Anybody else due in October?

Good luck that would be a special day :) it makes sense about the big baby thing but idk.. My son was only 6 lbs 13 ounces (though peed and pooped before they weighed him so he probably would have been a good 7 lbs) so he was slightly small but his head was in the 90th percentile lol and he tore me pretty good but came out fast.
Sjd's, I hear ya on some of the stuff with the article/blog, it's her trying to find the reasoning for it. But you can never really lump everyone into the same bowl can ya? I think she was more trying to say the ones happening due to convenience (which is the case for a lot of moms) needs to stop, as it's costing the system, and ultimately putting mothers and baby's lives in increased jepordy.
It is an interesting article though with the facts it presents. I'm sure if more women were well informed that its increasing the risk so much they may not go that route. Lots fall into that (I don't know anything about it, therefore I follow whatever my doc says).
I don't really know where your moms pushing comes from, I was simply trying to help you believe that her heart is in the right place, so maybe you could make amends before the big day? She could be just trying to push her hippie views on you for all I know, lol.

Jac- interesting perspective on big babies. I have heard that. And also heard that because you can't feel the natural urge to push with medications the chance of tearing goes up. 16th would be a nice birthday :)

I lost more plug. Plus i feel crappy/crampy, sore hips. Come on baby....
LOL! hippie ways :haha: I just realized you are due tomorrow. Tell that girl to get a move on! lol

Anyway on another note we got approved for the house we applied for :) they emailed the lease to my husband yesterday and we and his sister and her fiance all signed it and we will take it in to their office Monday after he gets out of school. We get the keys on the 24th so will have about a week to finish moving and cleaning which is nice. My hubby wants me to start cleaning up the bathrooms and stuff real good (been wanting to do that for a while anyway just can't seem to motivate myself). Then They are going to get a uhaul and get as much done as they can and we will come back to finish cleaning later. Alot of our stuff is still packed up from the last move so hopefully its not too bad lol. But atleast we know we will be done before the 31st so we can sit back and enjoy our anniversary best we can and take the boy out trick or treating later that night.

I really want to go to the park again today. Walked around the lake again yesterday with my mom, got a little crampy for a few minutes afterward but thats about it. Kind of want to spend some time on the swings but I think I will just do some bouncing on my ball today and wait until tomorrow morning and my son and I will go find a smaller neighbor hood park somewhere rather than a big one as the big community ones are always crowded on the weekends.
Omg my knees hurt! So I was using my ball as a support kind of doing some pelvic tilt rocking thing, just rolling back and forth with it, I think it was helping a bit but my knees hurt more than anything lol think I might need to put down a thick pillow or a couch cushion next time I do that! Plan on waking up early tomorrow to go swing for a bit then go to walmart and get some cleaning supplies so we can atleast get a start on the cleaning. I want to get the bathrooms at least. The kitchen is my hubbys job lol except the fridge and microwave..I can do that but the mopping and the oven and the sink..thats all him :p

Gonna save the scrubbing for monday though, maybe that along with my sweep and more swinging will help encourage the baby :)

Man I hate heavy cleaning though LOL not that its all that horrible in here but we want it move out clean so we can get our deposit back! which isnt going to be much sincewe're in an apartment but still lol always leave it cleaner than you found it :)
Yep due tomorrow, so in a matter of 3 hours! She'll come soon I think, in the next 3-4 days. I've been losing tons of my plug and some blood (pale), also went walking today at the mall. Lots of pinching pains down there, and cramping with bad lower back pain. All a precursor to contractions I hope?
My son is getting a stuffy nose and slight cough, wasn't himself yesterday or today...great timing on that, cause it'll be fun to being him sick and a newborn together.
Oh I hope its not much longer for you :) I didn't bleed till my active labor actually started with my son so don't know how things will go this time. I'm getting a bit crampy too, I usually do at night but I think at the moment its just gas cramps =/ lol.

I feel like I need to go do I have the urge to go to walmart NOW and god help me keep busy tomorrow lol I have a feeling its going to be a long day..I always get anxious on the weekends since my appointments are pretty much first thing in the morning on monday and I am really anxious to see my progress.

Hope your son gets better soon! fruits and juices with vitamin c should help a bit. I got a little worried when my son got his cold too but thankfully he got over it. Still don't know if what I had was a cold or allergies son and hubby didn't get sick after and it was a good week or 2 after they had colds that I had whatever this was.. it sort of felt like a cold but it got over with for the most part in only about 4 days. I still have the cough but my nose isn't runny or stuffy anymore thank god lol.

Kind of tired too despite my want to do things right now so maybe I will just see if the boy feels like going to bed early tonight lol its only about to be 7 here.. so gonna make some dinner and hopefully head to bed.

Keep us updated though seems like you aren't too far away!
Due date- check *
Baby girl- not yet :(
Had contractions this morning, short and very far apart, amounting to nothing...
Keeping fingers crossed, having a lazy Sunday, going to get some groceries and bake a pie, that's the extent of things. My son seems better today, maybe it never broke he was just fighting it off.
Glad he's doing better :) hope your contractions pick up!

Just got back from walmart a little bit ago..spent more than I was planning lol about $55 =/ but got my son some pull ups and the big pack of those are almost $20 alone so that was a good chunk of it lol. Decided that once we move we are going to strictly underwear while at home except for nap and bed time. Since the new place has wood floors in the living room and tile in the bathroom and kitchen it will be alot easier to clean accidents. Been slacking on the potty training lately =/ I take him when he tells me he has to go but other than that not keeping up with it..feel bad for it as I know its best to keep consistent but its just not the first thing on my mind especially on my exhausted days lol.

Anyway I got some cleaning stuff too, still need to replace the oven ranges, forgot to grab those but I can do that another time. Then I got the baby a halloween onesie to wear during the day, shes got a costume for night time too and got some more candy so we should be set. No idea how many kids will show up while we are home but whatever is left over won't go to waste lol.

I've got twix, york peppermint patties, life savers gummies and some small packs of goldfish crackers so that covers big kids and little kids :)

Haven't made it to the park yet, decided to go to walmart first and now I'm sitting here contemplating if I even want to go anywhere else right now lol. I mean the urge is there but I am feeling lazy now too since I got done what I NEED to for the day.. Its pretty decent out right now and I know that wont last long so I need to make a decision quick the only thing is I hate going to the park when its crowded, unless its for someones birthday or something. Big kids don't usually know how to play with little kids around =/ they push and shove and run right past them carelessly half the time.. though its definitely obvious which of them have little siblings or are used to younger kids in some way..those are the ones that try to hug and pick up your

Thinkin I'll probably just go find a quiet neighbor hood park or something..thats what I was planning on doing tomorrow as well..

ETA: well hubby woke up earlier than expected. Apparently he got hungry. The boy going down for a nap right now, depending on how long he naps hubby said maybe we can go to the park when he wakes up.

Today is actually going by faster than I thought it would, still somewhat slow but its not dragging out like I was expecting it too thank god lol.

Hope everyone is well :)
Been having cramps for a couple hours real pattern and I don't quite know if I would call them contractions at this point but they were kind of coming and going.. sitting back and waiting to see if they progress and go away.
Cramps still arent going away even after a bath. Not sure what to make of it at this point though just feels like gas cramps only one notch more and not letting up. Maybe this is the start to something. Hubby is at work till about 4 am (just past 7 pm at the moment) told my mom if it gets worse i might have her take me in for monitoring. Just dont feel like its time just yet. waiting things out for a bit. Just want to get some rest. Dr in the morning.

ETA: ok so just past 3 am now, cramps slowed down for now but i just went pee and had a bit of blood when i wiped. Gonna see what dr says. Have a feeling my sweep may actually help this time.
Good luck!! hope its the start to see your little girl soon :)
AFM. Up at 6 because people like to leave their car lights sit on right outside someones bedroom of course i woke up ran to potty, laid back down and couldn't fall back im really hungry...and there isn't any point trying to go back to sleep i have to be up at 8 anyways...

YaY early day=Early night :D + nap in the middle haha
I sure hope so. I will be annoyed as heck if I havent atleast made progress since last week after all that. I didnt even take my EPO last night, didnt want to over do things. About to take one now though. Getting a few dull cramps now but far apart and not lasting as long as they were. Thinkin they may pick up again after the dr. I couldnt go back to sleep either so figured I'd take a shower and shave while I had a chance. Its 4:50 now, have to be up at 7 so I can feed and dress my son and get ready to drop hubby off and go to the dr.
Well no progress in dilation. I seriously can't believe that! how annoying after the night I had! dr didn't say about effacement -_- but she did a pretty rough sweep so we'll see if it does anything. If not I'm due back for another on thursday and we'll talk induction then..banging my head on the wall here. Seriously child stop teasing me and make an appearance already! lol anyway she said there was some blood when she finished the sweep, wasn't sure if it was part of what I had from earlier or a result of the sweep though. Spent a few minutes at the park, but it soon got too hot for me and I was getting hungry so after about 20 minutes or so we left and got some food, stopped by the store and came home. About to put the boy down for a nap and get a start on atleast one of the bathrooms..
It's my due date today and so far nothing! not even a bit of mucus. I have a feeling about the 16th still, though...I even had a friend stop in today and said she thinks I will have it on the 16th! Weird. We will see. I have so many braxton hicks yet nothing to show for them. How is everyone else??
Congrats on making your due date :)

Im a bit sore atm, only been having mild cramps today though..thinkin about lovin up the hubby when my son goes to bed. Sex isnt really the first thing on my mind but i always get crampy after so maybe itll help speed things up.
Ok.. rant time =/ sorry in advance, this will get lengthy.

I probably shouldn't be posting about family matters but I am annoyed beyond belief right now. So anyway my brothers room mate up and bailed on him last month the day rent was due. He didn't pay his share and left most of his possessions in his room. He wasn't on the lease so there really wasn't anything they could do legally (thats their own fault) but he left his bed, tv, even his dog! When they finally got ahold of him they found out he ran off with his pregnant girlfriend a couple hours north and that he was not planning on coming back. They figured it out for september some how but my mother shoveled out $400 to cover that part of the rent for October that they were missing because they couldn't afford to do it on their own. Thats more than one of her own weekly pay checks most of the time, so she's barely scraping by now but atleast my dad makes decent money so they are ok. He knows she helped but didn't know how much. Infact she even had to borrow $60 from me to cover her own needs. Come to find out when It came time for them to pay rent again for October, even with my moms help AND my uncle (who is their other room mate) They were STILL short on their portion of the rent! And they had the nerve to obviously hint at her they needed more money! Their portion is only 300, but they pay for the utilities as well and the others were supposed to pay $400 every month. So with 2 of them working, both getting paid EVERY Friday they still come up short after a month? How the hell does that work?! The way I see it, yes its nice to save money but if you are going to have room mates, especially if you are stupid enough to not put them on the lease you should not get a place that you can't afford to stay in by yourself in the event something comes up.

My brothers car also went out so he had to borrow my grandparents car to get around for a while. He got stopped by a cop who found out he was driving on a suspended liscense and impounded the car to which my grandparents had to pay over $150 to get out. My brother hasn't given them a dime. Both my mother AND my grandparents gave them money to get his car fixed back when it happened and he never did. So what I want to know is what the hell is he doing with all this money that isn't his to spend and how the hell do you come up short on your portion of the rent when its only $300?! They claim they don't have the money yet they eat fast food for practically every meal of every day because they are lazy and don't know how to cook. And whats worse? They get over $600 in food stamps PLUS they get WIC for 2 (about to be 3) kids and her so there is absolutely no need for that. No idea what they buy with all that money, but its BS that they even get that much in my opinion.

It really is none of my business I suppose but I think its BS they are taking advantage of my mom and grandparents like that. They need to step up and take care of their own bills and problems instead of expecting family to cover their butts. Help is one thing but this is ridiculous. Its not the first time my mom has helped them on rent either, even before their room mate bailed they often had to ask her for help.

What set me off on a rage tonight though was I just tried to call my mom, her phone went straight to voicemail. My initial thought was "Ok mother what if I was trying to tell you I was in labor or something" Sort of in a joking way but half way serious. I tried twice and the same thing, straight to voicemail. So I called my dads phone thinking maybe her phone was just dead and on the charger or something and he tells me she went to donate plasma to get some extra money to help my brother pay his rent next month. WTF! it should be HIM doing that if they are hurting so bad! I understand wanting to help your kid out, and she claims shes doing it because she doesn't want the kids to be homeless, which they wouldn't be someone in the family would take them in if need be, I understand shes concerned but again this is ridiculous! How on earth can you not come up with say maybe $600 a month at most for your bills (since they don't have a car payment or anything, just rent and basic utilities, no cable even) between two of you working and no need to worry about groceries, except you'd rather be irresponsible and eat out every damn meal.

My mom also gives my other brother atleast $20 every week (and has for years) as well as buys him a meal every friday. He's a bum living in a trailor in the back of my aunts yard, bumming off the DES as well and not even LOOKING for a job or a way to better his life. Am I the only kid who isn't a complete failure at the moment? I mean sure I don't have a job other than being a full time mommy and wife (which we know is a job in and of itself) but if we ever were put in a situation where I NEEDED to work (and I do plan on working when my kids are both in school) I would definitely step up and atleast we know how to manage our money unlike the rest of my family.

Ugh.. sorry to vent here I just really needed to get this anger out =/ Nothing I can do about it though..
Jac-congrats on reaching 40 weeks hun! Not long now :)

Sjd- that sucks about your bro. And don't be stressed about progress.

Me? Well I'm at the hospital. Had my lovely Ella Sophia at 3:44am on thanksgiving Monday!its a crazy birth story ladies which I will tell you all about but I think I'll wait till you have yours. I don't want to scare anyone. I had my vbac successfully though!
She was 7 lbs 10 oz and lovely soft head of dark hair :)
Well forced myself out of bed, or rather my son forced me out lol

So I got up and went pee and had more blood and mucus (gross I know, I thought I lost the plug already but apparently theres still more!) it was more brownish/pink than red but since I had some yesterday and still not really getting crampy like I was on monday I think I may give the dr a call and see how long they want me to let this go before getting it checked out. I'm sure they will just tell me to wait until I get some contractions again but better safe than sorry. I do know I'm not driving all the way out to the hospital for monitoring without calling them about this first though lol. The thing is I don't know if this is my bloody show or if its a result from the sweep. I WAS bleeding a little before my sweep but there was more after it, I haven't seen any blood from wiping since yesterday around noon though so it could be either or I guess.

Hoping this progresses to something :) Remember a while back when I said I had a feeling about the 12th? Its one reason I chose the 11th as a potential induction date, not sure if I'll still get that or not but a few people seem to think she will come on Friday, Only one mentioned the date specifically (only because its her birthday) but the others only said Friday, well Friday happens to be the 12th.

Such a weird situation to be in. Jac - looks like you aren't the only one who has people agreeing with your prediction lol

we'll see. Tonight would be great too though.. (hint hint child inside! lol)
Congrats hopeful

Sjd how weird with your dates, be funny of she came when you thought.
I always thought 10th right from the start, but I guess that is looking less likely as today goes on. Hubby things 13 th as does my step mum and brother, I want them to be wrong but of my next sweep is successful on the 11th it may well be the 13th :(

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