I'm due in April, 20 week scan next week. I'm just waiting to hear that everything is ok and what the gender is and then I think I will go out and buy a load of stuff! I am feeling my first movements now and it is just amazing!! Just feels like I have butterflies in my tummy!
Hi guys, just checking in, wow citrus can't believe you're almost at 20 weeks!!! That's flown!! So exciting.
Jump your dd is the day before my birthdayhehe
I'm due in April, 20 week scan next week. I'm just waiting to hear that everything is ok and what the gender is and then I think I will go out and buy a load of stuff! I am feeling my first movements now and it is just amazing!! Just feels like I have butterflies in my tummy!
oooh, that's exciting! and yeah, it's hard to believe you are half way! yay
Hi guys, just checking in, wow citrus can't believe you're almost at 20 weeks!!! That's flown!! So exciting.
Jump your dd is the day before my birthdayhehe
i'm tellin' ya, everyone must be frisky in september/octoberwe have about 8 birthdays in july between my family and my husband's. poor kid will never get a birthday in school, but summer birthday parties must be fun, right??
I was wondering if any of you girls ever sought professional help with your sleeping problems? Mine certainly have a psychological factor (anxiety) as well and I think I should address this now if I want to be a responsible parent and a good example for our baby. Sometimes I really wish I could just relax...
Omg guess what! I just tried my Doppler today and I found babies heartbeat and I am I only 7w6d today! It was 164. It's way up from the 118 at the ultrasound. I feel so much better now![]()
With me it's a combination of factors. I do pee a lot as well, I've always done that, but I have already noticed that when I'm on holiday, I pee a lot less and sometimes I even sleep through the night. So I'm guessing that maybe I don't wake up to go to the bathroom, but I just go pee because I wake up?
A second factor definitely is work stress: when I have to handle an important file the next day or if I have to go into work early, I always have trouble sleeping.
On top of that: when I wake up at night I start worrying, thinking about things that could happen. If I have had an argument recently, I start playing that again in my head, thinking what I should have said.
And last but not least I'm a bit scared of the dark, so often when I go to the bathroom at night, pictures of scary movies I've seen pop into my head which obviously doesn't help to calm me down. When I'm home alone this gets even worse and I lock my bedroom door :s
This sounds a bit like I'm a total nuthead, though I manage to live perfectly fine with all this. I really wouldn't consider taking medication to help with these problems, but I guess I could use some insight or tips on how to deal with it...
I never looked at it this way! Maybe mine has nothing to do with pee either. I probably have to pee because I am not fully a sleep. I don't pee more in the day so why would it change so much in the night.
And omg I am also a bit scared of the dark lol. Hubby works night shifts so I am alone with my daughter at night. It makes me feel better I have a dog and cat too. Now that I think about it I always have better sleep when hubby is home which is like twice a week.
I never looked at it this way! Maybe mine has nothing to do with pee either. I probably have to pee because I am not fully a sleep. I don't pee more in the day so why would it change so much in the night.
And omg I am also a bit scared of the dark lol. Hubby works night shifts so I am alone with my daughter at night. It makes me feel better I have a dog and cat too. Now that I think about it I always have better sleep when hubby is home which is like twice a week.
my husband is switching departments at work and will be on nights starting in february. i am not looking forward to it!he'll switch between nights and days every 3 months after that.
maybe it'll work out since i'll be getting bigger and might just have to buy a huge pregnancy pillow to keep me company!
Scan tomorrow people!!! Ahhhh!!!
How's everyone feeling? Jump, has the morning sickness hit yet? I think I'm in a lovely phase of pregnancy right now. Feeling baby move every night is the most wonderful thing ever. I just can't describe how happy it makes me! And yet, I'm not fat yet! Or toooo tired. Long live the second tri!!