Anybody else due in October?

Took my son to the dentist today, I have always been told I am weird for taking him when he is so young. The dentist recommends bringing them in as soon as they get their first tooth, which is exactly what I did. People kept telling me its unnecessary to take a child that young to the dentist because "they aren't going to have any problems, they only tell you to come in earlier because they want your money". Even the pediatrician told me that (except the part about wanting our money). Today we proved them all wrong.

The dentist said my son has great oral hygiene. I always make sure to brush his teeth as best as he will let me but despite that he has two really tiny cavities, one on each of his front top teeth =(. They are dealing with insurance right now to get him approved for fillings (which should be no problem) but when we go back for that he can't have anything to eat or drink (not even water) after 11 pm the night before it will be a morning appointment and they will be sedating him =( not putting him to sleep fully but giving him stuff to relax. Once they take him in to get his fillings I will not be allowed back with him which pisses me off since he is so little and I don't understand it. I can understand wanting me to stay back and let them do their thing but saying I cant be there at all? thats not right.. The idea of them giving my son sedation medicine and drilling into his teeth is not very comforting but it has to be done =/

The idea of my 19 month old son having cavities already even with good brushing habits seems a bit odd to me but anytime anyone ever tells me I am stupid or whatever for taking my son to the dentist at a young age I will be letting them know about this situation.

I do suggest to everyone do not delay taking your child to the dentist until they are 2-3 years it when their teeth start coming in! Yes they are baby teeth and will fall out eventually but taking care of your childs teeth from the beginning only installs good habits for a life time. I know I don't want my child ending up in dentures at the age of 30 something like alot of people in my family..I'll do anything I can to make sure his teeth are healthy and that he continues to take good care of them when he is older!
Love those cake pops! I have been on a baking spree! baked cream cheese brownies, cupcakes, banana choc-chip muffins, apple crisp, and cookies this last week. I think I will bake more muffins tomorrow for my dad since I have a ton of bananas in my freezer.

SJDsmom - a diaper party wouldn't really work out as we're going to be using cloth, I just hope we don't get any more clothes...between people giving us hand me downs and people buying clothes because they like them...I just can't take anymore clothes! I don't need to much else, really...but maybe someone will buy us a stroller! Also, sorry to hear about your sons teeth. I remember having to get a tooth pulled when I was around 10 or so and it was the worst! That was the orthodontists fault though because I had to get head gear and it had this retainer thing that was on the roof of my mouth but was glued to four of my upper molars and the glue caused the cavities, or at least the fact that I couldn't brush those teeth due to the glue and metal...Ugh, so glad I'm not a child anymore.
I am all for good dental hygiene! Kudos to you for taking him! I've been taking my son forever it seems. He didn't even have his first tooth broke through yet and we took him. Some people don't realize the importance of even cleaning baby's gums but the dentist can show you so much. (I've had a lot of dental work done so I probably go overboard with my son.)

Also, all the girls in my office are so nice! I came in this morning and they had invitations in everyone's mailboxes for a baby shower for me for next Tuesday! I thought it was so sweet of them!
Aww that is sweet :) enjoy the party :D

Yeah I started cleaning my son's gums with that baby tooth paste at about 2 months old (switched to a regular tooth paste when he turned 1), he was about 7 months old when I brought him in to the dentist for the first time, he had just gotten his first tooth a couple weeks before.

My husband doesn't think it matters if we get them filled or not, since they are just baby teeth and he's going to lose them. I can see why alot of people would think that but tooth problems can start before the teeth even come in if problems with the gums start occurring, and the dentist was saying if we let those cavities spread theres a chance it could cause decay in the gums. I tried telling my husband why it is infact important, but he just laughed and said "whatever dude thats all you". (Like everything else when it comes to our son :dohh: )

Most of the people in my family over 30 don't have all of their teeth anymore and many of them have or should have dentures. My mom already has dentures on top, both my grandparents have dentures, my uncle should have them, my aunt has teeth missing and a couple artificial teeth, my dad has a couple artificial teeth but not because of bad oral health, he had a lot of work with crowding and what not and ended up having to get a couple pulled to make room for more important ones and ended up replacing them later on with veneers but he's otherwise got pretty good teeth and lucky for me it seems I take after him except the whole crowding thing.

My son more has my teeth in shape but that doesn't mean he has my oral health! Too many genetics come into play here and I'm not taking any chances with my son, or this baby either. I want my kids to keep their teeth as long as possible and I want to install good brushing habits at a young age.
Most people in my family have good teeth. The reason I had so much dental work was because I got beat up when I was 10 by 2-16 year old girls. They picked me up and slammed me face first into a sidewalk. But other than that, I've had perfect teeth. My brother's girls are the worst out of anyone because all 3 of them have had a lot of orthodontia. So, I'm very vigilant when it comes to my son's dental health!
Omg, what a horrible experience! the nerve of some people!

Well atleast you're ok now :) I think when the dentist calls me back once the treatment is pre-approved I will definitely be voicing my concerns about not being with him during treatment. When they went over it with me they made it sound like I would be there with him the whole time, they definitely did not say anything about me NOT being with him, it wasn't until I read the paper they sent me home with that I noticed I won't be there with him. I have to take him in and I guess they give him some medicated juice to drink and that will kick in after about 45 minutes, its just to make him relax and all that then apparently I have to go sit in the waiting room while he is getting worked on. I know they won't want me right up next to him and I am fine with that but even if I am in the next room over and can atleast see him I'll feel much better about it. Since they don't want the parent there I can only assume they will have him in a private room rather than out in the room with like 4 chairs in it. The private rooms have windows in them so you can see into the next room. I'd be just fine sitting in the next room over, in the dark so long as I can see him atleast. It would make me feel much better about the situation =/
So had a doctor's appointment today got my blood pressure check and it was 150/98. So the doctor requested blood work to see if I have pre eclampsia, and she told me if it's only mild I would be put on bed rest and if severe Christopher will come I'll be monitored very closely from now on. And I can't go back to work Thursday like scheduled so I can go get the results of the blood work. AHHH Let if only be mild at the most :cry: :hugs: :nope: :sleep:
Mrswichman - That sucks! Hopefully you get good news back. My BP was high 3 appointments in a row then at my last 2 it calmed back down. So, hopefully, yours will come back okay! Keep us posted.
My blood pressure was super high with my son since atleast 20 weeks along but they never found any other reasons to suspect pre eclampsia so my dr only wrote it off as "at risk" they kept an eye on things but they didn't induce me early. It got worse at the hospital almost made for an emergency c section (along with my sons all over the place heart rate) but they didn't treat me for it there even though as high as it was they should have. The nurses were shocked the dr even let me go home! (was in the 200's over something, don't know the bottom number) They didn't give me any medicine until about a week later and it was just a pill I had to take twice a day.

This time around my blood pressure is actually on the low side of normal. Funny how things can change in so little time..

Hope all goes well for you! try and relax, stress only makes it worse! get some dark chocolate, drink alot of water and cut back on the salt if you eat alot of it (I know I do lol) good luck!
Wow, I hope everything is okay, I am the opposite side of the spectrum with a BP of 80/44. I think my midwives are concerned with keeping hydrated but I drink SO who knows, it's always been low. Other than that, how is everyone doing?

mrswichman - keep us posted as to what they say! Hoping it's all good. My friend had pre eclampsia and I'm not sure if she was induced or not, but I know he was born healthy and strong and not before 39 weeks.
Things are good here. Hubby just started school again, had a slight change in his schedule and now has 4 classes instead of 3. One of the classes he was signed up for did not mention in the description that there are 2 manditory fieldtrips that would be over the weekend (friday to sunday) each time and thats the main chunk of my hubbys work. Apparently there were only about 16 students in the class to begin with and 5 of them including him up and walked out when he said that because none of them could do the fieldtrips. It wasn't a class he needed it was just something to fill the slot he needed to get more credit hours (he needs atleast 12 to get the full basic housing allowance from his GI bill (which is $1400 a month this semester). Still waiting to hear about the police thing but as I mentioned before it could be a while..going to get a couple more things this weekend for the baby shower and then the day before we will be getting the burgers and buns and anything left. We got most of it now though :)

Have a dr's appointment on monday morning so looking forward to that. I will also know after this appointment if my strep b test will be at the next appointment or the one after. My dr told me 36 weeks but I am a week ahead in appointments so I will be going in at 35 weeks anyway but I know after that one they will have me going every week. I guess it doesn't really matter though, its only a week difference.. Definitely having her check position this time! I was going to have to check last time but she broke her finger..=/ getting anxious now though. The days are just flying by!
Does your OB check internally for position? My midwives just feel around and can tell if baby is head down, usually, otherwise if they aren't positive by 36 weeks they send you for an ultrasound.
They do a growth and presentation scan at 30 weeks and check again at 36 by feeling your stomach and they also check your cervix during the strep b test. Otherwise yeah they just feel your stomach. If they cant tell or suspect the baby is not head down they will confirm with an ultrasound.
So I am getting our carseat washed up and ready to go. I was going to wait a few more weeks but my hubby asked me yesterday when I was going to get the base put in the car so it got the idea in my head and I figured I might as well do it while I feel like it lol. So I got the pad, head pillow and spare head pillow and all the straps in the wash right now and just washed up the rest of it in the tub. Going to spray all the plastic parts with lysol just as a double precaution before putting the pad and straps back on. Got a couple things for my hubby to stick in my hospital bag. Going to make a list of what I have and what I want just to make sure I'm not forgetting anything but aside from clothes I think I got all the essentials in a bag ready to be transferred over to the hospital bag. I don't want to put clothes in there just yet though as I know I will be digging in there to get them out because I'll want to wear them lol.
No pre eclampsia, but i do have chronic high blood pressure, so i got put on medication for it and written off work for a week to relax and get it under control. :happydance:
Glad you don't have pre eclampsia! You should go take a nice bath now! I tell you I had the most relaxing bath last night! I so did not want to get out! I had to force myself out and only managed that because I had to pee and I had been in the tub so long the water was getting cold lol.

I had gotten some of the johnsons vanilla oatmeal baby wash and poured about 4 capfulls under the running water to make it a bubble bath, it made my skin all soft and the scent was very relaxing.
No pre eclampsia, but i do have chronic high blood pressure, so i got put on medication for it and written off work for a week to relax and get it under control. :happydance:

Good to hear it's not Pre-E xx
Glad you don't have pre eclampsia! You should go take a nice bath now! I tell you I had the most relaxing bath last night! I so did not want to get out! I had to force myself out and only managed that because I had to pee and I had been in the tub so long the water was getting cold lol.

I had gotten some of the johnsons vanilla oatmeal baby wash and poured about 4 capfulls under the running water to make it a bubble bath, it made my skin all soft and the scent was very relaxing.

A nice bath sounds so good right now, especially with this rotten cold i just cant seem to kick :wacko::growlmad::nope:
ooh in that case I reccommend the vapor wash, might help with congestion. everyone seems to have colds lately!
Just went and picked up burgers with my mom last night, we also ordered the cupcakes and got some candy for a game we are playing. Can't believe my baby shower is next week! Still have no idea how many people will be there, I'm sure we have enough food though. We planned for about 60 and I think thats probably more than how many will actually be there, we invited alot of people though so who knows..

My mom has Friday off this coming week which is good because we are going to use that day to get any last minute items we may be missing and make sure we have everything, probably going to go down to the park to get an idea of how we are going to do things, went yesterday for a few minutes and my mom was trying to tell me what she had in mind but she just kept talking while I was trying to make sure my son didn't run off too far..

But looks like we have pretty much everything now! Just have to pick up some charcoal and buns and fruit for a fruit bowl next friday and we have to get balloons and pick up the cupcakes on saturday before going to the park. Hoping for a good turn out :)

Also have a dr appointment monday morning, nothing special but anxious to get an answer as to babys current position. Last night I was feeling like she was transverse again =/ feeling stretching in my sides..we'll see.

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