Anybody else due in October?

Had my Consultant Obstetrician Appointment today and I still wasn't weighted :haha: Was shocked that when she measured me tho I she measured me at 35.5 weeks!! Eeek
My shower is coming along finally.. we actually have people showing up! yay! I'm afraid my mother-in-law may be offended though, because she is throwing her own shower but still coming to my moms...well I invited her sisters and her mother-in-law (My husbands aunts and grandma) and whens he found out I invited her sisters she got all bent out of shape...she didn't know I invited her mother-in-law and they will both be there! yikes. Other than that, things are going well. I found some game ideas for my mom and her and her friend are taking care of the rest! Though she thought the shower was still a month away and I told her that it was in less than two weeks so she panicked a little. Anyways, one of my friends just had a baby girl this morning!! I can't wait to see photos. I'm excited to see how everyone's showers turn out and more so to see everyone's babies! I wonder who will have theirs first...
Had my Consultant Obstetrician Appointment today and I still wasn't weighted :haha: Was shocked that when she measured me tho I she measured me at 35.5 weeks!! Eeek

Wow big baby?? Wonder what mine will be at
If I had to place bets on who goes first I would say most likely tmmommy, her due date is first out of every one here lol but you never know :) I can surely bet it wont be me haha.

Just got some great news though regarding my induction (on the hospitals part) I sent them an email as I have been told 2 different things, no elective inductions before 39 weeks and also was told 40. The hospital says the current policy is 39 weeks, my last induction was successful so I don't see any problems so as long as I am favorable and my dr gives the ok, (and I get the date I want) my baby should be here no later than the 12th of October :D Not worried about that either as I was already a half centimeter dilated at 37 weeks last time even though he was born late so 39 weeks shouldn't be too much of a problem. I can only hope all goes well!

This is the reply the hospital sent me: You should continue to discuss this issue with your physician regarding any medical reasons for an induction of labor. Our current guidelines are no elective inductions (no medical reasons) before 39 weeks and then only if your cervix is ready. Otherwise (unripe cervix) not before 40 weeks.

I wonder if they freaked out at all when I sent my question in I meant to say I was hoping for 2 - 3 days before my due date but accidentally put 23 LOL definitely don't want to go THAT early :p

I want to schedule for the 11th since they do inductions at night, plus that would mean the baby is born on a friday most likely which would be kind of convenient for us, not that convenience is the issue here lol

Though even if my induction date was the 10th that would be cool too because that would probably mean the baby's birth date is 10/11/12

(was only an hour and 33 minutes away from having a 1/11/11 birth date with my son, dang it)! lol
Hey, I'm hoping it's me too! I was late with my son and had to be induced though. I was dilated to 3 cm for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy and even then I was induced at night and the following afternoon they had to use a foley ball to get me to induce further. Although, at 4:30pm they inserted the foley ball. At 5:30pm they checked me and the foley ball had fallen out and low and behold I was at 8 cm - so the foley ball did it's job! Then from 5:30pm to 6:30pm I went from 8cm to 10cm. My son was born at 7:15pm...would've been at 7pm but the doctor wasn't quite ready so they had me stop pushing for 15 minutes. So my son's birthday is 8/7/07 at 7:15pm - thought it would've been cooler though to have it at 7.
my son was late too, i didnt have a folley ball though. They were supposed to start my induction at 11 pm but they were busy and I had to wait a bit. They called back at 3 and we got there at 4, induction started about 4:30. I had the prostoglandins gel. They gave me that and had me lay down for an hour then I could get up for 45 minutes to walk or bounce or shower then I had to have another round. I had 3 rounds then got cervadil around noon, took a couple hours for it to really kick in but once it did my contractions literally did not stop. My son was born at 10:27 pm :)

I seriously cant wait for my dr appointments now lol. Have to wait till monday.

So did your placenta move up at all?
I broke down finally and bought baby girl some clothes. I've done so well holding back but I just couldn't resist as they were on clearence. I'll see if I can get a pic of them all to post :)

Just figured it out. I paid $66 for $144 worth of clothes :)
A couple items are for baby showers (my cousin and my best friend)
Thats awesome! I love clearance items :D I got my baby's halloween costume months ago LOL it was $3 at walmart, its a black cat costume. I didn't even know for sure she was a girl yet but I figured with 4 people pregnant in the family someone would make use of it at the least :)

So I am considering seeing a chiropractor soon. My mom recommended one thats having a special for 4 adjustments a month with no appointment necessary for only $49. Which is not bad at all! but she also works with a bunch of chiropractors all over the US setting up consultation appointments and what not, she said she may be able to get me an even better deal with the one she goes to. She gets hers free since she works for the guy but isn't sure what kind of deal she could get me lol but she said she will give him a call and find out. I figured it would be perfect to go in at 36, 37, 38 and 39 weeks and be all prepared for labor :p
How far along were you all when you got your inductions? I'm hoping for all natural. Baby will come when she feels like it, but I think the doctors here won't let you go passed 42 weeks. I'm using a midwife though so I'm not really sure what their policy is? What was your reason for needing the induction? (if you don't mind me asking). I'm just curious...
Well with my son my drs had my due date down as January 4th even though I KNEW when I had ovulated and that would have put it at january 7th, the ultrasound also said january 7th but the dr didnt think it was necessary to change it since was only 3 days.. My induction was scheduled for January 9th (they wanted to wait a couple days until I was 41 weeks but I convinced them to do it then) so I guess by THEIR calculation I was 40 weeks and 5 days. They scheduled my induction at 40 weeks, my blood pressure was high and it didn't appear I would be going on my own anyway.

I have a different dr this time due to the last one no longer accepting my insurance, If my dr agrees with the date I have in mind now I will be 3 days short of 40 weeks so baby will likely be 2 days early.

I will also be asking for a sweep at my 39 week appointment, and will probably be scheduling the induction at that time if the dr says I am favorable.
When I had my induction, I went in on the 6th and had 2 rounds of cervadil that night and pitocin started the next morning. But, they kept trying to stretch my cervix manually but since it wasn't working they decided to use the foley ball the afternoon of the 7th.

I was a week overdue with my son that's why they induced me. But mine was a little different...our hospital was particularly busy that summer so when I went in for my appointment at 4:45pm and he asked if I wanted to be induced that night since they happened to have 2 open rooms left. He told me to be there at 6pm but I had to ask for an extra hour so I could pack my bag. He was floored that I hadn't packed ANYTHING!

I was actually induced because I wasn't making any progress and I had been having regular timable contractions at about 4 minutes apart for 3 weeks but couldn't make it past 3 cm. And keep in mind, I was still working full time through all of this! I actually had to leave work 30 minutes early for my doctor's appointment. Granted sometimes answering the phones was a bit difficult because I had problems talking through some of the contractions.

Kudos to you on the good deals!:thumbup:
Oh, I forgot, my placenta has moved up some. Not quite enough to be considered "free and clear" as my doctor put it. So, at 36 weeks, my doctor wants to redo the ultrasounds at St. Vincent's in Indianapolis...which wouldn't be so bad but my portion of the bill is about $750! We just got the bills from the first one...and that makes me sad! Everytime I think about it I want to go eat a bunch of cookies or something.

Speaking of cookies, my son and I are going to be making his birthday cookies tonight. He ended up falling asleep for a while last night so we didn't have time to do them then. It's our little thing that we bake any flavor cookies that he wants on his birthday. He's getting good at it too. I usually measure everything into bowls for him then tell him when to add what. He just turned 5 and he knows the difference between flour and sugar, he can crack eggs into a bowl by himself without getting any shells in it, and he knows how to work mommy's Kitchenaid stand mixer! He know all his cookie ingredients, I just tell him ok, add butter and he'll reach for it or add the flour mix...he's too smart sometimes!
I used to love making cookies with my grandpa when I was little lol he used to be a professional chef in the military then owned his own bakery afterward for a while.

Thats an expensive bill! =/ hope all goes well!

starting yesterday I've been getting small bouts of pressure for a couple seconds at a time by my pelvis (more toward the left than in the middle though) so I think this kid may be toying with the idea of getting into a head down position. (finally) Will have to wait until my appointment to see if the dr can tell yet. Considering getting a birthing ball too just to have around at home. Though I think my son would claim it as his toy lol.
I had 2 different son took them over!

I absolutely LOVE to bake! I actually got accepted into a culinary school in Kentucky just before I met my husband...didn't go because I didn't want to leave him! I'm very good at it though! Last winter I sold almost 300 pumpkin rolls just by word of mouth! I had an offer to open a bakery by my old boss' ex-wife. She was his wife at the time and I still worked there too then. She has told me repeatedly since then that if I want to open a bakery to let me know any time and she will finance it. I've really considered it but it really is a LOT of work! My SIL does cake decorating too so she could do that for me...and my brother, her husband, really likes baking too and he's pretty good. Well, he's not as good as me, but he's good nonetheless, lol.

I've been cooking since I can remember though so I thought I'd start really early with my son. Since he was a newborn I'd put him on the counter with me and as he got older I'd give him utensils to play with and he's been getting better with the actual helping! I'm hoping he can cook for his future wife since I NEVER get a break because my husband can make cheeseburgers and that's about it unless it goes in a microwave and even then half the time he way overcooks it!
Lmao! My hubby went on a grilling spree a couple months ago. He made burgers like twice a week. I hate burgers and wasnt too fond of dinner time when he was doing it lol.
If my husband didn't hate going to the store, he would eat cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner every day! When we bought a side of beef, the first thing we ran out of was ground beef because that's all he ate all the time. Like I'd cook dinner and he'd eat hardly any then once I'd lay down for bed he'd go make a cheeseburger or two and tell me in the morning that it sounded better so he only ate a little so I wouldn't get mad...hahaha, yeah it pisses me off more that I was cooking for him just to let him waste it. So, I have to hide my beef when I buy it.
Oh I almost forgot, hubby goes in this saturday to do his tests for the police department =D He's been slacking at running lately and hasn't gone (shame on him!) but hopefully he does well with both tests! I know he can do it but theres alot of competition expected to be there. Feel bad he has to do all this in the heat though! but I guess thats why they are starting bright and early. Check in is at 6:30 am and no one is allowed in after 7 so I guess they start the written portion at 7 then all who pass that move on to the fitness test. Can't wait to hear how he does.
Hopefully he does well cause if not he only has himself to blame for slacking on training huh? I'm sure he'll ace the written as he seems like a good at paper test guy from you explanations.

I love baking and cooking as well. I'm constantly making something new and experimenting to create the best of the best of each recipe. It's fun getting to a point where everyone loves each and every thing you make. It's been harder since having one child and now being preggers too. I get so tired and can't stand as long as I used to. Also the carpel tunnel is hurting when mixing etc. I don't let my hubby in the kitchen to cook. He sucks at it and I'd much prefer to eat something yummy. I'm a kitchen control freak I guess. :)
yeah I think he will be ok with the written test. He did the practice test for it and said it seems like they are seriously testing your logic by giving you trick questions and a bunch of questions that seem like all the options might be a good idea but I think he will be ok.

I don't know why he just up and stopped running. He was going every other day or so but then he just stopped. I asked him if he was going to go running again before his test and he said probably not because he's not going to make any drastic improvements in a week.. well he may not need drastic but by not running at all I think he's only hurting his chances, he's going to be all stiff and sore when he comes home on saturday.

Seriously all this talk about baking is really making me want a pastry of some sort lol

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