Am i the only one who thinks this is wrong?

The place hubby works for all the guys that he oversees basicly get one christmas off every 4 years.
How it works and its like this for alot of places is out of say 20 people 5 of them will have christmas off while the other 15 work then the next year the next 5 will have the day off and so on, its the only real way to make it fair but you do get the odd person that doesnt care for it off so will give up their day off then its a free for all rumble whos going to get it :)
I'm staying out of the general discussion of this topic, but thought you'd all find this shocking - OH's sister is a nursery nurse, and apparently some of the parents were upset in December that the nursery was closed on Christmas Day as they wanted to put their LO's in :( who doesn't want to spend that day with their child?!

People at my place of employment, whose motto is "we work while others play." Not everyone has a traditional job.

OP, I hope to God your circumstances never change and you never find yourself having to go 24 hours without getting to see your child, missing God knows what, to slave away so your little family can survive.

But if you do, I hope you don't have the misfortune of meeting people with nothing better to do than pooh pooh someone else's circumstances.
It's also not fair to childless people to expect them to work all the holidays. They have families too.
I've worked Christmas a few times but I didn't have lo at the time plus it gave a collegue of mine the day off to spend with his boys! However if I wasn't able to do that he would of had to get on with it and worked! X
OP, Are you going to leave your child there? That worker should not be gossiping and telling personal details of those children’s lives.

I’m not offended by your post because it’s just your opinion and it might change if you were in the same situation or you actually meet someone who does this. My DD is in daycare, but I visit (nurse) with her twice a day and she’s there 7 hours or so a day.

I know you are worried about your child having a relationship with a parent who works all the time and that’s really up to the parent. Both my parents worked and we are very close. I only saw my grandmother once a month and we had an incredible close loving relationship. It always came down to the quality of the time we spent together.
To all those saying nurses, police officers etc - I get that, I'm a student nurse myself (on mat leave obviously) :) but these parents weren't working, they just wanted their LO in nursery on that day :( shoulda made that clearer in the first post, sorry!

I honestly dont believe this could be true.
I find it very hard to believe that parents would leave their children in daycare for that long for any other reason than those are the hours they have to work. Perhaps the woman you spoke to was exaggerating? I go back to work on Monday and my husband and I are shifting our hours a bit so that she will spend less time in daycare. She will still be there 9-4:30 Monday - Friday though. I'll admit that my first though was that parents are sending their kids to daycare and then going out to shop and "have fun", but when I think of myself and other parents I know, I doubt that is what's going on.
As everyone else has said, some people have no choice, they have to work those hours. It must be so hard to leave your child(ren) for that long though :( So grateful that I live in this country as if I lived in another country I might be in the same position (single mother so would have to work, and probably long hours to afford daycare) but thankfully here I can take parental leave to stay home with Maria until she turns 3.
To all those saying nurses, police officers etc - I get that, I'm a student nurse myself (on mat leave obviously) :) but these parents weren't working, they just wanted their LO in nursery on that day :( shoulda made that clearer in the first post, sorry!

I honestly dont believe this could be true.

How do you know those parents don't work? How awful those nursery workers go around talking about parents who have their kids there like they are the bottom. Makes you wonder for sure. If they gossip that badly about the parents, I'd hate to think the "care" those poor kids get.
I'm shocked at this thread tbh.
Maybe some people have babies, their relationships break down or one parent dies or becomes critically ill and they have to work those hours to support a family they already have.
Maybe some people don't celebrate Christmas and want to carry on their day to day lives as they celebrate a different religious holiday.
Maybe some people manage to do what's best for their families without putting down anyone that does things differently.
Maybe some people should realise how fortunate they are that they don't have to leave their babies with others when they don't want to.
I'm offended at this thread and I don't work full time or have to have my lo in nursery. A fact I'm incredibly grateful for.
Loads of people dont celebrate Christmas, so why wouldnt they want to put their child in nursery on a normal working day?

I've mentioned my sister is a nursery nurse and that I use to be one, neither of us would ever gossip like the nursery nurse did in the OP to other parents and she would never now discuss anything like people wanting to put their child in nursery on Christmas. These people are trusted with confidential information and even though these thing may seem minor, it would make me concerned what else they share with others who have no need to know.
Tashsa wasn't it you that pointed out earlier it's a max of 10 hours per day in the uk anyway? So the gossiping nursery worker was talking shite. OPs whole thread is pointless anyway Lol!!
This thread doesn't offend me because I think it's ridiculous to say that it is wrong to put your children in nursery for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. What is the other option? For us all to become spongers who depend on the government and tax payers to get us through life? I for one have never, ever claimed benefits and never intend to. Me and my husband provide for our son and that's the way it will stay. If you don't need child care and can afford to stay at home to look after your LO, then you are one of the lucky ones. I wish I was that lucky but I'm not.
No, it deffo is the regulations. I will ask my sister where I can find the information out and put a copy up on here. That is why they can only use ten hours in one go though, because otherwise they would be doing more than the hours.
I agree. I mean you really shouldn't get so personally offended by someone who obviously has no real experience. That would be like someone who never bf saying I can't believe anyone doesn't bf. I mean would you really care what they said. Now if she came on here and said I worked 60 hr weeks and chose not to have kids because its wrong or said I quit my job all of you should too, then yes offensive. She has on opinion which changes with circumstances. But again I'm sticking by that 60 hrs a week is a lot to be gone from home and away from both parents. It does make me sad for thise parents. None of you even do this though.

When we had our first son I was at a job I had to commute to, about an hour and a half each way. So our baby was at the sitter about 11 hours a day. Ir was very difficult and I did always feel guilty, but at the time I had no choice because there were no closer jobs. When he was around 6 months old a job finally opened closer to home, so I now only have a 20 minute commute. So I have been in a similar situation to what she is saying, and think its rediculous to imply that because I knew I was in that situation that I shouldn't have had my son at that time.
If our parents only had babies when every circumstance was perfect, I wonder how many of us would be here...

We are humans, we adapt.

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