Anybody else due in October?

There is no real correlation between the cm's they find early and going into labor sooner. My husbands cousin's wife was 3cm for 2 weeks before her due date, and yet still went two weeks over, and my friend wasn't dialated st all for her appt in the morning, went into labor later that night.
I think it's just something for us to wonder about, 'hmm maybe I could go early? Maybe I'm gonna be late?' I try not to think too much about it... It'll happen when baby is ready. :)
Yeah I know but atleast being dilated I would feel like all this preasure and cramping hasnt been for nothing lol. Its come back now too..all afternoon.

Its so weird getting this now since I didnt get it till labor kicked in last time but I know every pregnancy is different. Just wish my body would stop teasing me already lol. The more I try ignoring it the more it bugs me lol. Atleast I know it will most likely not be any longer than the 12th of next month if we do end up approaching my due date since we are planing on induction again.
It is a tease, I almost wish they didn't check or tell us if we are dialated or not, cause I agree it's too hard not to look more into it.
It'll happen soon :) just distract yourself and keep busy. And if it makes you feel more proactive, two long walks a day, and scrub floors on all fours! Lol (and warning DH may find this weirdly sexy) so sex can't hurt either!)
I know what you mean about your body teasing you! It's kind of a sucky feeling. I just like to feel like I'm making some kind of progress. I'd love to have labor start naturally this time just to experience it. With my son, I was dilated to 3 cm for 4 weeks and having regular contractions off and on for about 6 weeks and we still had to be induced to get him to budge.

I'd love to have the full blown have my water break and everything! It'd be nice to have it all unplanned. I'm usually a planner and like to know what's going to happen when but I also kind of like the excitement of not knowing! Also, wow, I am less than 2 weeks from my due date! It all seems to be becoming so real...guess I should get moving on getting stuff ready for her!

My shower yesterday went well I think. I was in tears before it even started though. My doggie was up sick for 3 hours in the middle of the night so I think it made what happened in the morning seem worse than it was. My husband's entire family cancelled on me...they all did it through texting and all had pretty lame excuses. The only people that were there was my family. But, like I said it went very well with the people that did show up! So, I'm very appreciative of that! Got some super cute stuff too!

I think I've rambled enough...Everyone have a wonderful day!
Sex is the last thing on my mind lol might try a walk now that its cooling down some though. been meaning to. Been cleaning what I can but getting down on all 4's is sooo uncomfy lol. Will be leaving soon to take my hubby to school then son to the dentist hopefully the morning goes fast.

tmmommy - sucks your hubbys family canceled! but glad you had a good turn out with your family :)
Just got back from my son's dentist appointment not too long ago. He did fine and they went pretty quick once they finally got him in there. we were waiting for a good while though and had to wait another 45 minutes after they gave him the sedation medicine.

I was a bit concerned after we got home I noticed my sons tooth looked like it had been shaved off at the bottom, it looks crooked almost like it was chipped or something. I called and spoke with the assistant to ask why they shaved the bottom of his tooth when the cavity was at the top and between the teeth. She seemed to have a hard time understanding what I meant and asked me twice If I meant the biting edge (is there another bottom?!) Then what she told me was that the dr had to shape his tooth that way so the filling wouldn't fall out. The filling is at the top of his tooth! I just got annoyed and ended the convo since she wasn't answering my question.

About 20 minutes later I was still fed up and decided to call back and speak with the dentist this time. He was much more helpful. According to him they didn't touch the bottom of his teeth as far as shaping goes at all but they put this little band on his teeth to keep them in place, he said its common for the teeth to look a little different after that because the gums might make them reshape temporarily. He said to give it some time and it should go back to normal. I definitely hope so. He needs a new assistant though, she had no idea what she (or I) was talking about.

My son is taking a nap now. I'm off to take a shower and and get ready for my dr appointment. Its just about an hour and 20 minutes away now :)
Sjd- sounds like a busy day, how'd your son have a cavity already, he's what 18 months?

Tm- that's terrible that DH's fam cancelled like that, like they are all in cahoots and organized it huh? My shower for my son my dads side of my own family didn't RSVP or go, I think out of like 15 ppl 3rsvpd no with a legit excuse. Ah well. The ppl who mattered we're there :) that's the way you have to look at it.
He's 20 months now and honestly I have no idea! I brush his teeth every day, the dentist said he has great oral hygeine but some kids are just more prone to cavities. Oddly enough it was in the split of his two top front teeth (so they counted it as two). The dentist asked us if he goes to bed with a bottle or sippy cup at bed time, I told him no, occasionally he might have water in a sippy cup but thats it after he gets his teeth brushed. He very rarely gets milk in his cup after I've brushed his teeth but usually nothing. Then he asked if he sucks his thumb, he doesn't. So after that he just told us to keep watering down his juice and monitor his sugar intake. He really doesn't get all that much to begin with so I honestly have no clue how this happened. He's fine though just a bit drowsy.

Dr appointment went ok. I didn't like the dr I saw though, she was way too quick, didn't address my concerns at all she just brushed them off, only seemed concerned about the lack of movement. I had to ask her how dilated I was as she didn't tell me (apparently only 1..atleast its something but I could have sworn it would be more with all this cramping and pressure! unless I have undilated a bit today which I hear is possible..) No idea on effacement she didnt say and I forgot to ask.

Apparently I am not allowed to see the nurse practitioner I usually see anymore. Last week she told me after this appointment I could go back to seeing her if I wanted but when I went to schedule next weeks appointment the receptionist told me I am only allowed to see one of the 2 drs there from now on, no nurse practitioners as I am in the last month of pregnancy. I told her what the NP said last week and she just said "Sorry you have to see a dr".

Kind of BS if you ask me but atleast I'm almost done with these visits..
Don't you hate that...having to see someone you don't want to...
Sine becoming "high risk" with the blood pressure i have to see the main doctor,who i dont really like considering he is very short with me and is out the door before i can manage to sit up...

but on the good news side...i think little man has started dropping :) except it is uncomfy lol
Thats another thing.. I didn't even get told if baby is still head down (though I can only assume she would have said something if she wasnt) or how engaged she is =/

This dr was the same way, in and out as fast as she could be.

It really does suck seeing someone you don't want to but I guess we just have to deal with it. Soon enough we will all be holding our little munchkins :)
thats how i see long as he gets me and baby through healthy...ill be okay...should i ask my doctor to check my cervix..i am really curious
I love my doctor! But, I see a family practitioner instead of an OBGYN. Actually that's why I see a GP, so I don't have to worry about seeing a different doctor each time. The only reason I'll have to see a different doctor would be if I end up with a c-section.

As far as my husbands family...I'm sure they didn't have the same excuses intentionally. They are just really bad at coming up with excuses. I did get 2 more boxes in the mail today from my cousins! They live so far away but I thought it was really sweet they thought enough of us to send gifts! Since my dad passed away my whole family has really been great.
Good to hear your son did well with the dentist. My boy hasn't ever been to one. He's 19 months and went to the optomistrist and optimologist. He has a mild stigmatize in both eyes but not enough to affect his vision. But it needs to be watched as he grows. I fear the dentist thing considering he's so young and it can be scary with all the tools and such. Plus he hates when I try to look in his mouth, lol.
My son doesn't go to bed with anything either. And we only started regular tooth brushing at like 15 months. Before then it was wipe down with wet cloth and floss when we can. His look great, but gotta be wary. First visit I think my dentist says 3 years.
Oh and your son could just have weak teeth. Some ppl no matter how often they brush or floss they still get cavities. I was one, till the past 8 years.
Hopeful42nd - Our dentist says its important to start as soon as they get their first tooth, so thats what we did even though the pediatrician said 2. I never would have imagined he'd have a cavity so young but I am glad we take him to the dentist, if this had continued unnoticed it could have gotten way worse. I guess they also check for thrush and make sure the teeth they have so far are coming in correctly and that theres no problems so far.

With a normal check up they just brush his teeth, apply a very small amount of flouride and then they have him on my lap laying down with his head toward the dentist in what they call a knee to knee exam. Obviously as he gets older he will be able to sit in the chair but this is what they do with babies and young toddlers. My son doesn't like me looking at his teeth either most of the time but usually does ok with brushing but never gives the dentist problems for whatever reason, I think hes just distracted by different surroundings lol. They don't use many tools on him unless necessary.

My molars have always been weak, they are covered in fillings but the rest of my teeth are strong. I guess its nothing too concerning until his adult teeth come in but at the same time I know its important to take care of the baby teeth too, especially to teach them good habits before they get the adult teeth.

tmmommy - I wish our extended family was that supportive lol the only person I know of thats sending anything to us is my hubbys grandma. She's making the baby a blanket and stuff. Probably some burp cloths too, she made my son some.

mrswichman - thats up to you. I was told the dr would check my cervix when they did the strep b test, I had that today but she didn't check, she said she could if I wanted her to but she doesn't usually check unless theres been a lot of contractions or the baby is late. So I asked her to as I was curious. I just wanted to know that all the cramping wasn't for nothing lol. But yes you can be stuck at a certain amount for weeks or as I mentioned earlier could open a bit then close up or you can get lucky and keep progressing but until you reach 4 cm you won't be considered in active labor, though you might not be that dilated in early labor especially with your first. After that you are likely to keep progressing.
Thanks for the info on how the den dust works for youngins. We'll make sure he goes soon :) as for brushing and flossing we will keep it up as he's doing great so far.
I was told to use the cloth for the first while with just water, as kids toothpaste isn't really healthy to use early. Plus I was able to do more than with the brush as that stage. Now he likes to brush as its imitating us. So cute :)
Yeah I switched over to brushing with a kids tooth brush and toddler tooth paste (same brand that made the infant tooth paste) when he started biting the finger brush too hard lol probably about 10 or 11 months, he always chewed on it but after a while he started getting aggressive haha the tooth wipes are really expensive and I don't think a wash cloth really did much once he started solids. He's on kids tooth paste now as recommended by the dentist because he does need a bit of extra flouride but we were told to use only a very minimal amount, not even pea sized yet just a little bit so that he doesn't swallow too much.

I am so tired now! Kiddo just passed out for the night. Think I might go take me a bath and head to bed myself :)

Hope everyone has had a good day!
I got lots done last night and afternoon. Steamed the upstairs carpet and some of downstairs once munchkin went to bed. Should have taken a bath to wash up, considering my hair is a greaseball, lol, but I always sacrifice me for everything else.
Today, finish that job plus try to find envelopes to change address with some agencies. Ugh moving never ends
A mother/wife is always sacrificing something lol not that it isn't worth it of course :)

We cleaned out our pantry yesterday but thats about it lol. Was too busy to do much else but I don't think theres really much we can pack up before hand, we always pack the little stuff as we go (or the night before) its just easier that way for us and most of the cleaning will probably be left till the end too. As much as I want to get a head start. I'll probably clean the appliances out real good then just give those a quick clean up again before we leave but all the cabinets and counters and all those small things will just have to wait.

I'm not even 100% sure if we are still moving in with my hubbys friend and his fiance now. For a while it was me they were convinving, she didn't seem to care and I guess told them she was fine with it if I was (which is odd since I don't know her well) but now that I just learned to accept it since it was going to happen anyway its her thats having a problem with it. She's using sleep deprivation as an excuse. Their kid isn't going to be any better or worse after the move and our kids wont be her problem. My son isn't going to bother her and the baby will be in our room so I don't see how she can use that as an excuse lol.

I don't really care, I still don't like the idea of a room mate as a married couple but saving even more money would be nice. I had a feeling they would flake after we signed our notice to vacate though :dohh: and it looks like they may be leaning that way. Apparently hubbys friend (and my hubby too) are trying to persuade her. Seriously though I don't think they should push it, if shes not comfortable with it and I'm not 100% comfortable either things may get awkward =/

My husband wants to start seriously looking for places this weekend. I think I might do a little online research myself to find some back up places for us incase they do flake out on us.

Ah but now I am rambling.. lol
so i got checked today at my doctor said baby is still up high in pelvis,cervix is still closed and thick...which im not disappointed, he still has time to bake in the
Well your body hasn't done this before so it could take a bit longer too. Things can change fast though, it might be different at your next appointment. When I was induced with my son it took a couple hours to get me to 4 centimeters but once I got to 5 and they broke my water, I was at a 10 about a half hour later. (I hope it goes just as fast this time! lol).

I'm going to ask the dr at my next appointment too just to see if theres any change. She seemed slightly annoyed when I asked this time but I don't really care. I have a right to know and if she has a problem with it I'll just see the other dr. lol. Been playing borderlands 2 with my hubby this it came out today and we went down to grab it as soon as the store was open, he's been waiting for it for a while now. I even got him a new controller but it won't be in until tomorrow. He had to take a break to go to school though so no more gaming until tonight lol. He forgot his phone though :dohh: hopefully I don't need to get ahold of him in the mean time!

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