any bad sleepers who temp?

Two AF's in three weeks? :s Have you even had this before? I hope it's a very short AF this time then and you can start your next cycle soon...
Not that short. I had a 19 day cycle once around 3-4 months after my first miscarriage, then my cycles went more normal, I believe. So I'm hoping its my body thinking it needs to sort itself out. But to be on the safe side I booked a Dr's appointment. Earliest one was on the 24th March, but I might have AF by then if I get another 14 day cycle, if not I better be ovulating.
How are you all doing?

I'm doing crappy tbh. I had Daniels results and it was purely as the infection for into his amniotic fluid, so either that started my infection or I gave it to his fluid. We will never know. I'm also annoyed as I had a 12 day cycle this time. So glad to go to the doctor on Tuesday. Its really given me a kick up my backside though to loose some weight though. Maybe even join a gym if I brave it. Just so pissed off right now due to the cycles. So going to NTNP for a bit until my cycles return to normal as there isn't any point trying really if I'm not even ovulating. It could be a number of things, I personally think thyroid problem as I've got other symptoms which would match their list also. But there is also good news. If I ever get pregnant again I get extra scans, swaps etc so that's good. Then if my cervix does open I have to get a stitch.
Hi mummy, sorry you are having such a bad time. I hope the docs appt is helpful and throws up something positive you can do something about. I imagine knowing about Daniel must be hard, but then not knowing...? It's lose lose.

I am ok, getting towards the end of my pregnancy (37 weeks) and still working. So a bit tired. Oh, also found out my baby is back to back so doing some crawling around on all fours to try and turn him!!!! It's annoying more than anything else at this stage, as I just want to recline on my sofa at the end of a tough day, but midwife says no way!!
How are you all doing?

I'm doing crappy tbh. I had Daniels results and it was purely as the infection for into his amniotic fluid, so either that started my infection or I gave it to his fluid. We will never know. I'm also annoyed as I had a 12 day cycle this time. So glad to go to the doctor on Tuesday. Its really given me a kick up my backside though to loose some weight though. Maybe even join a gym if I brave it. Just so pissed off right now due to the cycles. So going to NTNP for a bit until my cycles return to normal as there isn't any point trying really if I'm not even ovulating. It could be a number of things, I personally think thyroid problem as I've got other symptoms which would match their list also. But there is also good news. If I ever get pregnant again I get extra scans, swaps etc so that's good. Then if my cervix does open I have to get a stitch.

Hi mummy, sorry you are having such a bad time. I hope the docs appt is helpful and throws up something positive you can do something about. I imagine knowing about Daniel must be hard, but then not knowing...? It's lose lose.

I am ok, getting towards the end of my pregnancy (37 weeks) and still working. So a bit tired. Oh, also found out my baby is back to back so doing some crawling around on all fours to try and turn him!!!! It's annoying more than anything else at this stage, as I just want to recline on my sofa at the end of a tough day, but midwife says no way!!

:hugs: that's so frustrating about your cycles! 15 days just seems impossible!:growlmad: would you be able to get any kind of testing (thyroid or otherwise?) to see if there's something causing wacko cycles? i will support the gym decision - truly the only thing that has kept me sane in dealing with losing babyjump. hang in there - and vent away whenever you want!

wow, that's so exciting that you're so close!! sounds really uncomfortable to try to get a baby to turn the right way inside!:wacko::dohh: good luck with the crawling business!

i'm 10dpo and got a very faint positive.:shock::shock::shock: i still don't quite believe it. and i'm practically peeing in my pants waiting for my husband to come home!:rofl:
Juuuuuuuump I just read your journal!!! I couldn't be happier! I am so glad you have managed to fall pregnant again so quickly. I will be following along in your journal, I know you will be so nervous (but so excited). TTC / pregnancy is such a rollercoaster but I am truly, truly delighted for you and hubby.

Stalking for updates and new tests (I'm sure u will pee on hundreds of the things, think I only stopped after about 12 days, when I ran out!)
A big hug to you mummy! Hope your doc can finally give you some clear answers. I'm also a gym fan, it doesn't matter how crappy I feel, after some exercise I always feel better. I hope you have a nice club around.

Congratulations Jump! That's such great news! I'm very happy for you!

I hope you can turn you baby around, citrus. Is it also ok if you sit on your knees and then rest your head on a high pillow? That seems more comfortable than being on all fours?
How did it go at the docs mummy? Are things back on track this cycle or not?

Yeh Eline that's what I've been doing. Still hard going though when all I want to do is slouch around!! I have finished work now though so perhaps it will get a bit easier once I'm not so tired.

How's everyone doing with TTC/early preg/late preg??
I've been to the doctors. They are testing my thyroid, blood and something else, so got a blood test on tuesday with results a week after that. I'm taking agnus caste to hopefully length my cycles. OH is more or less BD every day I'm not bleeding which is fair enough so we might even catch the egg. On the plus side if everything works out my EDD is Christmas day so that has to be good :)

If baby remains breached citrus would you have a natural labour or go for a section? Still time to turn the baby around though. My friends baby didn't turn round until the day before she went into labour.
Baby isn't breach, he's back to back. That doesn't mean a section usually, as they often turn during labour. It does potentially mean a longer, more painful labour and more chance of emergency c-section or other intervention like forceps :(

I'm hoping he's turned, but then again, not holding out too much hope as the front of my belly feels quite squidgy rather than hard. Oh well, what will be will be! He will get here somehow within the next 4 weeks. Quite exciting really!

Hope the tests come back ok x
Fx for you Citrusfruit. Hopefully he turns soon or at least during labour. I did see a back to back birth on OBEM recently and that one went smoothly, if that might give you some courage ;)
Hey ladies... long time no see!

I took a little break from TTC talk because I was stressing out so bad. My period went out of whack again and after having the shortest period of my life it just disappeared. My sister thought it might have been an early miscarriage since I never have periods that short. I'm on CD87 and nothing! Not pregnant either... so frustrating. :cry:

These days I'm just sad. My insurance for work finally kicked in but I have to wait 2 months to even get into the doctor's office! So I'm just on the waiting game, and trying to keep up on my vitamins, diet and exercise. :shrug:

I feel like this is never going to happen for me. My sister just started on Provera and Clomid and although I wish her success, I'm really scared at the same time that she will get pregnant before me. I will feel like even more of a failure. :wacko:
Hey ladies... long time no see!

I took a little break from TTC talk because I was stressing out so bad. My period went out of whack again and after having the shortest period of my life it just disappeared. My sister thought it might have been an early miscarriage since I never have periods that short. I'm on CD87 and nothing! Not pregnant either... so frustrating. :cry:

These days I'm just sad. My insurance for work finally kicked in but I have to wait 2 months to even get into the doctor's office! So I'm just on the waiting game, and trying to keep up on my vitamins, diet and exercise. :shrug:

I feel like this is never going to happen for me. My sister just started on Provera and Clomid and although I wish her success, I'm really scared at the same time that she will get pregnant before me. I will feel like even more of a failure. :wacko:

itsautumn!!:wave:HIIIII!!! glad you made an appointment with the doctor but sucks you have to wait so long!!:dohh:

good for you for sticking with your vitamins and exercise and diet - a few months ago i was so sad all the time and even though i didn't want to, i made myself do all that too. and it's definitely not overnight, but it is so good for you in the long run. hang in there and stick with it!!:bodyb::hugs: you are hardly a failure! we can only work with the body we get, so take care of it and i hope the doctor can give you some answers or a plan to help get a baby!:thumbup:
Hey ladies... long time no see!

I took a little break from TTC talk because I was stressing out so bad. My period went out of whack again and after having the shortest period of my life it just disappeared. My sister thought it might have been an early miscarriage since I never have periods that short. I'm on CD87 and nothing! Not pregnant either... so frustrating. :cry:

These days I'm just sad. My insurance for work finally kicked in but I have to wait 2 months to even get into the doctor's office! So I'm just on the waiting game, and trying to keep up on my vitamins, diet and exercise. :shrug:

I feel like this is never going to happen for me. My sister just started on Provera and Clomid and although I wish her success, I'm really scared at the same time that she will get pregnant before me. I will feel like even more of a failure. :wacko:

Have you tried evening primrose oil to bring on your period? I had a long period once and took this for about a week to kick start it. I agree with being out of whack. I had 2 14 day cycles so felt urgh. Now holding out until Friday until at least a 3 week cycle.

I do have a brilliant distraction to TTC right now though. My son has came out in spots over his face and now he has a rash over the Easter period so took him to the doctor yesterday and they have no idea what's wrong but its infected. Getting him to take antibiotics is hard work. I'm feeling a little sad also, due date is next month and I'm still not pregnant due to the reason above, but I'm also a peace with it as I have a plan of action of what I want to do if I'm not pregnant by September.
Hey ladies... long time no see!

I took a little break from TTC talk because I was stressing out so bad. My period went out of whack again and after having the shortest period of my life it just disappeared. My sister thought it might have been an early miscarriage since I never have periods that short. I'm on CD87 and nothing! Not pregnant either... so frustrating. :cry:

These days I'm just sad. My insurance for work finally kicked in but I have to wait 2 months to even get into the doctor's office! So I'm just on the waiting game, and trying to keep up on my vitamins, diet and exercise. :shrug:

I feel like this is never going to happen for me. My sister just started on Provera and Clomid and although I wish her success, I'm really scared at the same time that she will get pregnant before me. I will feel like even more of a failure. :wacko:

itsautumn!!:wave:HIIIII!!! glad you made an appointment with the doctor but sucks you have to wait so long!!:dohh:

good for you for sticking with your vitamins and exercise and diet - a few months ago i was so sad all the time and even though i didn't want to, i made myself do all that too. and it's definitely not overnight, but it is so good for you in the long run. hang in there and stick with it!!:bodyb::hugs: you are hardly a failure! we can only work with the body we get, so take care of it and i hope the doctor can give you some answers or a plan to help get a baby!:thumbup:

Heeeey jumpingo you're pregnant! That is so great!!! I bet you are super excited. I know you worked through a lot of stuff so I"m really happy it all worked out. :hugs:

Yeah, I'm trying to focus on just bettering myself. I started taking vitex again even though it tastes nasty haha. I had a huge brain fart and I waited to make the doctor's appointment 2 weeks before my insurance went into effect... I forgot about the long wait times... turns out I should have made the appointment right when I got hired apparently! :dohh:

mummy2o, I didn't hear about evening primrose oil. I'll have to look it up. I'm willing to try anything at this point honestly! I have no idea what is going on, my period has been long but pretty regular since more than a year now! I hope your son gets better, mystery illness sucks!:wacko:
Mummy and it's autumn, sorry you are having a hard time TTC. It must be so frustrating when your body just doesn't do what you want it to. Thinking of you as you DD comes up mummy. Take some time to do something nice (or just throw yourself into work or or exercise or cleaning - whatever makes it easiest for you. I hope your son is feeling better too. Ooh, and what's your plan of action if you haven't conceived by sept?

I am due in 2 days. Absolutely nothing happening here though. Pretty certain I am going to go overdue!
Mummy and it's autumn, sorry you are having a hard time TTC. It must be so frustrating when your body just doesn't do what you want it to. Thinking of you as you DD comes up mummy. Take some time to do something nice (or just throw yourself into work or or exercise or cleaning - whatever makes it easiest for you. I hope your son is feeling better too. Ooh, and what's your plan of action if you haven't conceived by sept?

I am due in 2 days. Absolutely nothing happening here though. Pretty certain I am going to go overdue!

wow, 2 days!? come on baby!:baby::happydance:
citrusfruit you are so close! I bet you can't wait. :flower::flower:
That's so exciting! I still have 40 days to go. Work is getting kinda hard though and we still have to move house as well. Last week I felt so poorly I was afraid I was heading towards a prenatal depression, though the long easter weekend helped me recover a bit. I did decide to take things a bit more laidback and to plan enough relaxation.

I hope your boy feels better soon, mummy.

I can't belive you have to wait so long to get an appointment itsautumn. I hope the vitex can help you turn things around a bit while you're waiting.
Due date today and I feel MISERABLE!! I never really understood why people got so down about being overdue, what's another week or so after 40? But I dunno if it's hormones or what it is, but I just want to get going! If one more person tells me to 'relax and enjoy the freedom' I will scream!! (Even though it makes sense!)

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. It's the weekend and I have a few plans to keep me a bit busier. So Eline I get how you feel about PND. When it's hormonal it just feels completely uncontrollable. I hope I'm ok after the birth other than the usual baby blues. Maybe this will be my last update...pre baby...wishful thinking eh!

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