Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

Hey you!
I hope you are indoors and toastie warm. So I am pretty angry about this morning. I had to go into town to Job Seekers and I fell slam on my arse!!! I am not hurt at all but am worried about babba. I did have kicks pretty much 10 mins or so later and when I got back I ate some choccie which always gets her going- She did kick. Overall, she is quieter today and come to think of it yesterday as well. Should I call MW? My MW are only around Tuesday mornings and I would have missed them due to my appointment with Job Seekers anyway. I know they are well padded etc but still worried :cry:

I canceled my other Acupuncture appointment this afternoon as there is no way I am risking another fall. I have just had the best half of a Terry's Choc Orange and she isnt as active as I had hoped :( Should I call the docs?

Not feeling in pain so I am wondering if there is anything the doc can do. Also means I have to venture out and I am not liking that idea :(

Weirdos' and Woolwich go together like bee's and honey! It reminds me of some areas of Baltimore when I used to live in USA. They had a major drug problem there so I hope the weirdo's here are not the same :(

Sounds like you are getting along with your X-Stitch. Have you had a look online for some frames- does hobbycraft have a website?

I dont have to get much for babba as my SIL (Reena-nice one) has the stuff from my niece and nephew. I have to get things like Nursing pads and bra's, Pads for the hospital and disposable knickers, my nightdress (front opening), Changing mat x2 Formula feed, Baby nappies, baby bath, oil, powder, sudeocream cotton wool and wipes. Also thinking Infacol and other medicine things (will have to ask Reena).

I have coming things like- pushchair, cot (need new mattress and bedding), moses basket, car seat, steriliser microwave and electric, bottles, Highchair, Walker... clothes, toys etc etc.....

We have a friend donating their cot but they have not confirmed this- it was said in conversation a while back. His father passed on recently so we have not reapproached the subject as yet.

What I do want to do is accessorize the nursery- get some blackout blinds, and some pink/girlie things to make the room more for her. ATM-DH crashes in there and it looks like a bomb site.

I only get heartburn with Curry/Spicy things - which sucks as I love it! I am sure my wee one will have a ton of hair- both my niece and nephew did and generally I think Indian babies do! It goes rather spikey too which is funny!! LOL

Not been sleeping well the past few nights due to sinuses and sinuses headache :( I fell asleep early last night but up and tossing lots! Trying not to take a nap today :(

How is your Snow day! Are you out at all? I would love to make a snowman but am too scared to risk snow again!

Stay warm xxxxx :cold:
Hey, hope you're ok?!
How did you fall?? Did you fall on your bump or on your bum?? Cause if you fell on your bump I'd definitely go to the mw of doctors just to get her checked, just in case.... But if you fell on your bum she should be fine... Especially since she's still kicking... You can phone the midwife (I know it's hard to get hold of em but there must be a phone number that you can reach em on) but they'll probably ask you some questions like how far along you are, how you fell and if she's moved since. And they'll probably be quite happy with her moving so quickly after you fell. And she's been moving a bit afterwards aswell right??
I was worried about our little boy the other day, phoned the midwife and that night he started kicking off again... so he was perfectly fine. Bet your girl is fine aswell!!! :)

Speaking of kicking off....earlier I got this real hard kick or something against my ribs....Really hurt!! My ribs (only on the right side) are very uncomfortable anyway (when sitting up).... Last time at mw's appointment he was head down and his back to the side of me, so I'm guessing he's sort of staying in this position with his head down, back to my right side and his bum or legs or something against my ribs on the right... Not nice!!! Wish he would move his bum ;)

So you got lots of stuff from your SIL aswell then?! Same here!! I ordered the steriliser kit (including lots of bottles and a breast pump and stuff) this afternoon, and I also ordered our nappy bin... One of them angelcare ones.
Can't wait to get our steriliser!!!

I had lots of hair too when I was born.... Really dark aswell. And I think most my siblings had hair aswell.....But our boy might get ginger hair, as Jay's nephew does aswell and he's got some ginger in his beard and his mum is ginger aswell, so I think there's quite a good possibility... But Jay won't be happy, he doesn't like ginger hair (specially not on boys). We'll see....

Oh and about the x-stitch, I had a look on the hobbycraft website for the frame but they don't sell that one online.... We'll probably go to Brighton on the 23rd of dec. and stop off in Crawley to go to hobbycraft, and maybe see my sister and BIL in Horsham aswell - depending whether they're gonna be there...
Hey hun!

She is kicking away so I think we are ok. I fell on my big butt! LOL!!!! If I am concerned I will call MW tomorrow morning- That number they gave me asks to call before 9.30 where they start off on their rounds or something. I hope I dont have to call and she stays moving about!

I hope your rib pain goes- sounds like tings are getting cramped in there- try some stretches with your arms over your head to give space in the ribs- If you can do them with some deep inhales and exhales that should help :) There are also some postures where you are on all fours and circle your hips/pelvis to the right and left. Can be small or large circles- whatever you feel comfortable with- this helps move babba abit so maybe you can get him to shift his buttocks! LOL- He sounds like a cheeky one!

Just finished two hours of Yoga, meditation and deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra) and I fell asleep! The last part is meant to refresh you but I think I am tired- I hope this doesnt interfere with going to sleep this evening :(

Oh I wonder what he will look like- do you have dark hair now? Our friends have two sons where one has ginger hair and the other a version of blonde- kinda dark blonde. Their parents have brown and dark black hair! It is weird how it works. Unfortunately our girl will have dark black hair and dark brown eyes- DH and I have them and she wont be getting anything else. LOL- unless I have been a naught girl :rofl: Like I keep telling DH!! :haha:

I bet it will be great fun sorting out the sterilisers etc when it comes! I dont know how to use them so I think it is a good idea to do some trial runs. Not sure we can use the breast pumps now though- some women at my stage (25w) have had some leakage/discharge. I have not :shrug:
Not sure we are going to get a nappy bin. DH's SIL (the Stupid one) has one from her kid but I am hard pushed to get much from her- shouldn't really cut my nose off to spite my face but I dislike them!

Right I better get out of this relaxation mode and think about dinner. Thinking a milder dinner than curry today. Some chicken breast escalopes and possibly chips or mash. I did have a jacket potato for lunch this afternoon but am hankering for some more potatoes. The way I see it is that once babba is here I wont be eating potatoes (Indians believe them to be too windy for babies making them colicky) So I may as well stock up on them now!

Hope you have a nice dinner planned :) TC and write soon!
Keep warm :cold:

Minimin xxxx
Glad she's doing ok so far!! :) Bet she'll be happily kicking away tomorrow morning when you wake up... Or tonight when you're trying to get to sleep... like our little bugger always does...
I swear he knew it was gonna snow (or maybe already snowing) last night when I tried to go to sleep.... as he was kicking off like crazy!!!

Thanks for the tips about the ribs.... I just try to sit up straight and lay down every now and then to get him off it.

Bet you're tired after 2 hours of yoga :p haha I would probably be knackered...

I wonder what our little boy looks like aswell... Soooooo can't wait to see him!! I've got dark brown hair (well half, cause I dyed it a while ago but it's growing out, but dark brown is my natural colour, the rest is sort of faded red now). And Jay's got light-ish brown hair... But he does have the ginger genes from his mum obviously as he gets it in his beard... When he grows his beard long (when he's on leave) you can really tell....
I hope the LO will have brown eyes, cause I really like them... Jay has got them, mine are bright blue....Jay likes my eyes so he hopes LO will have my eyes... :p Had a look in my book at this diagram about genes for eyes but I can't figure out what LO will have as Jay might also have the blue gene for eye colour (cause you got 2) so if he's got brown/brown the LO will probably have brown eyes, but if Jay's got the brown/blue genes LO could have blue ones... So we don't know until we see him.... Ah well.. Not too long now....:happydance:

I've not had any leakage yet, not everyone gets it before birth.... Sometimes it feels like I've been leaking though, but then I feel and it's dry, so must be just me being weird... But according to my book the colostrum is only just starting to get made now, so boobs will grow even bigger... :( They're so massive already.... (cause I always used to have reasonably large ones as it is...)

We had a lovely spag. bol. for dinner tonight.... I'm making pancakes tomorrow.... And I really need to order the shopping, but won't do that till tomorrow, cause I really can't be bothered atm.

Hope you have a nice night :)
I cant believe you will soon find out what he looks like- eye colour and hair and all! It is a shame the 4D/3D scan cant tell us that! LOL.

Your right about the genetics. If Jay carries a Blue eye colour gene then you have no way of knowing- It is down to inheritance patterns. DH and I have Brown Brown! I would love my little ones to have blue eyes but that wont happen :(

Pancakes sounds nice- I should make some- I have not since Pancake day back in march. I wasn't too keen on the sweet ones then but seeing as I have developed a sweet tooth with my lil princess I should make some :)

I should look at my Pregnancy Bible this evening. I have not seen what is happening since around 23 weeks. Does Jay ever have a look. DH doesnt bother- I find he is not really interested in Babba and has NO patience with putting his hand on my tummy of an evening to feel her :( I dont think he will feel it is real until she is here.

I did 2hr of yoga but 40min was the active postures- the rest was breathe work, relaxation and meditation. I can no longer do the things I was once able to and am out of breathe too easily so have to take it easy :)

Hope your Spag Bol was nice- I was lazy and stuck stuff in the oven and made some babay potatoes- I couldnt even be bothered to Jazz them up some DH had to make do with some mushroom and onion gravy! Not the best dinner I have made! LOL Maybe I will be inspired tomorrow :shrug:

Hope you have a nice evening too hun- I am already in bed- read a bit and see if I can sleep. With Yoga I fell asleep at the end :( so I hope it isnt going to mean I am up till late!

TC and speak to you soon xxxxxx
Don't worry about hubby not reading the book or having the patience to feel your belly.... Jay doesn't read my book, I sometimes read something to him though, but it's not THAT interesting to read anymore anyway, cause at the start of pregnancy it would tell you what grew on your baby like ears or eyelashes and all that, so that was quite interesting.
Anyway, people do say that it only becomes real for dads once the baby is there, cause obviously they don't feel him/her move in the belly and stuff. Not that it feels very real to me...... I still can't believe it!!

How did you sleep last night?? I got woken up at half 8 this morning cause our neighbour decided to start drilling in his walls (the ones he shares with us....) very nice!! NOT!!! :dohh: So I got up and had a shower....

Gotta do some ironing today and some laundry and I gotta order the shopping..... Don't really feel like it, but's gotta be done.....

What are you doing today??
Hey hun!
hope you got some of your chores done! I started up early-ish as my cousin called me on her way to Uni. This is my Fav cousin Vas! She is amazing and we can talk for days and days! LOL. Anyway by the time I returned her call she was hitting underground so I will try and catch her this evening I suppose!

I had a busy morning looking into nurseries around me. I dont know much about them so thought I had better do some research. I have been advised to look at them now- perhaps visit as once babba is here I wont be able to venture out so easy. Having said that with this weather it isnt looking good either. Some around here but I dont think there is much I can say about them until I see them. I am just noting the location, hours kids:teachers, and Ofsted report stuff. Again, something I wish DH would be interested in but no such luck. I also looked at some child minders yesterday- not sure what will be happening once babba is here. If I will go back to wok or do it part-time as Nursery is alot of $$$$$!! Most of my wage would go to that so not sure it is all that worth it :shrug: Have you been thinking about such things?

Anyway- didnt sleep well either- Sinuses and nose stuffy means I am awake tossing and turning most of the night. I am not fully rested and am shattered by 10am! How annoying of your neighbour. I hope they have stopped now. Will you get a chance to get your head down at all?

Off to do some Yoga breathe work- see if I can clear some of this congestion

And then lunch- we have some Bagels I can have or possibly some left over potatoes from yesterday- may skip them as I gorged in spuds yesterday!
I also canceled my tuition this evening as I am not going out in this weather again- specially not at night when it is dark- knowing me I will fall again and perhaps not be so lucky this time!!!

Hope you get that shopping ordered- once it is done you can chill :hugs:

Minimin x
hehe yeah done my chores.... Took me a while to get started but I'm all done now.... Well I did make up an excuse for not doing the ironing.... As I could really do with a new cover for the ironing board, so I ordered one with the shopping and decided to wait until that's here... Which won't be till sunday evening, probably cause loads of people decided to get their shopping online so they won't have to go out....

I'm not gonna look into nurseries, not yet anyway... Cause I'm planning on staying at home with the little boy at least till he's a year old, so I'll have plenty of time to look into it then I guess.... And I don't know whether we'll still be here or not and maybe I don't wanna get a job yet by the time he's 1..... We'll see.
We can survive on Jay's wages... just about sometimes, but with the benefits (tax credits and that) we should be fine when the LO is here aswell... And otherwise I might get myself a part-time job, maybe 2 days in the week or something... But we'll have to see how it goes I guess....

Congrats on your 25 weeks!!! Only 15 more to go!! yay!!!
I'm really glad I've got less than 70 days to go now, but the next mark would be 50 days I guess... So I'm looking forward to that. And I keep telling Jay that he's only got 68 days left to stop smoking, cause we actually agreed he'd stop smoking once we moved here, but that sort of went out the window as he was really stressed and I didn't want to have a very grumpy hubby around... So I let him off. But he definitely wants to stop smoking before LO is here, so that's good!! But I'll probably still have to push him a bit though....

I really miss Jay today, not sure why.. just feel a bit lonely today I guess... I'm hoping he'll be home for lunch, but unfortunately I don't think it's gonna happen, as he's got a course on for 3 weeks now.... (at his normal workplace, but it's still different from normal)
Aww I hope he popped in over lunch and you had a nice surprise. I hate feeling lonely :(
Good thinking on getting the ironboard cover in! LOL- Like you I had good intentions and then one of my friends called and she as on the phone with me for 80 minutes almost. She has also had several mc's and has been doing a bit of Acu. She is in Sheffield. anyway, she got her bfp and is 11 weeks! She had her '13' week scan this morning so we were gabbing away about that. Bless her. I am so pleased for her and know exactly how she is feeling. fingers crossed for her!

I dont know what happened to me- I was talking to her- ending the call and realised I was sweating profusley! I went to the kitchen, the coldest part of the house- and was in just vest top and tracky bottoms. I was sweating tons and wanted to just cool down. I put a bagel in to toast as it was almost 2pm and I have had no lunch. When I was cutting the tomatoes I was shaking!??? WTF? Made my lunch and couldnt eat it fast enough. I had to have two bagels- Wooooohhhhhhhh I never have two- so much food, had some crisps and a yogurt pot with some orange juice and I can probably keep eating! Is this normal? As I was eating I was shaking and then got really cold??? WTF again!!! I put a hot water bottle on and came back to bed! I dont know what that is all about but am worried for babba- have you had something like that. I guess it is like a hot and cold flush! Normally when I eat she moves about but so far she hasnt. I am going to lay down and see how that goes. I hope I am worrying for nothing :(
So hard all this huh? I wish I hadn't taken that fall as I am now super worried over everything!

I am only looking into nurseries as I hear sometimes you have to wait a year on their list if they are busy. Also I am more likely to go visit them now than when babba is here:shrug:. Like you guys I am not sure we will be living in Plumstead, but I dont want her to go to any nursery! I am particular about where and what I want! LOL- Fuss pot me! Also like you I am not sure if I will go back to work but the nursery place will give me options. If we want to move from Plumstead I may have to work to help save :shrug: All too much to deal with now but I need to think about it :)

I cant believe you only have 70 days to go :headspin: Have you got your hospital bag packed? I have made a list of things I need to get and then after Christmas I will keep a bag packed just in case. Still have to write birth plan etc. Seems like alot to do all of a sudden :wacko:

Well I hope your afternoon is going well. I cant do Yoga on a full tummy and with that weird episode i think I am going to just put my feet up and read my book! Ooooohh I think I just felt her move- come on girl!! Hope it was her! :yipee:

TC Minimin xxxx
hehe our little boy is moving around a lot atm....

Jay didn't come home for lunch, but he was home quite early after work, so that was good.. He went to the shop to get some bits for dinner, as we don't get the shopping till sunday and have kinda run out of food.....I would've gone with him, but I wasn't allowed as he was scared I might fall.... And he doesn't want me to get ill - not that I'd get ill straight away after leaving the house for a bit :p

I was gonna make pancakes tonight, but I got a horrible horrible toothache.... I guess I've gotta face my fears and go to the dentist.... I am really scared of the dentist... well not so much the dentist itself, but the pain and horrible feelings you get laying in that chair.... But the toothache was really really bad!!! I was laying on the bed crying, don't think I've ever felt so much pain before (not even when we had a mc last year, I don't think that hurt as much, but I can't really remember HOW much it hurt). Haven't been to the dentist in years... I know I should, but I just dread going soooo much....But I guess I don't really have a choice now.. this pain is really really bad!!!
I took a paracetamol and that worked, but it's starting to wear off again... Gonna take another one in a bit - but trying to wait till the pain gets worse again, cause otherwise I'll have to wait 2 hours before I can take another one (as you're only allowed 2 in 4 hours and this one only worked for about half hour.... ) Hubby also got some soluble paracetamol tablets from a friend of his (well his wife....who's been pregnant aswell so I know I'm allowed to take em).
I don't wanna go to the dentist!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Your 'episode' was a bit weird wasn't it??? I have had it loads of times where I suddenly got really hot and HAD to sit down... sometimes when I was in Asda, doing my shopping - waiting in the queue and suddenly feeling really hot and not well at all... Guess it's normal, probably just hormones....
And that you got cold afterwards is normal I guess cause you cooled down real quickly. I'm sure you'll be fine :)
If it happens again, just call your mw. Or ask her next time you see her....

I don't have a hospital bag packed yet.. I figured I'd do that once I get closer to 37 weeks, or when mw tells me his head is engaged, or starting to.... Cause I don't think it happens very often that the baby just suddenly drops down and comes out straight away.... :p So I'll do that after christmas aswell... I mean it's still 2 months until due date... So should be fine!

Has she moved yet???
:hugs: on the toothache. I get some bad ones with my wisdom teeth so I know what you mean. I hope the paracetamols get working. I think the soluble ones are just as fine. I know you hate it but it will be better to get it sorted huh. My SIL (nice one) also hates the dentist but she found her fear was worse than what it was :) Hope you get it sorted hun.

I need to get an appointment in. I dont think I have been for about 10 months if not more! I normally like to get a clean in. My wisdom teeth need to come out but I dont think they will do that until the wee one is here. I think we also get free dental care atm so we should bank in on that lol :)

DH is out tonight so I am home alone. Not sure what to have for my tea tonight. I had two bagels around 2pm and then promptly fel asleep for almost two hours!!! I am not sure I am going to be able to sleep tonight- I am annoyed for sleeping so long but with my lack of sleeping at night it isnt a wonder I need to sleep! DH will be late so I will probably make myself something small for dinner- maybe Weetabix or something quick! We have some small potatoes which I have left over from last night- I could have them with cheese and beans! LOL - how student-like is that!!

Hurrah to Jamie moving about! I bet it is so reassuring hun! Lil girl hasnt been as active but is moving a little... :shrug:

Thanks for sharing your story of hot and cold flushes as it has made me feel it is normal. I will mention it to the MW when I go for my BP and Urine check this Tuesday :)

I think Christmas is a good time to get your bag ready- I am sure I will be forgetting, adding and removing things so I like to know it is done. I will also have tns of other stuff like Yoga breathing and meditation CD's to play so I will have to make sure DH knows they are there. Are you thinking of taking anything other than the 'normal' things?

Have a good evening and I hope Jay gets you some nice dinner in :) Any plans this evening?
Phonecalls to catch up (nice cousin Vas), Desperate Housewives, book and bed for me!
TC Miniminx
OT but everytime I see this thread, I read it as "Anyone give birth in WOOLWORTHS" lol
LOL- would be a hard thing to do these days Mrs Poodle :)
I know I know... I should go to the dentist... Hope they can fit me in tomorrow.... Was hoping it would go away, but I don't think that's gonna happen...
Do you know what's the procedure in the UK.... do they give you anesthetics when they fill a cavity or something?? Like I said, I haven't been for years and have never been in the UK....

Ahw, all alone eh?! Gonna relax and read your book?! Hope you figure something nice and easy out to have for dinner....
We're having chips & fish fingers, as I can't be bothered to make pancakes now...

Hope I can get some sleep in tonight.. Hopefully I'll be fine if I take some paracetamol just before going to sleep.... Not really looking forward to tonight.... Cause I've got a feeling I'll be waking up quite a lot cause of the pain... Hopefully labour will be more comfortable than this :p hahahaha... Probably not gonna happen!!

You should try to go without a nap during the day sometime, maybe you'll get a bit more sleep in during the night then.

I see you like desperate housewives aswell then :p I left it on once, while doing my x-stitch, as it was on after gilmore girls and I couldn't be bothered to turn it over... And now I love it!!! I've started watching it from the first season now... But I've just started the 2nd one today...
I am really bad with tv-series though, I watch about 5 different ones... haha

Well I hope you'll have a nice night....eventhough you're all alone...
I hope you do get a good night sleep. I hate not sleeping well. LOL- and I am going to have a baby= what am I saying. I normally dont take naps- I try not to but since not sleeping much at night I do need to. What I try to do is make sure I nap before 3 so it isnt close to night sleep.

How was your tea- I still have not decided what to have- so am sure it will be something quick.

Dentist- depends what you need doing- I got a local anaesthetic I think. But I had just cleaning and maybe a filling. You will be fine hun. Perhaps you can talk to them about your fears and see what they can do. they only thing they wont do is put you under a general as your pregnant. They wont be able to give you an xray either. All in all they may just help with the discomfort and get you back once Jamie is here :shrug: I dont know too much hun!

Right dinner-time ! Have a good evening chikka and take it easy! Hope the Toothache feels better xxx
Toothache seems to have gotten less bad now... I'm sure that last paracetamol I took at 7.15 has stopped working by now, and the pain is way less than it was before... I was actually slapping/punching my jaw to make it feel better... well at least it hurt less than the actual toothache... (I know.....I'm weird :p)
Just taking a soluble tablet now... wonder what that's gonna taste like, got a glass of juice right next to it to rinse the horrible taste....

Had a nice dinner, chips and fish fingers, but really wanted more.... :blush: especially more of the fish fingers :p But my lovely hubby got me some pringles to munch on, so I've started on them now :blush: hehe...

Hope you're enjoying your evening....
Me and hubby are gonna get in the bed and watch something together (probably on the laptop) in a bit... and then probably go to sleep early... Well early for me anyway, haven't been going to sleep till about 1am lately....
I think I have your late night tonight. It is gone midnight and I am still awake.
I hope the paracetamol has kicked in for you and you are fast asleep!
I watched DHW and then the show about Natalie Cassidy becoming a mum- just as this was about giving birth. She isnt really someone l like or anything! LOL DH was stuck in town as the trains are not running from Charing cross so he has had to go to North Greenwich and get the bus. He should be home soon now. I think he is very very drunk!

Sleep well hun and i'll catch you tomorrow. I may go to my mum's in which case I may not be back on until Sunday night- so have a good weekend.TC and keep warm :cold:

love Minimin x
Hey, yeah I slept well....
My tooth wasn't aching at first, so I thought I'd see how it goes before phoning the dentist, but about half hour later I phoned anyway. Went there and got told I've gotta have my wisdom tooth taken out, cause that's probably pushing against the others, and that's why they hurt.... So she didn't actually do anything, apart from looking in my mouth :p So she advised me to come back after I've had the baby...... And gave me a prescription for antibiotics - safe to take in pregnancy, apparently - gotta take 1 capsule, 3 times a day for a week...
Not sure how that will help, but as long as it does I'm happy....
The only bad thing is that she didn't do anything, which means I gotta get my butt down there again at some point and get everything done....And I'm dreading that already :p Baby can stay inside now :p haha.... :rofl:

How was that Natalie Cassidy thing?? I've seen the adverts for it but not watched it..... Did she scream a lot??

Did your hubby come home alright?? Being drunk, and having to take an alternative route :p haha... must've been fun....

How's your little girl doing today?? Our boy seems a bit quiet.. I woke up at 6 this morning and had to google the effects of paracetamol on the baby, cause I felt he was being quiet and didn't really wanna take another paracetamol eventhough my tooth was hurting.... I took one anyway and didn't wake up till 10.30 :)

Hope you're having a good day.... Be careful when you go out in the snow :p
The probably have given you the antibiotics as a precautionary! The pain can be from infections. I hope it sorts your pain out. Does the paracetamol affect babba? I have not taken any meds since getting pregnant apart from Asprin for my BP so I am no use to you!

Not going out- the snow has made my road very icy and and the overground from Plumstead was all messed up. I cant be bothered to traipse 2hours to my Acu and 2hours back to 40 minute appointment. Dont know what will happen as this is the first time I have missed it for a week. I have to go to Exeter for the weekend to hang out with my sister but I dont know if the trains are working and if it is a good idea- darn this weather. I did like the snow but wish it was a week later!

Natalie Cassidy was ok- they didnt show the birth- she had to have a C section as her inductions were not working- they didnt show anything more. She had a little girl- back in September apparently. It wasnt all that good to be honest!

Hubby was quite drunk- text and called to say he was very drunk. Was so drunk he couldnt figure out the route home when all trains from Charing Cross were cancelled. I had to suggest the underground to North Greenwich! LOL- funny- as I have been there many a time!

So I looked into shopping for our groceries online- they are not delivering to me until Tuesday! LOL So I shall have to get some Milk in- I hope DH can pick some up on his way home.

What are your plans today- I made some lentil soup- not too tasty- experimenting with my cooking! I did some Yoga breathwork this morning and will probably read my book this afternoon.

Hope your keeping warm


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