Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

Not sure about the paracetamol... It says in my book and everyone on the internet say it's alright to take... as long as you don't use it too often or longer than a week or something.. And obviously don't exceed the recommended dosage... It says on the pack I can take 1-2 every 4 hours... But I've only been taking 1 at a time..... but I have been taking them every 2 hours... Well I had 5 yesterday... that was 1 at 5, then at 7.15 (soluble one) then had another one at 9, 11 and one at 6 this morning.... So I guess it should be fine. (my tooth is hurting less though....way less than last night, even without taking paracetamol)
Boy has been moving, it just seems less than normal, but it's probably just me worrying - making it seem less, or not noticing it as much.... it's probably in my head :p

He's actually brushing his bum or leg or something against my ribs at the moment... So that's good :) Not sure what he's doing at the moment haha.. it feels weird...

I'm taking my first amoxicillin (antibiotics) at 3, then another at 8 and then the next one I'll take at 10am tomorrow, and keep taking em at the same time.... Set alarms for em on my phone cause I'll forget otherwise....
Bet hubby will be happy with me setting an alarm at 10 am in the weekend :p haha... At least that's 4 hours later than he usually wakes up :p

So why did that Natalie Cassidy get induced then?? I mean, why not wait till the baby comes by itself, unless you're overdue of course.... Just like this girl on here who's 36+5 and said she'll be having her baby in 6 days (so must be induction, unless she's psychic... I don't think I'd be allowed to get induced as the mw here already put me back a couple of days, just to give them more time in case I go overdue.... so she's basically just covering her own ass by saying I'm less far along then I actually am.

What website did you look at?? Did it actually say they don't deliver till tuesday, or were all the slots booked?? Cause I could order my shopping.. But then again, last year I ordered the shopping online and they cancelled it cause of the weather....
You should just TELL your hubby to go and get some milk :p haha... I'm not even allowed to leave the house cause of the snow if I don't have to, hubby won't have it :p haha. He loves me sooo much :) YAY!!! :happydance:

Don't have any plans today, just sitting here, watching some tv and some DHW while doing my x-stitch, and playing tetris battle on facebook (I'm addicted to that :p ) Not all at the same time obviously... :p

Yay!! the little boy is moving around, kicking and stuff... All good :) Makes me smile :)

How is your little girl today???
:yipee: to moving! I am glad he is reassuring you. It is so hard not to worry huh?
Babba this side is good. She has been moving somewhat today! I had some spicy lentil soup at around 2 and she was moving then. Not sure she liked the spice!
Again I fell asleep but luckily only an hour or so- I must not be getting enough sleep at all at night. Last night I fell asleep around 1 and up at 7.30 this morning :(

I have not gone out- DH didnt reply to my email so he can get some milk himself. His mother has a spare gallon so I said if the shops dont have anything to call on her.

I hope you made some headway on the X-stitch! I am trying read this book- very slow and not something I really like but once I have started I like to finish it. Sister by Rosamund Lupton.

I definitely think you are fine on the Paracetamol front and I am glad the toothache has gone! I used to sometimes get them for days. Not nice at all!
Good idea to put your phone as a timer! I always used to forget tablets- then started Acu and had to do the herbal tablets and now it is ingrained in me! Funny though as I go to my mum's and my routine goes out the window and I forget! :wacko:

Did you like DHW- I missed the last 3-4 minutes as DH called drunk last night! :( But I dont imagine it will take long to catch up. I gather the married woman is starting to fall for her psycho killer husband and doubting her mum behind bars?

Oh and shopping- Sainsbury and Asda where the two I looked up. Asda had the delivery times up as Tuesday! You have already placed yours so i dont think you will have to worry much.

Right i better get out of bed and to the couch. Not sure about what to make for dinner again- we have some veggie sausages and some potatoes so may be mash and sausages :) Quick and easy huh! A night with DH and telly for me- though saying that I am normally upstairs by 8.30pm most nights.

Hope you have a fun dinner planned xxxx

Sorry I've been away.... My laptop charger broke down so I couldn't use my laptop until the new one arrived :( Got it this morning... :D YAY!!!
So glad to have my laptop back...

So how was your weekend?? Did anything fun?? Did you go see your mum???

We went to Eltham on saturday to do some xmas shopping... Jay wanted to go on sunday, but the guitarshop isn't open on sunday so I told him we had to go on saturday cause otherwise I couldn't get him his present cause the shop wouldn't be open..... I bought him a little spngebob ukelele :p haha.. he's been wanting to buy a ukelele for ages and I just HAD to get him the spongebob one :p Also got him a double guitarstand, so he can put both his regular guitars on there (as one of his guitars - of course the most expensive one - fell over the other day and now has one of the tuning bits broken off :S)
He got me a really nice bracelet from H.Samuel... but apart from that I don't know what he's gonna get me :) Don't have a clue cause I don't even know what I want, so I didn't ask for anything....

Oh and I also got him a hoodie with a picture of catface on it (which is a silly cartoon, which is quite funny) - he really wanted one, so I got him that and they also had little baby sleepsuits and bodysuits and t-shirts so I got him one of the baby t-shirts (same colour, same picture as his hoodie) for the little boy :)

Anyway.... Our little one is doing good... he's moving around a lot.... Don't feel like I'm growing a lot, but I must be, cause he's growing..... Really really can't wait till he's here!!!
We put the xmas tree up yesterday and Jay said: all I can think off when I look at that tree is, our little boy crawling, or stumbling (half falling over) towards the xmas tree next year.. and grabbing the baubles and that :p haha....

How's your girl doing?? Moving a lot?? Are you getting anymore sleep then before???

Hope you're doing ok?!

oh btw, a quick rant about asda.... I booked my shopping for yesterday (sunday) and they sent me an email at 5pm on saturday that due to weather conditions they had to cancel my order!!! There wasn't even any snow outside anymore... the odd bit here and there on the field and the pavement, but the roads were clear!! And Tesco was delivering!!!
And all they are gonna give us is a free delivery next time... (like that's gonna do a lot of good). I have to wait till thursday to get my shopping now - if they don't cancel it again, that is.... And that means we're having to go to one of the little convenience shops here to get our food till we get our proper shop delivered... That's gonna cost us loads of money!! ](*,) We're really NOT happy... Might have to call asda and kick off - but I'm not very good at that.. and Jay doesn't really wanna do it, cause he'll get all wound up again....

Ok well that's it for today.. I'm gonna relax and drink my hot chocolate!!
Morning hun !
:wohoo: to being back online. I wondered if you got a bit bored of our casual chit chat and decided to give it a break! :shrug: :lol:
Glad the lil one is doing well and kicking up a storm- you have just 9 weeks to go- With Christmas and New Year it is going to fly by and before you know it you will be holding him! I cant wait either to see him :) Your christmas next year will be awesome with Jamie here!
Sorry to hear about Asda! What a crap situation- I would complain about a 4 day late delivery and ask them what they expect you to eat- especially as you are pregnant. You may have to get angry etc but they have to give you a little more than free delivery- some vouchers or something. mention the roads were clear and if they had a back log of deliveries they should have alternate measures to get groceries to their customers seeing as you are paying for both the groceries and deliveries! Hope it hurries to you hun! I would be mad too!

Girl is moving about- she isnt as active as I thought she would be at 26weeks! I thought I would be able to see tons of movements from the outside and feel definite kicks but seems like she is quiet or small- even though I am eating for about 7!!!
Still not good sleeping :cry: I am going to say something the MW this morning - I have my appointment for BP, babba's HR and my Urine check at 9.30. I will also mention my fall last week so make sure she checks. I am still worried even though their is movement.

Anyhoo!!!!! Weekend wasnt too bad. I was home and stuck indoors for about 4 days last week! It was nice this weekend to get out of the house. My mum, I and DH went to Exeter to see my Sister who is studying there! I thought she would be a bit more organised and get things arranged for us to do but she didnt. We spent the first hour or so trying to figure out how to get to the hotel and then we came back into town after getting to the hotel. had a walk around the city, a few drinks dinner and then back to the hotel. It was a fleeting visit as we ended up getting the coach back to London the folllowing day! I was knackered- too much excitement after 4 days in the house!

Had some tutoring in Kent yesterday- seeing as the snow stopped me all of last week it was nice again, to get out! I got delayed coming back and didnt get into Woolwich A until 9pm!! So not happy about that!

Today I have MW this morning and Acu this afternoon. I need to come into Woolwich to the library and possibly pick up some more gifts for DH's friends kids. We have been invited over to theirs this weekend and of course DH is too bone idol to sort something out!

How are you doing this morning? Any plans for today? I am so glad the darn weather has thawed out the snow and we can go out without fear!
Hope you are well and write soon xxx
oh and I am down to double figures before babba is here -99 days!!!
yay!! less than 100 days to go for you!! :)
I'm down to single weekly figures now :)

Went out early this morning... Jay wanted a game for xmas that came out today and he wants it early... I kept saying no, and he still thinks he won't get it till xmas, but I decided to go out early today (so I was sure they still had a copy (or more)) and give it to him when he comes home as a surprise :)

I got my HiP grant today :) YAY!!! Did you get the form yet??
How did your mw appointment go??

Not got a lot to tell today... So I guess I'm gonna go and do something.....
Hey! I bet Jay will love his early Chrimbo present!
MW was fine. She said I should have gone to Maternity straight away when I fell last week as you can never be sure with pregnancy! I was worried when she said that. We listened to HB which was all good :)

MW said she will give me the HiP grant form next time (21 Dec) and I have to get the Sure start from Job seekers. I will ask about the latter next week when I go to sign on. In the meantime, I will check out the web on it. Have you thought about where your HiP grant will go?

Got some spray for my sinuses, small shop for food and home- so cold out there! I am not sure I want to go to Woolwich! But I guess i should really! much rather take a nap though :)

My Cousins gave us a pram for the lil one a few weekends ago when we went over for dinner. It has been in the car since then and we only brought it in yesterday- I am going to check it out- think it is a Mama and Papa's one with the foot muff and a changing bag! I also have some vouchers for Boots to get their Changing bag for free so I need to get that in- they also have a £3.00 voucher for Pampers New born so I can get a pack for £0.75p :happydance: I need to get these vouchers together and hit the shops! LOL

Well I better let you get on with your day- nap time for me :) I have Acu at 4.30 this afternoon :/ No rest for the wicked they say!

TC xxxx
Yeah can't wait till Jay gets home, so I can give him his present...

Our HiP grant is going to christmas presents :blush: We were gonna use it for the 4d scan to start off with, but since we couldn't claim it before we had the scan we paid that from Jay's wages.. So basically it still covers it now... I mean, we could've saved the money from the scan for xmas presents and used the grant for the scan if we would've done it now :p (if that makes sense).
We got most of the presents sorted for xmas though... We just need to get something for Jay's dad, his brother and his sister (and her bf). And Jay needs to go shopping for me.
Didn't expect to get the grant yet though, we were talking about it last night, that hopefully we'd have it by the end of the week so Jay could buy my presents... And this morning I checked the balance on our joint account at a cashpoint and it said to have 268 pounds in it... And I thought there was only 78 in there, so that made sense :p --- I only sent the form off a week and a half ago!!

Hihi I'm gonna get that changing bag from boots aswell, I just got my parenting club card through with a couple of vouchers and stuff, so I gotta get some pampers aswell to get the bag :p Think we'll have enough newborn nappies to get through the first couple of weeks....

Cool that you got a pram from your cousin.... Is it a nice pram??? Is it just a pram or a travelsystem???

I'm gonna get my fix of Jeremy Kyle for the day... while doing my last page on the x-stitch for my MIL. yay!!!
How did your cross stitching go? Did you finish?
I had to go into Woolwich- hit the library and a few shops. got DH a shirt and tie as past of his gifts, myself a vest top which was buy one get one half price so I got one for my sister at £1.50! great stocking filler! And three Kids books for the twins this weekend and DH's niece (the stupid SIL kid!) I wouldn't normally bother but the books were 3 for £10 so I might as well :lol: I went to Acu in town and got home, made some dinner- stuffed my face and now am so uncomfortably full it is unreal! :rofl: I didnt have any lunch as I thought I would have time when shopping but of course I didnt. And then was famished so stuffed my face! LOL

I haven't looked at the pram!- Very light to carry- not a travel system- no travel seat. I think it may be when babba is older-:shrug: I will have to get on their website in a mo and have a look!

Great news on your HiP Grant. I think I recall you mentioning the scan as part of the deal with the HiP grant.s So cool it came so quickly. I bet mine wont- it will get caught up in the Christmas crap watch!!

Well I am going to try and lay down so I can digest- even in bed with laptop is uncomfortable :( How silly am I eating so much! DH is on his way home- he didnt go out to his work shin dig but did meet some of his mates for a few..a few heh? Must be nice!

Hope you have a good evening- Looking forward to seeing your x-stitch finished :)

Minimin xxxx
Nah didn't finish my x-stitch yet... Got about half a page left to go atm.
So that'll take me another day at least.

I read that you got your OH a skirt :rofl: hahaha... But it said shirt ;)
Where did you get the vest tops?? Primark?? (with them being £3 each)

Hihi I know what you mean about being uncomfortably full... I was the other night... I wanted to lay down, but you shouldn't lay down after eating, cause it doesn't do your digestive system any good - apparently.... We had wraps (tortilla's) with chicken and lettuce and cheese.... We used this packet of fajita chicken seasoning - which were basically breadcrumbs - and we put some milk in with it, to make them stick to the chicken, but it sort of turned into chicken with breadcrumb-mush :p hahaha It was still good though, but the crumbs clotted a bit so it was a bit much sometimes....

Wonder what your pram is like.... Hope you'll like it!!
I LOVE ours, I can't wait to start using it...
Though I have been seeing a lot of people with prams on the bus and that just seems like such a hassle... Hope we'll be able to afford a car soonish after the baby is born, cause it would be handy to have one again... I hate being without one... (well we still have ours, it's sitting in front of our house, but we're not allowed to use it as it hasn't got mot anymore and no tax. And we just cancelled the insurance aswell, eventhough I still haven't had a confirmation from them receiving my letter)

Little boy is kicking again :p Looking forward to my next mw appointment to see what position he is in.... Hope he's still head down - would be good... :p
Can't wait till he's here!!! yay!!!!!! :D
We decided tonight that we don't want anyone (apart from family) to come round for the first month when he's born, cause it's gonna be busy enough with my family coming over from Holland, and Jay's family.... I got 2 sisters and 2 brothers - all but one are married, so that's 7 people already, plus my parents... And then Jay has got 2 brothers and 2 sisters, but 1 of his sisters won't come over, cause she's weird and doesn't have a car or anything, and never comes this way.... So that's enough family to deal with for the first couple of weeks I reckon... and it would be nice for us to be able to get used to having the LO before everyone else wants to come over and 'steal' him away from us :p
i live in plumstead and gonna give birth again at QE it all depends on what midwife u have i think, i have had 3 babys there, and it was 'ok' but the midwife makes the delivery good or not i think.
Hey :wave:
Hope you had a good day! I like your plans for keeping people away- I hope I can be so lucky. All of DH's family although they are near me will probably not come as they are useless bunch of t@&ts and mine are the other side of the river so I am hoping they will come in staggered format! :)

Did you manage to finish your cross stitch today? I have been out to a Yoga friends for some lunch and this morning I was looking for some gift bag/boxes for this darned blessing i have for the babba and me next weekend. I am not fussed with the blessing it is DH's ******** family I cant deal with LOL :)

How has your day been?
i live in plumstead and gonna give birth again at QE it all depends on what midwife u have i think, i have had 3 babys there, and it was 'ok' but the midwife makes the delivery good or not i think.

Hey Leanne,
Thanks for your comment- when are you due this time round? My MW are currently seeing me at our surgery in Plumstead. I dont know if I will meet the ones at the hospital, or if some of the surgery ones will be at QE- will be interesting to see.



Not been doing a lot, went to the shop to get something to do with chips for tonight - we're finally getting our shopping tomorrow (at least I haven't heard otherwise from Asda yet, so they better deliver :p) And did the washing up and that's about all...
Apart from that I've just been watching desperate housewives - almost finished season 2 now, and doing my cross stitch... Still isn't finished, but I've got about half a page left now, so maybe tomorrow if I keep working on it tonight and most of tomorrow...
And once this one is done I can start the Mr Men one for the little boy :)

So you're still going ahead with that blessing then?? Good luck with that!! ;)

What are you upto tonight???

Jay's on his way home, but he's got a real bad cold now (I just spoke to him on the phone and he sounds really ill) so I'm gonna get him to have a nice warm shower and take some cold&flu tablets and then get him to come lay in the bed with me and watch some tv or something... Poor boy!!! :(
Awww poor Jay! I hope he gets better soon. There are so many colds and flu things going around at the moment :(

Sounds like you have a cosy night in planned- I am going to make myself something to eat. DH said he wants to make a big salad for himself so he can sort himself out when he gets in. Easy for me so I dont have to cook. I may stick some oven things in ;) or do some mung bean rice thing which is also quick and more nutritious.

DHW on tonight so I will be watching that! Not sure what series the current one is!

Yeah- still roped into this darn blessing- Spent the last few hours for gift favour/box ideas for giving out something when people leave. Not sure we are going to but I thought I would have a look at some! Nothing takes my fancy- usual boxes and stuff. They dont know we are having a girl so I cant theme it :)

Another idea I have is to get small spice jars that I can fill with sweets- at least the jars are re-usable rather than boxes that get binned? :shrug: Your good with crafty things... any ideas??? I am looking for novel ways of stuff but without spending a bomb!!

Need to decide so I can order and get them in- then make the boxes and fill them. I thought I could go neutral so white/cream/ivory coloured and then get DH's bone ass lazy sister to make little cards with the date etc on it??? I would have to stick those in too. For the gifts- I thought some sweets- eg Celebrations pack would suffice! What dya reckon?

Well better leave you to look after Jay. Hope he gets better and enjoy cuddles.

Hihi I didn't cuddle him too much, cause I don't wanna get ill!! :p I am still being nice though. Gave him some pills and he's getting another dose in a sec and then we'll go to bed.... I'm knackered too. Gotta get up around 9.30 tomorrow cause the shopping could be here anytime from 10. And I gotta take my last antibiotics tomorrow morning.

I like the idea of the little spice pots.... You should go to a shop where you can pick and mix and get some sweets from there... Just get a massive bag of some hard sweets (like peppermints or something) and then get some ribbon and just tie the ribbon round the pot and stick the cards with the date on the ribbon... If that makes sense..... But you could do celebrations instead, but they are quite big for those pots I think, so you won't be able to get too many in.

If you need any more help, just let me know!!! :)

Oooh... I just came up with another idea... you COULD stick minstrels in the pots..... might be a nice idea....

Well anyway... I'm off to bed now... Talk to you in the morning probably...
Hey you! Hope you are resting nicely and Jay has managed to get some sleep too.
I just wanted to say thanks for the ideas! i love the pots but they are dinky! I am going to think it over and order tomorrow- so maybe I will go for them. Also have a cheaper option of these
which I can then fill with celebrations. Like you said they will be too big for the pots!

Sleep well and i'll be online again in the morning xxxx
Yay I finished my cross stitch last night.... So here's a picture of it for you....
I'm really happy with it, looks really good :D Just need to get the frame from hobbycraft.

Anyway how are you doing???

I've just FINALLY received my MIL's other xmas present, just waiting for my SIL's present and the hoodie (& baby t-shirt) I ordered for Jay. Then all my xmas shopping is done...
Jay is doing some shopping for me tomorrow :D YAY!! At least we had more money to spend this year... last year we had to budget and we were only allowed to spend £50 on each other, but I've already spent about 100 pounds on Jay and he's still got about 150 left to spend on me :)
Apart from that we're spending about 50 on his parents (50 each, that is) and his brothers and sisters get about 30 each. Dunno why I'm telling you this, but just felt like it....

I'm gonna have to go now though, just got a call from a friend who wants to come over from Canterbury (like she did last week, cause she wanted to talk to her husband, who's on a course here... cause she thought he was cheating on her....which he isn't - he did sent 1000 texts to a number that she doesn't know in a month though...which is a bit weird and suspicious, but well.. their problem, eh?!)
Ok so I'm gonna go, tidy up a bit and put some clothes on.


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Wow! That looks fantastic! I love it. I bet your MIL is going to love that!!
I ordered some more presents from Amazon too. I made a list of all the ones I have got so far as I have been keeping an eye out and getting bits and bobs. I am trying to get other people (DH's friends, cousins etc) presents under a £10 £5 if I can. DH, My sister, Niece and Nephew get the most! DH normally gets one big present and tons of small ones but i'm not working this year so he isnt getting a big one. I normally get small things like, Books, BBC Focus magazine, Sox, PJ's and this year I have a shirt and tie he saw at M and S and possibly more books- going to get some on cooking so he can learn. I am fed up of being the only cook and when babba is here he is going to have to do some!

(oh btw- the other day you asked me where I got my vest tops from- M and S outlet in Woolwich. Sorry forgot to answer that back!)

Most of my niece and nephew things are coming from the sales- they are in Oz at the moment, back on the 28th so shopping on the 26th! Lol.

Hope your friend is ok :( Horrible when you feel you cant trust your other half. I hope you have a nice afternoon together.
How is Bump?
Lots of love Minimin xxx
hihi I put that xstitch picture on facebook aswell and there's 3 people that commented on it that it's really good haha :p Should be, took me about 6 weeks :p haha... And it cost about 40 quid... The nice ones are always really expensive.. :S

Next I'm gonna be making another bodysuit with something.... was gonna do another miffy on one, but I think I want to do one of the mr men that comes off the whole mr men x-stitch I was gonna do.... Which I will still do after the bodysuit is done I think.

I always like buying people loads of presents for xmas, I'd rather get them loads of cheap ones than just 1 expensive one cause I don't like getting just 1 present myself... I had it once with this tradition in Holland (called sinterklaas, which is sort of like xmas, where everyone buys presents for each other) but we usually do like secret santa, where you pick a name out of a hat and buy presents for that person....there was 1 year where I only got one (cause that was already the budget amount) and everyone else got more... I wasn't very happy...eventhough the present was nice :p

Bump is doing great... he's being really active today...
Had this weird feeling this morning though, was sitting on the bed and had pressure at the top of my uterus (which was probably just him poking his bum out or something) but it felt different than normal and my back was aching....
And at some point I really didn't feel very well... but I'm all good now!!
Was sort of thinking, I hope I'm not going into labour :p haha... cause Jay wasn't home... And I don't really wanna go into labour just yet for baby's sake... I do want to for myself though, just because I'm too excited and can't wait haha :p

Here's a nice bump picture for you... I took it today cause I noticed you can actually tell from the front now, and my bump seems to be getting more round like a ball now... And the t-shirt is just funny :p haha


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