anixety panic attacks and depression surpport group

Hi sajelica I had bpd but am now recovered. I will PM you later am on my phone at the mo. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like just Pm me x
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well. Haven't been around in months... things went completely downhill and I actually got rid of the internet for a while. Anyway, here I am again. I thought I was just dealing with anxiety and depression but it turns out it's something a little more complicated and messed up. Part of me is almost ashamed to say it. Anyone out there with borderline personality disorder? I'm still pretty shaken up and confused by it all and just don't understand how I'm suppose to function at all.

Psychotherapy is considered the treatment of choice for all personality disorders. Psychotherapy for the patient with Borderline Personality Disorder needs to be structured, and regular and consistent. The patient needs to be encouraged to talk calmly about feelings, experiences and problems, rather than rage and cry through them, as they may be tempted to do .The BPD needs help in learning new coping skills, and impulsivity and emotion regulation. The therapist will need to provide the patient with well-defined boundaries. Therapists need to be especially aware of their own feelings toward the patient. Borderlines may display behavior or attitudes that are deemed "inappropriate" by psychiatrists. They may openly criticize the therapist and his/her credentials. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are often unfairly discriminated against because they are seen as "trouble-makers" who are impossible to treat. There is an unfortunate myth among some mental health professionals that Borderline patients are untreatable.
I go so stressed out that I called up and cancelled any further CBT. I never wanted to do it in the first place and when the huge workbook turned up... well! I was just in bits at the thought of it. The book I was given previously for CBT was bad but this was even worse :( So after 4 years without.... I'm now back on medication... well I would be if I had remembered to pack them before going away for a week!
I go so stressed out that I called up and cancelled any further CBT. I never wanted to do it in the first place and when the huge workbook turned up... well! I was just in bits at the thought of it. The book I was given previously for CBT was bad but this was even worse :( So after 4 years without.... I'm now back on medication... well I would be if I had remembered to pack them before going away for a week!

oh no! im sorry it didnt work out for you :( CBT didnt work for me either :hugs:
aww hun! im hoping to start but no one has got back to me yet!!!

been feeling anxious the last few days but feeling a bit brighter today!

looking forward to getting away from the stresses in 8 weeks! going ton weymouth with family! xx
aww hun! im hoping to start but no one has got back to me yet!!!

been feeling anxious the last few days but feeling a bit brighter today!

looking forward to getting away from the stresses in 8 weeks! going ton weymouth with family! xx

oooh a break away that sounds great! take me take me!
come along lol its only weymouth but hey!! (maybe a long flight just for a few days tho lol! x
does having a day in the sun make your anxiety worse or better? x
I've never really done this but here goes....
I'm Vicki, I'm 28 (29 in one month) and I have suffered with depression since I was 15. I have a long term mental illness - that was caused by issues from my childhood, it's completely under control now and I'm off my medication for that. I came off my antidepressants about 6 weeks ago, but I have had to go back on them. My doctor changed them to something that will work when I get pregnant and for breastfeeding. I only started them on Wednesday, I'm still feeling pretty low but thankfully I haven't had to many side effects (the list is huge).

hope the anti ds kick in soon ~ if you ever need to feel free to pm me xx
Hi Vicki!

well done for posting! the first post is the hardest i swear! we're all in the same boat here so to speak (im terrified of boats so that doesnt even make sense), so here you can talk to like minded people who understand exactly how you feel and why. we dont judge, and we dont pry. we do listen and offer advice or sometimes just shoulder to lean on.

I hope your anti-d's kick in soon for you, and that you dont feel too low, its great your doctor has put you on something that is safe for pregnancy and breastfeedng. thats one less thing for you to worry about.

welcome to our group x
thanks so much, it's really sweet of both of you to reply to me so quickly. I'm hoping to start feeling better soon, I'm on 50mgs this week but it goes up to 100mg on Wednesday.
I'm laura.
I suppose i've suffered from depression since my teens but in the last year it has spiralled out of control.

It started with a traumatic birth. I still get flashbacks now. Then i got a pulmonary embolism and nearly died.

Then major issues with OH regarding drugs, alcohol and money started. He was controlling and emotionally abusive.

In october my Dad passed away. I need him so much right now.

In April, I found out that OH had been cheating on me which was the final straw. I kicked him out.

I had been feeling so much better since he moved out. I felt confident and was losing weight. I have been on antidepressants since a few weeks before finding out about the cheating. I was feeling so low because of the way OH was treating me.

The last few weeks i've been feeling really low again. I am having panic attacks about returning to work tomorrow (i've been off for half term) I am very unhappy at work and can barely bring myself to walk in the door in the morning.
I'm scared things are getting worse. I'm on 20mg citalopram but its not working anymore.

I really need some help

sorry for rambling
Hi Laura,
I think you need to go see your GP and get some help; write down exactly how you feel right now (sometimes it helps because I know i forget things when I see my GP), and make an appointment - get the help you need for you and for your LO. You can get through this, sometimes it's a change of meds that's needed or even some counselling. Have you got people around you who you can call on at times like this???
Thanks vicki.mummy

I'm seeing GP tomorrow afternoon after work. I know i probably need to change dosage or change meds completely. Citalopram did work initially but i can feel those dark thoughts creeping in everyday.

I just don't know how i'm going to do it tomorrow. People say just get on with it or put a smile on your face but its just not that easy. I don't have the energy for the kids (i'm a teacher) and i don't want to see people. I just want to take Harry and run away.
oh and yes, i do have my mum to help and she understands to an extent but I haven't told her just how low i'm feeling. Shes got enough to deal with after my Dad died
thanks so much, it's really sweet of both of you to reply to me so quickly. I'm hoping to start feeling better soon, I'm on 50mgs this week but it goes up to 100mg on Wednesday.

your so welcome :hugs: i hope the increase helps you out. and its so nice of you to reply to laura :) x

Thanks vicki.mummy

I'm seeing GP tomorrow afternoon after work. I know i probably need to change dosage or change meds completely. Citalopram did work initially but i can feel those dark thoughts creeping in everyday.

I just don't know how i'm going to do it tomorrow. People say just get on with it or put a smile on your face but its just not that easy. I don't have the energy for the kids (i'm a teacher) and i don't want to see people. I just want to take Harry and run away.

Hi Laura,

it really sounds like you've had a rough time. I was in an abusive relationship, in which my ex did drugs, had a drinking problem and gambled all our money away. so i know what that can take its toll on you. i didnt have children to worry about too though.

I agree with Vicki that writing down exactly how you feel in your darkest moments and giving those notes to your doctor can help your doctor see how serious a problem it is and hows its effecting your day to day life.

what you could do seeing as you already have an appointment booked is explain that the medication at its current dosage just isnt helping and also tell him how stressed and depressed the though of goign back to work is making you and that you feel this would have an adverse affect on you. your doctor could sign you off of work for medical reasons for a while.

have you ever considered any kind of addition therapy? like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) a lot of people find great help in these therapies, and although it doesnt work for everyone, its always worth giving it a try.

hi girls

ive just started a anti depressent today to treat my fibro pain as its a good relaxer but was just wondering does any one get adrenaline rushes with there anixety mine are really bad and happen for no reaso at all sometimes they arent that bad they only raise ny heart rate to 90 which isnt fast for a panic attack the gp checked it but they make me feel really worn out and im looseing lost of weight. the go mentioned it could be adrenal fatigue as ive been theorugh losts if stress so was just wondering if anyones had this ive got to go back in a mionth for tests once the pain reduces x
I have anxiety issues and depression, well I slip in and out of depression.
Might have Bipolar too :O
hi ladies,
how is everyone today? I went to see my GP and had my antideps put up, so hopefully I'll start to feel better quite soon :D

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