Anybody else due in October?

I get the shortness of breathe pretty much alot...I was talking to my mom the other day and she said could be because My LO is sitting high and blocking the
diaphragm a little...Idk but my LO has been right under my ribs for a week or so now...
So I got a little ticked off yesterday. My hubby and I went to visit his grandmother, well step grandma I guess (and of course the one here not not out of state) since she hadn't seen our son for a couple months. She's a nice lady and all, offered to take us out to lunch. My son was a little tired, he didn't get all his nap out I guess but he has never ever had a problem at a restaurant until now. Well yesterday I guess his tiredness just got the better of him and he was upset because we kept telling him no to the soda (we do occasionally give him a little but of course we don't want him to have too much) but he didnt want his juice either. He usually gets over that kind of thing real quick but as I said he was rather tired so he just got madder and madder. My husband just covered his mouth and let him scream :growlmad: , I said one of us should take him outside and let him calm down. It was a good 10 minutes of him still screaming (with my husbands hand over his mouth) until he finally let me have him, he calmed down as soon as I stood with up him, we were pretty much in the corner, only one empty booth behind us so I kind of stood over there and held him for a minute while he was getting tired resting on my shoulder. He was fine, calmed down instantly but then grandma had to go and say I shouldn't be doing that because its only giving him what he wants blah blah blah. Kept repeating it over and over and eventually she took him from me to which he resumed screaming.

Part of me was thinking "who the hell are you to tell me how to parent my child?" I didn't say that of course but he was tired and he is getting his bottom molars and at least one of his top canines so I know he's not exactly feeling the best.

The other half of me was thinking sure its one thing to ignore temper tantrums at home but I know if it was someone elses kid I sure as hell would not want to be listening to their kid screaming and them doing nothing about it while I am trying to enjoy my lunch with family/friends. I think its rude to just let the kid scream like that in a public place. I did tell her this bit and all she said was they can deal with it. He continued to scream for another 10 minutes or so until the food got to us and he calmed down for a fry. Not only was it annoying that I couldn't just calm him down but it was also kind of embarrassing getting looks from all those people, and while I generally would think its none of their business I know I wouldn't want to be listening to it either.

She's a nice lady and all but taking my kid from me and basically telling me I am not parenting him right in that situation is way out of line and rather disrespectful. Had this been my grandmother (or any of my relatives for that matter) and not my hubbys I would have taken him right back from her and told her off.
Sounds like a not so fun lunch. I would have taken him from the situation to distract and calm him as well. No one else in that restaurant deserves to have to listen to that as they didn't chose to have kids. It was wrong of her to do that and truly you are lucky that the restaurant staff didn't come over and ask you to leave or temporarily take him outside. As for getting his way, no getting his way would have been giving him soda. What was your hubbys reaction to all this intervention?

OB I got my glucose challenge results and it was fine. Baby is great, measuring dead on and I've gained 10 total lbs this pregnancy do far. Feeling awesome as I got the go ahead for Zantac so I am heartburn free tonight :)
He didnt really have a reaction I told him how I felt afterward and he pretty much said oh well its over with now. I felt bad for the people around us though.

glad your test went well. 10 lbs is practically nothing at this point lol your dr isnt concerned?
Well, we figured out why I'm so tired all the time...I have a low blood count. Not low enough to need blood yet but low enough to make me tired. Also, my blood sugar was at the high end of normal so they may redo that test. Also, lost 6 lbs, so they aren't happy about that either (especially since I've been gaining at slow steady rate). Being overweight already I didn't see a problem with it but they said since I was gaining normally and now I'm not gaining and actually losing that's why it's a big deal. I will have to have another ultrasound at 36 weeks. They were unsure at first if they were going to do another, but with everything combined they want to do it just to make sure that "girl visitor" (as my husband calls her) is doing well still.

So, all in all, not a bad visit to the doctor! :thumbup: Well, I don't think so at least. It could always be much worse! Oh, and she's definitely head down still and my doctor said my joints are loosening even more. I have loose joints to begin with but they are getting worse. I could feel him actually spreading my pelvis by pushing my hips back while laying down.
Eeek what an awkward feeling that must be! Hope they get things sorted out for you :)

My brother his girlfriend and their kids and my parents all came over yesterday to go swimming and we ended up having a last minute bbq lol was way more people than I was expecting over for dinner lol
Yikes tmmommy! Hope they get things sorted okay for you. What would cause the low blood levels as I know generally we produce more during pregnancy do we can supply baby and us. Hope you feel okay.

Sjd's- BBQ sounds fun, but exhausting especially when you end up hosting it.

Today is flippin I sanely hot and humid. We went outside from. 9:30-10:30 this morning playing in the yard. It was already over 30 c and climbing. Ugh, I can't handle the heat now, wanted to climb in the baby pool with him. Prob don't fit though, lol. Doc is not concerned. I was sick in the beginning and according to things 18-25 lbs would be a normal gain for me cause I wasn't really tiny in the beginning. When you are smaller you have room to gain more.
Glad they're keeping an eye on things.

I've only been weighed twice my entire pregnancy so far and they were both at the beginning lol
Glad they're keeping an eye on things.

I've only been weighed twice my entire pregnancy so far and they were both at the beginning lol

That's odd, it's normally a standard for your visits. Weight and pee in a cup, then measure fundal height, listen to heartbeat, chat with doc about any concerns etc.

I'm getting out of breath lately too. It's normal, IUD nasal passages are smaller and the increased blood, shifted organs, you need more oxygen supply. I'm wiped out pretty quickly now too. Chasing my crazy little man around is a trip! He climbs all over me and bounces on my belly like I'm his horsey, poor gal in there, she takes it in stride and just kicks back at times :)
Glad they're keeping an eye on things.

I've only been weighed twice my entire pregnancy so far and they were both at the beginning lol

That's odd, it's normally a standard for your visits. Weight and pee in a cup, then measure fundal height, listen to heartbeat, chat with doc about any concerns etc.

I'm getting out of breath lately too. It's normal, IUD nasal passages are smaller and the increased blood, shifted organs, you need more oxygen supply. I'm wiped out pretty quickly now too. Chasing my crazy little man around is a trip! He climbs all over me and bounces on my belly like I'm his horsey, poor gal in there, she takes it in stride and just kicks back at times :)

I get urine test, BP check, Fundal height, baby position, listen to heartbeat, chat. :haha:
I wonder why they don't weight here, I thought it was odd but then people in the same docs have said was the same for them :shrug:

I am expecting to get weighed at my hospital appointment on Tuesday, but will wait and see :)
hmm yeah here you go give your urine sample when you check in then the nurse weighs you, checks blood pressure, checks heart beat if you didn't have an ultrasound that visit then asks if you have any questions or concerns. Then the dr comes in and does her thing, checks for fundal height asks if you have any questions or anything talks about what to expect next visit if its going to be any different and tells you when to come back lol.

Hopeful42nd- yeah it was a little hectic lol we planned on going here first to swim but then my brothers girl friend suggested we go over there to the pool near them since they have a little kiddy section of the pool but when we got there we found out they are only open on the weekends now since its "post season" so we came back here lol then after a while my brother was like we should bbq sometime and my mom was all for it shes like lets do it, right now lol so she gave them some money and him and his girl friend left the kids with us and went to get some steak and stuff. We already had charcoal here. Wasn't too bad we had some paper plates so didn't really use too much dishes, mostly forks and knives. We had a pie here too so we ate that for dessert lol. Only thing is we live in an 800 sq ft apartment so with all those people, 3 being toddlers, it was kind of crowded and noisy. Especially with the movie they had put on, our tv is pretty loud as it is, the movie was extremely loud and they turned the volume like 3/4 of the way up. After a while I told my hubby to turn it down because we have neighbors. They all left a little after 8. I cleaned up and got the kid ready for bed and he passed right out too lol he played hard :)

Finally got my invites for the baby shower fixed and mailed out yesterday, just have about 2 more people I need to get addresses for so I can send theirs. My mom and I are going shopping today to start getting some things for the party. She got 2 banners already so I think today we will get some plates and table cloths and plastic wear and all that, maybe a couple prizes for the games we are going to play. I need to make a list of all the stuff we have to get! Food items will probably be the last we get.
They told me to eat more beef. The protein should help build my blood levels up. I'm sure it's gone down because this pregnancy I've been craving more seafood and chicken than beef so I really haven't eaten much.

SJDsMommy - when is your baby shower? Are you having it in August or in September? Or I guess if you like to live in the moment...October? lol
Our baby shower is set for September 1st :) Not sure when my brother's girl friend is having hers but she knows it cant be that date lol I guess her mom is thinking of doing something with her family so we might just have a small party here for her friends and our side of the family if they end up doing something for her too. She said we can come along but they all live way the heck out there and it would be easier to just do it all at her and my brothers place or have 2 separate partys rather than having us all go out there I think my mom was going to call her mom and see whats going on with all that because last I heard they have no real plans so far and they are running out of time if they plan to have one before the baby comes (they are due like 9 days later than I am).
With my son, we had 2 showers. It was so much easier since most of my family lives about and hour away and most of hubby's family lives within about 15 minutes. Heaven forbid anyone meet in the middle...but hey, it worked out really well. I have a VERY large family (after all, I'm 1 of 10!) and hubby has a somewhat large family (lots of close cousins and such) so it was more managable for me to have 2. Even then, I was opening presents forever! It took 3 tightly packed loads in the back of my Dodge Ram to get it all home from one of the showers and about 2 tightly packed loads from the other one.
holy crap! lucky! lol we managed to fit everything in the back of my dads xterra with my son, we only got like 2 things we registered for and 2 boxes of diapers and the rest were all clothes and blankets mostly.

Hoping for a good turn out this time too :) I know we wont get everything we need but everything helps for sure.
Holy crap is right! The crib and changing table were the only things we had second hand. We were given so much stuff! I got like 8 laundry baskets full of clothes and necessities like shampoo, lotion, wipes, diaper rash cream, and the list goes on! We pretty much just bought formula and diapers the first 9 months. I still have lotion, shampoo, diaper rash cream, and powder from his shower left. And he's going to be 5 on Tuesday this week! Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'll have enough stuff for this one of those items!

That's partly why I was hoping someone would have a shower this time so I know I won't have to buy clothes! It's still not 100% a no on having one but it doesn't look real good right now. Especially after the email I got from my MIL on Tuesday this week. She pretty much blew me off saying my brother in law and his fiance and their upcoming wedding is more important than us and she's not worried about us because, "Libby can just wear Tommy's old clothes. Girls look ok in blue." Which I agree but my husband says his daughter will not dress like a boy because girls are supposed to be all cute pretty in pink and purple. Which is so sweet of him because he's not usually one to care about what people wear.

I digress! I've actually been very lucky when it comes to having baby items since we have such large families! I'm actually going to use my niece's crib this time so we are planning on repurposing my sons crib. I'm going to make 2 benches out of it and use the spring bottom to make something my sister can use to hang her stuff on for craft shows.
My midwives make you check your weight and then you pee in a cup and put a little tester thing in to check glucose and protein levels, then all the other stuff. I think it's strange that you don't get weighed, too...but it's probably nicer because one of the midwives was concerned when i gained 13lbs in 6 weeks and the other one said she thought I needed the weight gain because if I didn't have a bump I wouldn't even look pregnant, so not having to have your weight tracked would be kind of nice because it stresses me out!!
She shouldnt have to wear boy clothes :( hope someone throws you a shower :) we got some table cloths, plastic wear, and plates as well as some stuff for games. Didnt get everything but its a start!

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