Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Darlin: i had potty training issues in the beginning with hunter and we still have accident days here and there. He went through 2 regressions where for weeks he wouldnt have a single accident and then a month refuse to use the toilet but that is over now. It can be hard sometimes but when they are ready its like they just wake up and decide no more nappies lol.
as for cycles i had my back at 5 weeks pp with hunter but then because i started breastfeeding it went and then came back at 7 months i think it was. Phoenix is almost 10 months and last month i had spotting for a day or 2 but nothing else i am with you though i just want my cycle to hurry up and return! For 4 months now i have been getting period pain around the time af should be coming as well as getting bloated and hungry but no damn af!!! It is driving me nuts! i dont want it back for ttc reasons as that is the furthest thing from my mind but just so i dont have to keep waiting!

Redrose: How exciting!!!! It must be so much fun doing all the prep for starting the business! I love sweets and chocolates lol but who doesnt! I hope this cycle gets you that big fat positive!!!

Afm: i have just started my trip back home from melbourne to see my family. My sil had her little baby boy it was so sad to leave them :( she did absolutely amazing in labor! She was such a champion!!! The poor thing ended up with a forcep delivery as the midwife didnt check her properly told her she was 10 when she was in fact 9 and had he pushing on cervix for 2hrs before calling someone in to check and by then the damage was done and he cervix was to swollen and she was to exhausted they had to use the forceps :( but she is fine and baby is fine and she doesnt have any hard feelings about it at all. She is such a trooper no pain meds at all until theatre for forceps and she was in labor for 16hrs.
I had a great holiday we went to the zoo the aquarium an animal sanctuary with all australian animals my boys had a ball but are well and truely ready to go home but not before a day of shopping at all the factory outlets tomorrow!
Phoenix has just started walking around with things like a toy trolley or anything he can get his hands on really lol and hunter is just becoming such a beautiful little boy im so proud of them both!
Darlin: stephen hates the potty too! He won't sit on his little potty chair or big potty chair..he just screams and cries whenever i try. Maybe when they are closer to 3 it'll be easier? I hope.

Kristie: your sister is a trooper wow! That just sounds exhausting and draining. Gllad to hear mama annd baby are good.
Good job with yourr workout and diet routine! I have become so tired of dieting, ive been splurging for the last month and i stopped working out .. i am gonna get back on the horse and really ttry to lose these last 10lbs.
I cant believe phoenix can already talk! Zach just started saying mama,thats it.

Good luck redrose with your new venture!! Exciting!

Afm: i got a new job wittth better hours. Im so sad to leavve the ladies i've been working with the past yr but working til midnight and getting up at 6am with zach has been draining..
And this new job should help me lose those last 10lbs. Its more physically demanding.
Stephen is in his terrible 2 stage, constantly throwing tantrums and being bad.
Kristie that delivery sounds intense! I'm glad she has no hard feelings tho. I probably would.

Yay for the new job army! I hope it works better for your family's needs.

I am kid free until Wednesday! :shock: Bret's parents offered to take the kids. First time I've been away from avery overnight. I really miss him but the break is nice. I slept in this morning and I can get a lit done today. I hate pumping so often tho. It really sucks :(
Darlin: wow how are feeling about being away from the kiddies?? I am to much of a sook lol i have only ever spent 3 nights away from hunter and that was because i was in hospital with phoenix this year when he was sick so good for you!

Army: congrats on the new job its so exciting starting something new!!!

Afm: things have actually been really really crazy for me. My husband and i split after 9yrs it has been a long time coming to be honest so we are both pretty calm about it but dont get me wrong i have shed my fair share of tears over the past few days!!!! I am so scared about the future and being a single mum to the 2 boys :( but i am a very strong person and i will get through it and end up on top i know i will!
As if it wasnt hard enough already with that hunter is sick with high temps and having hallucinations the poor thing! He was sound asleep then all of a sudden yells out really loud mum what doing and hi as well as singing himself twinkle twinkle. I hope he hasnt got some awful sickness :( i suppose we will see in the morning.
Oh no Kristie that's crazy! :hugs: I would have never of guessed that at all. You seemed happy. I thought you were even planning #3? I hope it gets better and you get it all sorted and have a great start at a new version of life :hugs:

It was so hard being away from the kiddos. Even harder when they came home bc their schedules and routines were destroyed. It's been rough with Avery.
No definitely not happy i would say just trying to make it seem that way from the outside :( but it is whats best for us all i think who knows maybe in a few months things might change and we might get back together and have the best relationship but for right now i dont see that happening. We are 2 very different people but only time will tell i guess.

It is awful when there routines are off :( after going to melbourne both boys are all over the shop with there sleeping and eating patterns. I hope it doesnt stay out of wack for you for to long.
Kristie: So sorry you are going through this right now. I;ve had my share of heartbreak, a 6yr relationship break up. I know you will make it through this for those 2 cute boys and come out stronger.
If you ever need to vent or whatever you can email me personally at [email protected].
I wish i was closer to you. :hugs: sometimes its nice just having someone to talk to and vent with and also to help take your mind off of it all , i"m here for you!
So I either have one nasty stomach bug or :baby: #3 is on its way.....
Thanks so much army! I am actually in a really good place we are getting along really really well and i think its going to be a smooth transition for everyone! We have both started looking for new places to live so hopefully only another 3 weeks and things will start to get permanent. I havent stayed home since i left him i have been staying at a friends that is away but she comes back thursday so i will be going back to his house until we find somewhere. Its more a matter of waiting for my payments to go through and then as soon as they do we can apply for the house that we want.

Wow darlin!! Have you tested??
thats good to hear its going well kristie! Good for you guys its going as smooth as it can. I'd prolly be one big bitch if it were me and make his life hell lol, so props to you!

who is going trick or treating with the kiddos this yr??!!!
i am! my first year with stephen! he is going as a tiger and i will be a cat or a witch. ill try to post some pics of em in there outfits!!
We are going to try and go trick or treating. Not sure on the details yet. I did my first photography maternity session on Saturday! It was pretty awesome!
Here's a peak at one of the pictures :D


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Wow that is really good darlin!! You always take really great pics. I love the ones you had of logan that were outdoors.

Kristie hope you are doing well. I think about you and tthe kiddos often.
Thanks army!

Today I'm converting a bra to a nursing bra bc I can't find a good nursing bra.

Anyone done blw? I am trying it but rly worried about choking :(
Hey ladies!

Army: haha about the bitch comment but i am the one who left him so i dont really have a reason to be other than i am having to live with him at the moment until we can move into our new place as its unavailable till second week of november and he is just so lazy!!! I got back this afternoon for my first night here and the house was a mess i spent 2hrs cleaning while he sat on his ass and only got up for about 2 minutes when i asked for his help to clean up his mess gggrrr made me sooo angry!!!!

Darlin: the photo looks great! Good for you! I did baby led weaning with phoenix and it really scared me in the beginning but he is such a good eating now and has an amazing gag reflex!
Weird i haven't been getting updates on this thread :shrug:

Hows the new place kristie? Sorry bout the bitch comment :dohh: just tryin to lighten the mood.
Felt dumb after i said it

I never heard of baby led weaning, what does it involve?
You skip purees and go straight to real solids at the baby's pace.
haha dont stress army its usually the way it goes with divorce or break up but he is my best friend and we get along so well as friends its made it much easier!
he is heartbroken and is trying everything to change my mind but i am really happy in the place we are at the moment.

yep baby led weaning is skipping puree and phoenix is an amazing eater! im not gonna lie it was scary at first with him learning to use his gag reflex but now the things he can eat amazes me!
the new place is great! we are still unpacking but it feels so good to have my own place and phoenix has started sleeping through the night in his own cot in his room. he goes down at 6:30 everyday and doesnt wake till 6:30-7 has a bottle and then usually goes back to sleep till 8 its amazing! hunter is also in his own bed but in my room but its a huge step for him he has been staying in his bed the whole night so i am getting much more sleep which is great :)

hows everyone else?
Im glad your happy kirstie, itsnsad about dh but perhaps a break for a small while might be enough? Who knows just live for today and take one at a time! It looks like the boys are happier!

Things are going so well for me at the moment! The business is going so so well, ive had so many pre orders for xmas and im doing my first order in December 5th! Were also moving again in 4 days but im going to be 5 mins away from my parents and David's parents so lots of support and grandparents to help with jamie, and to top it all off I ovulated on my own we were just ntnp but I got loads of ewcm so thought id try an opk and it was positive and we dtd alot that week so im hoping we will get a lovely pre xmas surprise! I will post some of the pics from tue business!

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