Angelynn Updates

Well not much has changed. Angel is still doing very well and as each day passes i'm getting more and more comfortable changing her, taking her temp, giving her nose drops and dressing her. Its awesome that they let me do that stuff and want me involved as much as possible. Next week I get to assist with her first bath!!

But today she had another eye exam to check her ROP. I stayed and waited for the doctor because I was curious how it was done. She explained to me how the procedure was down in great detail because I guess most parents who decide to stay and watch get very very upset. But I wasn't going to leave her side she needs her mommy when she's got stuff like that being done to her.
So they had to give her drops about an hour before to dilate her pupils. Then they wrapped her up tight and had to use this thing to keep her eye open. Then she used her magnifying glasses and light to look into her eye. She also had to use this little tool to push her eye to the side. Angel was crying mostly when the lady pushed on her eye. I tell ya my heart has never been so broken as to see that. Angel did fairly well but it made me very uncomfortable. After they finished I held her so tight and kissed about a million times and I was crying.
Her ROP has not improved yet. So they are going to have to do this damn eye exam once a week. They said it's looking very possible that she will need the laser treatment done. It will take about 2 hours if she does get it done and theres a possibility she will be have to re-intubated afterwards because babies go onto general anasthetic and thats one of the fall backs. Im more worried about her having to go back onto a ventilator than the laser treatment :( That will set us back a good week.
I can't help but feel so helpless for her and upset!!! I just wish it didn't have to happen. All I can do is pray that it gets better on its own and that she won't have any further problems if she does have the treatment done. I know that she needs these eye exams otherwise she won't get better I just wish there was another way to do it :( It was so hard seeing that done to her and it just kills me that she will have these routine exams now. I just hate seeing what she has to go through :(

Please keep praying everyone. I have no doubts she will be just fine. It's still not easy though. Being a mom of a preemie you just can't help but feel responsible and guilty because if she was still in me she wouldnt have to endure the constant poking and prodding. *sigh*
I'll keep your little girl on my thoughts! I'm glad to hear she is putting on weight and feeding well.
Hi Steph,
This is Samantha, using Ali's sign on. I really do feel for you. I have been present many times when Charlotte's eyes were being checked and its the hardest thing as a mum to have to stand by watching your baby go through so much. Would you believe that Charlotte's eyes were still being checked in the middle of December, when she was 5 months old. She had level 2 ROP too and it got worse before finally it corrected itself. Be positive as its such early days for Angel that her eyes may hopefully correct themselves too.

I also understand how you are feeling. A nurse once said to me "This time in Charlotte's life whilst in hospital will seem such a small insignificant part of her life once she is home with you". It is so true. When Charlotte was in hospital I could never see an end to it. I never dared dream of the day when Charlotte may come home for tempting fate. But home she came and that nurse was right.

Just think Steph, your baby will more than likely be home with you next month. How exciting is that.

All the best
Guess what everyone??? Check out Angels new home!

She was finally put into a cot tonight. They had it ready to go when I got there for my 5 oclock feed. I saw it and I had to double check it was hers and I burst into tears. I just couldn't beleive it. They are actually just seeing tonight if she can hold her temperature. So I hope when I go in in the morning that her isolette is gone :D I wasn't expecthing this until next week sometime. I am sooo happy :D Also I was freaked out because her oxygen was up in the 90's (it's usually in 40's) but she was switched from high flow to low flow which is really awesome too. She's also just under 3 lb 5oz.
I have to wonder if maybe she might not come home on oxygen? Guess we'll have to wait and see!! Im sooo happy :happydance:
awesome news... I love checking for the updates.
I can well imagine how you feel when you attend those examinations.

I must say again you are such a strong person.

I am so happy that she could be moved out of the incubator :headspin:

:hi: I keep fingers crossed
Aww thats great news!

I remember when my little brother had to have blood taken from his heel when he was about 2 weeks old (he was born with serious kidney problems) and that absolutely broke my heart. I was proper shouting at the doctors and nurses to stop hurting him, so I can't imagine how it must have felt with her being your own.

Shes in the best place though, and it sounds like the staff are doing a wonderful job of looking after her and keeping you involved which is great!

Hope you and Jay are both ok too :)

:happydance: yey new cot :happydance:
You are all so strong, I love checking in to see how things are :hugs:
Sorry havent checked this thread in ages.

I'm so pleased with your daughters progress, she is coming on leaps and bounds.

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