jumpingo... I didn't know that! Thanks for telling me the steps. I think I did it this time? *crosses fingers*
My Ovulation Chart

yay, glad you got it
i would second the question about your cycle length. are they always this long?
- if yes, then i wouldn't worry about anything and just keep up that impressive sex schedule.

- if no, it could just be a fluke, but i wouldn't worry too much about PCOS or miscarrying or even lowered chances of getting pregnant until you chart for a few months and see what your body is up to!
when i first looked at your chart, i wondered if maybe there isn't an obvious enough temp spike for FF to go on that alone. BUT, i would guess you ovulated somewhere between CD43 and CD46. the default setting on FF is "Advanced" which, apparently, takes into account all the fertility signs (temp, CM, cervix position, etc.) but since you have only input temperature, maybe FF isn't convinced enough?

since you're only charting your temp right now, i would try putting the Detection Setting on "FAM" which goes solely on temperature and no other fertility signs. if CD47 is 1DPO, then you would have a luteal phase (the time from ovulation until your next period) of at least 11 days, which is considered normal (textbook average is 14, but i think normal is anywhere from 10-16

like mummy said, ovulation predictor kits are also helpful. but, if you have long cycles every month, that could get expensive since you aren't quite sure when to start using them and how long you would need to keep testing. your signature says cycle #1, (is this cycle you are temping cycle #2 then?) even so, i would say just relax, chart for another month or two, and if you happen to notice any cervical mucus, mark that for sure, but just see what your temps are doing over a few months before worrying about seeing a doctor or stressing about ovulating. since you seem to get sex in every other day or so, chances are good that no matter when you ovulate, there are some sperm already there waiting for that egg!
hope that helps - good luck and welcome to our crazy little corner of ttc!