honestly, not too great.

had an early ultrasound (off base, transvaginal) last friday (8w+1d) and it wasn't all good news.
there's a baby, but the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat. i know it could have just been too early, that's what everyone keeps telling me...but i looked up numbers and the american pregnancy association says if the embryo is over 5mm and there's no heartbeat, it qualifies as a missed miscarriage. babyjump was 9.4mm...which is small for 8 weeks, and that's more like 6 weeks+some change, but based on 9.4mm, there still should have been a heartbeat. the japanese doc was really nice but pretty concerned and really urged getting seen again in a week to look again.
it's been a horrible 5 days and the stupid OB clinic on base has been LESS than helpful.

but, my husband went in and had a word with them and i am now waiting until tuesday (a week from today) for an on base ultrasound. they asked me to come with a full bladder, so i assume it'll be abdominal, but hope that it'll still be a decent enough picture.
i still have all the morning sickness, sore boobs, dizziness that i've been having, but realize that if it's a missed miscarriage, my body hasn't realized yet anyway and is still pumping out hormones, so it's all irrelevant anyway. i just have a sinking feeling about the whole thing. i'm doing relatively okay today, but "relatively" is the key word there, seeing as i was pretty inconsolable yesterday morning. heh.
i hope everyone else is doing FAR better than me!!!!