Anybody else due in October?

When I get worried about baby moving I ask my husband to listen on my belly and that always eases my mind.
Yeah my placenta is in the front so that also makes it harder for them to find the heart beat some times..

I ended up going in for monitoring yesterday afternoon, I started feeling sick and also hadn't felt her for a while and the dr keeps stressing I should go in if I don't feel her much so I went ahead and went in. Her heart rate was slightly up and down but nothing in the danger zone, she was moving more than I could feel but her movements were "sporatic" I guess so they wanted to do an ultrasound to measure that and her fluid levels but she's doing great apparently. Measures about 3 days small but perfectly healthy as far as they can see.

Was only having really small contractions, nothing they would really consider contractions at this point. Typical they always get bad at night but fine during the day for the most part lol but it was nice to know for sure thats shes ok in there. Now if she would just get a move on already lol.
Hi ladies :) today is due day! I'm going to request a sweep at my appointment, do you know what the stats are on the success of starting things? Xx
Congrats on hitting your due date :) won't be much longer now! For any of us! I had a sweep with my son at 40 weeks but it didn't work however a friend of mine had one at 38 weeks when she had her first (she had complications and a scheduled induction so her dr hoped it would help things along) she went to the mall after that to walk around and went into labor only 4 hours after her appointment. I don't know how dilated or effaced she was at the time but I think that could have something to do with it.

From what I hear it works better the farther along you are though and if you are more dilated its easier for the dr to reach up there to do the sweep so may be more effective. Makes sense to me. I also hear it works better the 2nd or 3rd time around (if you happen to get more than one in the same pregnancy) and to give it 48 hours before deciding its failed. I also heard it fails less for those having girls.. I don't see how the gender of the baby would matter so I don't think thats true lol but if it helps to keep a positive mind then sure lets go with that! :)

My dr offered me one for my next appointment on monday since I requested an early induction. I figure even if it didn't work with my son its still worth a shot this time around especially since I am already 2 cm (assuming I don't close up any, hopefully not!) she thinks it might help with effacement too. Still taking my EPO and hoping to go down to the park again soon. Would do it today but I dont want to go without my husband, someone needs to entertain my son while I focus on getting this baby out lol. But I will be going regardless after my appointment on Monday. Even if its just to go on the swings for a little bit. Maybe that along with the sweep will help things out a bit!

We went and applied for a new rental home yesterday. They were supposed to call us back sometime yesterday but havent yet so I'll probably have my hubby call down there when they open. The lady told us there was alot of interest (phone calls) for that house but was unclear if anyone else had applied or not yet..I would assume if they were going to call us back with a decision yesterday then not many people had applied yet. We do have one on back up though if that one falls through.

Not sure why theres so much interest in it..I mean its in a decent location but its kind of an older house, not bad but I don't see why so many people would be interested in it lol. The reason we are going with it is because its real close to the college and its got the master room one one side of the house and the other bedrooms and the other bathroom down a separate hall way on the other side so we figured they can have the master room and we'd take the others and it would some what keep things private to a degree..The other house we looked at was nicer and a little bit cheaper but the rooms are all right next to eachother and the house is a bit farther away.

Man I cant wait until we can buy one lol.

Other than that we didn't do much yesterday..just went to carls jr for kind of an early dinner for hubbys birthday. Managed to DTD too lol wasn't on the top of my to do list but it was his birthday afterall lol gave me some cramping afterward that lasted for a couple hours hopefully it helped my progress a bit :)

Well we are all very close now! hope everyone is feeling well! Really hoping Monday goes well! If I am more effaced I will probably be able to schedule that induction! The dr said we can do it at 40 weeks but in order to do it sooner I need to be more favorable in terms of effacement since I was only at 50% I think they would like to see 70..If I'm lucky enough to be there and things look good I think I will ask her to induce me that night as it would probably work best with my hubbys schedule, assuming theres room that night. If not then I'll be begging for the night of the 11th lol if all else fails should be able to to it as soon as the 14th (but I would go with the night of the 15th cause sundays are no good for my hubby, too busy).

So atleast in any case its less than 2 weeks now! Could only be more days if I am lucky! lol.

Better get to swatting, bouncing and whatever else I can do lol

Sorry for the novel.. LOL
So had my appt, there is progress as cervix is nice and soft and dialated to 2cm now, she said she was poking at baby's head, so things look very favorable in me going into natural labor within a week :) hooray!
Feeling lots of low pressure right now, am very tired, and slightly in pain from being busy all morning to aft.
My son fell asleep for the ride home and now he's refusing napping, even though he only got 25 minutes and usually gets an hour to two. I'm so annoyed and am leaving him up there, as I need a friggin break. He's not fussing so whatever.
well good luck :) surely one of us that are left will go into labor soon! lol

Just started getting a slight back ache so I'm about to go bounce on my ball for a bit here soon. Really need to clean up the living room but I'm procrastinating. I know it will just be destroyed again later lol.

My husband called about the house and they are still processing our applications, the lady that was working on it wasn't there at the moment. So if they don't call us back by 4 or so we will try again. (They close at 5 and we were supposed to know yesterday, its 1:45 right now..)

tmmommy - we know you're busy with that new born and family but we're still waiting on an update here when you get a chance! :) lol
Kind of annoyed now! Drs office called to give me my appointment reminder and apparently I am not seeing the dr I thought I was seeing. When I scheduled my appointment I was under the impression I would be seeing the same dr I saw last week (I actually liked this one!, atleast more than the other) I even asked for the same dr. and they said ok. I'm pretty sure thats the dr they put on my appointment reminder card too! (they just have all the drs and NPs on the back they put a check mark next to which one you're scheduled with). At no time did they tell me I would be seeing the other dr, the one I didn't like but thats apparently who I am seeing. When they called and said that I told them I thought it was the other dr asked if she was avaliable but shes working at the other location that day apparently. Grr. Thanks for letting me know! So now I'm not sure what to expect on Monday. I'm sure I will still get the sweep and I should be able to schedule an induction even if I have to wait till past 40 weeks I just don't know how this dr feels about the outpatient inductions (before 40 weeks) Ugh. So ready to be done with drs for a while!
The reason that lots of docs are not inducing until 41 weeks is that errors on dating babies happen, usually your edd is for two weeks either side of the date, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has indicated for some time, in a series of guidelines, that "elective deliveries with no medical indication in the gestational period of 37 completed weeks to 39 completed weeks is not acceptable practice.” so with the two week buffer most doctors are more confident they will not face malpractice suits. It's just what I was given with my paperwork, and explains his stance.
Sucks you don't get the doc you like though. Things are always better when you are more comfortable with your doc.
Yeah they won't do elective inductions (or elective c sections) until 39 weeks minimum here and its only the out patient induction, just using gels and stuff to help you soften up and dilate and see if that helps trigger labor any. If you make progress they may keep you there but if not or you make very little they will likely send you home. I figure its a start atleast, thats how they started out with my son anyway and it worked well. My dr said they are just concerned that the baby might not be ready before then and might have problems breathing if their lungs aren't developed enough.

They will only do it if they consider you favorable enough though other wise they make you wait until 40 weeks but likely won't schedule it until you are 41 weeks (at which time they consider you late) if you don't request it sooner. They won't let you go to 42 weeks unless you request it and they don't see a reason to induce sooner.

I honestly believe waiting made things worse in my situation last time though but theres no real complications this time around, I'm just not comfortable going past my due date for fear of things taking a turn for the worse last minute again but even if I end up waiting till 40+1 its better than 41 weeks the way I see it. Its not that I just want her out, I just want to be able to stop worrying lol.

I'm just annoyed they let me think I was going to be with the same dr as last time when infact thats not the case. Especially since I don't particularly care for the dr I am seeing. Oh well though atleast my appointment will go by quick because this dr likes to get in and out. I hope she atleast TRIES to schedule an induction for me though assuming I am more effaced than last week (thats all they really want to see at this point).

My husband didn't feel like going to the park but my mom said she would go with me after she gets off work today and before we head out to my grandparents place. she usually goes to the gym a couple times a week anyway so she doesn't mind a walk around the lake lol. Don't know how she'd feel about the swings though haha she'll probably just push my son on one. But maybe getting this kid to hopefully drop a little more will help with effacement too :)
Hey LAdies :D So update...been on leave since the 30th...and first week out I developed an ear trying to sleep at night already with a big belly in my way now my ear is in pain and all clogged...but I went to an ear,nose, and throat specialist who looked at it and gave me ear drops to take over 7 days and said if the problem continues come back and seem him if i can,if im not in labor,haha...he still even said he'd come help me out since the hospital im delivering at is on the same complex...
And as for baby news...going to appointment next week, and my doctor said he's going to do a pelvic exam to see if i can handle vaginally delivering a larger we'll see what he says next week...
till then hope all goes well and see more baby news updates :D
That's nice about the specialist being so great with things. Couldn't imagine not having the option to lay on that side. No stomach, no back, now this. You poor thing.
The relaxin causes your pelvis to expand for the baby, how big does he think baby is?
well the baby measured about 6lbs 10oz at 36 weeks...he told me to rest not to walk around a whole lot and didn't even mention anything else just to check and see my pelvic could handle im guessing not to do tmi but im not that big down there lol :blush: :blush:
I need labour dust, DH has to fly the following week and I hope bubs will be out this weekend so that we can spend a week together at least.
Hope your all doing good.

Hope you get what you want Sjd. And hope your baby isn't too big AMD you manage a natural birth MrsW. Is that what you would like?

Please send some of that labour dust my way!! I'm still pregnant!!!! :(
i would prefer natural or induction...i hate the thought of not knowing when it could happen and where lol...but hey thats what its all about right?
I like that, it's exciting :) it was annoying waiting but it was exciting when my water broke, that feeling of omg it's time.
Ear infections suck! Hope you feel better soon!

I am getting sick of being told "she'll come when shes ready" my son didnt! He was evicted and came out just fine lol. My mom kept telling me last night she doesnt think i should induce. She doesnt understand that im not comfortable letting it go so long this time after what happened last time with my blood pressure and his heart rate, and she thinks it would make it a harder labor. Sure theres no problems this time at the moment that warrant induction but i am doing what i feel best for me and my baby and i dont care if she doesnt understand why. As far as the harder labor thing? BS! My labor with my son was easy as heck!

Anyway good luck everyone :) cant wait to see more updates!
Sjd's- your mother is simply trying to look out for you and baby's best interests. I too had a traumatic experience last time and ended up with heart rate dropping and an emergency c section. It will not however make me shy away from trying again as the statistics say its safer for both me and my baby. I will not go against that. That is me personally, and you personally have made up your own mind. Just take what your mother is saying as she is trying to play the devils advocate.
This is a good read for you on the actual statistics of induction/caesarian and I hope you do read it. I don't expect it to change your mind, as it's not my place, but I do think you should go in knowing the facts which are sited well in this article. Good luck dealing with your mom :)
Oh and if she gets too overbearing then tell her you feel she is not being supportive of you and it isnt her choice to make :)
Haha I've probably annoyed you all by now with my constant induction hopes :p

Yeah I have done some research and I understand she just wants us all safe and all but so do I. I appreciate her concern but she's never had an induction or a c section or anything, shes not a dr either. I'd rather go off my expirience and what my dr tells me. And yeah it really isn't her choice to make. I'm fine with her stating her opinion its the pushiness that bugs me. I'm going with my gut on this one trusting my own instincts. I spoke with a NP about it a while back and after fully explaining myself she thinks its a good idea too, though it wasn't the NP I was usually seeing and of course all drs and NPs and all that have different opinions too and thats fine but honestly I think in my situation letting it go so long last time only made things worse, not better but yes I did have complications then where as I don't this time and they probably should have induced me for medical reasons sooner. I'm glad I had him vaginally but I honestly believe there would have been less chance of a c-section (in my situation) if they had done something sooner. I mean it makes sense that induction could pose risk of a c-section if done too early but I think the same goes if its done too late and that time frame is going to vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy.

There are some things in that article I don't agree with and some I do but a good chunk of it is talking about women who do it for convienience. Thats not my concern at all. Its nice to know when yes, and I do have certain dates in mind but thats definitely not the important thing here. A spontanious labor would be great too.

I know labor could be polar opposite this time around from last. Its just what I think is best. Obviously I don't want to force the baby out before shes ready, in many situations I do think its better to let the baby stay in, but for me and my baby I just don't want to let things go too long either. Fetal distress could happen whether I go natural or induced. I'm sure she will be fine but theres always the worry.

But even if I am told to wait till 40 weeks I will be requesting the out patient induction proceedures first anyway, the gels and stuff are less harsh than pessaries and pitocen. I want to give things a chance to happen more naturally. Things are looking good so far, I'm already a little more progressed than I was with my son so hopefully little medical intervention is needed. Or none at all, I would love to go naturally though even if I do end up going to L&D too early for fear of waiting too long lol.

I think in the end we all just want what we feel is best for our babies but the important thing is that they arrive safely :)
MrsW - I heard once (not sure the truth behind it) but I heard once that some women have found delivering a bigger baby easier because pushing takes more time and stretches the vagina slower than a small baby would, hence less tearing...again, not sure how true that is. I also heard that ultrasounds are pretty inaccurate with measuring baby's size this late in pregnancy.

As for me, I'm still pregnant. I'm think the 16th is when it will happen, I don't know why but that just popped into my head yesterday. I'm 90% positive that I conceived our first baby on the 16th of last year, but we had a miscarriage. That date popped into my head again and I thought it would be neat to have the baby on that day this year, also, it would put me at 41+1 which is the average for first time moms...apparently.

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