Anybody else due in October?

We have a travel one for when we go out, it folds up and comes in a little storage bag. I dont particularly care for it though as most public toilets are elongated so you have to be careful with it and make sure it doesnt slide around or anything but it gets the job done. My son wont take you seriously if you are holding him up while he goes pee though and of course i dont want him to fall in haha
So just got done with the doctor and i have another sonogram to do next week and my doctor said he wants to know the estimated weight so he can decide if we're going to have LO by c by 37 weeks i should know...
Well good luck but I really dont think size is a good reason to have a c section..unless thats what you want but I wouldn't let the dr decide that for you. Plenty of big babies are born vaginally.
I agree with sjd's, sections should not be the go to approach. If baby is big enough already and they really feel a need to get him/her out sooner then there is always induction before c section. Good luck though! But remember, major surgery is a big deal, and can affect future pregnancies as well.
I think I might agree with the 2 previous comments...I was 12 lbs 14.5 oz and my mom said I was the easiest of her 6 children to deliver. Either way you choose, it'll be up to you and your doctor. I don't know if you have other reasons as well so please don't think I'm being judgmental. I've had a lot of people disagree with my decision to induce just before my due date but I don't really complain about all my problems to everyone so no one really knows my full story.
I agree with everyone else as well. Not to mention that going by c-section could greatly affect future births. It could be incredibly difficult to get a vbac in some areas among other problems. If it's medically necessary then that's a different story. is a great blog and very helpful to make informed birthing choices. I am also a part of a support group on facebook related to this blog, It's very helpful and informative, if any of you want to join, let me know!
Well c section obviously isnt my first choice..but if the doctor thinks its the best and safest route, im going to trust him.
Even if the doctor says it's the way to go, you should always research it for yourself. Remember, it's YOUR choice. If you trust your doctor, and know that you know what your doctor is talking about, that's good!! Aside from that, how is everyone's pregnancy so far?
I am sore. I can't do near as much as its affecting me and my son. I think he's bored with mommy now asshe has to sit down in between everything. Today I scrubbed the bathroom floor grout on the main level, baked banana bread, vanilla cake, and right now Danish apple bars. It has killed me, I am paying for it, babies bum is pushing in my ribs, my lower back is constantly aching. Besides that normal. I'm what like almost 11 days from my edd so I guess it comes with the territory.
I'm well so far,when at home being able to relax...can't wait for time off work to relax fully before LO arrives.

And I'm fully aware of the risks of a c-section, but in my head it's as long as LO comes out safe without anything wrong and it's better for his health my health...i can do it. i know recovery is longer...but as long as he is safe...that is all that matters to me...

i'll try induction first(if possible) then go to section if it isn't working out.
tmmommy I fully support your decision to induce! I have my reasons for wanting an induction as well if shes not here by the date I want and while history doesn't appear to be repeating its self I still don't know how quickly this labor will be or how my pain level will be. Obviously I'd prefer her to come on her own but if not I'd feel safer in a controlled labor. Thats my choice though, and your induction is your choice.

As for how I am feeling, well last night was horrible for me =/ It took my son 3 hours to go back to sleep, here I was thinking he was going to bed early for the night but no it took 3 hours for him to go back to sleep. He wasn't really fighting it and stayed in bed for the most part but he would want a drink, want a toy, got mad if I took his ball away (he wanted to cuddle with it..what a weirdo lol) he finally gave up shortly after 10.. and I was hoping to get dishes and laundry done and then take a nice bath before going to bed but at that point I was too tired to do any of that..I suppose I could have worked around it while waiting for him to fall asleep but but I didn't want the noise to distract him and I didnt want to be taking a break every couple of minutes to check on him because I knew I would lose the motivation lol but anyway I used some of that evening primrose oil yesterday. I had taken some orally but decided to put some in vaginally before bed as I heard its most effective that way. Not even an hour later I started getting this really annoying pinching feeling that had me tossing and turning for a good while. It was probably around 3 or so when I got up and decided to try and take a bath. My poor hubby was concerned as I kept waking him up everytime I moved to try and get comfy. Well before I got in I noticed there was alot of mucus when I went to wipe, and have been having quite a bit more today so I think its more plug coming out. I stayed in the tub for a good 40 minutes but it didn't help too much so after that I ate, did that laundry and dishes and finally by then it had calmed down enough that I felt comfortable going to lay back down while I still could. Of course my son woke up not much longer after that so in total I probably got maybe 2 and a half hours of sleep last night..not as tired as I thought I would be today but still tired. Had a bit of cramping today but I think it was mostly gas cramps. Took more Evening primrose oil this morning (orally) debating on whether or not to try vaginally again tonight, at first I didn't want to for fear of this happening again but I'm leaning toward trying it again. If I get the same issue tonight I'll probably stick to orally only but I guess we will see..
Everyone has reasons for their decisions one way or the other. My main concern is from doctors not fully informing their patient to make the choice, but taking the initiative to make it for them. This is one of my interesting articles that help keep me informed.
Jac- you'll probably like this one.
Ladies I'm not judging, just passing knowledge along :),8599,2007754,00.html
I hear you. I wouldn't want to do something if I didn't feel it was right for me or my child and I certainly would not let the dr make that choice for me unless I was unconscious or something and wasn't able to make the choice. Its good to trust in your dr and all but I've learned you have to make your own choices even if the dr advises against it sometimes you need to trust your gut over a dr. When it comes to pediatricians for example. Ours is real nice and friendly and knows his stuff but when it comes to his parenting advice he's total opposite of me. He's pro cry it out for instance where I am strongly against it. I guess thats not exactly a medical situation (came up when we told him he was still waking frequently at 6 months) but I'm sure you all know what I mean lol.
Totally understand. You spend all day with your son, he doesn't, so I think mother knows best is a good thing, so long as its not putting the child's well being at risk.
I've just noticed a lot of god complex docs out there lately. They really just want you to go with the flow, but really, sometimes we need to speak up if we are not comfortable, or ask for more info, and they should give us the time needed to explain and ease our doubts or fears. I am so happy with my OB as she is really personable and exains all details and has studies to back things up.
Exactly. No one knows your/your child(ren's) situation better than yourself but thats what I hate about seeing the OB now and why I loved the Nurse Practitioner I was seeing even knowing there was no chance she'd be the one to deliver me since only the OBs and midwives deliver. I loved seeing her each appointment because she was so thourough and would actually have a conversation with me rather than get in and out as quickly as possible. She addressed my concerns and she was really willing to listen and do things how I wanted. I felt like she got to know me and my pregnancy on a personal level. She always remembered the little things I told her about what was going on. I was real comfortable and happy with her. I'm a little ticked off they didn't tell me sooner that I wouldn't be able to see her past 36 weeks, especially since she told me I would be able to go back to her after my 36 week appointment, so either she was wrong or the registrar who makes appointments is misinformed. Either way theres no guarentee as to which dr delivers anyway, it just depends on who is on call. Oh well though its only a couple more times at most and if I had known it sooner I probably wouldn't change the way I did things but atleast It wouldn't be a blow to the face lol.
Everyone has reasons for their decisions one way or the other. My main concern is from doctors not fully informing their patient to make the choice, but taking the initiative to make it for them. This is one of my interesting articles that help keep me informed.
Jac- you'll probably like this one.
Ladies I'm not judging, just passing knowledge along :),8599,2007754,00.html

That's a really good article! What's funny is, as I read, some of the things that they were saying like inducing after 39 weeks, having a certain bishop score, and not using cervical ripening drugs are all things my doctor actually follows.

I've been seeing him since my son was born (the doctor that delivered my son was leaving the practice so we chose this one - which he went to school and is still friends with our prior doctor). He is our family doctor so he sees all of us and actually remembers things about us and takes the time to talk to us and make sure we are comfortable with our decisions. (When my son broke out in hives 2 weeks ago, he personally called later that night to make sure he was doing okay!)
I don't like doctors much, which is why I went with midwifery care and it's been great, they never force you into anything but if they feel something is really important or something is wrong, they will advise it and I would trust them in a situation that seemed like baby could be in danger. My midwives will also let me go 2-3 weeks past my due date, but would start talking induction by 2 weeks past and I would probably consider it, unless ultrasounds showed that all was still well in there. I just feel like some doctors try to scare patients into doing what they want (not all doctors) and don't provide enough information on both sides of the spectrum. Good Article Hopeful42nd! As for me, I'm sore. I want baby to come but I'm still early on...blah!
Im glad you guys read it. I'm so not against c sec's but just get worried its becoming the new normal thing to do. I had to have an emergency one and it gave me my baby boy healthy and happy. Who knows where we would have been if I couldn't have one, not that I would choose one, but it's nice to know we have the technology there if we get in trouble.
There is a line where medical intervention is necessary and not and perhaps a tiny gray area too. I just feel we as a society have crossed that line.
tmmommy - just wanted to say again good luck tomorrow :) Hope everything goes well! I'm sure you're busy today.
Agreed Hopeful42nd!

And Good luck tomorrow Tmmommy!! hope to see some pictures when you get the time!!!

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