Hi everyone, I haven't posted for a while (mainly because I had become so fed up with the whole infertility journey was beginning to lose faith in Clomid after 6 rounds), but I have been reading the thread and keeping up with you all. Huge congratulations to MummyDonz - that is amazing news!!![]()
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I got this today:
I am only 10 DPO, but we are cautiously excited. My EDD is 30th September![]()
Hi, ladies! I've taken a few days to read the whole thread, so I feel like I know you all - which is kinda creepy, since you had no idea of my presence. SO I thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm 30 (DH 33), a former OB/GYN nurse and we've been ttc for 18 months. Dx with PCOS in October, been on Metformin since then. This is our first cycle of clomid (50mg, days 3-7) and I'm on pill number 3. So far, I've had a touch of the hot flashes and TONS of dizziness. If we have to do another cycle, I'll be taking it at bedtime for sure!
Congrats to the recent BFPs and baby dust to all!
Hi, girls,
Nothing happen and this month. Tomorrow I start the last third round before we see the doctor again.
I can see just one good side of clomid. I ovulate at CD14 and my cycle is 27 days.
Hi, girls,
Nothing happen and this month. Tomorrow I start the last third round before we see the doctor again.
I can see just one good side of clomid. I ovulate at CD14 and my cycle is 27 days.
I was the same!! I ovulated every month on cd 14. And my cycles were exactly normal. 28 days.. it was great![]()
Af is due for me tomorrow, this is my break month this and next, off of clomid and then a few more tests and maybe back on after that.