any bad sleepers who temp?

Citrus your a breath of fresh air, your the first pregnant person who hasn't complained about pregnancy recently. My facebook is covered in it. So I really admire you.

Jump: Good luck jump.

AFM: I think I'm coming to the end of my illness, its been 4 days so can't go on much longer right, but today is still young and I haven't technically eaten anything yet, so we'll see. Anyway I've still been temping but not trusting my temps to much. I've had my usual 5dpo dip and a nice high spike so that's good and appears normal. Which I can live with. But obviously being ill I might ovulate later or not at all, so its all a waiting game
Thanks, although, one small gripe....pregnancy - the only time people can comment on how fat you're getting and that be totally acceptable!!! Why!! Haha I can laugh about it though.

Glad to see some of you look like you are on your way to o-town. You will have to keep up the BDing just in case. Speaking of which BD has gone almost completely out the window for me! Just finding it toooo weird! So enjoy yourselves ladies!

Looking forward to seeing some rainbows on here v soon x
Thanks for asking Citrus. I'm doing very well at the moment, no physical complaints either, though my OH might have something to say about my mood swings sometimes :blush: But I guess the mood swings are compensated a bit by my cleaning efforts around the house :thumbup:

Enjoy your week off!

I hope you feel better today mummy.
i'm on CD13 and BDing on even days, plus today.:blush: have had really bad cramps for 2 days, but OPKs have been negative for 4 days. haven't done one today yet because it's still only 9am but i'm really hoping it's positive today. otherwise *i'll* be the one that got frisky too early this time!:dohh: last cycle was CD14, the one before that was CD13 and then 4 pre-MC cycles were CD15, so i figure if we BD CD12-CD15, we should be good? just hoping i actually ovulate then!:dohh:

aaaahaha, re-reading this post makes me laugh because i must have just known when i went for that "too early" BD session!:haha: we were BDing on even days but i went for it on the morning of CD13, even though i hadn't gotten a positive OPK yet. just couldn't help it!:blush: AND i had a huge emotional breakdown that night. i tend to cry (more) easily around O, so when i got a temp spike on saturday, CD14, it all made sense. it turned out to be perfect timing.:thumbup:

in hindsight, i've been drinking SO much water since i'm working out at least an hour a day, so while my OPK progression hints at a surge, none of the tests were ever a true positive.:wacko: sort of just waiting for tomorrow's temp to confirm, now. i put in a fake temp just to see and FF will give me cross hairs if it stays at least as high as it was today and the temp spike looks identical to so many other cycles, so i'm fairly certain.:thumbup: it's a bit hard to find the dark green line/circles but there are 2 circles right in the middle/along the average line. woohoo. now the waiting begins.:coffee:


  • all cycle overlay Feb 16.jpg
    all cycle overlay Feb 16.jpg
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Omg Eline have you become a clean freak too? I am moving house and feel ridiculously agitated that I can't get everything sorted. The 'nesting' thing is definitely real for me!! So I have just resorted to wanting to find everything it's place in my current house. Rather than enjoying it, I think it's driving DH mad! He can't find anything!!

Jump you do make me laugh. Enjoy the passion while u can id say! Sounds like u have a great relationship with hubby. Thumbs up for the perfect timing, hope it gets confirmed tomorrow. Nothing more satisfying than those crosshairs. Well...apart from two other red lines I guess!!
Glad your both nesting. I've never nested with either of my two. I'm getting excited to see some baby pictures on here soon! When are you moving citrus?

Jump glad you've ovulated and everything has worked out for you timing wise.

I'm 9dpo so waiting for AF or a BFP. Haven't tested yet, but my temps look good and slowly rising although I had a bad night last night, but chart wise it looks positive. I felt sick going shopping and got cramps atm, so almost at the end of my wait
Jump I need some expert advise." style="font-size:smaller;" > <img src="" /> <br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>

Hopefully I've managed to link my chart correctly. As you can see I ovulated on CD12, which is fine. But do you think it possible I could have ovulated around CD17 as that's more normal for me. The only difference if I'd ovulated at CD17 rather than 12 is I normally get a dip at 5dpo, not sure why I do, but I normally get one then, which I wouldn't if I used CD17 as ovulation. I just don't want to test to early for no reason.
aww, thanks for thinking i'm some kind of expert...!! i'm not quite sure, to be honest. it seems entirely possible to have Oed on CD12. the post-CD12 "low" temps (minus the one on 5dpo) are all higher than the "high" pre-CD12 temps. basically the coverline shows that already, but if you imagine O day being CD17, it would be really hard to draw a coverline because CD13, 15 and 19 are all the same, even though O day is in between them. so, i guess as i type this, i'm thinking CD17 is less likely...:shrug: also, if you always get a temp dip at 5dpo, then Oing on CD12 still makes sense. i also always get a temp dip, mine's around 7 or 8dpo...:thumbup: anyway, that's what i think. but i'm also completely confused about my own chart at the moment, so who knows ANYthing about charts at this point!!:wacko::haha:
We will be moving house as well before the baby comes, Citrus. I guess my nesting will definitely come in handy. I really enjoy packing up boxes and making my current place emptier and cleaner every day.

I would also put your O with the FF line as your temps after that are so much higher. Do you have any older charts you could compare with, mummy?
We are also moving Eline, but don't have a moving date yet and it possibly won't be until after the baby comes, but we don't know! It's so frustrating - I can't nest like I want to because I'm not sure whether to stick or twist when it comes to packing and unpacking. We have all baby's furniture, but it's all in boxes :( It's making me quite miserable actually.

Mummy2o, jump, any strange symptoms yet?
no strange symptoms really...have been really down since waking up yesterday. just can't shake it, i don't know.:cry: but i also am not much of a symptom spotter. i really only go by what my temp does the day before AF is due. but last month my LP was 17 days long, so my averages and when to expect AF is totally messed up.:wacko: i have that OBGYN appt (colposcopy) on the 25th, so i will test that morning before having to pee in a cup for them too. don't want them to find out i'm pregnant before me!! and really, i will only be 11dpo, so i'm sort of hoping it's too early, they don't find out i'm pregnant, and then i get a positive at 12 or 13dpo. HAHA. i am not going to go to the doctor until 9 or 10 weeks, even for bloodwork. i can't deal with them again like last time. i have all the information and will be far more demanding (in doing things my way) this next time around.:gun:
I moved shortly before having Ossian and after having Erika. I would have to say its easier moving with a baby, rather than heavily pregnant. Just purely as you can lift more things, baby is happy sleeping and your not so slow. So if I got pregnant and had to move again I think I'd wait, but this time I'll have a toddler so I don't know how easy that would be.

Jump: I don't blame you wanting to find out before the doctors. I also thought your hubby wanted you to see the doctor about possible depression? Did you ever go? No one here will judge you for it if you go or not. Just take a few days off for you and relax doing what you want to do (minus the drinking just in case)

AFM my temps went below the cover line this morning, but they did with Daniels bfp also and went up tomorrow. I'm moody and had some cramps but those symptoms can go either way. So I'll wait to see what tomorrow's temp does, but won't be testing tomorrow as I'll have two children trying to find me in the toilet and if I'm poas I kinda like my privacy, so I think it won't be until after the weekend when the oldest is back at school, so only the baby will know what I'm doing, unless AF comes first. FF says she's due this weekend, although change it from Saturday until Sunday now :S
We will be moving around 36 weeks. I'm not going to move any boxes myself but I hope I'll be fit enough to unpack and help clean the place up. But our families are very eager to help us out, so I might not have to do too much work.

It's a good thing you plan to stand up for yourself, Jump. And don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel bad. I've had a depression long ago and it was the worst feeling ever, I hope never having to go through that again. If you feel you might be heading that way, don't be afraid to ask for help.

I hope you can find a quiet time to take a test soon, mummy.
Jump: I don't blame you wanting to find out before the doctors. I also thought your hubby wanted you to see the doctor about possible depression? Did you ever go? No one here will judge you for it if you go or not. Just take a few days off for you and relax doing what you want to do (minus the drinking just in case)

It's a good thing you plan to stand up for yourself, Jump. And don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel bad. I've had a depression long ago and it was the worst feeling ever, I hope never having to go through that again. If you feel you might be heading that way, don't be afraid to ask for help.

yeah, i started therapy several weeks ago. went once a week for 3 weeks and it doesn't really seem to help, per se, but it makes my husband feel better that i go. he knows it's not something i really want to do, so tells me he's "proud of me" when he gets home on days i have gone. awww.:roll: i can't tell if the counselor guy is still trying to "read me" before becoming more proactive, or if sitting and just chatting for an hour is the end goal...:shrug: seems sort of pointless if it is, but again, my husband is glad i go, and it's 100% covered by his insurance, so i go.

i haven't been in 2 weeks because they didn't have any openings on the day i wanted to go last week, but i have an appointment tomorrow. i am not sure i have full blown depression, but i was on meds for anxiety/depression/panic attacks over 10 years ago when i was in college, so i'm sure i have a higher risk for depression, in general. and i'm sure i'm a "perfect" candidate for post natal depression too. so, while i don't really want to take meds again, i guess it's good to have someone keeping tabs on me...but i am aware of how i feel so much that it's easy to lie when i know what their response will be to some of my own thoughts and don't really feel like dealing with the scene it'll create. that said, i'm not suicidal, but i feel like they take even a tiny bit of "wish i could just not wake up for a long time" as a bigger "statement" than i actually feel like i am making. eh, i dunno.

anyway, the breakdowns have lessened to about once a week, so maybe that'll just be the norm for a bit. better than every day or every other day, right?:roll::shy:
Good luck Eline, and hope the baby comes around due date rather than earlier.

Your on the road to recovery jump, and just because you've had depression in the past, doesn't mean you will get PND. I only managed to get it once after my son, with my daughter I've been 100% fine. I have a strong family history of bi polar on both sides of my family, but working out triggers and how to combat them works for me.

AFM I've started spotting, so just waiting for AF to go full force. Only on CD23, but on 11dpo and my LP is only 12 most of the time, so I kinda expected it. Means I can try again quicker though
Spotting stopped shortly after I posted and temp went back up. Probably going to test tomorrow. Was going to today, but a 5am wake up call and two children to sort out before I could even poas was never going to happen.
That's so exciting mummy! Fx!

I've had a very severe depression when I was very young, only a child. Though my parents knew something was up, they never knew how bad it was, because I thougt that if I told them what I was thinking, they would start thinking it as well and get depressed too. I guess it took me about 6 months to recover from it and I honestly don't know how I did that.
Then later on, in college, I was diagnosed with depression and prescribed some ad's, although in my eyes I wasn't actually depressed: I wasn't feeling anything near as bad as I did in the past. I did accept the ad's though, but it's hard to say if they helped or how much. I did see a counselor at that time once a week for about an hour, but I really couldn't talk a full hour every week about my life and she didn't seem to have any good questions to ask so I stopped going after a while. I don't think she was the right counselor for me at the time. Someone else could have helped me a lot better.

I do worry about PPD and I'm planning to have a good talk about it with my OH (he's amazing) and ask him to keep an eye on me.

I hope you find something nice to do to make your tww go by a little faster, jump.
That's an exciting turn of events mummy. Have u had implantation bleeding with any of your other pregnancies? I hope it's a good sign - as u said, it seemed a little early for AF.

How long now until test date jump?

Eline, I worry about PND too. Although, I worry about everything!! So motto is: stop worrying so much! Seems to be working ok so far.
going to bed now on 6dpo. FF says test on the 1st. was going to test on the 25th before my colposcopy appt, but now have to reschedule that because a sudden trip to the states for (husband's) family stuff. so now not so sure how long i will wait.:haha: déjà vu of coming home from the states a day after AF is due (we get back on the 2nd) and a bfp..?:shock: will probably take hpts with me this time though. want to know too badly.
I did with my oldest, but that was when my period was due. I was on the pill and thought it was an odd period (only half a day) so thought I'd better test. Can't believe that is coming up to 9 years ago when I peed on my very first stick.

Good luck jump. Really hope you get a sticky this time.

OH hid my tests. Once he gets up I'd debating if I should leave his balls on him as I'm really pissed off with him. FF says AF is due tomorrow, but I'm not convinced that she won't come up until the 26th as that is when I would be due if I didn't get ill. But still doesn't mean a girl can test now though.

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