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Any other feb 2014 babies?

hinkybinky -- I've been meaning to comment on your comment about going back to work full-time. I totally understand that anxiety. Before we even started ttc, I couldn't comprehend how I was going to be able to balance work, plus daughter, plus a new baby, but it got to the point that I knew I wanted another child regardless of how it effected my job. Now, I am dreading telling my bosses. I know they will understand, but I feel somewhat guilty (though I'm sure I shouldn't). I see others do it, so I know it will work out, but not sure how yet!
Okay -- I know I am post-happy tonight and everyone is sick of seeing my signature, but I have one more (I promise, I will stop then). Is anyone gaining weight yet? I gained 50lbs with my daughter and am trying so hard this time to not gain so much weight and was hoping I could go through the 1st trimester without gaining any, but have already put 3-4ish lbs on (which is a lot when you are 5'4'') and my jeans and shorts are tight. :( I am exercising when I find the time too and trying to eat healthy, although keeping weight off has always been a struggle for me and now it seems carbs is the only food that curbs my nausea (which is also what makes me gain weight). UGH - am I the only one?
Okay -- I know I am post-happy tonight and everyone is sick of seeing my signature, but I have one more (I promise, I will stop then). Is anyone gaining weight yet? I gained 50lbs with my daughter and am trying so hard this time to not gain so much weight and was hoping I could go through the 1st trimester without gaining any, but have already put 3-4ish lbs on (which is a lot when you are 5'4'') and my jeans and shorts are tight. :( I am exercising when I find the time too and trying to eat healthy, although keeping weight off has always been a struggle for me and now it seems carbs is the only food that curbs my nausea (which is also what makes me gain weight). UGH - am I the only one?

My nausea is gone (yay) though replaced with a sinus headache/cough/mild sore throat (boo). Spent the weekend horizontal drinking gallons of water and gargling with warm salt water.

Yes, I'm totally gaining weight. I got married in March, and gained about 5 pounds on our Tuscan honeymoon (how could I not?!). Since I've been pregnant on/off since then I've not been able to exercise at the intensity and volume I normally do. So, since March I've gained almost 13 pounds! I'm only 5'2" so it really shows and I feel heavy. I'm 8 and a half weeks but I seriously look 5 months - LOL! My stomach is really like a little potbelly right now. I told DH if this pregnancy is successful I'm getting a tummy tuck and lipo after it. I noticed that when I do eat carbs I get more bloated, but like you they really helped during the nausea last week. Unfortunately I'm not craving fruit or veggies...but fried rice and BLTs instead.

KerryGold and Whitesoxfan41 - can't wait to hear good news on your scans!

Just wanted to thank you all for your PMA - it's contagious. I'm lucky (ok, obsessive) enough to get weekly scans but each week is stressful and full of worry. I'm trying to maintain PMA and remind myself of statistics.

On another note, have any of you had experience with MaterniT21? My doctor suggested I consider it at 10 weeks. (I was so excited when he said that because I interpreted that to mean he anticipates me to get to 10 weeks!).
YAY!! Back from my first appointment and I get to have a scan Wed morning to check dates because of my previous m/c's! I'm so excited. Otherwise it was the normal boring appt.

Good stuff! Glad you got your scan scheduled. Two short days away! It's your hubby's first? Is he able to come to the appointment with you on Wednesday?

YES, thank you. :) I'm very anxious to see a heartbeat.

Gottalaugh~cooking chicken fried rice at this moment. LOL! I HAVE to start eating better. I haven't gained with this pg yet, because I lost 6 at the beginning but I started out heavier than I have ever been.
I definitely have a bump starting. I think I will struggle to hide it for 5 more weeks!

All was good at the scan. Pip measured 11.7mm so was dated at 7+2.

I cried. Hubby said he "almost lost it"

12-week scan in 5 weeks time! Eeep!

I definitely have a bump starting. I think I will struggle to hide it for 5 more weeks!

All was good at the scan. Pip measured 11.7mm so was dated at 7+2.

I cried. Hubby said he "almost lost it"

12-week scan in 5 weeks time! Eeep!


Ah, so glad all went well. Sounds like we are due around the same time (I am 7+3 according to LMP). We have also been calling our little one Pip!

5 weeks is so far away :wacko:
Here's our Pip!

Hinky, do you have a journal? Seems we have a fair bit in common!



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Oh and here's my belly and DD last night!



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Here's our Pip!

Hinky, do you have a journal? Seems we have a fair bit in common!


Aw, more than just a pip now! :cloud9:

No, I never got around to doing a journal. I shall be stalking yours now though :haha:
Love the bump and your DD is adorable! Congrats on the scan! I'm so anxious for mine in the morning. :) I should be 9 weeks tomorrow.
Here's our Pip!

Hinky, do you have a journal? Seems we have a fair bit in common!


Congrats, so exciting!

Whitesoxfan41 - how'd it go?

My scan today went well. Strong heartbeat and even saw the baby move. Have decided to do the MaterniT21 test since it's not invasive.
Congratulations! Mine was great too! I was 9 weeks, baby measured 9+1!~ Strong heart beat as well. Huge sigh of relief!

I've actually not felt very sick for several days then last night BAM running for the bathroom. I have some random pain at the top of my stomach, almost under my ribs on the left side that started last night and was quite annoying all night long. I'm sure the puking didn't help. If it had started after that I'd say pulled muscle, that's how it feels. Anyone have an idea? LOL! I know we can't worry about every ache, but it's hard not to!
Congratulations! Mine was great too! I was 9 weeks, baby measured 9+1!~ Strong heart beat as well. Huge sigh of relief!

I've actually not felt very sick for several days then last night BAM running for the bathroom. I have some random pain at the top of my stomach, almost under my ribs on the left side that started last night and was quite annoying all night long. I'm sure the puking didn't help. If it had started after that I'd say pulled muscle, that's how it feels. Anyone have an idea? LOL! I know we can't worry about every ache, but it's hard not to!

Wonderful news!! Congrats!! :happydance:
Congratulations on the good news/scans!!!! I was bogged down at work and just caught up on every one's posts. All day nausea has subsided here and just now and again. Now away at a much needed girl's weekend. So glad everyone is doing well!
Can you say a little prayer for me and the babe please? I've had pretty severe stomach pain since Thursday night, felt like gallbladder attacks I have had in the past but a bit more to the left than the right. I broke down and went to ER this morning. White count elevated a bit but everything else looks normal. I've had 2 doses of morphine and zofran and am still in pain. They sent me home to wait and see if it gets worse or not. They said could be infection, could be ulcer. . .who knows. They sent me home with scripts for zofran, percocet and protonix. I have to weigh the risks with the pain to decide if I should take them apparently. Just want to feel better and know that the baby is still safe. We have a 4 hour drive Monday to pick up the girls in Denver. Sorry to write a book, I'm drugged up on morphine and emotional. Prayers please.

(I'm double posting if you see this on another thread sorry!)
Can you say a little prayer for me and the babe please? I've had pretty severe stomach pain since Thursday night, felt like gallbladder attacks I have had in the past but a bit more to the left than the right. I broke down and went to ER this morning. White count elevated a bit but everything else looks normal. I've had 2 doses of morphine and zofran and am still in pain. They sent me home to wait and see if it gets worse or not. They said could be infection, could be ulcer. . .who knows. They sent me home with scripts for zofran, percocet and protonix. I have to weigh the risks with the pain to decide if I should take them apparently. Just want to feel better and know that the baby is still safe. We have a 4 hour drive Monday to pick up the girls in Denver. Sorry to write a book, I'm drugged up on morphine and emotional. Prayers please.

(I'm double posting if you see this on another thread sorry!)

Fingers crossed your stomach pain isn't affecting the baby. Can you get an appointment with your OB?
Calling the OB tomorrow. They did consult with her while I was in the ER at least so she knows what is going on. I'm feeling a lot better today pain wise. Still horribly nauseated and have a wicked headache. Thank you!
Calling the OB tomorrow. They did consult with her while I was in the ER at least so she knows what is going on. I'm feeling a lot better today pain wise. Still horribly nauseated and have a wicked headache. Thank you!

Glas she is aware of what's going on and that you are in less pain. Maybe just show up at her office tomorrow so she can scan and make sure all is good with the baby...:winkwink:
Whitesoxfan41 that sounds awful, I really Hope the pain goes soon. It's good that you are still Nauseated x

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