Anybody else due in October?

Haha all I have done today is scrubbed the toilet in our bathroom LOL I'm slacking. Feeling lazy. I still need to clear the counter of all the junk its accumulated (mostly junk mail and my sons snacks I was too lazy to put back in the pantry), throw in some laundry tidy up the bedroom do some dishes tonight of course and then whatever needs cleaned in the morning (like the living room). I put my hubby on Mop duty, but we dont have too much to mop here, just a tiny kitchen and the 2 bathrooms.

I did clean up a lot last night so it seemed. My hubby made this crap called meat slop. He made a HORRIBLE mess in the kitchen! So I did all the dishes that could fit in the dish washer (he used quite a bit of big dishes so I tossed all the little stuff in first then whatever else could fit) scrubbed the left overs out of the stuff that didn't fit in the dish washer, cleaned the counter and stove then threw in some laundry.. I guess it wasnt too much but at 10:00 at night thats not really what I wanted to be doing lol but I could not go to bed leaving that mess there =/
Eeek! So excited right now! My hubbys application for the police department was accepted! found out a little sooner than expected :) all he has to do now is pass the written exam then the fitness exam which I feel confident he will do good on (this is competitive though) then an interview, but this is great! This may alter our future in a very positive way! :D feeling very confident right now!
Congratulations to your hubby! How exciting for your family! :flower:
Thankyou! he will get the results of the written portion of the test immediately when he completes it because he has to pass that in order to proceed to the fitness part (which is the same day) then he has to schedule an interview. So while things are looking great for this so far, we still don't know for sure. He does plan to go to school in the mean time in the event things dont work out so that he can proceed with the nursing thing in january (plus we will be collecting his GI bill while he is still in school which is big part of our income) but assuming things do work out he thinks the academy will start in september or early october so when that starts he'll withdraw from his classes, he will have to pay the military back for that but it will only be about $900 so thats not bad, we can afford that if he's going to be making $56,700 + a year lol.

We will also be looking into buying a house if he does get this job! which would be great because then I could FINALLY decorate rooms for the kids :D

I honestly think he's going to get it, and so does he but keeping our fingers crossed until we know for sure!
Just spent about an hour preparing homemade lasagna and lasagna rolls (the rolls will be for my inlaws) and now that they are baking, I'm not even hungry anymore! It smells really good in my house now but I don't think I could eat any of it when it gets done.
It's when you boil lasagna noodles and put the cheese mixture on them then roll them up (it's easier if you use ricotta instead of cottage cheese in the mixture but I use both in mine - and I mix it with some egg, seasonings, and mozzarella cheese). After you roll them, I put them in a bread loaf pan that has a little bit of my red sauce and meat mixture on the bottom then cover them with the same red sauce mixture and top with shredded cheese, sprinkle on seasonings, and put diced tomatoes on top then bake them. So, it's like lasagna but rolled up. And I must say, it is DELICIOUS! Everyone in our families loves it when I make my lasagna and lasagna rolls.
Hmm interesting. Sounds like a loaded pasta like cheesey saucy meat ball haha but sounds like something my hubby would love :)
Okay, so today felt like crap again. I threw up my breakfast and just felt gross all day. The heartburn is deadly and my emotional state is all over the place! From being sad to being unnecessarily boiling with makes no sence.
I hope this cools down.
Sjd- Hope you and hubby got to celebrate the progress :)
We "celebrated" with taco bell lol :dohh: its right next to our bank and he had to drop off a check anyway, he saw it and wanted it haha. We're very excited though! but on top of that he just got an email back from the nursing people saying who ever he interviewed with loved him! (in those exact words) so we definitely have that to fall back on in case this doesn't work out, but as I said we are pretty confident this will happen. Blessings do seem to come when you least expect them. I believe that things usually happen for a reason so when he randomly came home and told me he was applying for the police department that day I knew this HAD to be going somewhere haha. Can't wait to find out for sure though!

Talked with my mom last night about the baby shower, she is definitely going to try and help out as much as she can, I guess she wants to go ahead and rent that ramada too so we definitely have a place, she said to just rent it for 2 hours because who is going to kick us out if we are there longer..and that we would split the cost in half. Figuring out games and what not as well, will get to talk to her more about it this afternoon.

Anyway I hope you feel better soon! that doesn't sound like a fun situation at all =( Maybe you need to take a nice bath and try to relax a little? Easier said than done I know, especially with how busy you must be with the move and all.
Woke up feeling better today. I think I was fighting a virus.anyways took my son to the child play center and he had a blast, was so well behaved, not even a tantrum when leaving. Came home to one hell of a gross mess. The dog got into a garbage bag I had left out in the kitchen (my fault I guess) and there was egg shells coffee fringe and gross crap everywhere. Guess who washing the kitchen floor today now.
I have been stressed lately and it's taken it's toll on my mood as has the weather. Today is sunny so the outlook is good :) X's 18 month appt is this afternoon, then no real plans. Clean and cook dinner, and maybe head to my mom's later.
Taco bell is celebration? Lol. Your hubby is easy to please huh?
How is the rest of you ladies feeling?
Lol in his mind it is haha. I'm sure we will will do something else once we know for sure, he loves the waffle house so maybe go there for dinner to celebrate. I've been there with the dog getting into the trash.. our dogs used to do it all the time except we kept them in the garage when we left at any time (until we got a huge crate) and they always managed to get the big trash bin knocked over and all the trash taken out of it :dohh: But since we live in an apartment now we no longer have the dogs. I'd like to get another one day for the kids but only one at a time and we are definitely doing doggy kindergarten lol

My son woke up a bit earlier than he has been lately and after about 2 hours he clearly needed to go back to sleep, was moody and throwing tantrums and he's usually not anything like that so I took him back to bed, he fought it full on for an hour and a half and as frustrating as it was I refused to let him get up because I knew he needed this nap. An hour and a half later and he's still sleeping! I'm sure he will wake up soon though. Only down side to this is its going to affect his regular nap schedule =/ He usually naps around 11 or 12, for about 2 hours. It wouldn't bother me so much except its friday and my mom will be picking us up after work at 3, so he most likely won't be getting a nap before then =/ My hubby won't be going with me to my drs appointment on monday, he got called into work so my grandpa will be driving me down there since I won't have the car and I really don't want to reschedule it just to work around my hubbys schedule (I know he doesn't really care about the appointments anyway). Can't wait though! Too anxious for the 3d pics and to know if this kid is head down yet! (Been feeling kicks everywhere =/)

Got some baby shower game ideas jotted down to through at my mom to see what she thinks.

Hope everyone is well! been sort of quiet for a while!
So I weighed myself at my grandparents place yesterday and I was 150, feeling ok about it since last time I used their scale the drs scale said I was less than theirs did (I can hope for the same result this time lol) After that 9 lbs in 4 weeks jump I am trying to eat light this weekend (but not starving myself either of course) until my appointment on monday. Hoping to see no more than 150 on the drs scale. I was 147 last time. I want to keep my total weight under 165. I've only gained a total of 22 lbs so far (at my last appointment anyway) but definitely do not want to repeat that 9 lbs in 4 weeks thing lol. Glad today is almost over and I hope tomorrow goes by fast so it can be monday already lol
Want to share those baby shower game ideas here? Because I only have a very limited! haha.

Also, I've gained a ton of weight! I don't look like I have but I have! nearly 28lbs already! I'm at 173-174 or something! I'm also really tall though (5'11) so it's not as big as it sounds. I'm generally a very skinny person and gaining 28lbs is very hard to accept. Just praying I lose it all after baby...and I am going to work my butt off to make sure I do... Has anyone got any stretch marks yet? I've gotten them on my butt and every so slightly on my boobs but it's barely noticeable...For those of you who already have kids, when did you get them with your last pregnancy if at all?
Haha sure :)

Egg nesting - As baby shower guests arrive, each guest takes an egg. Throughout the party, guests are not to leave their eggs unattended, except participate in a game that requires hands on. If they must set down their egg to eat or go to the restroom, they need to ask another guest to egg sit for them. Throughout the party, all eggs in possession can be taken away if another guest sees an egg unattended or being neglected or if they are dropped. the person at the end of the party with the most eggs wins a prize.

Candy Poo -
Take 5 diapers and 5 candy bars of different varieties, place one candy bar in each diaper and melt it. label diapers A,B,C,D and E. Hand guests a piece of paper and a pencil or pen, guests must try to figure out what candy bar is in each diaper, at the end of the game the person with the most correct answers wins a candy bar. (Alternitively you may also use baby food)

Measure Mom's Tummy - Get some string and have everyone cut off a piece long enough that they think will cover the mom to be's baby bump without being too small or too big, whoever is the closests wins!

Place The Baby On The Mommy: (Materials- Cutouts of a baby with tape and blindfold). Blindfold each participant and then give them a paper baby (with their name on the back of it) to then approach the mom and place the baby as close to the tummy as possible. The one who gets closest to placing the paper baby on the pregnant tummy wins.

So theres 3 games that take a little time and an on going game :)

Also we'll be doing this one too:
As guests arrive ask them if would like to put spare change or loose bills into the baby's piggy bank (this can be a big baby bottle bank or a piggy bank that is clear and big enough to add dollar bills to) Right before the mother to be opens gifts ask one more time if everyone has had a chance to do so, then have everyone guess the amount that is in the baby bottle, the person who is closest to the correct answer wins a prize!

Last time we played one called winner takes all, pretty much the same as the piggy bank thing only the idea is to make the guests think the winner gets the money (though many people were saying "shouldn't she get the money?" but anyway its really funny because the winner actually gets a bottle of All brand laundry detergent :lol:

Last time we also did this game called the price is right, my mom had a bunch of little products (wipes, a bottle, pacifiers, bottle brush ect) there was like 10 items and people had to guess the total of all the products and the person closest won. Was rather fun

Hope that gives you some ideas lol

I only ever got stretch marks on my hips with my son, but I already had some there from puberty so it didn't really bother me much. I did get two needle thin very small ones on my left side but you can't really tell they are there and they don't look like stretch marks at all. This time around no new ones, (atleast not yet) just the same ones getting a little red again.

I gained about 35 lbs with my son and lost it all pretty instantly, by the time I returned to my dr I only had 8 of those lbs left and those came off in about another month or so.
Thanks for the ideas! My shower is in 3 weeks and I don't think my mom has prepared much in the way of games so I want to get some ideas for her. I've heard of the nesting game only you use clothes pins and if someone says "baby" for example someone can come up and steal your pin...whoever has the most in the end is the winner...and the candy poo game,...I'd kick butt at that one.
We did a game where we gave everyone a clothes pin as they arrived. If they said the word "baby" and get caught, the person that caught them gets to take their pin. The person with the most pins at the end wins a prize. You can use safety pins also. We usually use clothes pins because when we decorate we don't buy very many decorations...we string cloth clothes line around and use clothes pins to hang baby clothes on them (we use a lot of onesies and sleepers because you can get them fairly cheap with some more expensive cutsie outfits too). That way your decorations can actually be used by mom for the baby after the party!

We also make a diaper cake and pin items around it. For the game we tell people to study it hard but no note taking and later cover it up. We have them write down as many items as they can remember and the person with the most correct items wins...alternatively, or also, you could have people guess how many diapers are in the cake and the person closest wins. We usually do both games for the same cake.

We have also filled a baby bottle with small candies and the person with the closest guess wins the bottle and candies. Note: keep a ziplock bag on hand to empty it or use a super cheap bottle. We usually just use a cheap bottle that way it still stays cute for them to take home.

We've also done word searches or find the hidden pictures within the picture. You can find those online to print for free. We also have done a word scramble. You can find them online also where you can use any words you want and it scrambles them for you. All of these should definitely be timed so you can avoid too many ties.

Side note: have a few extra prizes on hand in case there are ties! And since you have a few extra, you could put a few stickers on the bottom of a few plates and if you have no ties you could use the extra prizes that way. We usually eat food first then games then cake so I would recommend putting them on the cake plates.

I've got a bunch more but there are a few...we have a VERY large family so we've done lots of showers.
Thank you both! I'm going to go google now and see if I can get more ideas, since I won't be picking the games I want to give my mom a good selection so I still feel "surprised" My sister was supposed to help, but she has one of those weird husbands who randomly calls off all contact with our family whenever he feels we deserve it and she's not talking to us right now. It makes me REALLY upset. She's my big sister and it's my first baby...On top of that, she has two little boys that I love and I haven't seen in two months because of all this. My sister should be having fun and experiencing this with my mom and I. I guess there is more to it than just a crazy husband. She seems to conform to his every view and take on his thoughts as her own rather than having a brain for herself. He's just mad! He randomly calls my mom up and starts yelling at her about stealing stuff he gave to her to store for the kids and calls her an "F-ing C***" SERIOUSLY! and then makes some idle threat, and this is not the first time...but long story short the police were phoned and now my sister is upset with us (I don't blame her, I'd be mad if she or my mom phoned the police on my husband, too) but her husband actually deserves it. We're not the first people to phone the police...she's even phoned herself! Anyhow, it's just a big mess and it makes me so sad to think about it. I wish he would just leave and it would just be her and the kids....

Sorry for that random and totally off topic rant...I just started thinking about the shower and how it was supposed to be my mom and sister but now it's me helping my mom plan my shower...and tomorrow is the RSVP by date....and we have about 7 out of 50 people who have actually replied...sigh...I seriously hope people show up. I had one out of 4 of my bridesmaids come to my wedding shower, and two of those bridesmaids already can't attend my baby shower. Ugh.
yeah we did the clothes pin one at my first baby shower, I wanted a similar game but didn't want to repeat the same one so thats why we are doing the egg one this time :)

The only game we are repeating is the measure the belly thing, thats just too classic to pass up lol I wish I had kept the winning strong from last time to compare it with this time!
I find that pretty much no one ever RSVPs even if you do have a date to do it by =/ I have to get my formal invites out this week, my shower is on the 1st of september but I did make a facebook event. So far only 5 people have said they are coming, 4 maybes and 3 declined (though 2 of the 3 are out of state and I expected it anyway, just wanted to let them know) theres still 48 people who have yet to say either way :dohh: so annoying.

One friend that said she is coming told me she already got some stuff for the baby haha she seems excited but thats probably because its the first saturday party she'll be going to since she just recently got saturdays off of work. She's pregnant too (with her 2nd girl) and due in november so she's having a diaper party at the end of september.

I'm pretty much planning my own shower too, since my mom and dad are suddenly moving in september =/ glad my mom does plan to help a little though. She got some banners at the dollar store yesterday and wants to get some table cloths and plates and all that this next friday. I need to call and reserve our ramada tomorrow too.

Excited though I put another baby monitor on my registry we still use my son's and I plan to use it until he sleeps through the night consistently, he still wakes up once or twice but goes right back to sleep usually if I bring him back to my bed or go lay down with him in his room. I just don't know if we will still be using his by the time the baby is ready to be moved into her own room. Plus his is starting to wear out a bit, can still hear fine but it gets more static lately. Anyway my grandma said they would buy that for us, I just have to show her which one it is.

I can't believe its only 9:15 am here =/ I can't say its really gone by slow but definitely not fast enough lol (too anxious for tomorrow) need to find ways to keep myself busy. If it wasn't so hot and humid out right now I would take my son to the park but I like to bring him in the early morning that way not so many people are there and its not too hot. We're usually there around 7 and gone by 8 lol. All I have to keep me busy is some dishes in the sink and some invites that need addressed but I will probably be doing that when my son goes down for his nap. I did run down to the grocery store but only spent about a half hour there, didn't really get much of anything just a couple things for today mostly. Hm.. Must keep busy! Don't really have much spare money to go anywhere right now.

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