also, we have a little bit of everything in this thread - love it!
waiting for O, waiting to POAS, waiting for AF (err, NO AF, as it may be!), waiting for appointments...
mummy2o, hoping it's not AF. it's wednesday morning here, so late-ish tuesday night there already and no AF would be a good sign if you're usually that regular (am jealous about that! knowing the almost exact time AF will hit would be so helpful!!) either way keep us posted!
fruitee, i think DPO5 or 6 is when the waiting starts to gets hard!

anything planned to keep yourself busy? plans with friends or family?
citrus, i can understand wanting to be cautious, but can't wait to get some sort of "official" results, i'm sure! but symptoms are good, even if they make you feel crappy, and reassuring in that sense. i think i saw you say sept 5th somewhere? that's my test day, so hopefully good news all around!!?
mint, hang in there! could just be a slow rise O? a 34 day cycle with a short LP means you still have plenty of time to O.

obviously a longer LP is what you're hoping for, but it's still too early to be worrying about not Oing at all i think!