Anybody else due in October?

I tore in my tissue, I had so much bleeding and it was crazy painful the first few days. So glad that's over. The pain we go through! but definitely worth it!
I had 2nd degree outer tear and minor tears inside. They told me to ensure I clench before I sit, and not to shift weight side to side once I do. It pulls at the stitches apparently. The advice helped :)
Hope you ladies heal quickly! pretty sure my stitches dissolved already I saw what I thought was parts of them after I went pee about 5 days or so after. I can't believe my little girl is almost 2 weeks old already! Her next appointment is on thursday :) I need to talk to her dr about how much she is sleeping though..she seriously sleeps like all day it seems =/ Other than eating and diaper changes and the 2 baths shes had she's hardly awake at all it seems..she'll spend a short amount of time awake and content once or twice a day but she's seriously sleeping for atleast 21 hours out of the day and thats just way too much..She doesn't appear to have any signs of infection or anything like that and I know she's getting enough to eat (she had like 9 poopy diapers yesterday, I swear!) but I figure best to be on the safe side and get the pediatricians opinion on it. See if he has any advice on how to get her to wake up a bit.

I feel like I have hardly gotten anything done today! still have a lot to do tomorrow. I did get the dishes put away (have just a few more in the dish washer to put away) but still have laundry that needs to get done and put away =/ things will look better once we start getting stuff out of here though. This place is TOO crowded I have no idea where to put things anyway once we pack them..
9 poops??? That a crazy amount! Are you EBF? If so that seems like too much, as there is less waste from breastfeeding. My girl eats tons ( likes to cluster feed) and sleeps lots but cries when she is put down as she just wants to be held and snuggled at all times. Can't wait till my new wrap arrives as it will really free me up a bunch. My house is getting messy and I don't like it!
Elyssa seems to sleep all the time too. Except an hour or two in the evening when she's awake, or when she feeds. I'm sure it's normal, health visitor wasn't concerned about her. We have one poop a day and she is FF. X
yes I am. She didn't have nearly as much yesterday, probably like 4 which is what she usually has, 4-5. So probably just a fluke. Waiting on my hubby to get back from school now so we can finish packing up. Haven't done much today yet. When we went to pick up the keys for the house we got all the way there, just out side the parking lot and my hubby realized he forgot to grab the cashier's check before we left so we had to go back and get it then when we got back home he had just enough time to eat something and leave pretty much. He should be home a little after 1. He's picking up his brother first hopefully we get a move on when they get here! too bad I can't really do too much right now.
Good luck getting it all done. Moving sucks! I'm not doing it again for a really long time if at all. This could be the forever home :)
Ella is doing well, started sleeping more now but its not always at the times I want her too, go figure huh? This gal eats likes champ though, though she does have a fragile stomach and spits up if you move her too much.
Made some homemade roasted butternut squash soup for dinner. Hope my son decides to eat it. It's hit or miss with him eating.
Christopher Richard was born Monday October 22nd at 8:56a.m VIA ELCS. He weighed 9lb. 1oz. and is 21.06" long.
First picture is of me at 39w2d morning of elcs.
Second is Christopher right after they gave him to daddy.
Third is Christopher wide eyed 1day old.
Fourth is Christopher and daddy late in the night after feeding.


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Big baby. My son was almost the same. 9.04 and 21 1/2 inches long.big difference this time withmy gal. She actually looks like a newborn :) 7 10 and 20 1/2 inches.
Cute :) we had our 2 week check up yesterday. Emery is already 8 lbs. Little chunk lol she was 6 lbs 14 oz at 5 days so in 9 days gained over a lb she doesnt look or feel like it though.. Move went ok but somehow we lost a brand new box of wipes and some baby blankets. Pretty sure hubbys brother tossed them in the trash without realizing..we looked at the old place checked the truck before returning it and they are no where to be found here.. :/
That sucks. My brother in law did that when they moved. Tossed two bags of his baby girls clothes so when they had the second one they had to buy new stuff again. I think SIL was more upset about sentimental ones.
It sucks because wipes arent cheap and it was a brand new bulk box..monsy down the drain the way i,see it. We have more blankets but still not happy about losing them :/

I was supposed to go to a bday party today but just my luck im sick today. Hope im not contagious but i've felt like this before, it usually goes away by evening so we'll see
Oh well. I find wipes are pretty inexpensive here. I use em like crazy so that's good. Now diapers I'd be pissed I'd those got tossed as they are pricier.
Blankets too.
Stressful day, both kids hit their clothes with poop, and Ella spit up on her clothes twice. Not a good day for the laundry pile or mommy's sanity.
I'm surprised i have any sanity left lol people worry about their newborns waking their toddlers.. I have the opposite problem. For example my son was way hyper last night and very loud..woke the baby 3 times!
Hey everyone! Its been a few days, hope everyone is well! We had a good halloween. My mom watched the kids so my hubby and i could go to dinner for our anniversary then we went trick or treating with my brothers kids. Had a good night.

I've been a little upset the past few days. My husbands friend came over the other day, i really dont like,this guy as hes kind of a prick but i tollerate him. Anyway when my husband introduced the baby to him he told him he was the god father. That pissed me off. He never asked me for one and i think its odd to have different godparents for your kids..i know many people do but i just assumed our sons godfather would be appointed our daughters as well. I didnt say anything at the time as i didnt want to seem rude but feel odd bringing it up after the fact. I do need to though as i really dont approve and am rather upset my husband would do that without asking me first.
Hey everyone! Its been a few days, hope everyone is well! We had a good halloween. My mom watched the kids so my hubby and i could go to dinner for our anniversary then we went trick or treating with my brothers kids. Had a good night.

I've been a little upset the past few days. My husbands friend came over the other day, i really dont like,this guy as hes kind of a prick but i tollerate him. Anyway when my husband introduced the baby to him he told him he was the god father. That pissed me off. He never asked me for one and i think its odd to have different godparents for your kids..i know many people do but i just assumed our sons godfather would be appointed our daughters as well. I didnt say anything at the time as i didnt want to seem rude but feel odd bringing it up after the fact. I do need to though as i really dont approve and am rather upset my husband would do that without asking me first.

That makes complete sense to me...why would you want the kids seperated ,god forbid anything were to happen...My sons godparents are my husbands sister and her husband{atm have no kids,and might not ever get to}, and when we have more kids, they will be their godparents as well...
Exactly! and i dont trust him with my kids. Hes got alot of growing up to do. He still lives in his parents house for one and not because he has to but because hes too lazy to get off his butt and take some responsibility and get his own place. Can't understand why my hubby would tell him hes the god father without even asking me.
Hi everyone! its been very quiet lately. I know we're all busy with those little ones! Hope everyone is doing well! My little girl is 1 month old today and is growing so fast! not sure what her current weight or length is as her next appointment isn't until next month but shes almost outgrown newborn clothes. She's so strong already, rolls over, lifts her head up very well and even holds her chest up quite a bit during tummy time. She's already bearing weight on her feet very well too. Definitely seems to be following in her brothers foot steps. I may have another early walker on my hands. Its been so fun to watch her development over the past month.

She's a good sleeper too, sleeps for about 5 and a half hours before waking up for her first feeding (which at this age is actually considered "sleeping through the night" then after that its about every 2 hours or so but she goes right back to sleep after eating.

Gross story time..I picked a horrible time to change her diaper last night. Just as I went to wipe her she pees all over the blanket I was changing her on (luckily it was on the floor) but it got her outfit wet, so I got that off and then she goes and poops (and if anyones been lucky enough to catch a newborn pooping when the diaper is off you know it shoots out) so that got all over her legs, the blanket and me. So I had to clean her up and get a new diaper on her, clean myself up and toss the dirty clothes and blanket in the washer. Then she fell asleep. Typical lol. Motherhood is a very messy job, you can never stay clean but some how those little angels steal your heart anyway.

Oh and my hubby officially got accepted to the nursing program! With the exception that he passes his biology class, he's not doing so well on the tests in that class, no one is apparently. According to my hubby the teacher sounds like he knows what hes talking about but the whole class agrees he's horrible at teaching it but according to the teacher he still has a B+ in the class (he needs atleast a c) so that shouldn't be a problem. Still don't know about the police thing though, they are supposed to let him know either way but haven't heard back yet but atleast he's got this to work on. I found out its actually 22 months not 18, so 2 years from now and he graduates :)

Well anyway hope everyone is doing well. Would love to hear from you guys when you get a chance!
WE're doing quite well on this end. Haha sounds like my morning with Christopher yesterday...I was changing his diaper and luckily had the new diaper all ready to go under him and he just shoots out some i wiped that up and forgot the other clean diaper this time :dohh: ...he starts to shoot pee across the room...lands on my dog :haha: freaked her out pretty good...and then it shot up at me before i could grab a diaper to cover him up. So then wiped him all up,newly diapered and changed his clothes and Wouldn't change it for anything...

Well when I was pregnant we had decided to just stay in our one bedroom apartment for another after our lease is up this coming April...well those plans changed...we're going to be getting a two bedroom so Chunky butt can have his own room and room for his toys.
Also Christopher has been lifting his head up from very early on...and likes to headbutt you and give kisses[sorta]. Just started tummy time, had to let his circ. heal and the umbilical cord to fall we're making progress...

If I may ask how much are your LO's eatting??? The ones who are bottle feeding...[I'm pumping milk,he eats about 4oz. every 3-4 hours...sometimes 2hrs.]
I usually breast feed but when she has a bottle of expressed milk she drinks about 4 or 5 ounces now within 2 hours, she drinks part of it then wants the rest later lol

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