Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well. Haven't been around in months... things went completely downhill and I actually got rid of the internet for a while. Anyway, here I am again. I thought I was just dealing with anxiety and depression but it turns out it's something a little more complicated and messed up. Part of me is almost ashamed to say it. Anyone out there with borderline personality disorder? I'm still pretty shaken up and confused by it all and just don't understand how I'm suppose to function at all.
I go so stressed out that I called up and cancelled any further CBT. I never wanted to do it in the first place and when the huge workbook turned up... well! I was just in bits at the thought of it. The book I was given previously for CBT was bad but this was even worseSo after 4 years without.... I'm now back on medication... well I would be if I had remembered to pack them before going away for a week!
aww hun! im hoping to start but no one has got back to me yet!!!
been feeling anxious the last few days but feeling a bit brighter today!
looking forward to getting away from the stresses in 8 weeks! going ton weymouth with family! xx
thanks so much, it's really sweet of both of you to reply to me so quickly. I'm hoping to start feeling better soon, I'm on 50mgs this week but it goes up to 100mg on Wednesday.
Thanks vicki.mummy
I'm seeing GP tomorrow afternoon after work. I know i probably need to change dosage or change meds completely. Citalopram did work initially but i can feel those dark thoughts creeping in everyday.
I just don't know how i'm going to do it tomorrow. People say just get on with it or put a smile on your face but its just not that easy. I don't have the energy for the kids (i'm a teacher) and i don't want to see people. I just want to take Harry and run away.