Anybody else due in October?

Good luck! So happy to hear you like your doc and he is so involved with his patients.

Also good luck to us all getting sleep tonight. It's become a challenge for me. My son just had a bad dream, went in and gave him a little back rub and he's fast asleep again. 2nd night in a row, hope this isn't a trend. He was quite moody today too. So I bought a mattress today, comes next week. Ordering a bedroom set tomorrow. Let me know what you think?
Well I woke up this morning, I am getting some pains. they are mild but it feels kind of like I have been winded and then the pain goes up my back.

There hard to time and track length because there not strong, but coming every 15 mins or so.

I dunno what to think yet, hopefully im not imagining it. I suppose I will know if it becomes stronger and more frequent.
Good luck tashy!
AFM- appt this morning in an hour and fifteen. My son is still in bed, sleepy head, better wake him up, feed him and go! But mommy coffee time is so nice.
Good luck to you both :)

I was up at 6 watching mickey mouse club house with my son.. he gets up too early lol. I did have a contraction shortly after waking up, but it must have been just a braxton hicks one because I rolled over and it went away =/ really hoping this kid comes soon. I was so sure she'd end up being a september baby but my body just loves to tease me I guess. I'm not so sure now..might be changing the date of my potential induction. Should be able to get an answer at my next appointment.

I was originally hoping for the 11th as my induction date, hospital induces at night so baby would probably be born on the 12th which is a Friday however after looking at the calendar and noticing my husband has the 8th off due to it being a holliday (Monday is usually his longest day too) I'm thinking the 8th might work better for his schedule. Will ask him which he would prefer and hope to get a definite answer at my next appointment if I don't get lucky enough to go into labor before then..
Well, I had her last night at 9:10 pm on September 27th! 8 pounds 3 ounces, 20 inches long. I was back at 1 cm when I came in at 6 am. Checked me at 3pm and was at 2 cm but they were able to break my water. They gave me pitocin all day but I was still only at 2 cm at 6:45pm when they placed the epidural. At 8:15pm they checked me and I was at 3 cm and they rocked me to the side and propped me up a bit. Well, the epidural wasn't quite working 100% on my side that was in the air so they rocked me to the other side to let the medicine drain back over to work better. Well, then I kept feeling like I needed to pee with every contraction. They called my doctor to see if they could just put in a foley catheter until delivery so they wouldn't have to keep cathing me. He agreed as did I. She put it in at 8:45 pm and said she'd go ahead and check me just to be sure even though she had just checked me 30 minutes earlier and BAM I was 10 cm! Libby Sue was born at 9:10 pm after only 2 1/2 contractions with 8 pushes! I'll post a pic when we get home...haven't quite figured out how to do that from the iPad yet...
Aww congrats! glad the process wasn't too bad. Hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy your little girl :)
Great.. I think I'm getting a cold =/ started getting a runny nose 2 nights ago, and yesterday it was just horrible. It was only in one side of my nose though but stuffy as felt alot like how it does when I get allergies so at first I just thought it was allergies. I was trying soooo hard not to take anything for it as I hate taking over the counter medicine while pregnant. Didn't take anything over the counter with my son and made it this far (until last night) only taking tums on one occasion. But by the end of the night last night my nose was so sore from all the wiping and still runny and stuffy as heck so I ended up taking a benedryl. It helped a bit with the runny but not so much the stuffy.. then today I started coughing =/ hope this passes quickly. Need to get me some Orange juice or something..
Congratulations Tmmommy! I am still waiting! 39 weeks tomorrow and I'm so sore and tired of being pregnant...I just want to meet her!!! There are colds going around my area right now and I think I will skip church this afternoon because I do not want to get sick!!
Colds going around here too so I'm sheltering myself and my boy, lol. We are going to head out shopping but that's about it.
I'm 39 weeks today! Woo hoo! Time has just flown by. Maybe I'll have her soon, maybe not, I'm still a tad unprepared. I don't know why I just can't get my butt in gear for this, but I keep dragging. I had a horrifying dream last night. I can only remember bits and pieces now but I know it led to having another surgery and being holed up in the hospital without my boy :(
I kinds want it to happen this week but at the same time I want it right close to my due date. I think Friday or Saturday would work for me. Appt is on Thursday so hopefully she can do that sweep and things begin to happen :)
Good luck :) I for one am beyond ready lol but this is like the only week I don't want her to come until maybe like the 6th (which is saturday) at the soonest lol my hubbys birthday is on Wednesday then his sister the next and I really hope the baby has her own birthday lol, not doing anything special..was hoping we could go out for dinner but he wants carls jr lol. Maybe we can do that for lunch then go out to dinner or would be nice to go out one more time since we likely won't be going out to dinner as a family again until christmas eve.

I'm just waiting the day out so I can go to my appointment tomorrow :) we are going to look at some rental homes later this afternoon though.
will have to see what my hubby wants to do! and if we can afford both lol.
Well some progress.. Dr says im 2 cm now but still only 50% effaced she wants to wait until next week to schedule induction. She wants to do a sweep then too. But i have to go in for monitoring due to lack of movement again.
Do you just mean no movement? Or the moves are different? I know at like 37 weeks on my movement changed to more squirms and the odd stretch but no kicks and stuff. Lots of bouts with hiccups though.
I am not a counter, doc says it was the old way of doing things. Just take time to sit down and wait to feel something if you haven't in a long time. If nothing happens after an hour then call, as their sleep cycles are longer now.
well after that gush of liquid I thought might have been my water I haven't felt much movement at all, I still feel a foot in the side or a butt sticking out but not many kicks at all since then, but she was fine when I went in for monitoring. I haven't felt much movement at all this week other than that though. I don't really count either and when I tell the drs that they stress about how important they think it is.. I think its more stressful than helpful lol what if the baby is just sleeping? I know my son had days where he seemed to sleep all day, then the next day or so he was active for part of the day lazy the next then bam one day he wouldn't stop moving and that cycle just repeated itself so really who knows whats going on.

I don't think they got the heart beat either.. it sounded like really faint as if it were my own or the chord flow. I told the dr that and she asked if I wanted to try again but I told her if they wrote it down then I'll just go with that. Kind of regretting that now though. I drank a huge cup of soda and still havent felt much since so looks like more monitoring for me..have to see how tired my hubby is after I pick him up from school in a couple hours..although I'm sure my mom would watch my son if my hubby is too tired..Mondays are his longest days because he works all night sunday gets to sleep for like 2 hours before going to school from 8 to 3:30..

I'm glad I have progressed with dilating though! atleast its something. A little bit crampy right now though, don't know if its from the cervix check or not.

I did like this dr a little better, she didn't seem to thrilled about the idea of induction before 40 weeks but atleast she listened and tried. She took her time too but did kind of leave in a rush..whatever atleast she was more helpful than the last dr!

Might try jiggling the baby up a bit first to persuade her lol so I can avoid the hospital lol. Maybe hubby will agree to go to the park and walk around a little atleast..

Update: well she moved a little bit, squirmed around so I think for now I will just keep an eye on it and definitely going to ask hubby to take a walk around the park with me. Or atleast let my son play on the equipment while I walk around the park lake a couple times lol
Just got back from the park. Spent a little over an hour there. Let the boy play on the play ground then we all went on the swings for a bit and took a nice long walk around the lake (which is like 1/4th of a mile all the way around I think, maybe more its pretty big) went up and down some hills and man I am in need of a shower now! its way too hot out! but maybe we can do it again in another day or the morning when its not too hot out yet lol. Still got this tightening in my stomach to take a shower now!
Well, tried lots today. Focused on accupressure points and gave me some mild contractions. Dtd tonight and got a bit of spotting but nothing really happened. Guess we just gotta be patient.
Easier said than done lol. I kept waking up last night. No idea why but seriously like every 20 minutes. Though im not really tired.. The cramping/tightening has subsided but we will see how things progress once i get up and moving again. Have to go to the store, gonna get my hubby his cake while there for his birthday tomorrow.. Hopefully he doesnt break it open early lol gonna get an oreo ice cream cake.. Hes not a fan of regular cake but loves the little oreo ice cream ones. Sounds good anyway lol.

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