Anybody else due in October?

Yeah I never got any rsvp's for my showers (I had 2 because my family is further away than hubby's family and heaven forbid anyone meet in the middle). But I had a ton of people show up to both.

Well, on top of the leg cramps in my left leg that tore my muscle (which I had another yesterday that made the tear worse), my right leg is now going numb sporratically. Wouldn't be so bad if I could get the numbness to be in the same leg as the cramps so they don't hurt so bad! Lol :haha:
So much for going to bed early.. I threw some laundry in the washer and went to give my son a bath, after getting him dry and dressed I went to get a drink and I noticed there was 2-3 inches of water covering the entire kitchen. We are in an upstairs apartment so I didnt want to just leave it, I knew the maintinence guy would be a while and I didnt want to flood our neighbors so I mopped it all up with a towel, maintinence called back about 25 minutes later, by which point I had just gotten all thw water picked up and said it would be another 30-40 minutes until they get here because they are off property right now. Not what I was expecting my night to be like.
That's awful! I hope they got it all cleaned up!!

I got some RSVP's and it looks like I have a total of 7 people coming. Wow. One of out my handful of "good" friends is coming to my shower. I had the same issue with my wedding shower! It's embarrassing...I think I'm starting to get a complex! Maybe I'm a ridiculously nasty person and I haven't realized it yet. Why aren't people coming! I think I will just tell my mom to cancel, maybe she"ll move it, but we did that with my wedding shower too and still no one came.

On a nicer note, I'm 30 weeks today and it's my birthday. Birthdays are not nearly as fun as when you're young.
Well happy birthday :) hopefully you have a better turn out this time around!

Just got back from the dr, baby is great, she went from the 19th percentile to the 50th size wise so is now back on track. Which is likely why I gained that 9 lbs over the course of 4 weeks last time. They estimated her to be 2 lbs 15 ounces so far, still doesn't have too much hair though =( but perfectly healthy :) heart rate was a whopping 180! Fundal height was half a week ahead so right on track pretty much with that too. As for me it seems I have actually lost a lb rather than gaining anything! Happy with that though, dr isn't concerned at all. My blood pressure is looking very good too, very happy with that considering last time it was super high. Everything came back normal and I go back in 2 weeks. Baby is still transverse though but she is infact laying the opposite direction now (head on the left instead of the right where it has been for the longest time) Dr said she won't worry about it until 36 weeks. Think I might start doing some spinning babies techniques though..

Anyway here's a picture of my little girly :)
Jac. - I'd start getting a complex too but most of my invites are to family. If they don't show up, I usually give them tons of grief!

SJD's - What a lovely pic! Congrats on her growth!

AFM - I'm starting to get aggrivated with my and my husband's family. My sister said she would throw me a shower but has yet to do anything! Every time I ask her about it she just says, "Oh, I better get working on it." My mom won't do one because she says she lives too far away. She only lives an hour away and that's not too far for me to drive with my son when she wants me to work for her every single weekend during tax season! Then, my mother in law is so busy worrying about my brother in laws wedding to even remember she's having another grandchild. Wouldn't be so bad but for the girl he is marrying, it's her 3rd wedding so she doesn't really even care about the's mostly just to appease my MIL. I told my husband maybe we will just have a cookout or something after she is here. With my family, if I don't have invitations out to them at least 4 weeks in advance then most of them don't show - they all have lives and school aged children too so it's understandable!

Also, I know it's all been very lengthy but I have to tell another thing that happened. I found a wallet on my street right in front of my house on Saturday night. We live on a dead end street and only 2 houses are occupied. I opened it and there was $140 in it, plus credit cards, ID's for work, drivers license...well, I took it across our small town to the address on the license. I knocked on the door and asked if the gentleman lived there. I explained that I was taking my dog out for one last walk of the evening and found his wallet on our street. The girl rudely snatched it out of my hand and slammed the door in my face! I was fuming because I did the right thing as my dad had always taught me - do unto others as you wish done unto you. Well, the girl didn't even say thank you! That's the part I was mad about - two small words can make such a difference! I told my husband it's a good thing the kids right around our corner on the next road didn't find it or he would've been out $140 plus his credit cards.

Sorry so lengthy, think I needed to vent. Not that I was mad but it was just there!
Oh, and I forgot, YAY - we got our chickens again yesterday! My son was so excited!
Thats horrible! how rude of her I would be mad too. I would have knocked again and told her the least she could do was say thankyou.
I just can't catch a break! My sister just told me that she's going to a craft show the 8th and 9th of September which was when she was planning on doing the shower. She casually said, "oh well, we'll just have to do something after she gets here if we end up doing anything at all." Arg! I've been putting off buying too much because I though I was having a shower! I was figuring we'd pretty much ask for clothes but I guess she'll look fine in blue with the exception of a few things! Good thing we saved everything of my sons.
Oh that is messed up! Do you have anyone else that would be willing to throw one for you? a friend or something? If nothing else have your hubby do it and act like its a surprise for you :haha:
I'm sure I'll just do a barbeque after she's here. It's been so hot here that it should be ok by then. Usually October is still very decent weather in Indiana.
yeah Its still pretty warm here in October too. My mom just clued me in on a very stupid mistake I made.. I forgot to put the time on my invites =/ good thing I havent mailed them yet! I feel so dumb lol. But now I have to go through and open all the ones I have addressed and write the time on them.. I am so dumb lol
I would have thanked you for returning the wallet...Maybe she thought you stole it or perhaps she was mad at him for losing it and you got the brunt of her anger. Anyways...Some people are mean...I now have at least 10 people coming, so that's not to horrible I suppose, though most of them are my mom's friends! haha. Anyways, It's so exciting that we're all having little girls! Do you guys have your names? I've got NOTHING...I will wait and see until she gets here.
Hey Hey...Little man over here haha... :D

I feel like I kinda blew up...
First one is 26 weeks Second is today


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Lol alot of the people that will be coming to mine are my moms work friends. It was akward at my son's baby shower because I really didn't know any of them but then my mom took me along to some of their kids parties and they came to my son's birthday party so I've gotten to know some of them, it wont be as awkward this time lol.

mrswichman, every one is blowing up, we're having babies! lol I don't think thats a dramatic change :) Remember a growing bump = a growing baby :)

Jac- My baby's name will be Emery Bay

With my son we were thinking Alessa for a girl (pronounced uh-less-uh) Its the italian version of Alexa :) (middle name would have been Belle)

Other girl names I like are:

Lyra (can be pronounced as either leer-uh, which is how I would say it, or Lie-ruh)
Hallie (Thats like Cali (like short for california) but with an h of course, not haylee lol)
Callie (I like that too :) )
Celia (or Cecelia if you like that better)

Eh I can go on and on lol but theres a few =P
Yeah, I talked to my neighbor and it turns out he knows the guy. The girl that answered is a very bitter and nasty woman. He said that everyone calls her TED in their family - TED stands for "The Egg Donor". He said the reason the guy will never marry her is because she's ALWAYS nasty and hateful. Makes me feel a little better that at least I did the right thing and I'm just sure that he appreciated it.

Also, I went to the bank to cash a check yesterday and they gave me too much money! I got all the way across town to my son's daycare and had to drag my son all the way back to the bank. You know, maybe if I wasn't so honest I wouldn't be broke all the time! But, I know karma would come back around if I wasn't honest so I will stick to my good natured ways! Oh, I was just thinking, maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket!:haha:

As for a name, we are probably going with Libby Sue. It was either that or Charlotte Sue and call her Lottie, which I still really like so maybe we will wait and see when she gets here.
HI Ladies
I havent posted here before ( i dont think) but just wondered if any of you are experiencing shortness of breath, particularly when lying down? Im not sure if it is related to my high blood pressure or the stage we are at?? I cant remember experiencing this with my little boy. BTW I love the name Libby Sue :)
HI Ladies
I havent posted here before ( i dont think) but just wondered if any of you are experiencing shortness of breath, particularly when lying down? Im not sure if it is related to my high blood pressure or the stage we are at?? I cant remember experiencing this with my little boy. BTW I love the name Libby Sue :)

First, welcome! I've been getting shortness of breath all the time. But, I'd be sure to mention it to your doctor too!

My son says his sister's name is Wibby Zoo Beach...which is a drastic improvement actually. He was saying it was Wibby Z B*tch - innocently, of course! Our last name is Veach so it's getting better for him!
I did at the beginning of pregnancy real bad but not too bad now a days for whatever reason

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