Anybody else due in October?

Yeah I feel more anxious to get ready with this one than I did with my son, I was fine waiting till last minute with him and he was born late. So maybe this one will come on her own, who knows.. Its really hard on me though knowing we cant do too much since we are moving at the end of next month but in the mean time I am doing what I can. My husband actually read about some kind of option to buy a house that makes it a little cheaper.. I don't remember what it was called but basically you would own the home but not the land, the land would be owned by like a bank or something. It makes it cheaper but the only thing is they can kick you off the land but apparently they dont.. I don't know if I want to go with that option unless we can purchase the land at some point too, it seems like theres some kind of a catch and I dont want to be worrying if they will kick us off or not (even if they usually dont) I'd rather just own the home and land out right but I guess either way is a better option than renting. Oh and I guess also you can't sell the home without the land owners permission.. seems sketchy to me I guess you could say..I'd rather go with a rent to own home.
So I ordered a bottle of clary sage oil and it just got in. I didn't even open it and can smell it already! lol its not bad but wouldn't say its necessarily a plesant smell either.. Anyway I heard its great for relaxation and can also be helpful for inducing labor. While obviously I dont intend to induce labor just yet and will hold off on using this until atleast 36 weeks, I'm curious to see if it will infact help lol. Its sitting a good 10 inches or so from me and I can still get a wiff of it, thats some strong stuff lol
Its been a quiet couple of days, hope everyone is well and ready to enjoy the weekend :)

As for me still having alot of pressure down there but also getting kicks in my sides again =( I hope she didn't move back to transverse. Seeing the dr again on Monday.
It has been quiet! My husband's birthday was Friday and everyone was convinced I was going to have her that night. I was even starting to wonder. I was having strong contractions but nothing regular then yesterday had the I've had nothing. Oh well, my sister got mad at me yesterday because I don't really have anything ready for Libby. I have stuff but not much is actually ready. So today, I'm cleaning house and will probably get a few things ready. I haven't even packed a bag for her or me for the hospital. The weather has been so fall-like this weekend and it's gotten me in the mood to clean! So, off to clean some more! I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day!
Well you are term now so it couldn't be any time :) Hope she doesn't tease you for too long! I've got out bags mostly ready to go. Babys bag is ready, my bag just needs a set of clothes for hubby, my spare phone charger thats in his back pack and maybe an extra snack or 2. My son's bag to take to my grandparents just needs some clothes in it. Hesitating to do that because I know I will just be going into his bag to dig the clothes out at some point lol. Going to the dr tomorrow then I have to return something at JC penny, might get my hubby some pants while there if the prices aren't obnoxious.

I've been having pressure alot, starting to think I may go early..
I have had so much pressure lately. I swear it feels like my pelvis is being torn apart! The sad part is though that I have loose joints to begin with, then with them loosening in preparation for her arrival - now I waddle like Fred Sanford (you know, the old show about the junk man - Sanford and Son). My husband has been calling me Fred a lot lately.

My sister keeps bugging me to set up an induction date with my doctor. It's getting a little annoying actually. I go on Thursday anyways but she wants me to send him an e-mail or call him. I don't see the rush. Our hospital does inductions up to a week early and as late as a week late. But, it's all dependent on how much space they have in Labor and Delivery at the time. So, even if we set it up now, there is a good chance that I will show up and they would send me home due to no space. That's the bad part about living in the country without very many hospitals are kind of limited to what rooms are available.

Ah, now I'm rambling...Have a wonderful day!
Just got back from my appointment, things going good. Nurse practitioner said I have to see an actual dr next week as they will want to "touch base" but then i can see her again afterward. Out shopping today
I am in so so much pain! I can barely walk and bending over is just brutal. Is this normal? It's my pelvis and lower abdomen. I'm really really looking forward to October now, this is not fun!!
Totally normal, your baby is probably doing the same as mine, working its way into the pelvis. I'm having a hard time bending over myself! The last leg of pregnancy isn't always easy but we're all almost there now! :)

Can't wait to see all the updates within the next few weeks :)
Oh, yeah, the pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen...totally normal! Wait until you have some good contractions and you can actually feel your pelvis pulling apart as LO's head pushes's just lovely! But, hey, you're in the home stretch now!

Friday I was having pain in my back that radiated around which actually summed up to mild contractions. Then, I had contractions so hard on Saturday I actually had to stop what I was doing and just sit there until they went away. I'm hoping on Thursday they tell me I've made some kind of progress.
I just have to say.. hot cheetos and cinnamon life ceteal...owww lol
Lol my little combo there gave me odd braxton hicks.. They lasted for a few seconds each but any time I went to take another bite of cereal they came back. I couldnt even finish it. After that they stopped but I had a strong urge to finish packing my sons bag (just waiting on some laundry to finish) and also clean lol so I cleaned up, found my son some clothes, threw laundry in and went to the store because we were almost out of laundry soap and I had to get some pull ups and wipes for his bag too.. Lol so once the laundry is done I can toss one more outfit in his bag, get my hubby a shirt in mine along with the pants I bought him assuming they fit, he hasnt tried them on yet he came home exhausted after school since he only got like 2 hours of sleep after work before he had to be up again. So once the laundry is all done we will officially be packed and ready to go anytime. Also want to take a bath but kind of want to sleep too..will have to see how long ot takes my son to go to bed.
Grr so my son caught a cold from his cousin and I happened to mention it on facebook. I was talking with a friend of the family who mentioned her daughter is also sick when one of my cousins pipes in telling me I shouldnt be giving him medicine for it at such a young age, I told him his dr approved it and after asking me what it was he tells me I need to look for a new dr and all this crap. Um excuse me but I trust our sons dr over a damn nursing student who doesnt know my son anyway. No one asked you dude. Ugh the nerve of some people!

ETA: Ok so even after I tell him I trust his dr and theres a reason I make the 35 minute drive to see him rather than a closer dr he goes on telling me some drs only have good bedside manner and aren't as nice as you think and that no good dr would give a child that medicine. (My mom actually said its the same medicine the drs told her to give us kids when we were little). Granted that was around 20 years ago since my grandparents took me and my bros in when I was only 2, I'm sure some things have changed in the medicine world but still - I'm just fine! Too bad you can't punch someone through a computer screen. I ignored him after that, he's not going to budge and I don't want to waste my time on him anymore but I really don't appreciate him telling me what to do and not do with my kid.
Don't you just love when people tell you how to do
I'm getting so sick of it and my LO isn't even here yet.
Its so annoying and unfortunately doesnt get any better. I dont know whats worse, people who also have kids and are stuck in their ways or those without who think they are experts anyway. And then theres the overly bragging. I have a friend whos son is 2 weeks older than mine and for a while she kept telling me my son would be doing this and that in about 2 weeks. Once he reached a month old hed already passed her son up in development. After a while it got to the point where I could say "hes been doing that for a while now.." He rolled over first sat up first crawled and walked first talked first and is potty training first..her son got teeth and hair first..thats about it lol.
lol. yeah my aunt's boys are going to be 9months older than my LO and she keeps telling me when things will happen and i need this and that and should do things this's like my baby is different from yours, im a different person than you so we probably wont parent the same....i want to yell "Shutup!!!" lol

On another another stress test today and ultrasound...lets see how much they think LO has gained in 2weeks lol
Hopefully everything goes well! :)

I've finished my little bout of cleaning for now (except dishes) just need to put the baby's clothes away when the dryer gets done :)

Tried to take a bath afterward with my clary sage. Let me tell you that stuff has a strong smell! I put about 2 teaspoons of milk in there and a capful of oatmeal baby wash since I haven't gotten my almond oil yet, I wasn't going to start the clary sage until 36 weeks (mostly got it for relaxation not to induce) but I just needed to relax a bit and figured I'd give it a try but my son made it anything but relaxing =/ he kept splashing, throwing shampoo bottles in there, got mad when I told him no or took them away, ended up throwing a tantrum and hitting his head on the toilet :dohh: Probably should have waited until he took a nap..but after the restless night last night and 6 hours of broken sleep I've been getting for weeks now I just wanted to relax. My son has some pent up energy he needs to get out.. need to take him to the park or something, its really nice out today but I really don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything right at this particular moment.
Aww sorry your bath wasn't as relaxing as you hope...maybe try when your sons asleep and right before you head to bed...?

But everything went good had a stress done...well tried...Christopher wouldn't hold still to set the heart rate up and when he finally did he got the hiccups lol. So after not being able to get it i had to go down to my ultrasound+bpp(to make up for the stress test) everything turned out great,my little guy has some long legs the tech said lol...and he weighs approximately 5lb 4oz. is that enough gain in two week time from about 5lb. 1oz???i was confused and thought maybe his growth slowed or something....

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