Anybody else due in October?

Sounds like you're pretty prepared for the shower! Hope it all goes well!

My appointment isn't until Thursday. I may have to call and move it up though. My left ear has been hurting quite a bit since Wednesday...just haven't had the time to see a doctor with everything going on with the wedding.

Which, the wedding went very well I think! I didn't stutter through any of it and I didn't read straight from the paper either. Which I was concerned about because it was my first wedding that I've officiated and they didn't give me any of what they wanted said until Tuesday. Everyone seemed happy with the way it went.
Thats great! Our pastor sucked when we got married.. Messed up alot. He actually said "for as long or until you both shall live" what does that even mean lol.

Hope your ear feels better soon :)
My wedding ceremony was so so so long! We used my mom's pastor and he and his wife both officiated the ceremony and it came out more like a church service with my husband and I awkwardly standing at the front. It was outdoors and it was SO hot...If I could go back and use a different officiator, I would...but I don't ever want to get married again, so here's hoping I never get divorced...Weddings are STRESSFUL! Anyways, I feel like my belly isn't growing and my baby is and it's so so TIGHT...I can see her body parts through my her bum or legs or something, We need some more room over here!!
Lol its normal. Just stay hydrated and slather on that lotion! I've been able to see body parts better now for a couple weeks too and thats with the placenta in the front. As of last night I felt like the baby was laying diagnally sorta.. I seriously hope she gets into proper position soon and stays there! I'm worried she won't but the only thing that keeps me from over worrying is that when I feel her head down one day and kicking my sides the next I know for sure shes still got enough room to turn around..but thats both comforting and not because that means even when she does turn head down she can still flip =( its just scaring me a little..I really don't want a c section (would definitely opt for an ECV first and pray it works) its harder recovery plus we will be moving about 2-3 weeks after the baby is born and I have a toddler to look after plus I really don't want to be in the hospital long especially since I have never left my son over night with anyone..I don't really think he or I are ready for that especially since he still wakes up in the middle of the night some nights but I guess I really don't have much of a choice since home birth is not an option.. I'm sure things will be fine though..

Well since my dr appointment is tomorrow I get to steal the car from my hubby tomorrow since he has to go to school and we only have one car at the moment so I think after my appointment I'm going to take my son out and get some frozen yogurt. I got a coupon yesterday for this place near us thats buy one get one free but only on thursdays, hubby has school then too but the picture on the coupon really made me want some so I'm going to go tomorrow anyway lol I'm sure my son won't complain, he loves fruit and yogurt so I doubt much would go to waste lol.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)
Target's customer service people are useless. My husbands cousin is pregnant and just received a copy of the target baby catalog which had a coupon attatched to it for a $20 gift card if you make a registry, from what she is saying and from what I am reading about this offer online is this catalog is mailed to you, you take the coupon in along with a print out of your registry to the customer service desk and they give you a $20 gift card to use in store. Well I called the customer service people asking if I can get one mailed to me and they seem to have no idea what I am talking about and go on telling me about the registry completion coupon for 10% off whats left on my registry and the new baby welcome kit that you can get instores (I already got one). Since they didn't answer my question I decided to send an email instead figuring I would get someone else who may be able to help. This person pretty much says the exact same thing then when I tell them they did not answer my question at all they tell me to call back with a reference number. I figured I would try one more time and called back with the number I was given, not only could the person I was speaking with not find anything with that reference number but this person goes on to tell me that its a store promotion and not avaliable at all stores only participating locations and that I would need to go in and request the kit from customer service which has a little catalog in it. (I assume he is referring to the new baby welcome kit which is NOT the same thing). :dohh:

From what I have read about this is some people just get it randomly (like my hubbys cousin did) others are saying they got one AFTER they registered and they received it in the mail and it is a bigger book than the little booklet they give you in the welcome kit.

Maybe I should have asked for a suprivisor -_- didn't help that the person I spoke with on the phone seemed like he barely spoke english
Drs appointment went well today! I'm up to 155.6 lbs, was hoping for no more than 155 at this appointment but oh well. Dr said the baby is head down! Finally! lets hope she stays that way! shes not very far into the pelvis though so still needs to drop more but for now I am happy. Next appointment in 2 weeks then its on to weekly :)
Glad your appointment went well!

I had an unexpected appointment today. My sinuses was starting to hurt right across the middle of my face so I thought it was high time to call em up. Well, I have a sinus infection and my left ear is full of fluid and my right ear has excess fluid but not as bad as my left. Guess that explains why my ear hurt!

My next appointment is Thursday. Then the nurse had scheduled 2 weeks out from there but my doctor has already said he will probably change it because he wants to see me weekly for the last 4 weeks, not just the last 2. (Sometimes I don't know what his nurse is thinking...I had a lot of problems with her at the beginning of this pregnancy too but she's been better here lately.)
My dr starts weekly appointments at 36 weeks but since I'm a week ahead in my appointments I guess that puts me starting weekly at 35 lol. Hope they get your sinus infection cleared up :)
Yeah, I'm actually a week ahead too. That was one of the things the nurse screwed up at the beginning. She kept saying she scheduled it for 4 weeks but if you actually looked at a calendar it was 5 weeks. My doctor said they will correct it at some point so this Thursday there's a good chance he will schedule another in there for next week to fill in where she miscounted.

I had my first dose of antibiotics this morning so I hope by morning it'll feel better. My work is throwing me a shower tomorrow so one way or another I will be at work! I have to say, I haven't had to miss much work though this pregnancy. It was like 2 days worth total for pregnancy related stuff. Now, for non pregnancy stuff I've missed like a week or so...but at the beginning I had a respiratory infection then twisted my pelvis back out (it's always been misaligned but I actually popped it completely out), then I had strep throat.
Well Today I had a check up appointment for my blood pressure, and it didn't really going down after 4 days of rest and on the medicine, so they are putting me on an additional medicine and starting stress test this thursday,possibly bed rest for rest of the pregnancy and considered high risk from here on out and only seeing the main doctor...i hope this new medicine helps cause i hate being on bed rest.... :nope:
Well Today I had a check up appointment for my blood pressure, and it didn't really going down after 4 days of rest and on the medicine, so they are putting me on an additional medicine and starting stress test this thursday,possibly bed rest for rest of the pregnancy and considered high risk from here on out and only seeing the main doctor...i hope this new medicine helps cause i hate being on bed rest.... :nope:

Awe, I hope they get your blood pressure figured out! I'd go insane on bed rest. I went crazy not working on my maternity leave with my son so I know I'd go crazy stuck on bed rest. You'll have to keep us posted as to whether or not the new medicine works for you.
Another possible job offer for my hubby.. nothing as big or permanant as policeman/nursing though. I guess he was talking to this guy who sits next to him in one of his classes and got to talking about his job, apparently the night time guy is about to no longer be there (they are firing him because he sucks at the job) he's not sure if the managers are looking to replace the guy or not but I guess he was going to them talk about it and let them know my hubby would be interested. He'd have atleast the same amount of hours as he has now and it starts off at $4 an hour more than what he's currently making. It would be a step in the right direction until we can get something more permanent. I guess he would be putting computers together. He likes that kind of thing so I'm sure he would be good at it.

He'll get more info tomorrow apparently. In the mean time we are still waiting on an answer from the police department but if that ends up a no go then he should be able to start the nursing program next semester, they really like him and he's all set up to go they just haven't made the list of who will be accepted to start in January yet (or atleast haven't told those accepted), but theres a real good chance he's in.

Glad to have all these opportunities :)
Wow, hopefully it all works out for you guys! That's pretty awesome he keeps getting good offers!

AFM, my work had my baby shower yesterday and it went very well I think! I'm not usually the most liked person here since I have to be the one to tell people no they aren't allowed to order the stuff they I was suprised to see I got so much! I got $185 in gift cards! Odd thing is, I don't know what I want to buy. You'd think I never had a kid before and am totally clueless.:dohh:

My problem seems to be that I have pretty much everything we NEED but there are items that I consider luxuries and would like to have but I keep feeling like I should be guilty for wanting them. So, here is my list of needs and wants:

Car Seat (my neighbor has a nice one that she keeps saying will give me but she hasn't given it to me yet)
Changing table pad
more cloth diapers
bottles (well liners, I use drop ins and have plenty of blue and green bottles would be nice to have a few pink though)
more storage adaptors for my drop in bottles (if I breast feed...we'll see after she is born. I have migraines and will try up until I have them return, if they do, I can't breast feed and be on my meds at the same time as it's unsafe for baby)

bouncer seat
pack n play (Playpen)
new stroller
boppy pillow
more cloth diapers (I consider this on both lists because I could get by with what I have but I don't want to feel obligated to do laundry every 2 days.)

I just don't know where to start! I just don't want to buy something then be mad at myself for buying it. I'm not a person that likes to spend my money so it's hard for me.

I think there's more to this list but I don't know! My sister's list for me is WAY longer than this!
wow! thats great! I'm not expecting near that much but I can hope lol. You can always save them and use them for things like clothes or put them toward bedding when shes a bit older or something, save to use for christmas time if you have anything left to buy.
I'm moving on Saturday, we were supposed to move tomorrow but that's not going to work since the apartment won't be empty yet, the thing is we've packed everything so an extra day is a little annoying... My blood pressure went up to 108/62 from 88/40...They said it's most likely due to stress but nothing to be concerned about...I think that's the highest my blood pressure has ever been!! How is everyone else doing? anyone tired of being pregnant yet?? Also...In my town we have a facebook group that's a swap/buy/sell group. It's really great and I've found great deals on it...maybe you guys have them in your area? I got a bouncer chair in great condition for $10, I'm also interested in a cradle swing a lady is selling for $50 and it's in excellent should check and see if you have one in your area. They are great.
Thats a low blood pressure! Sucks you have to wait another day to move too! Wr have a couple of those pages in our area, the town my hubby was in for the last stretch of his military carrer actually had a website kind of like their own craigslist it was cool
So I was preparing a game we are playing at the baby shower, the candy poo game. The one where you melt chocolate and put it in a diaper and people have to guess what the candy is in each diaper.. anyway I made 5 of them and did my best to make the candy unrecognizable. My hubby saw them once they were all made and was like "eeew, I've seen all of those come from Spencer (our son)" then he points at one and says "except you need to make this one green" LOL! gross! I have to say most of them do look real.. I think people will get a kick out of it :) anyway my mom is coming over in a bit with my nieces, she figured she would let the kids play together for a little bit until she has to go pick up their mom from work. I'm going to have her give this a trial run and see if she can guess any correctly.

and just for kicks here's a picture for your viewing pleasure ;) hahaha.

Went back to doctor today to check blood pressure and do a non-stress test. Blood pressure is back down to normal 122/78 and stress test came out great :D go back Tuesday for another NTS and to see blood pressure again after working the weekend...never thought I'd say it, but I can't wait to go back to work...except it sucks i have to go back on my birthday...oh well.. :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

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