Anybody else due in October?

Mmm...those actually look like poop! haha.

Good to hear your BP and stress test came back well!
Hey, those look pretty good! I'm sure everyone will love that game. It was funny at mine watching people sniff it to see if they could figure out what kind they were.

Mrswichman - YAY! glad your BP is down!:happydance:

AFM - went to the doctor yesterday, now I'm going weekly so I'll go again next week. But, my cervix was "kinda long" and "a good 1 cm!" (yes, he said it with an exclamation point. My doctor sounds so excited when telling me stuff sometimes.) Being as my cervix has always been "extra long" in every ultrasound so he said it's progress. So, it's nice to know all these contractions I've been having are actually doing something...not much, but something!
Wonder if your little miss will be here early?

its been such a long day for me! My son woke up at 3:30, I put him in our bed and he went right back to sleep as usual but after that I couldnt go back to sleep myself. So about 4 am I decided to get up and make some pancakes because my stomach wouldn't stop growling. Then I took a shower cleaned up the coolers that we are taking with us tomorrow and my son woke up soon after that, fed him ran to the store then my mom picked us up and we were gone doing various stuff mostly getting last minute food items but we were with my grandparents and we were out much longer than expected! Got home about 5:20 and gave my son a bath (poor kid hasn't had much of a nap all day so his dad is putting him in bed early atm) currently baking these cookies, 1 dozen down, one in the oven and 8 more to go =/ then I still have some laundry I need to get done and dishes.. ugh

ETA: My stomach has that bruised feeling now too =/ as much as I want to sleep I think I may end up soaking in the tub for a little bit to see if it helps any
Wow, you had a busy day. Hopefully you shower goes well today!

As far as her coming early...she either needs to come this coming week or next or not until after the 26th. It won't go with my work schedule if she comes between the 2 time frames. I'm the treasurer for a special education provider in 6 school corporations so I've got big stuff due and checks to write. I will have paid maternity leave but I'll still be doing my job (mostly from home) and being paid on claim so it'll be nice to have money on this leave. With my son it was all unpaid.
Lol well unfortunately we don't usually get to choose when the baby comes unless inductions or c sections are involved but hopefully she comes at an opportune time for you lol.

We've been busy preparing for this party for a good month now. Spent more money than I was expecting, though I did spend a good amount of my own money, thankfully most of this wasn't out of my pocket or this party would kind of be that sounds greedy but I just hope all the planning and spending was worth it =/ we could have just as easily went out and bought things for the baby instead, but its nice to be able to see everyone too. I told my mom next time we plan on having a party just say screw it and go spend all the money on gifts at walmart lol I was joking but then she started saying my son will have a small birthday next year with just the family and a few close friends. That kind of made me mad I told her she has no say in this as SHE won't be paying for his party so what does it matter to her? (not that I plan on something huge but we are going to invite whoever the hell we want!) then she just said she knows she will be involved in the planning. Like hell she will! I appreciate her doing this shower for me, even though I am doing a lot of the planning myself too but I don't know what gives her the idea she will be involved in my son's party as she wasn't involved in the planning of his birthday party this year, though she tried to be..but I'll be dammed if she tries to mess with it and wants to change what I want to do (because I know she would want things her way).

Anyway sorry for ranting..thats another story lol. I really do hope we have a good turn out though because we still have no idea how many people to expect, most people never did say either way after my constant requests to have people tell us whether they are coming or not =/ and some of the ones who did say they are coming or said maybe, are now last minute telling me they won't be able to come after all =/ so now I really don't know how many people to expect! I'm sure I'm worrying for nothing but I have a feeling we are going to have way more food than we need.. lol

Well anyway I got all those cookies made but didn't get that bath, my son woke up so I had to settle him back down so didn't get to bed until about 10:30 (having been up since 3:30 am and being busy all day I was beyond tired!) Woke up about 5:30 today so I took a shower, kid woke up in the middle of it but he was in my room already so he just walked on into the bathroom lol.

Don't have too much to do until later when my mom picks me up around 11.. just have to get everything I have here together and ready to go and try and get my son down for his nap right before I leave. Good thing he woke up early (I was going to wake him anyway if he didn't) might make it easier lol if not my hubby will have to wake up from his nap (he works nights so will be napping before the party) and make the kid take a nap too..

Wish I could go back to sleep for a bit..
Does/has anyone ever had like a poking feeling right near your belly button?? Like it is so friend said if its his hand he could be scartching me with his nails...all i know is,its not so comfy
I get a bruise like feeling right by my belly button, so annoying :/ had it with my son too.

Just got home from my baby shower not too long ago. Very dissapointed :( we put all this work into it and hardly anyone showed up! Had way too much food and what not and out.of the gifts I got alot of it is stuff I already have or otherwise dont need or like :/ was see the people that showed up but for all this work, the shower cost wayyyyy more than we got out of it..but oh well. The stuff I can use is nice :)
I'm sorry you didn't have the turn out you wanted,or got things you needed.
It sucks since we spent all that time and money on this but atleast we can make use of somethings.

I have to go to walmart tomorrow so will be taking the things I can exchange there with me and put it toward a play mat or something else we can use.
Mrswichman - I don't feel my baby move like normal people so I can't say I ever had that, with my son sister said she's felt it before though.

Sjdsmommy - that sucks your turnout wasn't better. I know what it's like to put a bunch of effort into something like that and have a bad turnout. I agree that sometimes you could've just put the money towards more baby stuff. That's partially why we decorate for showers with real clothes and bottles and such so the decorations can be used later. We also tend to make pulled pork barbeque so we can easily freeze leftovers. So, yeah, I totally feel for you!
Mrswichman - I don't feel my baby move like normal people so I can't say I ever had that, with my son sister said she's felt it before though.

Sjdsmommy - that sucks your turnout wasn't better. I know what it's like to put a bunch of effort into something like that and have a bad turnout. I agree that sometimes you could've just put the money towards more baby stuff. That's partially why we decorate for showers with real clothes and bottles and such so the decorations can be used later. We also tend to make pulled pork barbeque so we can easily freeze leftovers. So, yeah, I totally feel for you!

Thankfully most of the decorations were from the dollar store lol and my brothers girlfriend took them when we were done. Some of it was girly but nothing said its a girl on it so she figured whatever she'd use them anyway lol. We had burgers and hot dogs but alot of it went unused. My grandpa made a bunch of salsa, 2 huge fruit bowls, and a big bowl of potato salad. We had 5 dozen cupcakes some chips, soda and all that stuff.. it all got sent home with various people though (mostly my aunt, we all joked she only showed up to go grocery shopping as she's always quick to claim whatever is left at functions like this) so atleast none of the food went to waste in the end but we definitely didn't need to put that much work into it lol we had way too many prize gifts too and all this stuff we didn't end up using that my mom insisted we get for whatever reason.. We did get $30 off that raffle she did though..

Just went to walmart and exchanged some luvs for huggies and exchanged a few things I didn't need. Put that money toward a play mat for the baby.

Still have to go to target and return this baby bather I got (I already have one so don't need another) as well as this little hat I probably won't ever put on the baby =/ definitely appreciate the thought but rather exchange it for something we WILL use. also need to return some doubles to jc penny at some point. Atleast I got a gift receipt for those lol.
Oh yeah forgot to mention, that guy my hubby was talking to about the computer job wasnt there on thursday :dohh: so have to wait until tuesday to hear anything assuming he is there then..
Today is my anniversary. One year! Yay, we did it!! haha. I also get the bruised feeling you're talking about. My midwife said it's just the baby pressing up against you because there isn't so much room now. How is everyone doing otherwise? I'm moved in now, but we can't use the main bedroom because our Landlord is re-carpeting this week, it's very cluttered in here right now.
Congratulations on 1 year! The rest just kinda fly by and blur least for us it has. We had a very eventful year that year though.

Otherwise, I am all of a sudden so tired. I feel like I need a 4 hour nap every day. Not that I get them but yesterday I did since hubby was so nice to let me sleep. But, I'm not a napping kind of person usually so it's weird to me. I just can't wait until she's here so I don't have to go to work for a while. I'll be working from home for the most part during my leave but it won't be that bad...I'm just ready for a break.

Everyone keeps telling me they think it won't be long but I keep thinking she'll be late. Don't want to get my hopes up or anything!
UGH so frusted as I had almost finished typing what I was going to say then my son goes and plays with the mouse and ends up hitting the back button before I could take it away from him -_- so of course lost all of what I was going to say.. ugh lol

Anyway congrats and happy anniversary!

I think I may have felt a few contractions this morning. I was laying on my left side and and felt a bit of pressure in my pelvis almost as if I am starting to dilate or something. It lasted 30-60 seconds each but only happened about 4 times. Once I got up it stopped so don't know whats going on there..nothing too intense though could have also just been pressure who knows!

My son woke me up early today again but he went to bed pretty early too and wouldn't wake up for anything so I just said screw it lol but when we got up I went to do some dishes, I hate leaving dishes in the sink overnight but I just didn't feel like doing them lol but come to find out once the washer was all loaded, we're completely out of dish soap! I knew it too but totally spaced it out. I even went to walmart and the grocery store yesterday and could have gotten some at either place :dohh: I'll just blame it on pregnancy brain lol. I do have to go to target later today though so hopefully I will remember to get some while I am there.

I am also considering putting my son in head start, not sure if we qualify but I'm going to go down and apply anyway, doesn't hurt to try! The school I was looking at has 1 spot left open for his age group so if I want it I need to jump on it. However when I called down there to see if we could come and sit in with the class just to see how things go for a little bit they said we are welcome to come by and see the facility but the head start section is still waiting on their license from the state so no kids are there yet. So I think I will go apply, then go to target then if theres time left go down to the school and check it out just for looks. Seems to have good reviews as far as the preschool section goes atleast but the head start is a different program.. I just figured it would be nice for my son to have some kids his own age to associate with a couple days a week and it would definitely help out when his sister gets here lol. Just have to find where my hubby left his tax return..

ETA: Scratch that. Looks like I won't be getting that done after all. I asked my husband to print out his tax return and he doesn't think its necessary. He said he will do it later. I told him ok but don't wait too long because they only have one spot open. Then he starts going balistic saying that I'm stressing out and that he's not even 2 yet and doesn't need to go to preschool blah blah blah. I told him I just think it would be nice for him to associate with kids his own age on a regular basis so he told me to take him to the park -_- to which I replied its not the same then he goes on saying I am the one stressing and all this bs. I'm not stressing out at all and if we end up not getting in so what big deal I just think it would be nice for our son and atleast want to try. I don't know what the big deal is but my hubby has been like this the past couple days now, jumps down my throat when I say or mention something and he says I'm the one over reacting, he starts raising his voice so I give him the same tone and yet I'm the one whos yelling and he says he's only yelling because I am even though he started it. Ugh getting so sick of his attitude lately -_- (Sorry for ranting)..
Omg lol stupid stupid me DID forget the dishsoap again lol and now my son is taking a nap! guess I'll just have my hubby pick some up on his way home from school later =/ I hope thats important enough :haha:
Omg lol stupid stupid me DID forget the dishsoap again lol and now my son is taking a nap! guess I'll just have my hubby pick some up on his way home from school later =/ I hope thats important enough :haha:

Do you have Borax? In a pinch, you can use just Borax as a detergent. I make my own and Borax is one of the main ingredients along with Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (not baking soda).
Omg lol stupid stupid me DID forget the dishsoap again lol and now my son is taking a nap! guess I'll just have my hubby pick some up on his way home from school later =/ I hope thats important enough :haha:

Do you have Borax? In a pinch, you can use just Borax as a detergent. I make my own and Borax is one of the main ingredients along with Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (not baking soda).

No I don't.. I have some Ajax so if I need any of the dishes that are in the washer right now I can just wash it by hand. Hubby said he will get some but he wont be home till a little after 7 tonight.. ah well I'll make due.

And he actually emailed me his tax return. I just have to stop by the library and print it out on the way down to the head start office. Its a bit out of the way and will delay the time I get there since the library doesn't open until 9 but oh well =/ we need to get some ink for our printer!

ETA: actually I think i will have to wait until thursday to go to the office now as hubby will need to be in class at 11 tomorrow =/ that doesn't give me enough time to down to the library, all the way out to the head start office and then back over to pick hubby up and drop him off again..maybe I'll go to the libary then go to the office after dropping him off. just confusing myself now lol
So ladies does everyone feel like they are ready? We don't have much time left now :) yesterday I took the toys that my son has in this plastic drawer set and put them into some boxes for now (we're going to get a big tub for him to use as a toy box) and then I tidied up the closet to make room in there for it, separated the babys clothes by size and got everything new born and 0-3 months put in a drawer (everything bigger than that is in a box or hanging up) but I will be taking them back out to wash them soon then separating them by what they are, shirts + onesies in one drawer, pjs, beanies and socks in another and then pants. Sweaters and dresses will be hung up :) We have more 0-3 month stuff than I thought! I might grab another package of new born onesies and a couple more pjs though. We are really lacking 3-6 month stuff though so will have to keep an eye out for that size.

I also washed up the bag I will be using as my hospital bag and am going to pack it up soon. I have 2 pairs of comfy pj pants to put in there along with all the toiletries I just need to decide on some shirts and go buy my hubby a new outfit to put in there just incase. He's in desperate need of new clothes anyway as he only has 2 pairs of pants that he wears, they are getting worn out fast from all the wash and wearing but he\ refuses to go out and shop for clothes lol. Parts of me feel like I am going to go earlier than planned and another part of me thinks I will end up induced again so I really have no idea! but once I finish packing up the bags we will be good to go whenever. However I still want to get this place a good deep cleaning before she gets here so we don't have to do it all after shes born. Atleast this place is small so won't require too much but I want to get the bathrooms scrubbed up all nice and good and the appliances in the kitchen atleast and maybe start packing slowly all the blankets and stuff we don't use..

Baby's bag is all packed up though and her new patient papers are filled out as much as they can be right now (laking birth info is all) going to take those with us so we can get them filled out at the hospital. So anxious to get to 36 weeks so I can know how I am progressing lol. Havent been getting much sleep the past couple days..last night was hubbys fault. He thought 2 am would be a good time to try and seduce me -_- as if lol.
I haven't really done much to actually get ready for her...I think I'm in denial or something. I really feel that if I have everything ready and she shows late then I'll be disappointed. Went to the doctor today - everything the same as last week. I know she's not quite ready yet but I was hoping to have made some sort of progress. I had so many contractions over the weekend that I didn't get anything done that I wanted to do.

My doctor is so funny though, he told me that it could still happen at any time! He checked another patient on Friday who had no dilation or effacement and her water broke last night...she's over at the hospital with no dilation or effacement still. So, he kept saying, it could happen! I'm still convinced she's going to be difficult like me and wait until last minute though.

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