I'm exactly the same. Alcohol and my ED is all I've ever known to deal with things. When FOB dumped me when I was pregnant it was the lowest I've ever been, because I couldn't drink and I couldn't restrict. I felt SO out of control it was horrible. Hope you're feeling better xI haven't kept a scale in the house for years, and I don't plan to change that. I know it'll only make me more obsessive and I punish myself enough, already.
I binged TWICE in the last four days and feel so down on myself. I just got out of respite, after OD'ing on sedatives to avoid eating dinner and due to simply feeling sad. I've had to eat two meals a day in respite, though restricted what I could, which wasn't much. Now I feel like I've lost control over my body and I'm so afraid I'm going to balloon. I just lost another jean size in the last two weeks - I should be feeling great. But I only want to get smaller. I know I should be trying to kick this, but I just don't want to stop.
It's more than just the vanity, though. A part of me is uncertain of what I'll do, without pills or restriction, when I get depressed. I don't know how to cope with my emotions, I truly don't.
For me its not possible, the only form of 'dieting' I've ever known is restricting and unhealthy behaviours and thoughts. I don't think I could try and eat healthily without getting obsessed with it and slipping back into bad habits, but it may be possible for others I don't know. It sounds like the amount you're eating is a lot less than a 'normal' healthy diet, but I'm not really sure what normal is tbh, it doesn't sound like you're eating much thoughHi girls, just need a little support to help me rationalise things right now. I decided to attempt a healthy diet beginning last week as my shorts ripped when I sat down and it depressed the hell out of me. Do you guys think it is possible to be a recovered/ing anorexic and diet healthily without getting out of control? OH's birthday so we went to an all you can eat buffet and I am feeling wretched about how much I ate, even though I know really that it wasn't very much but I have been controlling what I've been eating quite strongly this week so it made me feel very ashamed of myself.
I find it so easy to diet, but am beginning to think that maybe I'm not eating enough as I'm finding myself very preoccupied by food too. Generally I have been having porridge for breakfast, a cuppa soup with a few breadsticks and carrots for lunch and a small portion of whatever Ivy is eating for dinner, with apples and tea if I need to snack. To me this seems like a reasonable amount but I am already a size 8 so I kind of know that maybe i am taking it a bit far. I just wondered what you girls thought about dieting post-ED and whether it is healthy/safe/possible? Thanks