Anybody else due in October?

Looks like its settled down a bit but its a pretty good weight for how far along you are :)

I took advantage of my son's nap time to squeeze in a much needed nap myself. I know theres things I could have gotten done during that time but it was definitely needed. got almost a whole 3 hours in and for once I don't feel like it was a waste! apparently he needed it too because hes STILL sleeping lol. Got up and soon after was having some mild contractions that went away when I managed to make myself get up and pee (so weird lol) then I went and ate some cereal, paid the car payment and sent my hubby a text begging him for papa johns because I have a craving for their garlic parmesan breadsticks LOL. Had to start the dryer over again, our dryer sucks and takes 2 cycles sometimes, so still waiting on the baby's clothes to dry but they should be done soon :)
Think I may be having some very dull contractions. Nothing regular and definitely not time to go to the hospital but I am having some on and off pressure at the least. Still able to feel baby move around though so not 100% sure. Just going to keep an eye out, could be braxton hicks as I'm not due for another month yet but still something to keep an eye on.

I'm just a little anxious/nervous as I wasn't really in pain when I had my son..Infact if I wasn't at the hospital already I dont think I would have known when to go in (I'm sure I've mentioned that before) so going to have to stay on top of things and go in for monitoring if I think its getting there. I wish it was Monday already, I just want to get my cervical check done and over with so I can know my progress. My appointment won't be till the afternoon though. My son's got his dentist appointment to fill those cavities in his front teeth (its more like one right in the split between his two top front teeth) Since he has to fast the night before and morning of due to the sedation they do these appointments first thing in the morning. So he's set up for 8:30, should get out of there around 10:30 so that leaves enough time for food and a quick nap before we head out to my appointment at 1:30.

Hmm..whatever this is has gotten a little stronger in the time its taken me to write this (did have to stop a couple times to tend to my son lol).
Hope she comes soon :D

Finally got the crib all ready for little man and everything else is gotten...just gotta figure out how to decorate around his we live in a 1bedroom apartment...


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I too am only in a 1 bed house, we put cot up yesterday in our room :)
Awe, wow, you ladies are so much more prepared than I am! I have Libby's crib put up but it's full of stuff...:blush:

I still need to have my sister paint the truffula trees on the wall behind her crib. We have everything to do it but she hasn't had a chance to come over and do it. But, I found out sister and I were supposed to be going shopping this weekend but she was only saying that so I wouldn't make plans. Her and my mom decided to throw me a shower on Sunday! They even went and did a registry of everything they thought I still needed. I thought it was very sweet of them!

Although, my sister said she talked to my MIL on Monday and she said she probably won't be there because she's had a sinus headache and won't feel like driving that if she knows how she's going to feel in 6 days. That's okay though, I'm still not totally over the fact she sent me the e-mail basically saying my baby's not important because her other son's wedding (my BIL) is more important than us.

Oh, well! On a happier note, I go to the doctor this afternoon! I hope I've made some progress!
we havent set out crib up yet, we're moving only 2 1/2 weeks after my due date and plan to co sleep for a while anyway so will just have the pack n play in our room at first in the event we need to put her in her own space for whatever reason. We have a 2 room apartment right now and the crib is actually in my sons room but has no mattress (its on his toddler bed) and its got blankets and what not shoved in it that need to be washed and packed away lol.

Another shower? thats nice! kind of last minute though, hope you don't go into labor in the middle of it haha :)

Good luck at your appointment! I woke up with pretty big pressure this morning, although not incredibly painful it had me wondering if I should go in for monitoring or something but it only happened once so far and I'm pretty much normal now (as normal as I have been in the past couple days anyway) so no need to go to the hospital yet lol. Who knows it may not be for a few weeks yet since I'm not even term but I'm just a little paranoid I'll end up waiting too long since I seemed to have a huge pain tolerance last time and definitely think this one is coming early and on her own.. but I have internet on my phone and the hospital has wifi so when it does eventually happen I'll be sure to let you all know (and expect the same from you ladies! lol) until then I am trying to relax and keep this place decently clean (not going to be much better than that with a toddler lol) been so picky about the living room area lately lol picking up in there constantly! Tomorrow is Friday which means I will be spending the afternoon with my mom again, going to my grandparents for dinner (seem to do that often on fridays) so I think I may go ahead and drop my sons bag off there and our spare carseat just so they have one ready for him just incase and then his bag is one less thing we have to remember to bring later. Will still have to grab his teddy bear and blanket and my pillow that hes in love with that I'm sending with him too (to make him feel more at home). I feel like I am so prepared but then theres all these other little things that pop into my head lol
Haha all sporty already!

oh yes very soon as we found out LO was a boy my OH said "I got my baseball player" lol was so cute and he was really excited+ we're big REDS fans...:D
Just a question what do BH's feel like...?
and what do normal contractions feel like?
I'm afraid i won't know when it's
Haha all sporty already!

oh yes very soon as we found out LO was a boy my OH said "I got my baseball player" lol was so cute and he was really excited+ we're big REDS fans...:D
Just a question what do BH's feel like...?
and what do normal contractions feel like?
I'm afraid i won't know when it's

Well..thats kind of hard to answer as everyone feels them differently. Some people getting tightening feelings and some never do. Braxton hicks though will go away with time, you can try eating, changing position, taking a bath and if they go away its probably nothing real and they generally are not painful. Real contractions will not go away no matter what you do, they may get slightly better in terms of toleration but they won't go away without medical intervention.

Most people seem to feel like they are having period cramps, some also get back or side pains as well.

Hope that helps a little..if you have any doubt do call the dr. Even if it ends up being nothing its always better to be on the safe side.

As for me I've been having this cramping all day, constantly. Its mostly dull but it does feel like period cramps, just slightly above where I normally get them. I've decided if I still feel this way (or worse) in the morning I will be calling my dr's office to get some kind of an answer. While I still dont feel like its time just yet I am starting to feel similar to how I did in the beginning of my labor with my son so I kind of hope they will send me in for monitoring.

We went down to walmart yesterday and I asked my hubby to help me pick out some outfits for the baby (I just wanted him to be involved a bit as he hasnt picked anything out for her!) he kept picking up boy outfits..I told him we werent shopping for our son lol he didn't seem too interested in shopping for girl stuff (go figure) so I just let it go. I tried, apparently he doesn't care what she wears lol. I did show him this really cute dress we got at our baby shower (he had to leave before the presents were opened as he had to go get ready for work) he thought it looked dumb. I think its just that he doesn't care for girly clothing cause hes not a girl lol. I was like what our daughter can't look like a girl? He held the dress up to our son and was like well if she looks anything like him it might be weird ( lol
Well, I'm 2 cm and my cervix is favorable is what the doctor said yesterday. If I want him to, he said he would strip my membranes at next week's appointment. But, he also said, "Well, if she's still in there..." We aren't really trying to make her come before she's ready but my grandma is coming to town in early October and I don't want to be stuck in a hospital and miss her being here. We usually only get to see her once a year since she lives about 2,000 miles away and this is her 2nd visit this year...but she won't be coming next year probably that's why she's doing 2 trips this year. She's getting ready to have another knee replacement and she doesn't think she'll feel up to traveling next year.
On the note of your hubby not being interested in the clothes...I think my husband is way to into Libby's clothes! He's always telling me that the clothes we have aren't girly enough or they need more ruffles and frillies! It's so funny though because she's not even here and she's already daddy's girl.
Hi ladies, sorry I've not been around.
I accidently hit unsubscribe on a couple threads and took me a bit to find them again.
Well I moved, we are in our new place and happy, but there is lots to do still. Unpacking, putting up shelves and pictures and just getting things functional and homey.
Had an OB appt yesterday, baby is doing wonderful (had a quick scan as I was nervous after having a little fall when moving, than you furtiture polish that makes the floor a slick track!). She is average, everything is as it should be, heart beating perfectly, head down and dropped a bit. I've gained 15 lbs which is awesome to me as my boy made me eat and gain a ton. I'm so happy with things leading to a good try for vbac.
How are you all?
Glad to hear you're both doing well :)

My cramping got worse yesterday, didn't go away at all not even after a bath. I mean it helped a little but after 10 minutes they were back =/ but I also ended up with upper back pain and the bath did nothing for that. I'm feeling much better this morning but if its anything like the last 2 days I'll be back to cramping this by this afternoon I'm sure. Called my dr's office and left a message with the triage line. I'm sure they are busy catching up on whoever called in last night but the recording says "your call will be returned in the order of priority" been about a half hour since I called so hopefully they call back soon..just anxious to get an answer as to what may be going on.

ETA: update: Just got a call back from the triage nurse. She said since I am not leaking fluid or bleeding or having painful urination that I should just stay home and try to relax a bit. She told me if I feel the need to get checked out I can make an appointment but theres not much they can do in the drs office (I have an appointment monday anyway) or if I felt the need I can go down to the hospital whenever and have them monitor me. So I guess for now I just stay put unless things get worse.
Sobasically it's one of the joyous pregnancy discomforts, so grin and bear it. If you go in basically we'll take a look then send you home. I know all about the pain thing. I had BH cramps like that twice in my pregnancy. I could barely get up it was painful! But it wasn't like a timetable thing and then after I had the standard BH they tell you about, tightening that lasts 30sec to a minute and only happens for a few repeats then goes away.
The back pain I get loads of. I feel like my body reacts very poorly to relaxin, makes my entire ribcage seize up in pain to where I have to hold my breath for a minute.
Hope it calms down for you.
Bath helped me yesterday, though I have a corner tub (like a pool) with jets :)
Just have to keep the temp low and use the jets sparingly.
Yeah I guess.. weird thing is though the cramps are just consistant there is no break they just get stronger as the day goes on then by morning it calms down a little but picks back up. Its just confusing the heck out of me right now because it does feel like how my labor started with my son =/ just have to keep an eye on it I guess
I was having these very weird pain last night, not BH or period-like cramps. They went away after I got into bed and slept though, so not concerned, baby is SO active all the time, I've constantly got feet in my side.

My husband and I went to get some last minute things - some newborn disposable diapers, baby laundry detergent for our cloth diapers, some baby face cloths for cloth wipes (I'm also going to make disposable wipes with Bounty paper towels) and some other small things. We had some clothes to return so we shopped around a bit and my husband actually picked out a little shirt with an elephant on it and we got a pair of shorts for next summer. It was nice having him participate, I think he's getting more excited. I just need to get a laundry basket and a flip-lid garbage bin for a cloth diaper pail. I've got 3 and 1/2 weeks to go, about...but I'm thinking 2 weeks...I'm probably just being hopeful.
Im seriously sick of pregnancy insomnia! Last night I fell asleep about 11 cause we got home late then I woke up about an hour and a half ago right about 3 and cant go back to sleep. Seems about normal wake up time for me lately. Was crampy but it went away for the most part after I made myself get up to pee. 4 hours of sleep though is not enough. And I have been averaging 6 hours of broken sleep every night for a long time now. I know I am not getting enough sleep and theres nothing I can do about it. My body rarely lets me nap too. And usually when my son is napping I take that time to shower and eat or clean.. Ugh I am so wanting a 12 hour nap right now. Even if I do fall back asleep it wont be for son is an early riser.
Well it seems things have calmed down for me =( was hoping things would keep progressing so hopefully it picks back up soon! not too quickly of course but I don't want to be teased another 4 weeks lol. My dr appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Very anxious to hear my progress, with my son I was only about 1/2 centimeter at 37 weeks but with all this pressure I have been having I'll honestly be surprised if I am not atleast nearing 2 cm tomorrow, they say it usually goes quicker the 2nd time anyway.

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