Anybody else due in October?

lol thanks...well my doctors office has already talked about when he is born how much my insurance will go up so maybe they notify insurance when he is born...idk lol...kind of sounded that way...
Some hospitals do. Mine does but I had to bring in my insurance info for them.
So I tried to go clothes shopping for the kids today. I went to this kids thrift store that I like first but nothing really caught my eye today, but then again I didn't really get much of a good look because my son just wanted to play with the toys which were only right around the corner from the section we had to be in lol. So after weeding through the girls stuff I moved on to try and find a couple shirts for my son but I barely got to look at even 5 shirts before he started to wiggle trying to get away. The store doesnt have carts so I couldnt put him in one =/ So after that I figured I'd try ross as a new one just opened up not to far from our place but they really didn't have much in there yet. Almost bought some shoes for the baby but decided against it. Their carts don't have a buckle and my son kept standing up, I put him in the back and he tried to climb out :dohh: Can't go shopping alone with that kid apparently lol. Oh well another day another store I suppose. In the mean time I will just shop online for good deals lol.

Didnt see much at target or walmart last time I was there, and recently went to burlington (got a really cute bumblebee bathing suit for the baby for next summer) but maybe next I will take a look at JC penny outlet they usually have some good stuff there for good prices :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Getting anxious to hear back from the police department as to whether my husband's application was accepted or not. We should know by the 30th (well the week of the 30th I guess) so within the next two weeks I suppose. I really don't see why they wouldnt accept him, especially with his military and security experience, I just don't know how they will feel about all the job hopping even though he did list the reason for leaving each of those jobs (which was mostly due to lack of work/pay) So never left on bad terms..They were expecting alot of people to apply though and we don't know how many positions are avaliable. Seriously crossing my fingers right now though. I mean yeah he has the nursing thing to fall back on if this doesnt work out, and our plans will then stay the same but more money quicker and benefits for the whole family..that would be amazing! Will let you all know when we find out :) If his application was accepted all he has to do is pass a written and fitness test with a good score (this is competitive) in order to get into the police academy. He can already do the minimum requirements of what they want but he's been going running alot (not every day but pretty much) trying to get faster so he has a better chance. I think they have to run a mile and a half in like 11 minutes or something like that and he wants to do it in 9 and 1/2. I know I wouldnt even come close haha but he was able to do 3 miles in about 18-20 minutes in the military (so pretty much 3, 6 minute miles). He's got this in my opinion, its just a matter of getting through the application process and weeding out the competition :)

The only down fall to this is if he does get into the academy he's likely to miss the birth of our daughter.. which doesn't bother me too much I'm just afraid of going into labor on my own (assuming she does come before my induction, whenever that will be, havent gotten a firm date yet, dr will wait until 38/39 weeks) though my mom and dad both live and work close by and I know either one of them would take me if need be.

Ok.. I need to stop writing novels here lol..
Ugh, my husband is annoying me so badly today. Well, actually since yesterday! Yesterday I brought home the crib and mattress and he's been complaining because it's in the way and we don't have room for it. I told him well I guess we should make room since she's coming at some point whether he likes it or not! She can't stay in there forever!

I was hanging her diapers out on the line (we're using cloth) and he was like "why are you washing those now?" I told him I don't want to have to do all the washing for her in my last month since I didn't want a big water or electric bill while on maternity leave. He just shook his head and walked away.

Sorry, I'm really just frustrated because I'm confused. One day he's all for getting stuff ready then the next it's like he thinks I'm going to be pregnant forever so no need to do anything.
I've been there =/ I know it sucks just shrug it off best you can he will get over it at some point. Best to be prepared! I went down and turned in my pre registration form at the hospital today and I'm only 28 weeks lol. Do what you want, its part of nesting!

And seriously why the big deal about the crib? is 2 more months really going to make that much of a difference? ..!
Men go through that stage in the last couple months where the reality of it being around the corner hasn't sunk in. It's like they just don't want to admit its finally happening. My DH did that to me my first pregnancy. Wouldn't get the room painted, so I masked up and did it myself, windows open, canna running. He chastised me for not waiting, but guess what, I waited a month and the can staring me in the face every day drove me to it. That and the fact that you should paint months before a child sleeps in the room so all fumes can settle. I was careful.
This time I'm being more laxed about it as we are moving and can't really get set until we are over in the new place. I've already gone through and separated all gender neutral clothes from my son for NB-6m. Not much else I can do. I just have to trust it'll all fall into place. I am looking for a used double stroller though.
He just likes to be a pain in my butt sometimes. He's always been that way. He was the same way when we had my son. I just do what I want and he gets over it pretty quick. My doctor has already preregistered me at our hospital so I totally got to skip a step! I can't believe I'm already going to the doctor every 2 weeks! I went last week and go again next week. Seems like time is just flying by!
My dr just put me on every 2 weeks as well, shocking how fast time has flown by!
Here in Canada the midwives start seeing you every 2 weeks starting at 26 weeks.

So has anyone started on a nursery or anything? We're moving September 1st, so I am waiting until then, obviously. Besides, the baby will be in our room for the 1st year or so, but I still want to decorate her a room anyways. I got a birch colour crib from my sister and a birch change table off a swap and buy group, but now I think I want to go white. My mom has a white crib she will trade me and I can get a white change table for pretty cheap as well, just need to find a dresser and hope someone buys us the crib set we want...though it's a little bit pricey...It's so cute though!! (Photo attached). Anyways, we want to do owls for her room, what are you all thinking of for decor?


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The OB does every two weeks as of 29-30 weeks. I'm in Canada too. Unless there is reason to go more. My next appt is Aug 2nd then two weeks from them and so on till a month or so before its every week.
I hope my glucose test turned out fine. No phone call yet and I went last week so I'll take no news as good news. I better pass as I avoided a birthday cake cause I had to get it done :(
Here we go every 4 weeks until 28 weeks then its every 2 weeks until 36 weeks then its every week until baby is born with a check up 6 weeks later and earlier if recommended (I had to go in a week later as I had blood pressure issues)

That is a very cute theme :)

This is what I got got for my little girls bedding its pink not purple though couldnt find a better pic but you get the general idea. Its not what I wanted but it was cheap and cute enough lol (bought the matching bumper as well but it came separately). I so so sooooo want to make up a nursery but we are moving in november. With any luck my hubby will get that job with the police department and we can buy a house instead of renting! seriously crossing my fingers lol

I wish we were moving sooner.. like next month though because having a baby shower and getting all this stuff for the baby before moving is going to make it harder but atleast it wont add too much.
The OB does every two weeks as of 29-30 weeks. I'm in Canada too. Unless there is reason to go more. My next appt is Aug 2nd then two weeks from them and so on till a month or so before its every week.
I hope my glucose test turned out fine. No phone call yet and I went last week so I'll take no news as good news. I better pass as I avoided a birthday cake cause I had to get it done :(

Surely they would call you if something was wrong, if you're worried why not call down and ask them for your results?
Because I'm going to enjoy eating what I want until I find out otherwise :) I had to alter my diet last time, but they called me saying to have the second test done, as my results were borderline, not over but close. I'll stay in the dark till I finish my bday cake at least :)
The cake she got me is so awesome! It's dark chocolate covered in vesvet chocolate mousse, drizzled with dark chocolate ganash, and shaved chocolate curls over the top. I think I may overload on chocolate, lol.
I love garanimals stuff. One of my sons newborn outfits was from US Walmart (better selection there than here). It was fleece army print pants with a monkey on the bum and solid green top with a cute pic on front. Loved it!
oooh.. chocolate! :) haha I have been trying to watch what I eat so I don't over eat lol did real good monday but about noon yesterday I just go so hungry so I ate more than I anticipated lol oh well, don't want to starve myself when my body is saying I need to eat. I just don't want to gain 9 lbs in 4 weeks again =/ I don't think I will but still lol. Not sure if I mentioned this here or not earlier (probably did lol) but anyway at my last appointment the dr told me I gained 9 lbs since my appointment before that, while that only brings my total gain to 22 lbs at 27 weeks (which is good) 9 lbs in 4 weeks is ridiculous however a couple things to factor in.. I usually always try to go #2 before leaving for my appointment (sorry for the tmi lol) but that time I just couldn't go =/ I also always give my urine sample right after signing in but this time the receptionist told me to go straight back to the lab to get my glucose test so I left my bag and son with my hubby and went back to get my drink, and for whatever reason instead of going right to the bathroom afterwards I went back to the waiting room for something (I think I was going to put my phone in my bag or something, don't quite remember) and just as I was doing that the nurse called me in so I hadn't even gotten the chance to pee yet. I'm sure she would have been fine waiting if I asked if I could do that first but oh well. I think the baby might have had a growth spurt at that time too. Measured in at 147 and I really want to keep my weight under 165 but preferably no more than 160.. which means I can only gain 1 lb per week now (which is normal weight gain at this point anyway) lol.

Just 5 more days until my next appointment!

So today on my menu I had life cereal for breakfast (snuck in a cookie after that lol) probably going to have some goldfish crackers and green grapes for a sounds like something I would give my son but it just sounds good :) a roast beef sandwich and some juice for lunch then ice cream for an afternoon snack and I'm thinking spaghetti for dinner (not sure yet) hmm.. That doesn't seem too bad lol.

Hows your mom doing by the way?
Better. She is finally taking better care of herself. She's in the new place unpacking leisurely. I really haven't seen her in a week or so cause we were giving her time to adjust but now I just plain get ahold of her! She got her regular phone hooked up yesterday I think but hasn't been answering. Maybe she's just sick of us and all our intervention??? Who knows, but at least pick up and let me know you are okay. Grr.
So instead I'm focused on packing. Got two boxes done. Will do a couple more today, clean, then enjoy the fact it's nice out today. Tomorrow will be another deadly hot day so have to get in the walk and the park now :)
It's so cute. I love owl stuff!! I agree, Canadian Walmarts aren't that awesome. Oh well. I can't wait for cake. I will be 30 weeks on my birthday and I'm so excited for that alone...and cake! I eat way to much chocolate....
Well thats good she's getting better :) and you could always try lol My birthday was in February but my hubbys is october 3rd. Will probably go out then with him when we get the chance for that and our anniversary combined since our anniversary is october 31st.. dont really want to take a 2-3 week old baby to a restaurant lol.

I just went down to pick up my invitations that I had printed out at walmart (for my baby shower) I ordered them online this morning and the conformation I got said they would be ready by 10, I got there at 10:30 or so and they weren't done yet the guy asked for the conformation number and come to find out he hadn't even received the order yet, there's been a delay so I have to go back later =/ didn't need anything else from walmart at the moment so that was a waste of time/gas. Oh well.. Getting really excited about the baby shower coming up! Even though I'm pretty much doing this on my own now, even though my mom was going to be hosting it..My dad decided last minute to move when his lease it up in september so they kind of need to save their money for moving costs and a down payment so not sure how much my mom will be helping out, will have to talk to her about it on friday.

I'm a little annoyed the landlord for this complex will be coming around to all the units doing an "insurance inspection" not sure what all they will be doing, probably just checking all the appliances and making sure nothing is falling apart I guess.. but that means I have to clean lol its not messy in here but when they come over I tend to want it spotless in here and thats not so easy to do with a toddler..
See what's funny is I'm normally a vanilla feind. I would take a light fluffy vanilla cake with custard fill and whip cream icing any day over a chocolate. But this one hit my dark chocolate button, it's my only chocolate weakness!
So I've packed my four boxes today. I took my son for a walk and we played outside. Ive vacuumed and now I'm just flipping exhausted! Time to sit and contemplate what's for dinner. I'm out of breath and dizzy. I wish I could do more again.

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