Almost 9 weeks club

not sure why my last post didnt go through. i had written the whole story of what happened. we lost little appleseed today in a miscarriage, im devastated. i hope the rest of you have blessed and healthy pregnancies.
I'M so sorry! I can only imagine what you must be going through. Lots of hugs!!!!!!!!

I hope you find some comfort to help you through this awful time.
not sure why my last post didnt go through. i had written the whole story of what happened. we lost little appleseed today in a miscarriage, im devastated. i hope the rest of you have blessed and healthy pregnancies.

I'm so sorry to read that. =( Hugs! We hope to see you back here soon!

I can't believe we've made it this far ladies! 7 weeks, holy crap. That seems very solidly pregnant to me. Our babies are over a half an inch long now!!!

He cleaned the whole house before I got home from work today!!! I was explaining to me what he cleaned and I swear it was music to my ears. I love having a clean house, and him volunteering to clean means I don't have to!!!

I cannot wait until Wednesday!! All I want to do is hear heartbeats and CALM DOWN!

Ace, how did you appointment go?

Cerazette... how did yours go?!

My appointment was horrible. :( Not that anything was wrong with the baby or anything (actually, something could be and we'd never know, because THEY DIDN'T DO THE DAMN SCAN!!!!!!). They were overbooked, we waited for 2 freaking hours (to the point where the office actually CLOSED because it became after-hours!) and then we saw the dr. for all of five seconds. No exam, no scan (the dr. said she wasn't prepared with the right equipment- uhhhh, then why the hell did you tell us we'd get to see a heartbeat today?!?!?!). So upset. :cry:

I have to wait two more weeks to find out if everything's okay in there or not. Makes me so MAD. :growlmad:

And yes, we will be finding another doctor, even though going anywhere else will result in us paying a $40 copay each time we go. This is the SECOND time this dr's office has screwed us with wait times and I just don't feel well-cared for there. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
not sure why my last post didnt go through. i had written the whole story of what happened. we lost little appleseed today in a miscarriage, im devastated. i hope the rest of you have blessed and healthy pregnancies.

I'm so sorry sweetie!! I know exactly what you're feeling, but just remember that it WILL happen. GETTING pregnant is half the battle. Everyone told me after my first miscarriage that it's just the body's way of saying "I'm not quite ready yet". If you want to start trying right away, we'll be here when you get the big news... If you want to take some time to emotionally heal, no one will blame you!

You just have to do what's right for YOU! And don't put too much pressure on yourself, there was nothing you could have done to prevent or stop it. But you WILL have a beautiful little baby in your arms when it all works out! :hugs:
I just realized how frustrating this site is... lol. One person has a miscarriage and you're devastated for them, but then you can't help but be ecstatic for yourself and the other girls who are going just fine. And I'm upset for you, Ace, because you didn't get a scan and didn't get to see the heartbeats, but I'm super excited that I got to see mine. GRRRR! I wish there was a way for EVERYONE to be happy!

On a side note, HOORAY for BLUEBERRIES!! Morning sickness is in full swing, I'm nauseous all the time now, morning, afternoon and nighttime. And eating itself has become a chore. Luckily still no vomiting, but I had about 10 bites at lunch and my DH only made me eat a half a plate of spagetti and then let me eat a popsicle! And what's the deal with going to the bathroom? All of a sudden gas pains and needing to go to the bathroom HURT! First-Tri is NO JOKE! Hopefully things will get better, we only have 5 weeks left in first TRI!! (If you count 12 weeks as the end).

There are some big changes in store for me... my DH is trying to get us to move back to the states in a few months. We're trying to use my "double high risk" pregnancy to get us orders to go back before it's too late for me to fly. If we can do that, I'll be able to have my whole family there for the delivery! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Dr gives the go-ahead and lets me fly!

Ok, this was a long update... now it's off to work!
I just realized how frustrating this site is... lol. One person has a miscarriage and you're devastated for them, but then you can't help but be ecstatic for yourself and the other girls who are going just fine. And I'm upset for you, Ace, because you didn't get a scan and didn't get to see the heartbeats, but I'm super excited that I got to see mine. GRRRR! I wish there was a way for EVERYONE to be happy!

On a side note, HOORAY for BLUEBERRIES!! Morning sickness is in full swing, I'm nauseous all the time now, morning, afternoon and nighttime. And eating itself has become a chore. Luckily still no vomiting, but I had about 10 bites at lunch and my DH only made me eat a half a plate of spagetti and then let me eat a popsicle! And what's the deal with going to the bathroom? All of a sudden gas pains and needing to go to the bathroom HURT! First-Tri is NO JOKE! Hopefully things will get better, we only have 5 weeks left in first TRI!! (If you count 12 weeks as the end).

There are some big changes in store for me... my DH is trying to get us to move back to the states in a few months. We're trying to use my "double high risk" pregnancy to get us orders to go back before it's too late for me to fly. If we can do that, I'll be able to have my whole family there for the delivery! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Dr gives the go-ahead and lets me fly!

Ok, this was a long update... now it's off to work!

My prayers are with all the girls who lost their babies and i hope they will be back with good news soon. I got a huge fright yesterday when i noticed that my cm was pinkish/brown. I prayed and prayed and prayed that everything turns out fine and i was happy this morning when i checked and saw that it was white again:happydance::happydance:.

I cannot wait for my bump to show guys. Are any of your bumps already showing? mine is still quite small but its there. My husband and i went window shopping for the baby's stuff and OMG the little stuff was adorably i just cannot wait to start shopping. We are still so far from the finishing line but here i am already wanting to go baby shopping.:dohh:

I just went through two weeks of horrible Morning sickness. I could not eat anything whatsoever. the thought of food itself just made me wanna puke:nope: . I then asked DH to get me something for nausea at the pharmacy and he bought ASIC Tablets and boy they work like magic. So i feel much better now and iv got a little bit of appetite back. During my last pregnancy i used to eat like a pig and i enjoyed it because i would eat whatever i feel like eating without having to feel guilty about pilling on the pounds. Now with this one; i cannot seem to find anything that i would love to eat. i wish i had specific cravings. :wacko: I hope the next few weeks will go by like a breeze:shrug:. Anyone else having terrible M/S?
Yay we r 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over half way through the 1st trimester woohoooo
I just realized how frustrating this site is... lol. One person has a miscarriage and you're devastated for them, but then you can't help but be ecstatic for yourself and the other girls who are going just fine. And I'm upset for you, Ace, because you didn't get a scan and didn't get to see the heartbeats, but I'm super excited that I got to see mine. GRRRR! I wish there was a way for EVERYONE to be happy!

On a side note, HOORAY for BLUEBERRIES!! Morning sickness is in full swing, I'm nauseous all the time now, morning, afternoon and nighttime. And eating itself has become a chore. Luckily still no vomiting, but I had about 10 bites at lunch and my DH only made me eat a half a plate of spagetti and then let me eat a popsicle! And what's the deal with going to the bathroom? All of a sudden gas pains and needing to go to the bathroom HURT! First-Tri is NO JOKE! Hopefully things will get better, we only have 5 weeks left in first TRI!! (If you count 12 weeks as the end).

There are some big changes in store for me... my DH is trying to get us to move back to the states in a few months. We're trying to use my "double high risk" pregnancy to get us orders to go back before it's too late for me to fly. If we can do that, I'll be able to have my whole family there for the delivery! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Dr gives the go-ahead and lets me fly!

Ok, this was a long update... now it's off to work!

I totally know what you mean. Every time I see a miscarriage loss thread I am truely sad for that person, but also truely grateful it's not me and that my baby is (hopefully) still alive and well. Le sigh. Nature of life I guess.

In a symptoms update for me, well... other than sore boobs and fatigue, I really haven't had any symptoms. I have had ZERO morning sickness, which I'm pretty convinced is both a blessing and a curse...blessing, for obvious reasons, but curse because at least MS would give me some reassurance that baby's doing fine! Never thought I'd be wishing I had to barf lol. :wacko:

We have a scan scheduled less than two weeks from now (23), for reals this time. So I'm getting really excited for that and really hopeful that at last we'll be able to see our baby chillin' out in there!

Hope you are all doing well. :hugs:
Glad uv got your scan sorted. 2 weeks will go quickly!
Mine is still 5 weeks away :-(

I'm the same as you- just sore boobs and tiredness. I also feel the same about ms. Part of me wants to feel a little sick but the other part is thankful I havnt had it. I was at the doctors on fri for my flu injection. The doctor said the average time for ms to start is 8 weeks so might have it all to come yet.

Iv had no energy today. Iv got a cold and can't get off the sofa. Really need to do sone cleaning but can't face it
Glad uv got your scan sorted. 2 weeks will go quickly!
Mine is still 5 weeks away :-(

I'm the same as you- just sore boobs and tiredness. I also feel the same about ms. Part of me wants to feel a little sick but the other part is thankful I havnt had it. I was at the doctors on fri for my flu injection. The doctor said the average time for ms to start is 8 weeks so might have it all to come yet.

Iv had no energy today. Iv got a cold and can't get off the sofa. Really need to do sone cleaning but can't face it

I hear you on the low energy. I am D-R-A-G-G-I-N-G. :coffee: I have to work today until 730 and I am so tired, all I wanna do is :sleep::sleep::sleep:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is going to crawl by. :nope:
Got letter through from hospital yesterday confirming scan yesterday morning. Slight problem as I didn't gt it until after work at 6pm! Scan is now on Friday at 11. I'm looking forward to it but I'm more presuming everything will b ok now as morning sickness has kicked up a gear and I permenantly have my head down the toilet!
Jst read post ms usually kicks in at 8 weeks. If that's right I'm screwed!!
We're rasberrys!!!!

You're totally right, we are!!! How could I have let that get past me? :shrug: I knew I was 8 weeks, but forgot about the size/fruit change! :haha:

Is anyone else completely amazed by our babies' development? They're only 8 weeks old and they have fingers and toes! Still slightly webbed, but still. :thumbup: And they have tongues! And their eyes have color! And they don't have tails anymore :rofl:

It's just crazy to me how in 8 short weeks (really only 6 that the fetus has existed!) they have grown from two cells into tiny humans. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

PS- how are everyone's symptoms going? Mine are same 'ole, same 'ole, just exhaustion and boobs. I keep thinking MS will hit me over the head like a frying pan but then it never does so maybe it's not going to? :shrug:

AND! Scan in less than a week! The date got changed to Friday so that my partner could come, but that's still only 5 days away!!! EEEEE!!!!!!
Congrats ladies! I'm sorry I haven't been active... I took all of last week off from work because of MS. I had to get two IV's last week because of dehydration and low blood pressure. And unfortunately the throwing up started this weekend. Yesterday morning I threw up stomach acid, and again last night before bed. I'm starting to feel like an awful pregnant lady. I just wish I were one of those women who was amazing during pregnancy. But between the nausea, throwing up and having to do daily shots, I'm completely miserable.

That's a tough thing to say, considering how badly I wanted to be pregnant... I just want this nausea and all the side effects to GO AWAY. :cry:

I have an ultrasound tomorrow, and luckily I'll probably be getting another IV with anti-nausea meds mixed in. It's really sad that it's the IV that I'm looking forward to.
Wow, what a difference 24 hours can make! My nausea was actually manageable today! I feel like I did in week 6, just a little nausea, but nothing that's stopping me from living. Ultrasound today showed two little gummy bears, 19mm a piece. And, my hubby and I who are an ocean away from family and friends couldn't hold the secret one more day... we put it on facebook! I know it's still early, but almost 9 weeks and both babies are just as big, and almost 4 times how big they were 2 weeks ago... we couldn't help it!


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Wow, what a difference 24 hours can make! My nausea was actually manageable today! I feel like I did in week 6, just a little nausea, but nothing that's stopping me from living. Ultrasound today showed two little gummy bears, 19mm a piece. And, my hubby and I who are an ocean away from family and friends couldn't hold the secret one more day... we put it on facebook! I know it's still early, but almost 9 weeks and both babies are just as big, and almost 4 times how big they were 2 weeks ago... we couldn't help it!

awww yay! what did everyone say???

I understand about not waiting, we announced it on fb as soon as we had gotten ahold of all the relevant family members. We were probably 4 weeks lol. So far, so good!
They reacted wonderfully... everyone was extremely excited and happy. I'm just glad there's no more hiding it. It's hard to hide things when you're really happy about it!

So how are you doing? Any update?
They reacted wonderfully... everyone was extremely excited and happy. I'm just glad there's no more hiding it. It's hard to hide things when you're really happy about it!

So how are you doing? Any update?

Well... nine weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Can't believe we've come this far, can't believe there's still so far to go. As for symptoms... not a lot really! I fell asleep at 830 last night on my couch, does that count as a symptom? LOL! :haha: Just a lot of fatigue and sore boobs... which isn't really enough symptoms to make me "feel" pregnant, thus, I will be happy tomorrow after my scan when everything is confirmed.

We're OLIVES, ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :baby::happydance::cloud9:

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