I need to vent

I dont know where else to turn to so i thought i would come here
today we went to my mil's cabin. it was great. But there was an incident. My mil said the kids must wear life vests which i was ok with. When we put Zach in his and then put him in his floatie he barely fit in the floatie, so I took it off and just made sure I held on to him always.
Stephen put a body suit life vest thingy on and played in the water. After a couple hours in the water. i went and put zach to bed and went back in the water.
Stephens suit kept getting in his face ,it looked uncomfortable, so I thought well since I'm not with zach anymore i will take off his suit and just stay right by him in the water. It was going fine until one second of turning my head,and turning back a second later, stephen went under. I immediately grabbed and picked him up and comforted him. I felt horrible. But he seemed to be fine. He actually pushed away from me and wanted to get back into the water. So we continued to play in the shallow water.
Now that i've been home I've been feeling more and more horrible about what happened and what could have happened. I feel like such a bad mommy. I was just trying to make him more comfortable and thought it would be fine. I remember as a kid swimming all the time without a vest on. Now i realize that was a stupid mistake.
I told dh i felt so bad about it and wanted to email his mom and just say how sorry i am for making the mistake and also asked him for some support because i felt so bad.
He made me feel worse, just saying i won't say anything because it was your fault. and told me not to say anything to his mom just let it go.
SO anyways i emailed his mom and said how sorry i was and how i wouldnt make that mistake again. And she wrote back saying she was sorry too since she was standing right next to me in the water too and she didn't notice him either. And that now we know life vests everytime, like she told me before we went in the water, which i ignored after awhile of being in the water.
So now i am sitting in the basement, crying my eyes out just feeling like such a bad mom. I keep thinking about what coulda happened and how stupid i was. and the fact that i continued to let him play afterwards without a vest.
and Ive been giving dh the silent treatment because of how shitty he made me feel and he just came down and said whats your problem, and when i told him he walked away and said whatever.

I know i messed up , I feel horrible.