Anybody else due in October?

He's a pediatric dentist, specializes in infants, children, adolesants and the mentally handicapped so definitely should be used to it. What I dont understand is why the bottom of his tooth was messed with in the first place. His dentist is very polite and I like their office and all but if they are just going to screw up his teeth we're better off else where. Will have to see what happens/what they say now.

On top of that my hubby sent me a text last night, his friend and the guys girl friend that we were planning on rooming with flaked on us. So now we are moving for no real reason. I knew this would happen! I mean we dont like it here but we were going to deal with it until we could buy a house. We already gave our vacate notice last month so have no choice but to move now. And now all the cost is on us. My husband thinks we can find something cheaper than where we are now though. We may opt for a condo or town home if we find one with a back yard but no more apartments.
I think condo or town home would be perfect for family. At least you have a tiny backyard for the kids then :) that's terrible of those so called friends. They put you guys in a right spot. They should have thought things through before committing to it. Personally I feel that isn't much of a friend.
Its not so much his friend he was all for it and still is, its the guys girl friend, he can't seem to convince her now, she suddenly thinks with 3 kids there she's going to be sleep deprived.

She's not responsible for our 2, so I don't see how anything would change to be honest. The baby will be in our room anyway and our son is pretty quiet when he wakes up, he wouldn't bother them. It is pretty messed up though to do this a month before we have to be out of here. Especially because they can stay put, they aren't locked into a lease since they live with his grandma (well right now they are in a dorm like thing with the police academy but he gets done next month and going back home). We have a new born due anytime now so thats added stress to us when moving. We're looking at a couple places now, called about one but had to leave a message. I guess my hubbys sister and fiance are interested in rooming with us, we were going to room with them anyway at first but they were unsure of what was going on after they get married in February but I guess they have figured things out now. I don't think they would flake on us at this point.

I am so sick of renting I just want to buy a house already so if my hubby doesn't get that cop job (which hopefully we hear about one way or the other soon) I hope the next 2 years go by fast.

On a lighter note (well kinda) a couple hours ago I sat up and I seriously thought my water had broke or something. Turns out it was just ALOT of watery discharge (and a little bit of mucus plug) It was so bad I had to change my pants lol but no watery leaking since then at all so must not have been my water, no big painful contractions or anything was rather gross though but kinda funny haha
I hate winters! I like snow at Christmas, but as soon as Christmas ends I want spring... I can't wait for Christmas this year, though. I suppose everyone is still pregnant? SO SOON. I really hope I don't go to long past my due date. I don't plan on any induction, I want to go as natural as possible even if I have to be pregnant for 43 weeks! But I really really hope not. I guess you will be the first of us, tmmommy...unless one of us goes naturally before that. I think I should scrub some floors on Monday when I'm 38 weeks.
I would wait to go natural but I have a twisted pelvis and my lower 3 discs and tailbone are twisted and cocked a little crooked so I've been terribly miserable. All since I twisted it back out of alignment in February it's been awful because they can't properly do a realignment until she's not in there. It probably hasn't helped that I work full time plus work for my mom part time doing accounting work plus we work on the farm, I'm exhausted mostly from being in some kind of pain all the time and they can get me realigned after she's here and before harvest so I'm excited about that.
Well good luck with the induction :) hope it goes well and isn't too painful!

Just got back from my brother's place, they had their baby shower today, it was just a small one for family and friends they are having a bigger one in 2 weeks for her side of the family but its a ways drive so she wanted a small one closer to the rest of us. It went well, but now I have heart burn and a sore stomach from laughing at my dads stupid humor lol
Good luck with your induction TmMommy :) :hugs:

So I'm hoping after my doctor appointment Tuesday I can turn in my papers at work and officially start leave the 30th...i just cant take it anymore...35weeks pregnant running a cash draw at a busy store 6 hours a day 5 days a week...i come home miserable...and i have asked multiple times to do less work...i thought last week they were actually going to let me do the less work...but nope still on register...and people aren't that nice...or it's just me and my hormones...idk...lets keep fingers crossed... :)

How's everyone?? :thumbup:
Probably a bit of both lol registers are annoying as is. Already stated how my day is going.. lol just wish people would get a solid plan already. I don't want to be dealing with moving and room mates and all this crap I just wish we could buy a house and be done with it already. Just 2 more years max.. gotta hold in there best I can. One place we are considering seems very nice, its a little patio home 4 bedrooms (so hubby and I would have one, the kids each have one then assuming his sister moves in with us, which its looking pretty good, her and her fiance would have one) and 2 and 1/2 bathrooms so we'd have one and would have the kids use ours, they'd have one and then the half bath canbe for guests or whoever needs to use it I guess lol. Its got a small yard and a car port, inside looks really nice compared to the outside (which isn't horrible). Obviously wouldnt make it permanant but for another year or 2 definitely doable, and for our current situation it seems pretty much perfect and its only 6 minutes from where we currently live which would please my husband I'm sure. Its been avaliable for a long time now so I think we may have a good shot if they allow pets (we don't have any anymore but his sister has 2 medium sized dogs) that always makes it harder to rent =/

As far as the baby goes haven't been feeling her much today, feel the odd foot in the side or her squirm but other wise not much movement so think shes having a lazy day. My stomachs been pretty tight all day though, and there was this mornings little event I mentioned earlier lol. I mentioned it to my mom and shes like it wont be much longer now, thats not normal (I dont see why she thinks that, in pregnancy it definitely seems normal lol but as far as the not much longer part I hope shes right!) Officially full term tomorrow :) so now I can really kick things into gear and walk my butt off and slather myself in clary sage (even though I have been using it already in my bath) and eat spicy foods and all that lol nah not trying too hard but do want to push it alittle bit now and see if I can help things along, obviously she'll come when she comes but no harm now in a little persuasion ;)
Glad to hear mrss :) sounds like their lack of accomidating you in your pregnancy is going to leave them in the lurch. They should have listened.
Well, be sure to post some pictures tmmmommy!! the upside to your induction is that you will get to meet her soon!!

I think my husband and I have finally agreed on a name, but we still want to wait until she is here to name her, just in case it doesn't suit her!
Can't believe how fast things have gone even though I feel like these last couple weeks are dragging by at the same time lol soon enough we will all have tiny little babies in our arms :)

Ended up going to the hospital this morning for monitoring to double check my water hadn't broken and for the fact she was moving less. Things are fine though, wasn't having any contractions while there (typical, I seem to get them at night and they go away in the morning) they took a swab and did a cervix check, no change since my appointment last week in dilation, I am 50% effaced (not sure if thats changed or not as I wasn't told last week) baby is head down. The liquid was just watery mucus just as I had thought but I tell you it definitely was alot of it! The nurse just said my hormones can change to make the mucus more watery and its very common, so maybe it was just part of my mucus plug I am guessing, there was a small thick glob of mucus when I noticed it too though.

I think she punctured my cervix though, it hurt SOOOO bad! and I'm never really bothered by the checks but I even had some cramping and bleeding afterward (just a little spotting) seems to have stopped now but I definitely think she put it in too far =/ oh well its done and over with now. Dr appointment tomorrow, nothing really to look forward to this time but I do want to talk about induction with this dr and see what her opinion is, since I won't be seeing the NP anymore and have no idea what this dr thinks..

I'm just sittin here trying not to over eat since I have to weigh in tomorrow..last week was quite a jump from the week before, still under my goal of 165 though. However I am used to morning appointments where as that was in the afternoon which I know can make a couple pounds difference..

Hope everyone has had a good weekend :)
Well just got back from the dr and running some errands. Dr didn't say much, I was actually offered a cervix check today but since I just had one yesterday and am still sore from the nurse jamming the damn speculum up there I opted out. I didn't think there would be much change in a day anyway. Heart rate and blood pressure still good so thats nice but thats about the only update I got. I asked the dr if the baby was engaging or not, since she did feel for her positioning. She was like "I don't know do you feel like she is?" I just said I'm not sure but in my head I was thinking "WTF did you just feel for if you can't tell me how engaged she is?" My next appointment is scheduled with a different dr, hopefully I like them better but with any luck I won't need to keep that appointment. We'll see.

After that I went and got some burger king for breakfast, wasn't planning on that but we woke up late and didn't even have time to eat anything we literally had to get dressed and go or my hubby was going to be late to school and I would be late to my appointment which was like 10 minutes after dropping him off lol but then we went to buybuy baby and I got some of those spiffies tooth wipes. I don't want to use them at every brushing as they can be costly but I figured atleast until my son lets me get his teeth real good on a daily basis I would take one every night and wipe his mouth out real good and follow up with regular brushing so atleast that way he gets extra clean at night time.

He's going back to the dentist tomorrow as well to get that tooth that I'm pretty sure is chipped checked out.

Also picked up some evening primrose oil at walmart afterward. Can't hurt I suppose eh?

Hope everyone is doing well today, off to get the boy down for a nap then take a shower!
Sounds like you've had quite a busy morning already!

I'm still sitting at work...I worked so far ahead trying to get ready for leave that I'm literally looking for stuff to do most of my days now. Wednesday will be easier though...we have our big monthly meeting where I have to do quite a bit afterwards so I'm sure the day will fly by! I'm usually exhausted after the meeting day so I'm sure I'll go to bed early that night especially since I have to be at the hospital at 6 am on Thursday. I can't believe it's only a couple days away now! (And no, I still don't have squat done...other than last night I finally packed a bag to take to the hospital.)
Eh it was quite a bit in a couple hours time lol. And yeah- coming up on you real fast! You'll be fine I'm sure :) but might want to finish up last minute things for the baby lol I have everything done and all I can do is think of other little things to get done and keep up with the cleaning.

Our afternoon won't be too busy today just have to pick up my hubby from school and stop by the bank on the way home..
My husband is supposed to go work 2 hours away tomorrow. I'm 38 weeks, and I really feel like that's a bad idea! He is driving down with his boss and other co-worker and wouldn't be able to leave until they do...I doubt I will go into labor tomorrow, but still...Murphy's Law would have it that I would go into labor when he is away...and it would be quick! I told him he shouldn't go and I even talked to his boss (who is also a friend) and asked him not to take any jobs to far from home and now they are! BLAH.
I sorta know how you feel. With my first my husband was a truck driver for a short time (I got pregnant while he was in the military but his contract was up about the time I finished my 1st trimester, he became a truck driver after that) The house we were renting was about 45 minutes away from the hospital, longer with traffic and atleast 30 minutes from any family members. My husband would be gone for a couple weeks at a time and only got to be at home for a couple days before leaving again. His training took 8 weeks, so it was 8 whole weeks until I saw him for the first time after that, afterward he would come home every 2-3 weeks. He ended up quitting about 2 weeks before our son was born, due to lack of work in the winter (mostly because of the weather), see he got paid by the mile and if he was stuck not being able to go anywhere, he wasn't getting paid. My plan at first was to go stay with my grandparents when I got to around 37-38 weeks as they were home all day for the most part and not too far from my preferred hospital. Well my husband was lucky enough to get a couple days off at christmas time (they all had christmas day off, he was just lucky enough to be in town for it) so I figured I would wait until he left but he decided not to go back to work for them and told them he would not be returning since there was no work for him to do and I was about to have a baby, thank god he did that too or else he probably would have missed the birth of our son and would have been gone all the time while he was growing up. It was then that he decided to get a part time job and go to school (the military gives you money for going to school as well and also pays tuition). He went in as soon as he could and got started up with classes and all that and got hired at subway, it wasn't much of a job at the time but it was better than nothing, he found a better job soon after that though.

Its scary to think about going into labor and being home alone when it happens and the idea of your husband not being there. I think you will be fine though! Try not to stress too much, just do something to keep yourself busy :)
So today I had to leave work early cause I couldn't take the backache from standing all day and not getting any relief...I was almost in tears from the pain many times home and asked my husband if he was mad that I left early...and him being the amazing man he is he said "of course not baby". ]
I really hope Saturday is my last official day of working before my son... I can't do anymore...

Tmmommy- OMG!! so close now I can't wait to hear all the details of your little girl.

SJDmommy-Well I hope it's not too long for you now :)

Jac.- I would be so irritated for them taking him so far away...

My husband asked to go to a Basketball game that would be about 45min away on the 29th of october and i said no... 1)LO could not even be here and watch me go into labor that night... 2) LO just DEF. not.
My OH is silly,lol.
Jac- my hubby doesn't know where he's working daily until he goes in in the morning. Could be up to an hour and fifteen minute drive. He works with another guy, but if he gets the fall they know full well hell have to leave with a vehicle or be driven back right away. He also told his boss no more out of town overnight work after the last one which lasted a week in a hotel, that was a month ago. His boss loves me do they have been good about things.

Tmmommy- so exciting! Can't wait to hear the announcement.

Sjd's- sounds like you've been busy. I was busy today too, scrubbing grout lines in tile, visiting two grocery stores and Walmart for newborn and size 1 diapers (good sale on). Also I picked up a potty that was on sale but think I'll return it as I don't like the design as it'll end up with pee spraying all over.

Any potty recommendations ladies?

I can't wait for things to start now but I'm feeling not ready. At least I bought stuff for the bag today but still haven't touched it. Plus we need a new matress ASAP and I have to get that sorted this week. Got loads of Braxton hicks today and even more back pain. Things are changing and I'm worried that it might happen when I don't want it to.
I am so ready for bed. My son fell asleep cuddled up to me on the couch while hubby and I were playing borderlands 2, I went to put him in his bed and he was fine until I went to plug in his monitor (he unplugs the chord from the monitor all the time) he heard me messing with it and woke back up :dohh: so I spent a good hour laying there with him trying to sooth him back to sleep, put a bit of music on as that sometimes helps, almost got him to sleep and I got up to go put his dirty clothes in the hamper, he was facing the other way so I didn't think he would see me leave but I guess he heard me cause he was wide awake again when I got back and it only took like 15 then I just said screw it, laid him back down told him good night and all that and went in to check on him every couple minutes. Still not asleep but getting there. Atleast he is staying put lol

We don't do potty chairs, my son has the little adapter seat that goes on the potty. Admittedly he does make a mess sometimes but its usually not that bad. I don't want to deal with cleaning a potty chair out though lol and plus you'd still have to eventually transition from that to a regular toilet.. just easier to skip that step in my opinion but I admit it does seem to be a good idea for many kids as it makes them more comfortable if they are allowed to go where ever they feel like (like if you put the seat in the living room or whatever) not my cup of tea but to each their own lol. We are waiting to do the whole standing up thing until hes going both pee and poop reliably with little accidents.

He was getting m&ms as a reward but I think hes started to get bored with them. He LOVES putting change in his piggy bank though so I am considering going down and converting $20 or so into a bunch of dimes or nickels then when he's gone I will give him one to put away in his piggy bank (which is actually a huge plastic barrel that used to have cheese balls in it at one point lol, hubby cut a slit in the lid and duct taped it down.) We want to send our kids to a democratic school but theres a bit of a tuition (though they do offer financial aid and scholorships if you qualify) This school used to start at 4 but now starts at 3. We figured we would put any money he's got so far toward his first year tuition (after applying for all the grants/scholorships and what not) He's got quite a bit actually, we don't normally carry cash on us but whenever we do any change that comes about goes into his little "piggy bank" lol. We figured if we end up not liking this school for any reason atleast since it starts earlier, we can stick him into a more traditional school at the proper age.
I'm not sure on the potty seat thing either. We didn't even use an adaptor seat for my son. The way I saw it was that how is he going to learn to go in public without the adaptor seat??? I didn't want to be at a store or something and have him refuse to go because he didn't have a smaller seat so we taught him with just the toilet and it worked really well for him. But each child is different so what works for him may not work for the next...

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