Any other Valentine's Day testers? Update; 4 BFP's!!!!!!!!

Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join in, even though I think I'm only 10 dpo, right now.
To be honest, I'm not even sure if I O'd. I've only been temping for one month, and I have irregular cycles.

Long story short: I had one AF in an 18 months time frame. Found out I had hypothyroidism, was put on meds, had an AF 50 days later, and another 51 after that. But now I'm on CD 78. I think another newer medication was interfering, and I stopped it one week before FF gave me crosshairs.

Anyway, if FF is correct (and my temps do look like I O'd) I'm 10 dpo. I'm trying really hard to wait until the 24th to test, which is when FF is recommending. I did an IC on 8dpo, because I had an ob/gyn appointment and knew his first question would be, "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" and that was a bfn.

If my leutal phase is 14 days AF would show on Sunday/Monday. I'm just so early in the TTC and charting world that I want to try to keep away from being a poas addict for as long as I can. I have terrible willpower. Maybe holding off on testing is a bit against the point of this thread, but I have loved reading everyone's experiences, so I thought I'd chime in.
Welcome smurphy!
So I'm silly and overthink things. I haven't been temping because it's too stressful but yesterday evening I took out my thermometer again just for fun because I hadn't been sleeping or anything so I know it's not really relevant. I was excited though when I found my temp was 37.05 when it normally never goes above 36.8, even in the evening. So this morning I decided to take my temp after sleeping and it was only 36.67 which is not extremely high like I would want it to be. It's also not super low, but it's just in the normal post ovulation range. I know I haven't been temping reliably, and it could have been caused by many things like the fact that I was sleeping in my underwear but now I'm sad and think maybe this will be a chemical. I'm going to go buy some more frers today and a bunch of dollar store cheapies so tomorrow hopefully I'll get a more clear line.
Looks like a lot of us are in HPT limbo! I'm praying for all the ladies in this thread. I've never been in a more supportive thread than this one and I thank everyone for their kind words. even though I'm pretty sure February is not my month I hope we keep this thread alive!
I agree with chocolate chip! This is such a supportive group! You all gave me such hope with my tests and I feel excited to check in on all of you every day.
Miss yogi - I don't want to hear any of that nonsense missy! You keep your head on straight that this is going to be a healthy little nugget that'll stick around!!!! Plus - I know there's a ton of fuss around temping and how great it is - but seriously, what if you kick your covers off an hour before you take your temp? What if you move a ton in your sleep? Wouldn't that mean your body is a different temp then it would be usually?! Idk - it always stressed me out to even try. YOU STAY POSITIVE!!! Your tests look awesome!!!! :flower:

Chocolate chip - agree!!! Lovely group!!! I hope we can all stick around maybe into March and then we could all be the crazy shamrock testers?! Or wait I'm probably the only crazy tester....but we could be for sure the LUCKY shamrock testers?!!?

Xkirstyx - Im SO JEALOUS that you have self control to wait to test! I wish I did!! Sometimes I truly wonder why we do this to ourselves?! My mom is always saying wow we just waited until we missed our period and then took the test!!!!! Geez that must have been nice, in a way?? But ANYWAY I've got my fingers crossed for you!!! It can happen at any time - and sometimes the BFPs come out of nowhere!!!!

Bloblo - Aww no!!! so sorry to hear that you feel that way! Sadly though I'm right there with ya.... We are silly to give up hope to AF shows full force but I know what you mean when you just have the feeling :hugs: that being said I swear swear swear there's a shadow on the green handle test??? Could you just be late implanting?? That could easily happen especially if your cycle was off??

Smurphy - WELCOME!! You're not at all too late! Your cycles sound like they were all over the place but that maybe they've come back around?? If you're not due til Sunday or Monday you have tons of time!!!! Get a bunch of cheap tests and post them all :) :) there are some ladies on here that are experts at doing inverts!!!

Ladies - Alas I think I'm out. The symptoms have gone except for the gross cm and sleepiness - 9dpo. But just feeling and thinking I'm going to call it for this month :shrug: just don't feel it all. Pretty sure I had implantation bleeding three days ago - so one would think the tests would be dark by now
Just did IC and FRER - not a single line. Not even a squinter! Not even anything to photograph from ANY angle! :haha:

I know it's only 9dpo but my instincts (and body) are telling me im not pregnant. The lines would be so dark by now! If anything changes I'll update you sweet ladies!

Can't wait to read about how it's going for you guys, tomorrow!!!! :hugs:
Smurphy - welcome! We will try not to be a bad influence on your testing habits! :p
Do you think your long cycles are only due to thyroid and some meds? Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I went crazy since my last 2 cycles went on gorever (30-31 days) so I have great respect for you!
Since I see you are in germany... which tests do you use? I ordered online from Poland, the opk's i got 2months ago was complete crap, but i have found some decent hpt's at last. My local pharmacy seems to stock only 25miu tests.

Choc chip - YES!! We need to keep this group going, it really helps to have this support.

Missyogi - i wouldn't put too much trust in one temp - my highest this whole cycle was 36.62, keep in mind that indoor heating can really screw with your emps too. Temping is more about the pattern than about 1 temp. That being said- im excited to see your next tests :)

Bella - you are still testing too early!! Dont realistically expect bfp before 12dpo, and you are only allowed to feel out after that, although I read yesterday that the average time for a squinter to show is 13.6 dpo so dont give up! Just the fact that your tests showed sth is already great!!

Afm: my temp started dropping today so that confirms that im out for this cycle. I am now just thinking about what I can try different for the next one? What are you guys doing to increase your chances?
Hey ladies

I agree this is a really supportive thread and I'll definitely be here with you ladies!

I know a lot of you are feeling out but it's not over til the witch shows!! I've heard of some people not getting a BFP til 16-17dpo due to late implanting so don't give up hope!

I hope the limbo your all in clears up soon though and I'm looking forward to seeing some BFPs in the next few days!!

Smurphy welcome Hun, wow those are long cycles! We all had the idea to hold out testing on this thread but I know personally I completely lacked willpower so good on ya! I can't wait to see a BFP from you soon
Bella I have no self control I really don't. But I only have one frer and no where sells them here so I can't just run to a shop and grab more. I have always tested from 8dpo every day with the others but I'm so scared of seeing those faint line I got last month!

I'm a bit down today. Today is exactly a month ago I lost the baby and I was really hoping I would get a positive on that test yesterday. Still having strong symptoms but was told that's also common after a loss before af shows! Sundays needs to hurry up so u can test again or I just want af to come so I can try move on!
Bella – I did end up using one of my ICs this morning, since I’m at 11 dpo and 10 dpo seems to be when early tests will begin to work. I got a blaring, stark white.
Don’t rule yourself out at only 9 dpo! You're still so early! I know the gut feeling saying you’re just not pregnant, but let’s chuck that up to pessimism. You’re not out until the witch shows up!

Bloblo –It’s hard to say what exactly is causing the bad cycles, but it seems that the thyroid was definitely a contributing factor. In a 16 month time-frame, I only had one AF. 5 months later, I started the thyroid med, and about 50 days after that, AF came. 50 days later, another came. So it seemed to be balancing out. I did start a new medication for insomnia at the very end of my last cycle. Now this cycle has been 79 days, so far. I dropped the insomnia medication and 7 days later, FF says I ovulated. So I’m hoping that was adding to an already difficult problem and that dropping it fixed that. I did just go to the OB/gyn on Monday to have blood work done to check other hormone levels. He also said that my thyroid level is still not good for conceiving, so it may just be only the thyroid that needs finer tuning.
The ICs that I use are just from Amazon. (Seems to be by SD-One Step?) They’re 10 mIU/ml. I obviously can’t state how good they are, since I’ve never been pregnant to compare. I’m trying to hold off on buying any FRERs until days after my FF-projected AF.
I didn't see that you were also from Germany! I'm actually American, but I moved to Berlin in July '15. :D

Honestly, if AF shows, I’d still be quite happy (I know, weird for a TTC/TWW forum.) But with such long cycles I never even know if I ovulate, let alone when. OPKs don't work well for me, so we only BD'd once, 2 days before my alleged O. FF has me pegged at 11 dpo, today. I’m just praying it’s not wrong. My temps still look great for O. BFP would be the best, but I’d settle for AF right now. I'm mostly getting worried that FF is wrong, and that I didn't O at all (though my temps really look like I did.) I don't have the biggest symptom that I had in my last two cycles though: really sore breasts starting 4-10dpo. That and how long this cycle has been has me freaked that FF is wrong.
At least it’s a step in the right direction. And in the meantime, I can at least know that I find out on Wednesday if I have any other hormonal problems that need to be addressed.

Sorry for the book! Throwing sticky bean thoughts your way, ladies!
Bella I have no self control I really don't. But I only have one frer and no where sells them here so I can't just run to a shop and grab more. I have always tested from 8dpo every day with the others but I'm so scared of seeing those faint line I got last month!

I'm a bit down today. Today is exactly a month ago I lost the baby and I was really hoping I would get a positive on that test yesterday. Still having strong symptoms but was told that's also common after a loss before af shows! Sundays needs to hurry up so u can test again or I just want af to come so I can try move on!

I'm so sorry for your loss last month. I know how horrible it is :hugs:
Smurphy - welcome!

Bella - it's still early! I'm not believing you're out yet!

Missyogi - I agree with the others, I temp every day too but there are so many factors. I was just at my gyno for my annual check up and I was asking her about temping and she said it's really variable and vaginal temping is better. I said I'm ok with the variances and I will stick to mouth temping ;)

Kirsty - sorry for your loss last month :(

I took a test this morning again because I obviously have no self control. My eyes tricked me into thinking I saw a SLIGHT shadow of a line but then I took pictures and inverted and nothing. Nothing at all. Of course I'll test again tomorrow :) which will be 12 DPO.
Symptoms today... A lot more nausea. Loads of pulling and tugging feelings left and right side all the time. Cm dried up the last two days but it's back! Lots of mild cramping. I really need to stop symptom spotting!!! It's driving me mad!
I took a test this morning again because I obviously have no self control. My eyes tricked me into thinking I saw a SLIGHT shadow of a line but then I took pictures and inverted and nothing. Nothing at all. Of course I'll test again tomorrow :) which will be 12 DPO.

Don't think I see anything but still time! I love line spotting apart from my own tests haha sat looking at mine for ages yesterday!
Yeah, it looks neg to me too, but it's still early. Also, we're dpo buddies! I'm 11 dpo too. haha I have no will power either and tested this morning too. BFN
Xkirsty - so sorry for your loss :hugs: here's hoping this is your month!

Where'sthebun - keep testing!!!

Everybody with no self control - LOVE IT!!! Glad to know I'm not the only POAS addict here! Keep posting pics!!!! It's fun to see the updates!

Thank you everyone for your sweet supportive words!!! This is a great group!!! I'm on the run now so can't post long - will respond to everyone individually as soon as I can! I'm so excited to see how everyone is doing and holding up in the TWW!!!

I did a FRER just now - which I never test in AM because I've never gotten strong lines....but my addiction to pee on something was nagging at me :haha: DH swears he sees a squinter....I think he's lost it!


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