Almost 9 weeks club

Hi ladies please can i join you?

Just found out i am expecting our 3rd baby on what i estimate to be 28th september too :) So quite a few of us! It was a huge shock but we are over the moon!

Can i ask what clotting disorder you have? Im heterozygous for factor 5 v leiden (a mouthful i know!) it doesnt really affect me but with my 1st pregnancy i had to have a daily injection of clexane for 6 weeks after the birth, with my second i had to have a daily injection every day throughout the pregnancy until the blood specialist said it wasnt nessesary at all and i could just be treated as a normal pregnancy and not high risk, so i think this time i will just leave the injections apart from after the birth, unfortunatly i need them then. x

Hey! Welcome and congrats! I have a Protein S Deficiency... and my test for Factor V Leiden didn't come back with results, so I have to get tested again. Quite a few years ago my mother was in an accident and had a lot of clots, so they tested her. I've clotted the needle before just donating blood, so I always suspected it. I was initially tested before I found out I was pregnant and got the results just after my miscarriage. I've got a feeling they're going to put me on a low-weight heparin product like Clexane, too... but I'm just going to listen to the Dr and let him tell me what to do.

Hello :) its funny you should say that because whilst doing all my bloods last time they sent me a letter saying i also appeared to have protein s deficiency but couldnt be sure as it might be a result of the pregnancy, so i was supposed to go back fro testing so many months after having my last baby but i totally forgot the appointment. Can i ask what it entails, i had forgotton all about it until you mentioned it!

Congrats to everyone else :) x
I showed my husband the test and asked him if he could see a line. He said he could but thought the test was faulty. He didn't believe I was pregnant until I had done 4 tests.

I have had awful cramps today. I really thought af was going to come. I keep running to the toilet to check but nothing. Has anyone else had bad cramps?
Poppy I did the same thing the first time... I wanted to be cute and surprise him, but I was so nervous when I saw *something* that I freaked out a little bit.

Elmo, my GP didn't really explain the PSD to me at all, other than it is a clotting disorder. There are extreme (homozygous) and mild (heterozygous) and onset (caused by things like pregnancy). I was tested before I was pregnant, so I'm not sure what's going to happen now that I am. But from what I've read pregnancy can lower Protein S... which usually won't cause any complications.

I took another test tonight, and it's really dark!!! :happydance: Both lines are equally as dark!! I feel really proud of something I just peed on! LOL! And yes, I'm still testing even though I know I'm pregnant... the MC made everything disappear so quickly, I want to make sure it's still going! :)

I found out Im pregnant today and due date is 28th Sept. My first LO was born 28th Sept 2010, on his due date, think it would be lovely if they shared birthdays! :) hehe!

I have been feeling very tired, struggling to get out of bed in the morning and went to bed really early last night, I even had to have a nap this afternoon, its because of this I took a test. I thought I was tired as LO is teething so haven't had much sleep anyway!!

Congrats everyone!!

When I was pregnant the first time I was a September Star, and all ladies due the babies in sept joined in, is there anything like that on here now, or shall we set up our own?!! :)
Whew- I'm behind! Time to catch up!!! But first, my update- woke up this morning sick. :( No, not MS, regular-old-cold-sick. Only can't take anything for it! Boo. Other than that, feeling fine. The occasional cramps, the occasional nausea, a TON of fatigue (that's my main symptom).... all comes with the territory! Dr's appointment is TOMORROW!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: And today is exactly one week from when I found out I was preggers... wow, time is crawling! :dohh:

How are you ladies feeling?

I took another test tonight, and it's really dark!!! :happydance: Both lines are equally as dark!! I feel really proud of something I just peed on! LOL! And yes, I'm still testing even though I know I'm pregnant... the MC made everything disappear so quickly, I want to make sure it's still going! :)

I have been peeing on sticks still too- the latest one last night, a digital that said "pregnant" within a minute of peeing on it! YAAAAAY!!! Just have to keep checking that it's real, other than that I'm on :cloud9:.

I have had awful cramps today. I really thought af was going to come. I keep running to the toilet to check but nothing. Has anyone else had bad cramps?

I have had cramps and they feel just like AF cramps... sometimes mild, sometimes ouchie. Everything I have read says these are the normal result of your uterus stretching, but it's still worrisome, I know! I plan to ask my doc tomorrow at my appointment just to be sure. I'll letcha know what they say! :hugs:

Hi ladies please can i join you?

Just found out i am expecting our 3rd baby on what i estimate to be 28th september too :) So quite a few of us! It was a huge shock but we are over the moon!

Can i ask what clotting disorder you have? Im heterozygous for factor 5 v leiden (a mouthful i know!) it doesnt really affect me but with my 1st pregnancy i had to have a daily injection of clexane for 6 weeks after the birth, with my second i had to have a daily injection every day throughout the pregnancy until the blood specialist said it wasnt nessesary at all and i could just be treated as a normal pregnancy and not high risk, so i think this time i will just leave the injections apart from after the birth, unfortunatly i need them then. x

Hey! Welcome and congrats! I have a Protein S Deficiency... and my test for Factor V Leiden didn't come back with results, so I have to get tested again. Quite a few years ago my mother was in an accident and had a lot of clots, so they tested her. I've clotted the needle before just donating blood, so I always suspected it. I was initially tested before I found out I was pregnant and got the results just after my miscarriage. I've got a feeling they're going to put me on a low-weight heparin product like Clexane, too... but I'm just going to listen to the Dr and let him tell me what to do.

Hello :) its funny you should say that because whilst doing all my bloods last time they sent me a letter saying i also appeared to have protein s deficiency but couldnt be sure as it might be a result of the pregnancy, so i was supposed to go back fro testing so many months after having my last baby but i totally forgot the appointment. Can i ask what it entails, i had forgotton all about it until you mentioned it!

Congrats to everyone else :) x

Okay so it is soooooo interesting to me to read your guys' discussion on this, because I work in a lab where we actually run the diagnostic testing to see if people have these or not... but until now, I never knew what the results actually MEANT in terms of how they affect people's lives. And now I know! Thanks ladies. :winkwink:

So how did you ladies tell your OH? I walked down the stairs after taking a test and said, "Looks like we're going to have to buy some mini-converse" He freaked a little bit, but was really happy. This time around we're a lot more cautious... so he's not REALLY excited yet, he's waiting to unleash his excitement until the first ultrasound and we see a heartbeat.

I POAS really early in the morning... at like, 5 or 6. And when it popped up positive, I FREAKED. I ran upstairs, got my partner, dragged her out of bed and all the way downstairs to stare at the test with me. At first she didn't see it because she was too sleepy and blurry-eyed... gave me a heart attack, made me think it was all in my imagination! But then she saw it, thank god. And then we both stood there grinning like cheeseballs. :)
Ace, sorry you're not feeling well... So far I've been lucky, last time 2 days after I found out I was pregnant I got a viral sinus infection and just had to suck it up. :(

Annabel, I guess we could do something like that... I just thought it would be great to have ladies who are all due around the same time, so we can go through the pregnancy milestones together! We're almost at 5 weeks!! :)

AFM, I've had some rather unpleasant tummy problems today... definitely understand that bloat thing everyone talks about... and oh my lord, the gas. I work in a pharmacy (which is really cramped) so I just excused myself whenever I felt like I was going to burst. I've been uncomfortable all day! First appointment tomorrow, I tried to call today to tell them I'm actually pregnant (I made the appointment weeks ago), but they were closed today! So I guess I'm just going to show up and say, "I'm already pregnant, now how do I keep that going?" LOL!
Iv had anawful day. Woke up in night with an agonising pain inmy left side. I was screaming, almost fainted and it lasted about an hour. Called out of hours doctor and told me to make an emergency doctors appointment in the morning. This morning doctor refered me to the hospital. Spent all day there as they suspected ectopic. Had loads of tests and a scan and they concluded it was too early to tell. They then said I was 2 weeks and not 4 weeks. Have to go back on thurs for a blood test to check my hcg hormone is increasing.
Hey im due on the 23/9 with my second but more nervous those time!!

My boobs are tender and already gone up a cup size and my trousers are getting too tight!! Is this normal with ur second??
Iv had anawful day. Woke up in night with an agonising pain inmy left side. I was screaming, almost fainted and it lasted about an hour. Called out of hours doctor and told me to make an emergency doctors appointment in the morning. This morning doctor refered me to the hospital. Spent all day there as they suspected ectopic. Had loads of tests and a scan and they concluded it was too early to tell. They then said I was 2 weeks and not 4 weeks. Have to go back on thurs for a blood test to check my hcg hormone is increasing.

oh my goodness... That sounds horrible!!! I am so sorry... :hugs: I hope you're doing okay now, not in any pain, and that it's not ectopic! Keep us updated. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ace, sorry you're not feeling well... So far I've been lucky, last time 2 days after I found out I was pregnant I got a viral sinus infection and just had to suck it up. :(

Annabel, I guess we could do something like that... I just thought it would be great to have ladies who are all due around the same time, so we can go through the pregnancy milestones together! We're almost at 5 weeks!! :)

AFM, I've had some rather unpleasant tummy problems today... definitely understand that bloat thing everyone talks about... and oh my lord, the gas. I work in a pharmacy (which is really cramped) so I just excused myself whenever I felt like I was going to burst. I've been uncomfortable all day! First appointment tomorrow, I tried to call today to tell them I'm actually pregnant (I made the appointment weeks ago), but they were closed today! So I guess I'm just going to show up and say, "I'm already pregnant, now how do I keep that going?" LOL!

There are a few groups in the pregnancy buddies area of the board dedicated to september mamas... but there are soooooooo many people over there, I find I like our little more focused group much better! Easier to keep track of everyone. =)
Hey im due on the 23/9 with my second but more nervous those time!!

My boobs are tender and already gone up a cup size and my trousers are getting too tight!! Is this normal with ur second??

I'm only pregnant with my first, so I don't know firsthand, but I have read that it is common to get bigger, faster the more pregnancies you have. So no stress, you're normal! :flower:
As for me today guys... ugh. The Sick has only gotten worse all day, and I cannot wait to drag myself home and into bed in an hour! The good news is... dr appointment tomorrow! YAY!!!!
Hello ladies!! I had my first appointment today, which went really well! They confirmed the pregnancy and said my HCG was at 712, which is good for 19dpo. He did a transvag U/S, and basically saw a little black dot (which my DH has started referring to as "the squishy"). I guess I'm officially "high risk", he's putting me on blood thinning injections and wants to see me next week. It seems like he wants to see me every week/every other week until I get used to the shots and then he said we'll see if I still need the shots at 16 weeks.

Honestly, it was just a little black dot, but it's WONDERFUL knowing it's in the right place! I go back on the 8th... and we're in Germany and have US health insurance, so they do ultrasounds at EVERY visit. He said next time just bring a USB with us and he'll upload all my images right to the thumb drive! :)

Ace, how did you appointment go??

Poppy, have you heard any news?? :hugs:
Hey all- my appointment went great this morning! It was just bloods and paperwork, as expected, but it feels nice to get the ball rolling... and hey, now I am officially doctor-confirmed pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

We have another appointment in two weeks (two weeks from today exactly) to do the heartbeat and all that jazz. I'm so excited... 2 weeks is less than I was expecting, but at the same time, in 2 weeks I'll be 7 weeks along- CRAZY!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Also, they offered us participation in a research study designed specifically for women who are pregnant for the first time. They will take two swabs of CM, do two extra ultrasounds (!!!!!!!!!!!) and have me complete a questionaire. At the end of it, I get a free car seat and free gift cards. =))) The part I'm most excited about though is the extra ultrasounds! We'll get to see the baby twice more than we usually would, so yay! I asked if there were any risks to the baby and they said none- it's basically like going to see the OB two extra times. Sign me up. :)

So that was my dr's appointment... anyone heard from Poppy? Worried about you lady!
Im alright! Went to my original doc appointment today. Aparently I'm due on 29th not 28th. I don't understand that cos it would be 40 weeks and 1 day. Other that, just game me lots of paperwork and free magazines.

That's brill about the extra scans!

I'm going back to hospital tomorrow for a check up but everything seems ok. Phew!
oh good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am relieved for you!!! :hugs:
Im alright! Went to my original doc appointment today. Aparently I'm due on 29th not 28th. I don't understand that cos it would be 40 weeks and 1 day. Other that, just game me lots of paperwork and free magazines.

That's brill about the extra scans!

I'm going back to hospital tomorrow for a check up but everything seems ok. Phew!

YAY!!! :happydance: SOO happy for you!!
Oh, and daily injections SUCK! I chickened out last night and had to have my DH do it. The shot itself, STINGS! I immediately burst into tears, because the idea of shots everyday was really overwhelming. I think the hormones are finally starting to make me a little crazy. My poor hubby was trying to make me feel better by saying that we're doing this for a baby, so it's worth it. I think he's got a rocky 9 months ahead... he can't understand my hormone swings for the life of him! lol
Hi Ladies!

The forums have all changed then since the last time I was pregnant, they didn't have the buddy thing then! Im very happy to keep it as a small group, definitely! :)

Glad your doing well Poppy, must have been scary for you :(

Well Im having headaches and maybe a teeny tiny bit sicky in the morning, but thats it, oh my boobs are feeling bigger and major bloating, but thats it really... Still don't believe Im pregnant!! Oh, I do seem to have a cold, sniffles etc, but don't know if it is a cold or pregnancy related!

Have my Midwife appointment in a couple of weeks too, haven't bothered going to the docs this time, don't know if I was meant too?!
Hi ladies- I just confirmed my Pregnancy with out first!! According to my last period I am due 9/22/12. Very excited but my belly looks fat already and I haven't been eating badly or any different then before for that matter. My breasts are HUGUNGOUS and having bad headaches. Anyone else having chubby belly prOblems or am I just a heffer?? Congrats to all and glad I found some buddies :happydance:
Hi ladies- I just confirmed my Pregnancy with out first!! According to my last period I am due 9/22/12. Very excited but my belly looks fat already and I haven't been eating badly or any different then before for that matter. My breasts are HUGUNGOUS and having bad headaches. Anyone else having chubby belly prOblems or am I just a heffer?? Congrats to all and glad I found some buddies :happydance:

No I swear I'm showing already and I'm sure people must have noticed.

I'm 5 weeks today! Yay
Welcome Carzelle and congrats!!! This will be an exciting journey for all of us! This will be my first as well... and I'm super excited! I have noticed jeans are a little extra snug... but I think it's more because of bloating than anything else. (Partly my fault, but broccoli is so good! lol)
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? Poppy i hope you are ok, Have you had any more pain or was it just that one time? Im now 5+1 yay! but im scared becaue im at the stage i lost my last baby, keep checking for spotting- nothing!

Ive had some cramps just mild and a few stabbing aches down my right side but apparantly its ligaments stretching?? Anyone else had these? they arent really bad i just think i notice everything because of the miscarriage last time, im so in tune to every little twinge! No nausea still yet either but my boobs are sore x

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