as for support for someone in the midst of miscarrying...
"if i bring it up, please let me talk about it, but otherwise, can we PLEASE talk about something else?" is my general stance on the entire subject.
if you don't know what to say, just say "i don't know what to say" because sometimes that one truth is better than people telling you "i'm sorry" all the time. it just gets old after awhile. all the sorrys in the world won't bring our babies back.

(this in no way means i don't appreciate the feeling and caring and support behind any "i'm sorry"s i've gotten...

it's really annoying that one friend ALWAYS asks "how are you feeling today?" because it's like, "um, sh*tty, thanks for asking."

and maybe it's just because it's over text messages, but i feel like sometimes that's all she wants to talk about when it's the LAST thing i want to talk about, you know?
someone saying something like, "i can't imagine it's easy to talk about and i'm flattered you were willing to share with me. if you ever need to talk or vent or just cry, i'm always willing to listen," is always nice because it validates the difficulty of the conversation, sort of indirectly compliments the sharer and always leaves the ball in their court on future sharing.
don't know if that helps or if you were even looking for advice, but thanks for letting me sort out my own thoughts on the subject. sometimes i have all these thoughts jumbled in my head, and having to come up with coherent sentences and explain myself helps me get it all out on the page, then i cut and paste and edit it and the whole process helps me figure out how i actually feel about something. so, thanks.