Anybody else due in October?

I'm excited to have a party once baby gets here. I'm just trying to think of a polite way to ask people to not show up if they so much have a tickle in their throat, I don't need an ill newborn and toddler out of the deal.
make sure to keep plenty of sanitizer on hand too!

My mom wants me to make a list of all the stuff we still need to get..and wants me to separate things by games too. She's going to get all the drinks and cupcakes and prizes (which will mostly be from the dollar store) and whatever is left for the games. And I guess we are getting burgers, hot dogs, buns and condiments I guess..and probably the chips too. I think we got the expensive I wanted to make up some cake pops but my mom is like dead set on cupcakes for whatever reason and she wants to buy them.. I think it would be much cheaper to just do the cake pops but whatever..

She also saw this swing at walmart that we both really liked and wants to buy it as our baby shower present because the one we have now is super low to the ground and my son likes to climb in it, she's afraid he will climb in it while the baby is in it. I like the one we were looking at, its cute and girly too :) I think its actually part of the same series as the travel system I wanted to get.. (didn't get the travel system, really only wanted the carseat not the stroller but they dont sell them separately). Then she said I can give the old swing back to my brother and his girlfriend (they were borrowing it for a while). But they have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old too so I would think they may have the same issue lol I told her that and shes like well maybe I'll get them a swing too lol
Ugh! sorry in advance for the rant but I am very annoyed right now!

I made a list of things we still need to get and prize ideas and all that like my mom asked me to do, and I called her to tell her what I had in mind for the prize ideas so far and of course she shoots my ideas down -_- I was trying to customize the prizes to the games (like candy bars for that candy poo game and peeps for the egg nesting game, which she changed to the bracelet game with pacifiers) and of course my ideas are no good in her mind especially because its still going to be hot out and she doesn't want chocolate because it will melt (even though I said I can put it in a lunchbox with an ice pack so it wont) she doesn't want peeps because those are for easter I didn't even bother giving her the ideas for the remaining 3 games. I straight up told her though this is a coed party, no one is going to want candles and bubble bath and picture frames (which is pretty much all she got last time, I feel bad for the guys that won!) My mother is such a control freak when it comes to stuff like this. I realize she is technically hosting this party even though it seems like I am doing most of the work but if she's going to have me help out, and especially because its a party for me and my baby she really needs to listen to what I want because this thing already seems a little unpleasant -_- I mean I am really excited for the party because I want to see everyone and of course excited to see what kind of gifts we get but other than that this seems a little dull.. but I guess the last one turned out ok.

Seriously though I mean we are having burgers and hot dogs.. I HATE them both but figured it was the cheapest option so didn't protest that one. Last time we had subs, we got some of those big 3 foot ones and cut them so there was enough for everyone, I'd much rather do that again, or heck even pizza =/

She wants to get soda in cans, I think cups and 2 liters would actually be cheaper but try telling her that -_- She also wants to get capri sun for the kids.. I just wanted to keep it simple with some pink lemonade (pink because its girly) or something in a punch dispenser :dohh:

Pretty sure I already mentioned this one but I was planning on doing cake pops and she is dead set on buying cupcakes.

I know I'm making a big deal out of little issues but I don't know why I even bother giving my opinion on what I want -_- I really need to find some way to tell her this without pissing her off. I want to enjoy this party best I can but right now I am just annoyed!
I think you should just sit back and relax and let this happen for you. That's what a shower is, a gathering planned by someone for you. You dont need to control it and stress over it. Your only supposed to show up, eat and open presents, enjoy yourself ya know :) it sounds like you want to throw yourself a party, if that's the case do something after baby comes, with all your own touches and ideas come to life. Just give the list of ppl you'd like there and leave it be. It sounds like she has things under control.
I know that last post sounded rather immature but the thing is she keeps asking me what I want then shooting down all my ideas =/ I appreciate her doing this for me and don't mind helping out with the cost a little but to flat out throw it myself would just be tacky in my opinion and I don't want to do a party after the baby is here but she wanted me to help plan this out, which is kind of why I would like my ideas to be included however she is pretty much using my plans as a foundation for her own ideas =/ Whats the point in me helping if I can't do some of the things the way I want to too?

She'll ask me what I have in mind for something then kind of change it up a little and if I tell her I like the other way better she pretty much says too bad (not in those words of course) but if I ask her what she has in mind for something (before she asks me about it) she doesn't seem to have a clue yet half the time. I just feel like if she's going to put down all my ideas she shouldn't be asking me what I want in the first place.

I mean yeah she is technically the host so she should be doing the planning and honestly if she just did things her way without asking me what I want I'd probably enjoy it better but this is a party for me and my baby, not for her and because she's asking for my opinions on what I want then not even using most of those ideas (atleast not the way I suggested them) I feel like she's in a way throwing a party for herself rather than me (even if I am the one getting presents)

I wish I could just relax =/ but I like having things planned out rather than scrambling up to do things last minute and I just kind of want to tell her if she doesn't really want my opinion then she needs to stop asking me.
I understand, I am worried about mine, my friends haven't even heard anything yet :( leaving it too late for my liking
I understand, I am worried about mine, my friends haven't even heard anything yet :( leaving it too late for my liking

When is yours?

I got put in charge of making and sending out my own invites so I made sure to send them out in plenty of time. I would have offered to do it anyway because if my mom had done that bit they would be going out only like a week or 2 before and most people I know want more of a notice than that lol.. Though I did want to put on them to bring a registry item for a chance to win a prize, my mom thought that was tacky :shrug: I see that kind of thing on baby shower invites a lot (usually for diapers though but same general idea).

I'm more worried about are we going to be ready when the day comes. My dad decided to move when their lease is up in mid september so my parents are kind of saving for moving costs and deposits so thats mainly why I am helping with the costs, that and I don't want my mom to spend all her money on it. I'm glad my mom can still pitch in though because at first she was making it sound like she wasn't going to be able to do much and because we already started telling people about it I didn't want to just cancel you know?

I'll be glad when we've got everything taken care of lol still have a bunch of things we need to get.
When she shuts down you next option you give, why don't you say flat out, 'hey why ask for someone's opinion when you don't even want it?' I know it's hard when it's your mom but it might be better so you won't feel bitter in the long run. Was it supposed to be your thing and she hijacked it or what? I just relaxed and let my two showers happen on their own. I was just told when and where to show :) it was nice actually to not have to worry about a thing.
No idea. My sister won't tell me a date, she wants me to be surprised on the day! I don't do surprise lol. I'm a control freak! Haha
Well I guess you better not make any plans until it happens haha.

Just went to walmart to grab a few groceries and I scored a deal on hot dogs! was like $3.65 for a package of 20 so I grabbed 2 :) that takes care of the hot dogs, one less thing to worry about later!

And yeah I think I am going to have to talk to my mom about this, I don't want to keep being annoyed over something thats supposed to be fun.
On a positive note I am 30 weeks along today! can't believe how fast this is going by!
I just said we'll if I'm busy tough lol. Haha.

Happy 30 weeks!!
You ladies will be just fine :) I understand...when I do parties I'm a control freak too. My DH's mom was going to come for BBQ tomorrow but since it's raini g today we decided to move our big family day plans to tomorrow, so we asked her to come by today. She said okay but refused to give a time again. Even when DH said 'okay so when cause we may be out running errands or busy or something', she just responded with 'oh if your not there oh well'. I really hate that, cause guaranteed she is going to show up during little mans nap. We are on day 2 of new napping schedule, one longer after lunch nap. It's going okay but if she shows, my DH said he will go to the door and say 'sorry but he's napping'. Lol, she could avoid all of this just by us working out a time, but no, she is the most stubborn woman!
I should add that before when she showed up during his naps I felt bad so I'd let her in, then sure enough she'd get up and go to 'sneak a little peak is all' specifically when I ask her not to. Well guess who woke up every time? So now we have changed things and asked her to call first please, do not just show up. She hates that and fights it tooth and nail.
Haha my family has a habit of calling me when I am putting my son down to bed at night. I don't know why they call so late but its usually my mom, they all know after 8 (usually 8:30 ish) my son is going to be in bed soon lol. I've been there with the nap thing too though, my son always gets woken up if we have company too. Actually a couple weeks ago my grandparents were coming over to return some pants my grandma was fixing for my hubby, I called them at about 12 to see when they were coming over or if they wanted me to go there instead and my grandmother said they would be leaving in a few minutes. Well my son usually takes a nap sometime around 11-1 so he was getting tired but I figured if they would be here soon I would keep him up for a little bit rather than having him get woken up mid nap. They didn't show up until about 5:30 or so :dohh: (of course by that time I had given up and let my son take his nap so he was awake by the time they got there) and they only stayed for like 10 minutes too, now thats a first lol.
That's one thing I never had to worry about! My sister is the only person with an open invitation to show up whenever. If people don't call, they don't set foot in my house. It's always been a rule of mine. My sister had her baby 5 months before I had my son so she knows proper etiquette when it comes to not looking in baby's room during nap and such. That's the reason she's the only one with the open invitation!
We're all going to have to start telling people, if they wake the baby up they get to put them back to sleep lol
I wish it worked that way, it's your mess, you clean it up. But I know my son too well, once he's woken up there is nada that gets him back to sleep. You have your one chance, if it gets screwed up, welcome to cranky land for the rest of the day.
So guess what, she showed 40 minutes into his nap. I told Kev he can answer and tell her as its his mom and she was supposed to call. So he went to the front, didn't see her, went to the side door, when he did she came back around and walked right in the front door with the storm door slamming behind her! So he told her she was supposed to call for this very reason and to come back in an hour. Mt don't heard the door crash and turned on his aquarium and was up watching it for 10 minutes before he wanted up. Surprise surprise....I hate being right.
Why she has to be so rude as not to do as we ask, (minimum a simple call before showing up) is beyond me. Now it's an hour and a half later, no sign of her and she won't answer her cell phone. So do we sit around and wait, or go do something? This sucks.
Well if you tried to call her and told her to come back and she hasn't then I wouldn't wait, her loss, but thats just me.. I don't even walk through the door at my parents house unless they tell me to come in, I wait for them to answer the door. I don't live there so why walk right in? Thats kind of rude. She definitely should have called. Sounds like she thinks shes exempt to your rules or is privileged or something.
Sigh.. Sorry to bring this back up but I just spoke with my mother again, I let her know that I got some hot dogs at the store today and her response was "they are the all beef ones right?" I told her no that they were the ones with turkey chicken and pork. She told me those are no good for grilling and that we need to get the beef ones because my brother and grand father only like the beef ones anyway. (And we need to cater to them why?) Theres grilling instructions right on the package and seriously who cares what kind of hot dog it is, they are getting free food! If they don't want that they can just eat a burger. I just told her if she wants the beef ones then she can buy them because the ones I got will work just fine and I am not buying anything different. Looks like I just wasted money though =/

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