Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I actually ended up passing some solid bits and bled for well over a week. It just stopped. Tried calling the mw but her nurse insisted it was just clots. Reminded me a lot of my mc. I may have bled bc of the depo too. Idk :shrug:
Well I am either pregnant or af is starting to return! Last night it took me almost 23rd to get to sleep properly as I felt so sick and today I have such bad cramps! I think it may be af as I took a test 5 days ago as we were having a few drinks and I didn't want to risk it so it came back negative but we had sex 2 weeks ago on yesterday so I am now thinking I may have tested to early lol I wouldn't have even had the slightest thought of being pregnant if this cramping didn't start. But my bet is af which sucks on one hand as I hate having af but at the same time I hate not knowing when it's coming!!

Darlin: it could very well have been from the deposit a friend of mine had the same thing when she went on the deposit buy hers lasted a very long time the poor thing.

I am having a bit of a hard time with breastfeeding at the moment Phoenix I would say probably 60% of the time is refusing to feed from my beasts :( I have been having to pump quite a bit lately just to get him to feed as he is refusing boob. I have tried everything I know to do its just so disheartening as once we were up and running at 5 weeks with hunter there was never a mother hiccup and I wanted to breastfeed Phoenix to at least 15 months so I will be gutted if he stops taking breastfeeding altogether! I will how ever pump and still feed him breathing but I will still be crushed. Sorry I just had to let that out as it is really eating at me.
redrose: The party sounds like it was fun minus the rat! Whheeewww!!!!! The sight of them makes me run.
Congrats on keeping up with the dieting! its so hard to stay focused sometimes so good job keeping up.

Kristie: awww phoenix sounds like such a cutie! i love when they start cutting teeth and have a funny looking smile and flop to get around lol Sorry to hear about the bf'ing. but Kudos to you for being so commited to bf'ing! you should def go for lacation consultant!
Huge congrats on keeping up the weight loss! i know what you mean about looking at photos from the past, I got that too.
Isnt it great fitting into smaller sizes?! Its proof in the pudding! lol

I kinda stopped exercising for about....2months now :dohh: I hit 166, down from 190 so I was like well Im done, back to donuts and now i am back up to 171ish.
I know i love his little toothy smile its so cute.
I reaalllyyy need to get back on the exercise game but my ibs is so bad right now i need to just focus on getting that back on track. We also had phoenix in hospital again the other night with a pretty bad food allergy that was mistaken for tonsillitis because of how swollen his throat was! So i am now keeping a food diary for the both of us and hopefully have him and i fully sorted in the next 2 months.
Breastfeeding is back to being good so i think it may have had something to do with the food allergies im not really sure but i am so glad that faze is over and my supply is back up it was really getting to me emotional i was feeling very neglected i love breastfeeding its a huge part of my experience with my kids lol sounds silly but i really cherish those moments i havd with them when feeding and to think that i was possibly going to have to share that made me a little sad i like that breastfeeding is my 1 person thing for just phoenix and i and i know that is selfish of me :haha: but i love it!

army: im sure you will get back into it again it is so easy to slip off the rails though it sucks as it is hard to build up that motivation again but once you do im sure you will be unstoppable!
Hope you are all doing well!
quiet these days....I know I don't have much to talk about anymore :(
today i was reminising about contractions....I miss them in a weird way. I pulled up my contraction app and was remembering the day my contractions started with zachary. I remember my husband going to the DMV to renew his drivers license and sitting in the car with stephen pounding my fists on the dash from the contractions lol.
Then I thought about maybe having one more baby!!! I really dont want the newborn stage again though

Kristi: Poor Pheonix! I;m glad he is ok and they figured it out!

Darlin how is avery and logan getting along?
Abii Hows the pregnancy goin??
I know really quiet around here at the moment hey!!

Army: I look at my contraction timer app all the time reminiscing my labor i wish i could replay it a million times over I am shattered i didnt hire someone to film it i definitely will be next time! I must admit i am not enjoying being sleep deprived at all i really dont want to go through the same as i did with hunter even though i know it ends as hunter is now in his own bed but still thats at 2.5 and he still doesnt sleep through the night or self settle. I am thinkinf of exclusingly pumping though and feeding him bottle as he has never been very interested In breastfeeding :( he will feed but not very well so he feeds constantly and alot of the time he arches his back and cries like he doesnt want him hut give him a bottle of breastmilk and he will smash it straight away i wonder if its something to do with his back or neck or something i dunno. I dont mind so much if i am pumping but i would prefer to breastfeed but at the end of the day if its better for him to have the bm in a bottle i am ok with that :)
Hunter is doing so well at the moment as well as finally being in his own bed he is toilet trained during the day now and his speech is incredible! I am so proud of how far he has come!! And how easy everything has been!
Phoenix is doing ok he is finally starting to put on steady weight which is good! He has just started trying to crawl and is commando crawling yayyy soooo exciting!! He also has 3 teeth and another 2 that will most likely be here by next week! Its crazy how fast it goes!
I am doing great with the weight loss and have lost 17kgs so far woohoo! I am going to really knuckle down starting next week and get fit and healthy and lose my last 15kgs. I cant wait to have that body back!

How is everyone else doing??
I can't even on the sleep deprivation. I get maybe 4-5hrs a night and it's broken into like 45min increments :( dh got a new job. It's a rly good one. It's the job he would have had once he graduated so now he just needs to finish school and already has the job. Great pay and benefits.

I second wanting labor but I'm not dry for another baby. I think I will always long for labor esp since I never had vaginal delivery whether I want another baby or not. I have like a pregnancy addiction I think. I wish I could post this video of Avery playing peek a boo. He'd burry his face in my arm and turn real quick and look at me and smile. It was adorable!
Nawwww thats so cute that he plays peek a boo! I love when they learn new things.
You know i think i am with you on the pregnancy addiction darlin! I want more kids but i really dont think i do right now but i long to be pregnant again so bad its so strange!

Phoenix is growing so much at the moment, he is cutting down on his feeds now he only has like 4 breastfeeds during the day and 2 at night on a good night but has 3 meaks this kid is porker!! He eats what ever we eat as we do baby led weaning and he loves it!! He shakes his head no to quite alot of things lol especially when there is some food he doesnt like or you call him cheeky which is damn cute! Has said mum a few times but only when upset but blabbles like crazy and is such a little squealer!!
I cant believe he is 1 in just 5months!!
I need to vent :cry: I dont know where else to turn to so i thought i would come here
today we went to my mil's cabin. it was great. But there was an incident. My mil said the kids must wear life vests which i was ok with. When we put Zach in his and then put him in his floatie he barely fit in the floatie, so I took it off and just made sure I held on to him always.
Stephen put a body suit life vest thingy on and played in the water. After a couple hours in the water. i went and put zach to bed and went back in the water.
Stephens suit kept getting in his face ,it looked uncomfortable, so I thought well since I'm not with zach anymore i will take off his suit and just stay right by him in the water. It was going fine until one second of turning my head,and turning back a second later, stephen went under. I immediately grabbed and picked him up and comforted him. I felt horrible. But he seemed to be fine. He actually pushed away from me and wanted to get back into the water. So we continued to play in the shallow water.
Now that i've been home I've been feeling more and more horrible about what happened and what could have happened. I feel like such a bad mommy. I was just trying to make him more comfortable and thought it would be fine. I remember as a kid swimming all the time without a vest on. Now i realize that was a stupid mistake.
I told dh i felt so bad about it and wanted to email his mom and just say how sorry i am for making the mistake and also asked him for some support because i felt so bad.
He made me feel worse, just saying i won't say anything because it was your fault. and told me not to say anything to his mom just let it go.
SO anyways i emailed his mom and said how sorry i was and how i wouldnt make that mistake again. And she wrote back saying she was sorry too since she was standing right next to me in the water too and she didn't notice him either. And that now we know life vests everytime, like she told me before we went in the water, which i ignored after awhile of being in the water.
So now i am sitting in the basement, crying my eyes out just feeling like such a bad mom. I keep thinking about what coulda happened and how stupid i was. and the fact that i continued to let him play afterwards without a vest.
and Ive been giving dh the silent treatment because of how shitty he made me feel and he just came down and said whats your problem, and when i told him he walked away and said whatever. :cry: I know i messed up , I feel horrible.
Dh just came to me and hugged me and apologized. I still feel awful about what haappened but learned from my mistake.
Aw hun we all make mistakes but thats what makes you a hood parent because you learnt from it. I have done things that have make me cry and think awful of my parentjng also so you are not alone! Im glad dh came around and was there to comfort you
Thank you so much kirstie! If i would have been with my parents i dont think i would have beat myself up as bad as i did. His mom is like super nice but she is really cautious witth anything and everything. And i was raised morre like what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger. So all day she was harping on me about dont do this, watch out, be careful...i kinda felt like ok i know what im doing back off......and then when that happened i just felt sooooo bad.....ugh.
I know exactly what you mean! I am also very what doesnt kill you makes you stronger or he will only do it once before he realises he cant do it if its something he shouldnt be doing as its dangerous and we also have family members that try to wrap him in cotton wool. I have even had my brother in law tell me when need to be more safe with him we aren't cautious enough or aware of how much he can hurt himself! Needless to say he got a piece of my mind. Its only a little water hun as scary as it can be sometimes but like you said he wanted to go right back and play he obviously wasn't traumatised by it.
About 2 months ago now i think it was i let hunter go outside on his own i went back inside to watch the baby before i realised he didnt have his helmet on and it was to late he ended up splitting open his head on his bike and we ended up in emergency but it was just an accident and it takes a matter of seconds. I felt awful when i went to the hospital and they asked what happened and i had no idea just that i think he was riding his bike without a helmet and i felt like a terrible mother that i didnt even know how it happened but at the end of the day it would have probably happened whether i was out there or not we just put so much pressure on ourselves sometimes to be the perfect parent when no one is and that is completely fine!
thank you :hugs: i feel sooo much better. Thanks for being there. I was literally balling my eyes out and you,someone a millions of miles away made me feel better :)

Today me and stephen went to the county fair and he went on his first ride ever! it was a blast!

I also dyed my hair from bleach blonde to brown!


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Thats what im here for :) i love being able to rely on you ladies when needing a vent!

Yay i love fairs! They are so much fun and how exciting that he went on his first ride there such precious moments arent they!

I have also just dyed my hair i got thw light brown to blonde ombre it look its great to have a change isnt it!

My poor boys they are always bloody sick! Phoenix has bronchialitis and hunter has a throat and ear infection so there isnt a whole lot of sleep going on here. Hunter has now been referred to an ear nose and throat specialist and if phoenix's ear doesnt clear up in the next 2 weeks he will be as well and both boys will have to have gromets.
Hunter is also now on a preventer as well as his ventolin for his asthma and phoenix has just been referred to a paed for his asthma as they cant usually diagnose it this young but because he has had more than 3 boughts of bronchialitis one of which he was hospitalised they think its a bad case. So its been a bit crazy in our house lol
awww, poor babies. Hopefully as they get older , there immunes will strengthen.
i feel so bad they are always sick. I pray they get better.

Do you have free healthcare there?
Hi all, I havnt even been on here or posted in for ever you probably havnt got a clue who I am anymore lol, Emma is now 2 and 1/2, toilet trained in the day, nursery 3 afternoons a week and a cheeky madam. Amy is 1 next month, she is crawling, climbing and starting to stand unaided, walking isn't far behind. We are now married and trying for baby number 3 but time to try is a lot less available this time haha!!
Hope you are all doing well xxx

Caz xxx
Army: yes we do have free health cover but the medication is expensive in 4 days we spend $500 on medication it was ridiculous! He is Much better now thank god. We have another appointment on friday to make sure his lungs are dry and the pneumonia has gone.

Caz: been a long time since we have heard from you welcome back!! I cant believe how times flies and yay how exciting about trying for number 3!! And i agree we barely find time to get jiggy these days!

Afm: i dont really know what to think. I havent got my period yet and using condoms is a bit hit and miss so yesterday I woke up with a light brown tinged cm which lasted till late afternoon yesterday and then nothing since. I dont know whether or not think ib or its my cycle coming back??? I hate the not knowing when to expect your cycle back when bf :(
Hiii caz! Thats great! And already trying for 3!! Its great they will be so close in age.
are u hoping for a boy?

Are you hoping to be pregnant kristie?? It really ccould go either way like you said.
I would love a boy but then I just see myself with a group of girls lol xxx really want to get pregnant soon to reduce the age gap between oldest and smallest, and I miss having a little baby!! Xxxx

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