Hi everyone! its been very quiet lately. I know we're all busy with those little ones! Hope everyone is doing well! My little girl is 1 month old today and is growing so fast! not sure what her current weight or length is as her next appointment isn't until next month but shes almost outgrown newborn clothes. She's so strong already, rolls over, lifts her head up very well and even holds her chest up quite a bit during tummy time. She's already bearing weight on her feet very well too. Definitely seems to be following in her brothers foot steps. I may have another early walker on my hands. Its been so fun to watch her development over the past month.
She's a good sleeper too, sleeps for about 5 and a half hours before waking up for her first feeding (which at this age is actually considered "sleeping through the night" then after that its about every 2 hours or so but she goes right back to sleep after eating.
Gross story time..I picked a horrible time to change her diaper last night. Just as I went to wipe her she pees all over the blanket I was changing her on (luckily it was on the floor) but it got her outfit wet, so I got that off and then she goes and poops (and if anyones been lucky enough to catch a newborn pooping when the diaper is off you know it shoots out) so that got all over her legs, the blanket and me. So I had to clean her up and get a new diaper on her, clean myself up and toss the dirty clothes and blanket in the washer. Then she fell asleep. Typical lol. Motherhood is a very messy job, you can never stay clean but some how those little angels steal your heart anyway.
Oh and my hubby officially got accepted to the nursing program! With the exception that he passes his biology class, he's not doing so well on the tests in that class, no one is apparently. According to my hubby the teacher sounds like he knows what hes talking about but the whole class agrees he's horrible at teaching it but according to the teacher he still has a B+ in the class (he needs atleast a c) so that shouldn't be a problem. Still don't know about the police thing though, they are supposed to let him know either way but haven't heard back yet but atleast he's got this to work on. I found out its actually 22 months not 18, so 2 years from now and he graduates
Well anyway hope everyone is doing well. Would love to hear from you guys when you get a chance!