Anybody else due in October?

Hes not really immature. Hes a great provider and does great with school hes just always had that "i dont care" attitude. I can guarentee he will be the same 50 years from now.
Thanks for the compliments! My husband says she's going to be just like me. We got tons of pics too!

My husband is fairly immature too but that's an extremely long story! I love him dearly but his mother ruined him when it comes to helping out with chores. He also has no concept of money...he always says, "well, if we run short we'll just ask mom and dad." I'm like NO we won't! I came from a family with 10 kids total (12 soon if my mom marries this guy) which includes a half brother then us 5 then 4 step siblings...if we want something, we don't ask! We just work harder or do something to earn more money to get it. When we get in a bind, we cut something else out. But my husband has no qualms about asking his parents for money. Don't get me wrong, I love the help and I'm very happy that they are capable but I don't think that should be our backup plan...
Parents being their for their children in a bind is great, but it shouldn't be relied upon, it should only be a last case resort if all else fails. And you are right, what happens, god forbid, when they are gone? Who fulfills he reliance on them?
My DH's mother also soured DH on doing any housework as well, along with his culture. His family is Portuguese and lovely ppl but the women do everything while their men drink beer, and work on the outside of the house or construction stuff only. Funny think is I cut the lawn, trim the trees and hedges, garden, and do minor home repairs inside too. DH does the big stuff but only after loads of begging and nagging. I stopped doing his laundry unless I need a few more clothes to fill a load. He hasn't complained asked me how (i know right, funny) and does his once two weeks of em pile up. Ah well, his mom cleaned up after him and always cooked for him without teaching him to at all. It's no wonder.
Wow.. Taking care of your kids is one thing but doing everything for them when they are definitely old enough and capable of doing it themselves is kind of ridiculous. I agree the help is nice but definitely shouldn't be relied upon.

Well I do have some good news :) My hubby passed his tests yesterday, The big one he took is one of those like 4 in one type tests, difference subjects and what not. You need a minimum of 75% to even be considered for the RN program, he got a 95%! The adviser he had to take the results to was pretty surprised, he said many times people come in with a 74.5 or something around there thinking they will let them slide by with that since its almost a 75 :dohh: but my hubby pretty much blew that test out of the park :) He did well with the other test too, was just a math test not sure what he got on that but probably aced it, he said it was easier than the other test was.

They also took a look at all his transcripts and test scores and had some kind of point system they go by for qualifying for the program. With that you need to score 30 points (which is apparently hard to even get that according to the adviser guy) My hubby got 50 points :)

So its a pretty good shot he's going to get into the program in January! The only thing he has left is a formal interview. The person that actually runs the program will be doing that however she is currently on vacation so it will probably be another 2 weeks or so until he gets a call from her as to when that will be, after that we will know for sure if he gets in or not. Its definitely looking like he will though, still keeping our fingers crossed until we know for sure!
Thanks! waiting till January is a lot better than waiting a minimum of 3 years before he can even start the program. This will mean we can buy a house and be on the road to better finances in only 2 years rather than 5-ish, Definitely will have to do something special for him when he finishes the program, he's put a lot of time and work into it :)

on another note its actually really nice out today, only supposed to be a high of 93 with 60% chance of rain (and 53% humidity but oh well). Apparently its pouring in the county next to ours but I haven't so much as seen a single drop of rain here yet.. this always happens to me though it rains everywhere BUT where I am (until I go to sleep) =/ like last year it rained tons around this area, now its the area we just moved from thats getting all the rain. So not fair! lol I really want to go out and enjoy the nice day though but I don't really feel like going too far. Theres a farm about a half hour away thats doing an event with hay rides and free ice cream and a petting zoo. I really want to go but my hubby isn't awake and its only going on until 12 (its 9 already) I kind of want to go to the park with my son but its probably way crowded right now and I hate that older kids don't know how to be careful around the little kids. Don't know of any smaller parks in our immediate area though. Maybe we will take him to the little playground by my parents house. We watched the fireworks last night (the city my parents live in have them a day early) we were way too close to them, right up by the fence. We kind of had to lay down to see some of them. I mean we were actually getting pelted with firework debris and sulfur powder lol (though the wind wasn't helping either) I came home and took a shower before going to bed! My son was loving them, though he did get spooked a bit at some of the really loud ones. He kept pointing at them and saying pretty lol.

We'll be watching them tonight too but I don't think we will be getting so close. We are just planning on parking outside one of the events a little ways down the road, that way we can see them and stick close to the car and race out of there before the traffic gets too bad! lol
Your lucky. It's currently 45 C here (113 F) and we are dying. This humidy sucks. Supposed to be like this all week. My son doesn't do well in this sticky heat, neither do I, especially pregnant. Maybe later in the week well venture over to park a few blocks away, it has a splash pad :)
Thats about what it has been here all week. Today has been a god send weather wise lol
I do pretty much everything for my husband except make his lunch, I think he likes making his own lunch because whenever I do it he takes over. Laundry, dishes, clean-up...that's my job, but he works and brings in all the money, I think I owe it to him to at least do the house work and look after him. He's a pretty good guy and rarely every plays his x-box, he's more into his guitar and music and landscaping. He plays jazz and blues which I'm thankful for over rock music.

Congratulations SJDsmommy, or at least to your husband!
Hey ladies,
I have my first OB appt in about an hour. I'm excited, hope the OB I have this time is super nice and knowledgable. I really don't want another c-section if possible. Hopefully we can keep a close watch, ensure baby is small enough and go for VBAC.
Good luck! I am terrified of the possibility of a c section!
if baby is too big i kinda want a c husband and his siblings were all 9+lbs...
My mother had my brother who was 9+lbs and lost tons of blood and had a blood transfusion...big babies scare me lol
Yeah, I doubt she will be big but if she happens to be as big as her brother (9lbs) we know my body won't deliver that so plans may change. My doc is so nice :) I really like her and her positive attitude. She is fine with going for a natural birth this time, and they just want me to go into labor naturally (as chances are better that way) and they will monitor from early on as last time my contractions were so strong baby's heartrate was dropping in distress, if she sees signs of that it could signal an incision tear so it'd be an emerg c section then. Overall outlook is good, I've gained 7 lbs in my first two trimesters total, so we are on a good track this far. Next week I do my GD sugar test. Not looking forward to it. What will I do with my son for that time? He will not sit still!
Bring snacks and toys. Maybe a stroller and go take a walk around while you wait. Mine is on the 16th.
Don't be too afraid of big babies in general...I was 12 pounds 14.5 ounces and my mom said I was actually her easiest of all 6 of us to deliver. I know for a VBAC you can't have one that big. I have my GD test on the 18th...they said she's already 2 lbs 7 oz so they said she's a little on the big size but still healthy! They said if she continues to follow the same growth curve she will probably be bigger than my son so long as I go full term as well. My son was 8 lbs 5.5 oz but I didn't think my delivery was really all that bad but I had an epidural with him (actually 3 epidurals) and I had a 4th degree tear but all in all, my labor and delivery didn't seem too awful bad. I'd be 100% ok with having another big baby!
Oh, and luckily I have an iPad and an iPod so I don't have too much of a hard time entertaining my son.
Can't go walk around with him. You aren't allowed to leave or even move around much as it'll burn it off and mess with the results. I have to try to get someone to watch him, that's all there is to it. I'm sure I can figure something out.
I called up my dr to ask if im supposed to eat first and they said not to eat if I can help it but if not to eat something with protein and stay away from carbs im gonna be so hungry afterward. Hopefully your son will cooperate for you.
Cleaning sucks lol been cleaning up slowly all morning, waiting for the boy to take a nap so I can pick up his toys and vacuum. Then my mom is taking me to olive garden for dinner :)
So i work at a grocery store as a cashier...on my feet my whole shift surrounded by people all day constantly...Today the heat index was 115 and i was sweating it was so gross...and standing on my feet turning to bad groceries all by myself is starting to take its toll...i wish i could just quit and relax at home in the air conditioning for the rest of my pregnancy but i cant since we both have to work to pay bills..

i wonder if i can ask if there is something else in the store i can do that is less strenuous on my body and i could maybe sit a little more when needed...or do you think i am being a whiny baby and should suckit up for little longer lol... :cry: :cry:

p.s came home crying to my husband today i was so exhausted and frustrated

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