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Any other Valentine's Day testers? Update; 4 BFP's!!!!!!!!

Oh no any chance it could just be implantation?
I guess it's only spotting so far. But last cycle I convinced myself it was implantation and then AF came so I'm not getting my hopes up!
Cupcake- i agree that the test with the smudge is probably faulty...

Smurphy- yes finding English doctors can be a challenge, luckily dh also speaks German- we moved here for his work, i was lucky that I just got internal transfer to Dresden at my same company, but most days i work from home.

Anyways... I will test again in the morning if af is not here. My spotting was only one little pink spot yesterday and nothing since then. So maybe it was not af knocking?
Kirsty, I haven't used a frer today, I don't want to unless af doesn't arrive because I'm a tightwad lol

Where'sTheBun I was about to suggest IB too, let's hope so!

Bloblo, I think it's probably faulty. Rubbish luck having two different tests, different brands doing the same thing though. I hope af stays away for you :)
Implantation I with my first I was spotting for 3days had none with my other two and one spot of blood with my loss last month. I wouldn't loose hope till you're full on bleeding x
Xkirstyx - you're not out until AF!! I think you've really got a possibility to be pregnant!!!! Keep testing!!!!!

Smurphy - THATS SO CUTE! Little pumpkin! Awww!!! I was excited about possible Halloween baby too, but wasn't as creative as you to think of such a sweet way to put it!!!

Miss yogi - girl I told you soooo!!!!! :happydance: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful exciting and awesome morning for you!!!!!!!! Ahh!! That line looks damned good for a dollar store test too!!! :headspin:!!!!

Happycupcake - hmm IMO smudgey pink means something, or else wouldn't it be nothing at all?!!?! Keep testing!!

Bloblo - don't you HATE the damned limbo?!!!??? Plus the weird dread and secret hopefulness of testing that NO ONE TRULY UNDERSTANDS unless they're A POAS addict or on this website?? I think you just do whatever you feel like doing tomorrow!!! I would test but then again I'm crazy with it :wacko:

Wheresthebun - I spotted sooooo much with DD I used a tampon - before I was even really sure. "A little spot" my butt!! It was basically a full on light period for me! So don't give up hope!!

Okay so just to contribute and encourage some crazy testing antics - when I found out I was pregnant with DD, I literally peed on dollar store tests ALL DAY! Like one an hour (I didn't have a job at that time :haha: soooo I could do that and be crazy all by myself all day long) buttttt they were literally ALL NEGATIVE and then at night I got a shadow. The next morning I did the same thing (it's okay for me to be honest....I think you all know by now I have no shame that I use up a cheapie every hour :dohh: and around 6pm I figure I'd try again and poof!!! the line came back! I do think it has a lot to do with hydration and how concentrated the urine is - especially in the early stages!!!!

I also am a big advocate of at night testing!!! Always have gotten stronger lines then!

Thanks to everyone who looked at my test! It's gotten a bit darker over the day - as tests do, and it's def pink. But who knows for sure! Will do it again tonight and post if worthwhile!!!
Can't wait to see your next test Bella! And lol at testing every hour!!! You defo are a poas addict!
Wheresthebun – I’m keeping my FXd for you that it’s IB! Don’t give up till the fat lady sings. But I totally understand trying not to get your hopes up.

Bella – Thank you! Haha I have a mild addiction to looking at Pinterest for baby announcements. I’d seen a lot for July babies that said, “Our little firecracker is due __!” So I stole that. Halloween is my favorite holiday (or it was when I lived in the states) so that would actually tickle me to no end.
I was actually considering testing again this evening when I had to pee like a race horse, but I decided not to. Now I’m sort of wishing I had. Oh well… I have a ton of ICs so I think I’m just going to keep testing, and probably try testing at least a couple of nights if I see nothing with FMU. Hopefully I'll get something worth posting!
Bella, I will most probably keep poas until af shows. I hope your lines are darker with the next test you do :D
Smurphy - that's so sweet though!!!! I was thinking of what newborn Halloween costumes would work :haha: my friend had a baby the week before Halloween and she made him a cinnamon bun - "out of the oven"!! It was the cutest thing is ever seen besides my two chihuahuas dressed up as a burger and hotdog :thumbup:!!! Regarding you testing when you really have to pee - this is just my opinion - it never shows up, for me at least. With DD I was drinking so much water, by the time I really had to go it was basically clear and not good for any sort of "hold". However if I tested a couple hours later it was fine!!! Good luck!!!
Keep testing Happycupcake!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for ya!
Hope everybody is doing well!!!!

Update: Making myself crazy!!! Haha I've peed on EIGHT sticks today :wacko: and I don't see anyyyyything. Nothing. Nada. There should be SOMETHING as tomorrow is 11dpo. Will give it a whirl tomorrow morning and that'll be the last until I miss my period. Pretty sure AF Is right around the corner! I've never been so bloated in my entire life and I have zero pregnancy symptoms! Anything I did have has gone away - and have that heavy crampy feeling like when you're about to start

It's okay if I'm not pregnant - this was a surprise TWW after all!! But damn after alllllllll the money on tests and craziness and pee drinking (ACCIDENTAL I'd like to remind everyone :haha:) it'd be nice to see a big ole line!!! Plus DD has been begging for a sibling, and I've warmed to the idea!

Have a doc appt next week either way.

Can't wait to see all the tests tomorrow!!!!!! Good luck everyone!
Morning ladies - good luck to those testingtoday and please post pics :)

Im out unfortunately-the witch came in all her glory. At least Im back to 26day cycles which used to be my norm. And by temping i confirmed that i have a healthy 14day luteal phase. Now the planning starts for cycle 8 ttc!
I see no point to focus on the sadness of af (i got that out of my system yesterday) - i am feeling positive about the next one!
Hey ladies loads has been going on!

I have been reading but not been able to respond as I was so busy yesterday!

Bella I do love your posts you make me giggle

Bloblo aw I'm so sorry AF showed Hun that sucks but I'm glad there's a silver lining of a settled cycle and a 14 day luteal phase. Do you think you'll do anything different next cycle?

Kirsty any more tests Hun? It's still early don't forget.

Missyogi woohoo congratulations Hun!! So exciting!!

Wheresthebun how's the spotting? Really hoping it's IB for you.

Happycupcake I'm sure the smudge must mean something as it has colour and surely without colour there would be no HCG, if that makes sense!!

Smurphy I love the idea of a Halloween baby too! My EDD is 26th oct and my babies have always been late. I want to make an awesome Halloween costume incorporating the bump hehe!!

AFM the ICs are finally showing a decent line now that I have officially missed AF. Feeling sooo tired now and wish I could just sleep all day! I have two toddlers who disagree though!
Bailey no tests from me. Really trying to hold off till end of weekend.
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been in, I'm still struggling and don't know what's going on! I've now had three positive tests, and a load of negatives in between (including this morning!). Went to the doctors and he said I was pregnant and to book in with midwife, but didn't offer bloods or anything, despite me feeling him at that point if only had two positives (both faint) and then loads of negatives. I asked if it could be chemical pregnancy, and he said 'what's that'!!
I'm sorry I haven't read back through everything as I'm at work at the moment but came on to ask some advice and didn't want to ignore you all! I hope there are lots of goo news.
I'm sorry I'm being so moaning and selfish, but it's just something we've waited for for so long; I don't know whether to be happy or sad, I feel like I'm in limbo and I'm just not coping with it!!
Omg red head no wonder you feel like you're in limbo. That's such a confusing one. What dpo are you? The only thing you can really do is wait a few more days and test again. Sorry you're going through this! Xxx
Bailey, this is what I thought too, if there was any kind of pink on that side of the control line after the dye had settled surely that means something?!? But, alas, I don't think it does in all cases as my temps are dropping. It was the same last cycle too, my first drop 11dpo, had hoped it would go up the following day but it continued to drop until af arrived at 14dpo. Same is happening this cycle I think since I had a dip yesterday and another today so am fully expecting af to show Sunday.

Redhead - I can't believe your doctor! It's a miracle some of them get their degree I think. I have had some useless GPs too and have myself been able to diagnose things where they haven't, which shouldn't be the case!
Is there another doctor there you can see instead? Which tests were positive? What dpo are you and when were the positive tests? Are you using the same brand each time or different brands? The amount of dye in each test can vary even if you had a double pack, the amount you have drunk beforehand can change things, some tests are faulty, if you are using ICs I have read lots of women getting false negatives on those, even after af due date when other tests have been positive. There are lots of reasons you may be getting some negatives, especially if you are using different brands or types of tests, but usually you won't see a false positive. This is much less likely!
If you are certain they were positive, try with another test the same. What time of day did you get the positives? Because even just reading this thread alone shows how varied results can be depending on the time of day you test. I think I would try to see a different doctor if you can, if you can't then I would go back to see the same doctor but perhaps tell him that you want a quantitative blood test because you can't seem to get a definitive result from urine tests and you need to know what's happening x x
Redhead- my heart goes out to you, what terrible limbo!
If possible at all you need to find a new doctor. It is the doctors job to order the blood tests, but its also his/her job to keep you calm and informed and to be on your side. If he is not doing his job properly you have to fight for it. You have the right to know what is happening in your own body. Sounds like your dr might be a dud.
I am sending you so much luck and fingers crossed that you get your answers soon. Baby dust for a super sticky one!!
Bailey - yes I will try opk's again: the cheap ones didn't work for me so will see if I can find any that does. I will also get my thyroid checked. My first cycle of temping provided really clear view of my cycle so i will continue with it too.
If the next cycle is not effective i will go back to my OB for some advice (she is really brilliant and helped me alot a few month back by testing every thing and explaining how all the hormones work etc...)
She even did some dna tests to check that i dont have breast cancer gene, just in case i need to go on fertility meds at some point - and this was all done during my first month ttc!!)
Thats why i get so mad to hear that some doctors have no knowledge or dont care about ttc.

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