thanks...feeling a little better after getting out for a "game night" on base that my husband helped organize. took my mind off everything, even if for just a couple hours. and managed to hold a 5 month old without being angry that it wasn't me. a little jealous, sure, but within a little baby fix and ate a bunch of things that are definitely not on my diet!
fingers crossed that our temps were just taken "poorly" (by absolutely no fault of our own however..ha!) and that we ovulated right on time and our timing was PERFECT and that we get our BefingPs this month. yeah, guess i'm feeling a bit snarky still![]()
Ahh well done

Jump, by the looks of your chart I think you'll have to wait a few days to see for certain when o is/was. Just looking at your temps, I don't see a clear shift. You could have o'd on the day it says you are 2 dpo?
Are you still doing smep? If so then try not to worry too much, although I know it's hard to keep up all cycle.
Fruitee - perhaps you have o'd? How long have you been temping? Have you ever had an anovulatory cycle?
Only temped last cycle and this cycle, last cycle I could see a definite shift, this one there's nothing, will try and post both for you to see

(On a side note, just made cakes and then licked the spatula.....then realised its raw egg and you shouldn't eat it if pregnancy, hopefully won't matter, was only a tiny bit, and I don't even know if I've o'ed yet so!!!!!)