretty wasted lol.

How are you ladies today?

Im ok, cramps have gone and today im starting to feel a bit :sick: Off to the docs in 10 mins for another beta draw. Results tomorrow, scan on friday!

I'm so relieved...I've got my "3+" on my CBD at exactly 21dpo...I think I can sit back and actually relax for a while now!x


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