Any other October mummies?

xprincess I'm the same 40+2 and losing mucous plug but no bloody show! Had my second round of acupuncture today. Hoping it does something. Going up for a bath and relax as per her and then a walk tonight. Too late in the day for an October 3rd birthday. So maybe October 4th? lol
xprincess I'm the same 40+2 and losing mucous plug but no bloody show! Had my second round of acupuncture today. Hoping it does something. Going up for a bath and relax as per her and then a walk tonight. Too late in the day for an October 3rd birthday. So maybe October 4th? lol

Yep I have lost a lot of mucous plug today also but no blood! I am about to have a nice hot bath and then relax in bed for the night. Hopefully something happens overnight. October 4th sounds like a good day for a birthday :winkwink:
Ugh so it's apparently amateur hour/day at the hospital I'm having my section at:dohh::growlmad: A midwife called me at 1 PM to tell me I didn't come for my c-section that was scheduled for today and to call her back ASAP - from a secret number and without giving me another number to reach her at:dohh: So called the Gestational Clinic where the orientation meeting was at and told them that there's obviously been a mistake because I'm set for tomorrow. I admitted that DH had expressed some interest in doing it today but that we decided when we got home that it was better for us to keep the original appointment and so we never called back to confirm as the midwife told us to do if we decided we definitely wanted the new date. I admit I was a little harsh because I was just so annoyed! The secretary I talked to said she'd look into it and I called DH in the meantime. He was just as pissed as me:growlmad: Waited for almost 1½ hours but never heard back so got DH to take over because it was causing me stress and upsetting me and I felt I didn't need that the day before an operation. He just called back and we're back on for the c-section tomorrow and have to meet up at 11 AM although they now don't know when exactly what time my c-section will be.

Geez why does this kind of stuff have to happen:nope:
one can hope xprincess lol. I did a 1.5km walk this morning. More mucous but nothing to indicate labor. I'm not too hopeful at this point. I'd like her to come in the next few days and if not then not until next Monday. Thanksgiving is this weekend and we're having it on Sunday so don't want to miss that lol. I do have more acupuncture tomorrow as well. Once I finish this phone call - which is a min. of a half hour hold lol - I'll go for another walk.
@Kat: I hope things go well for you tomorrow! I would be frustrated with the scheduling issues, as well!

@ajarvis: KMFX for you! I hope she comes by herself! Have you tried to increase oxytocin to stimulate contractions? Some of those ways are super fun!
Just had my final midwife appointment. Head is not engaged and is on the brim so couldn't perform a sweep but tbh I suffer from anxiety and was alone so I would have preferred not to have one anyway.

Been booked for induction next Wednesday at 41+4 if it doesn't happen naturally before then. I feel quite ok with it tbh, I have only ever been induced so at least it's common territory for me and although I am sad I may never get to experience natural labour I would probably freak out if I did and was alone at home at the time anyway :rofl:

At least the end is in sight now :)
I'm in a lot of pain today. I feel incredibly sore down there. I started to get some contractions but we'll see if they stick around. My cold has gotten worse and it's so hard to breathe. It couldn't have come at a worse time, but that's how life is.

My mom is creating a ton of drama bc we chose to have my mil watch my dd instead of her. First off, my mil offered first and got days off from work a long time ago. My mother has never been reliable, has screwed us over multiple times, and didn't offer until after my mil. I told her I'm done speaking to her until I go into labor. Idk why someone has to be so petty and think it's ok. Sorry for venting.

Kat- good luck tomorrow!

Ajarvis- fxd she comes really soon! Going over due is awful!!!
Smille - those sound like great signs! I hope your contractions become more regular!
And my dad flipped out after I had my son, really unexpected. We are almost strangers, we speak once a month or so on the phone, but really not a part of each other's lives and I wasn't calling him back fast enough, so he called my brother (who he hasn't called since 2014) and claimed I was refusing to give him information about my son, so he asked my brother, who said if I was refusing something he wasn't giving it to him (only I'd not refused anything, just asked for some time to get settled and would call him back after that). So I am not speaking to him at all, because I really don't need drama in my life right now. I hope your mom gets over herself soon and doesn't continue to be a pest!
Good luck kat with your section :)
Can't wait to see pics of the Prince/Princess xx
Thanks guys, I'll update as soon as I can although pics will probably have to wait until I get sent home on Friday since I can't upload pics from my phone on here for some reason. Feeling super thirsty even though I tried drinking a lot before midnight but have already had my allowed 2½ dl of water allowed after that so will have to deal. DH is eating breakfast so staying away so I don't go too nuts over not being able to eat:haha:

Oh and DH's big brother called when he heard I was going to have a c-section from my MIL. He was very interested and said he could come visit on Thursday. My DH's little brother we didn't hear from so tried texting his girlfriend yesterday. They apparently know from my MIL as well but never bothered to contact us. All the girlfriend wrote other than that was "We're looking forward to meeting the new family member" but nothing about hoping the operation goes well or anything like that.

Smille and Clandestine I'm so sorry you're having issues with difficult parents. I myself know a bit about it having a toxic mother! My best advice is to set boundaries and if they can't handle it, that's not your problem. If they often create drama, then it may be best to limit how much contact they have with your kids, especially if they fall into the category of toxic parent. I plan on my child having as little contact with my mother as possible and my toxic siblings will be permanently out of my life once I've had time to recuperate after my section and can better deal with any drama that may occur when I unfriend them on Facebook and block them from being able to contact me.
Unfortunately the contractions stopped. I am fed up with my body and it's lack of willingness to have this baby. I have been such an emotional wreck the last few days. I keep having these crying fits and don't know why. I'm driving my dh insane.

My mom tried texting last night after telling her I want to be left alone and if something happened I'd let her know. I ignored her text. I feel bad, but I can no longer deal with it. I'm done with the stress she causes and her petty fights. I don't have time for it.
Well, I certainly wasn't expecting what happened to me yesterday.

Around 10.15pm I was sat down (had already been sat down for a while) and the room span and I felt really dizzy out of nowhere. I laid down but the feeling wouldn't go away, I got up and was very sick in the bathroom and then 10 minutes after that I had very loose stools which was almost diahhroea (TMI sorry). Came over feeling very flu like and was hot/cold/shaky and generally feeling completely out of it.

Called labour ward because I was worried and they asked me to come down and be monitored. Blood pressure was a little on the higher side (for me - not high in general though) but everything else checked out fine. Was hooked up to CTG machine and heartbeat was perfect but it was picking up 4-5 painless contractions in 10 minutes.

Was asked if I could feel the tightenings and if they were painful, I said they were beginning to get uncomfortable but weren't painful. They said I could go and went to do paperwork then the midwife came back and said the doctor wouldn't let me go without a vaginal examination because of the number of tightenings I have had before and the fact it's my third baby so they wanted to rule out labour. She checked and I am 3cm dilated, soft, mid-anterior and she thinks in early stages of labour. Was sent home with strict instructions to call back as soon as they get painful due to the births I have had before.

Since then the contractions have gone but I still feel very crappy with backache on/off and tons of mucus plug discharge, wondering if the tightenings will start back again tonight. The midwife was almost certain I wouldn't need my induction appointment for next wednesday and if for some reason I did need it they would just break my waters and I wouldn't be given the pessary.

Scared now!
Good luck Kat! Hope it all goes well.

Smillie and Princess- Sorry it hasn't happened yet. Going over due is such a drag but it sounds like you guys are close!

Afm - Had my last scan today and ofcourse twin a has moved to breech position so they won't deliver vaginally. C section is booked for next Friday. I'm disappointed but more scared of the thought of a c section. Babies are good though anf estimated around 5 and a half pounds which is great.
Lolli- I am so sorry you have to get the c-section. I can understand your frustration and worry. Fxd everything works out ok and I am so glad your babies are healthy.

I have come to terms with being induced tomorrow. Of course I would love to go naturally, but this allows us to have a plan in place for my mil to watch my dd rather than her rushing here and for my dh to schedule time off work which is very demanding. I will ask my dr to allow my body time to start contractions on their own b4 allowing pitocin bc I still want a drug-free labor. She seems like a reasonable woman and hope she will be accommodating within reason. I'm just excited to see our little girl.
Lolli I hope twin A flips back!

Princess: Good luck, I hope things keep progressing for you!

@Smille: I had only nitrous oxide and no other pain meds for my delivery and was talked into pitocin because the midwife initially missed the position of my baby, which is what was slowing my labor. It was completely manageable until the nurse increased it too much too fast and my body couldn't compensate for the increase in pain (in part because baby was stuck in my pelvis). The pitocin is why I needed the gas, but you can have both, but I would -if you have a choice- ask for a slow drip and the ability to make them stop it if it becomes too much. Ironically, as soon as they stopped it and it got out of my system, my baby got out of the stuck position and was out rather quickly.

Any updates from Kat?
Maddison lea born at 7:54 this morning thr 6th october. Weighing in at 2.32kg and 51cm i'm so in love
Hey. So had an appointment to go through what will happen at my c section during which I got told It has been moved forward to this Monday coming!! Was a bit of a shock as I thought I had over a week to prepare. Gosh I'm so nervous. C section is all new to me.
Good luck to all the ladies delivering soon and congrats to the new babies!

Thomas and I are doing great, he is 90 grams above his birth weight in 10 days since birth and up 300 grams since last Friday.
We are now finally getting more breastfeeding in and less pumped milk from the bottle (because he was a preemie, breastfeeding directly was and sometimes still is too tiring). I pump about 4-5 oz per session, 6 times a day (more after a 6 hour wait during the night), so have established a nice supply I think.

Lots of love to you ladies!

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