Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

:wave: Hey there. I hope you found something to do in Woolwich. Or the very least got your friend out of the house. Have you guys been to Blackheath. You are not far from it where you are. Thats a much nicer place to hang about in :)

My Weekend was busy with my friends visiting. We went to the British Museum yesterday-awesome-tiring but so good. I dont think we even managed to do half of it so we need to go again.

Glad you had a chat with Jay and things are ok- I am sure I will be having those conversations soon :)

So how has your weekend been? How is bump? Mine is a little more active than the last few days but still not as much as I had last week Sunday! LOL- I think she was being naughty and hitting my bladder this afternoon as I nearly had an accident in Sainsbury's when we were out! :rofl:

Well I shall keep this short- tired from a busy few days. Keep me posted on how you and bump are, how your friend is doing and your weekend :)

TC xxxxxxx
Hehe yeah, we had a relaxed day on thursday as we were knackered coming home from the airport and that... Then we went downtown on friday.. we were just about to walk out the door when Jay came home, so we waited a couple of minutes for Jay to get changed and he came with me....
I was really happy he did, cause that morning I woke up early and REALLY didn't wanna do anything at all.... But as soon as I saw him I cheered up... it was that bad that even I noticed it :p Felt quite bad though cause I should be happy that my friend is here haha :p
Then we went to Ripley's Believe It Or Not in London on saturday, and had pizzahut afterwards.... So I was quite tired yesterday. The museum was AWESOME though... definitely recommend it!!! Especially if you like weird/odd things. Quite interesting.
We slept in this morning and just played some boardgames and relaxed a bit, but my friend wanted to go out aswell, cause she said she never stays in the house all day (not even at home) - I don't believe her though, but well... So we walked around a bit, cause she wanted to get some money out the cashpoint anyway so we walked to a shop where they have a cashpoint...
And we have NO idea what to do tomorrow.... Probably gonna go downtown for a bit again, cause we bought me some nursing bras from mothercare, but I didn't like em cause they don't have underwires or padding... I hate it when you can see your nipples through your shirt :p
And we bought a jumper for me from Primark, but when I tried it on at home I looked like a bat, with the sleeves.. they were way too big... Cause I tried on a smaller size in the shop, which was ok, but we thought I'd need a bigger one, but I didn't try that one on, and it turned out to be horrible looking...

So you had a good weekend then??? Did you do anything else than go to the museum??

Little boy has been very active as usual.... Sometimes he makes me wonder what the hell he's doing in there, making my belly feel all weird, like he's having a dance party in there haha :p :haha:
Happens to me very often that he's dancing on my bladder... I usually go to the toilet before I go out and 5 minutes later I have to go again cause he's just crushing my bladder :p haha.... Cheeky monkey!!

I'm gonna go aswell, cause we need to go to sleep...

29 weeks tomorrow!! Yay!! Finally getting somewhere... Bump is looking quite a bit bigger than before aswell....
ooooh youll have to send me a bump pic!
I hope you managed to get some rest in. I found myself tossing and turning last night and not really falling asleep. Feel like I have not slept at all this morning and am considering going back to bed :(

Museum was good but get tired with too much walking so had to stop here and there. We didnt even cover half the museum as there is so much to see!

I am finding it hard to sleep at night atm- not getting comfortable and stuff. I am hoping to get two bolster type cushions in to help that.

Is your friend here for the rest of the week? It is tired entertaining all the time- perhaps do a trip into town and then a coffee shop so you can rest :)

I have tutoring in Kent this afternoon- I leave around 2.30 and dont get home until around 8.30 so a long day for me. Two hours journey there and then two back for two hour tutoring! Eeek! But still think this is only until after Christmas so I cant complain. The mother of the girl I am tutoring is so nice I have to say I feel bad if I say I cant help her daughter :(

I have not been to Ripley's- will have to put that on my list of places to go. I do love having my Friends over as we get stuff like museums and touristy sites etc done :)

Ok so tell me about this bladder thing. I have to be near a toilet and plan my day around being near one all the time. I have also noticed that if my bladder is semi-full and I sneeze- thats it. I get leakage- I hate it and it mortifies me!!!!

I have been thinking about Maternity Bra's but my boobs are huge to begin with. I hate not wearing Underwire and unpadded but have heard they are better for preggo boobs and milk boobs! LOL. I will have to read more on them. What kind did you get?
Have you been to the outlet M and S in Woolwich- they have some cheaper than normal M and S ones- not sure they are maternity though :)

Well I hope you rested- I am going to try and nap before I head out this evening. Hope you are well.
TC xxxxx
Yeah I'll have to take a picture when I go upstairs to the bathroom (to oil my belly) before bed... I'll put it on tomorrow...
My friend is leaving tomorrow afternoon... I've gotta go to the mw so I can't take her to the airport but that's good cause it'll save us quite a bit of money :p Trains are soooo expensive in the UK. especially trains in/out of London.

I know what you mean about the museum... I was tired aswell (afterwards anyway) but I also got this ache in my back, like a nerve is getting trapped or something... I think it might be sciatica, but apparently PGP is often mistaken for sciatica, so I'll ask the mw about that tomorrow, cause I felt like I should've been using crutches.... limping, and holding my hand on my back all the time.. Sometimes it shoots through to my bum and upper leg aswell (on the back). But I also get shooting pains on the front, by the hipbone... but on the other side... The backpain is on the right and the front is on the left... Really weird... :dohh:

Bet you're knackered tonight after all that travelling and tutoring... How come you're only doing it till xmas??

The nursing bra's... some people do say it's not good to wear underwired ones but I read on that you can wear them, cause there's no real health reason not to wear them.. but most people don't cause it's not comfortable. I found a website where you can buy underwired & padded ones :) yay!! :p The M&S outlet hasn't got any maternity or nursing ones I don't think... I had a look but couldn't really be bothered to look properly.

Oh have you ever had that you had quite a bit of white discharge in your panties?? I did today (TMI :p). I went to the toilet in mcdonalds and I was surprised.... Cause I haven't had that since I was younger, just before I had my first period....I think.... Dunno if it means anything... :shrug:

Anyway, did you get some sleep this afternoon, before heading out???
Morning hun!
I have had discharge-been getting tons of lotion like discharge atm. It is annoying cos it is like a bit of wee!
Hope MW goes well- sounds like it may be either PGP or Sciatica. Both are common in pregnancy. Sciatica I have had before and it is not nice. What time are you in to see her. I have mine at 11.15 this morning. Just to check my HR and hope they check babba's too :)
Hope your friend gets off ok. It is a fortune to get back and forth to the airport in England. London is so expensive!
I may have a look around for some Maternity Bra's I have to go into town today for Acu at 3 anyway :)
I did manage a mid morning nap yesterday- and felt tons better for it.
Tutoring is only until after xmas as the kids have their exams. I am working with this one to help prepare for the exams coming up in Jan :)
Looking forward to your bump pic! :)

Minimin xxxx

Been to the midwife, all is good :D Belly was measuring 28 cm's so that's good aswell... She put my due date on the 10th of feb though.. but only cause if I go overdue they'll have more time... So basically it's crap.....
Midwife said the sciatica usually tends to get less bad when the baby gets heavier, that's weird, but apparently that's how it works... guess it fits in the whole pregnancy picture... I mean everything is a bit weird in pregnancy :p haha

How was your appointment?? Was your HR ok?? And did they check baby's??
My midwife was really nice, so I'm happy - I hadn't seen a proper midwife here yet, cause last time was just a booking appointment so not really one of my mw's I think. But you hear so many people complain on here that I'm glad mine is ok :)

Got my HiP form signed, so I just have to send it off now.... And I got some info on the antenatal classes... They don't have any in december, so I'm gonna have to go in January, there's 3 classes, but there's one tomorrow from the november classes (the last one I think) so mw advised me to go there tomorrow and then take the other 2 in January. So I might do that.... Might go to both haha :p Cause I might've forgotten by then!!

Baby was head down aswell, so I'm quite happy with that, but obviously he can still move and turn again, but I reckon he might stay like this...

Well anyway, here's my bump pic....Took it this morning.... You should send me one, wonder how big you are :p haha.
The one with the grey top was today (29+1) The 2nd one is 15+2 and the 3rd one is 20+2



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You ok?? Had a bit of a worrying day today... Last night I realised that I hadn't felt the baby move much yesterday, and he didn't kick when I tried to go to sleep (which he usually does) and then I woke up at 5.30 to go to the loo and got back into bed and he wasn't moving, and my belly felt 'empty' not literally, but it just felt like there was nothing in there (if that makes sense).
Then he started kicking again and I had the biggest smile on my face. But then today I didn't feel like he was moving enough, not as much as usually.
So phoned the midwife and she said to take a bath and move him a bit.... Didn't have a bath, cause we ran out of hot water, but he started moving again anyway... So hopefully he's alright :)
My MIL also said it's normal for them to move a bit less, cause they sleep more, cause they grow faster in the last couple of weeks, so obviously he needs his energy for growing...

Anyway, just wanted to see how you were doing, haven't heard from you in days!! Hope you're ok!!
Hey hun!
I am glad he reassured you. I have also heard they can have a few quiet days. I bet the lil tucker was tired out :)

Things are ok this side- plodding along. Having a really emotional week- where I am teary and feel neglected by DH. You know the drill! I told you it wont be long before I start getting hormonal and crazy! I just wish it would go and I can go back to being 'normal'

Are you doing anything fun this weekend? I have some tutoring and then over to my cousins for Sunday- Kinda fun but not really looking forward to it!

I had a Consultants this morning at QE. The lady who I see for my BP which has been high in the past. Recently it has been fine but MW got me an appointment- nothing but a waste of my time :( And I forgot all my notes- seriously! I dont know where my mind is!

I am pleased to hear your reassured and I hope he keeps that up- in the nicest way :flower:

How are other things with you?
So BP was good today then???

What's going on with hubby??? Is he not being nice to you???
Hope you'll sort it out.... Just talk to him about it... eventhough that's not always easy... I know...

Everything is good here... boy is rolling over a bit more again tonight... I think it might've been cause I didn't eat a lot today... And he obviously needs me to eat to get some energy aswell...

Not a lot going on here... just relaxing this weekend... Jay is really tired, as he's been working... he was away for 3 days just before I got back from Holland, and after that he's been working like normal, but then didn't really get to rest a lot last weekend.. So he has basically been going for 2 weeks without any real relaxing.... So we're not doing anything this weekend.

Just sent off my HiP grant form off today... Hopefully it won't take too long for them to receive and process it....

So what are you doing at your cousins this sunday then?? Just going over for some company??
Yeah BP is fine- they say it generally will not change until later on in pregnancy- if it is going to change at all :)

Dont think there is much to talk about with DH- Unfortunately if I say anything he just walks out of the room. I dont have the energy on the inclination to follow suit and start arguments. I will fill you in more later- this is an epic to write! LOL.
I have tutoring in Belvedere this morning and not sure what plans are after that. DH was out drinking with work people last night and he was definitely home by 12 so I am sure he will not be up for much. We do need him to start some Chrimbo shopping so I may suggest local Woolwich or the shopping center past Welling and Belevedere- cant remember the name atm!!! They have a new Morrisions open there??? damn what is the name- begins with D?

I hope you managed to eat something last night- I was famished too and lil missy was jumping around something rotten yesterday evening! LOL- was nice but weird as they are not really strong atm.

Well I better cut this short hun... hope your relaxing and speak to you later on xxxxxxxxx
Hmmm.... ok. Do you never lay in bed together just talking?? We usually do just before we're gonna go to sleep, and then I usually burst out crying or just start talking :p So we always go to sleep way later than we planned those nights... haha :p

Doing crimbo shopping eh?! We're still waiting on a list what to buy for everyone, cause we have no idea.. But hubby is gonna phone his mum tomorrow to see what everyone wants... We might buy each other 1 small gift for the baby, cause we don't think we should buy just baby stuff, cause it's the one time we can actually get each other gifts.... :)
I need to hurry up with my cross stitch.. I'm on page 6 of 9, so I'm getting there, but it takes me at least 3 days to do a page. So I don't have a lot of time to waste ;)

I've been looking into getting that sure start maternity grant (the £500 one, that you can claim from 29 weeks until 3 months after giving birth) But I don't think we can get it at the moment, cause you gotta be on income support or getting child tax credits or something... We don't get any of that.. but do you reckon we can get it once the baby is born?? Cause we'll be claiming tax credits then... So we should be able to get it then right?? It's so confusing all of them things...

Not done a lot today... just watching xfactor now, I've told Jay that if Wagner wins (dunno if you watch it....) we'll be moving out of England :p hahaha.... :haha:

What are you upto?? Did you have a good day??
Morning hun!
Sorry I didnt get back on again over the weekend. I ended up tutoring and then DH and I went to Bexelyheath for some shopping and then Woolwich to the M and S outlet. We then came home and I was knackered as I had been out since 9.30-5!! We had some dinner- cheese fest! And I fell asleep on the couch. I made a move to the bedroom and of course sods' law- I am so tired but still tossed and turned until around midnight :grhh:

How was your weekend? Did you manage to get lots of chilling done? I hope you got your list for Christmas. Will you be going down to Brighton for your hols? We still dont know if mum and my sister are at mine this Christmas or if I will be going to theirs. I think I am going to get some more tutoring in so being here will be the easiest option :)

Before I forget, I got the MAB1 form from my MW last week. How do I use that to get the HiP grant? Also I am 25w this week so my next MW appt next week I can get the Sure Start form right? Do I get that from MW? I have my Job Seekers appointment tomorrow so I will also ask them when I go. The cheeky Buggers cut my allowance as I get £12 a week for my tutoring. I dont think it works out cost effective for me to tutor as I have to account for travel time and costs so not really worth them cutting it. Idiots!!! But they Students have their exams coming up so I will not be tutoring after then anyway so Job seekers can stop cutting my allowance- grrhrrrrhhhhh

As far as I understand on the SureStart- you can claim that £500 after babba is here so if you are more likely to get it once he is here I would wait. Not sure if there is a helpline or number perhaps you can call and see if they can give you some more info. :sorry:

Sunday- was busy- I went to my Mum's in North London and then to my Cousins for late lunch/early dinner. Was nice to get out and see them all but I was still so tired- I am still tired today....even though I thought I had slept well. Also started getting a dry coarse cough :( I know DH had it last couple of weeks so I have got it now!! Will be asking Acupuncture guy to give me some more cold herbs and work on my immune system. I do not need to be getting a cold!!

I hope you are keeping warm hun- I really am feeling the cold ATM- I am in bed fully clothed with hot water bottle. I have to go to Kent this afternoon and am not looking foward to it.

I am off for a nap- seem to be super shattered- is this me approaching 3rd Tri tiredness now?

TC and write soon xxx

Glad you had a good weekend... nice and busy ;)
We did nothing at all :p Nice and relaxed for us.
I just had a shower and am gonna do some cleaning in a bit :S Don't really want to but I promised myself I would, and I always feel proud of myself afterwards... So I guess it's worth it.

The MAT B1 is for your maternity pay as far as I'm aware... so for when you're working.... But you don't do you?! Not sure though... I don't think I had that one... (just googled it). The other form should just say at the top that it's for health in pregnancy grant. And it should say how to fill it in and stuff.....
When you get that from your midwife (probably at your next appointment) she'll fill half of it out and sign it... then you've got 31 days from the date she wrote fill it in and send it off. (well, they have to receive it within 31 days).
And the sure start form you can just download off the internet yourself, if you go to

Only 10 weeks to go for me!!! Hopefully 7 and probably 12 :p haha...
Can't wait!!!

Well I'm off, I'm gonna get dressed and do some housewife-ing ;) :p haha...
Aww you are such a good housewife! I am still in bed with hotwater bottle. I am definitely getting a dodgy cold and do not want to get out of my bed. I dont want to go to Kent :( But figure better to do it this week and maybe get out of it next week! LOL

I will have to ask MW again- I thought the letter she gave me I could use for HiP form- DH can take it to work to get his paternity leave and I can use it to get free prescritions and dental stuff. I havent used the form as yet so I dont know!

I will look into both tomorrow or next week once I have seen MW!

10 weeks!!!! Oh hun I am so excited for you now!! I hope you get 7 weeks- I mean that in the nicest way. though my two cousins' yesterday said at least 38 or 39- so happy medium I guess! Have you done your birth Plan? I need to discuss with DH. How about your Antenatal classes- you will have to tell me how they are :)

right hope you get lots of Housework done- I am going to put my head down for a bit before I get up and head out!
Have a good one :)
Housework is almost done.. cleaned the bathroom and toilets... really needed doing :p But it's all nice and clean now. Just gotta go into town in a bit (when hubby goes back to work) to return something to primark and get some stuff.
Then I still have to do the ironing, but that's all. So I'm quite happy :)

I'm not having antenatal classes until January, cause they don't have any in december (for some reason.. dunno why). MW said I could go to one last week and then take the tour aswell, but hubby rather had all 4 classes in one go instead of just having 1 now and the other 3 in January. So we didn't go last week.

So you're having a bit of a lazy day today then?? Until you have to go to Kent...
Hope you get some rest!!
All three trains I can get to get me to my tutee on time canceled so I am back in bed. Hows that for wishing something real!

Did you manage to get to Primark? I am hoping to get there tomorrow after I have signed on in the morning. I hear snow is forecast for us tonight so make sure you get home and stay warm. I am really not liking the cold at all!!

Glad you got some cleaning done. I managed to make dinner thinking I would be home late from tutoring but now it is cancelled and dinner is ready! I will make a salad and maybe sort out some left overs to freeze (my mother stocked me up when I was over there yesterday) Enough to feed the thousands! I am going to visit my sister in Exeter with her this weekend so we are taking some food for her :)

Thats right- re: antenatal- I recall you mentioning them to me. I am starting my NCT ones in January! We shall compare notes then :)

Did you book yours through your MW? Or do I go through Plumstead? I should know this shouldnt I? Sorry I am being slow- baby brain! LOL

TC Mxxx
hehe yeah got back in the warmth of the house :)
Went to primark, mothercare (cause I can't stay out of it :p) and WhSmith - we won £20 on a scratchcard yesterday, so I cashed that... There was this weird scary woman 'behind' me in the queue, who kept standing next to me and she was talking to herself and laughing.. it was really freaky.... And she kept getting really close.... :S Hate it when people do that.
Then I went to the post office in WhSmith and the queue was massive again, as usual. And when I finally found out how many stamps I needed on my letter and went to the postbox there was this old lady who took about 5 minutes just to put her christmas cards in the postbox.... really annoyed me... Why don't you just pick up the whole pile, stick it in and walk away?! :dohh:
Then I went to take the bus back home and it didn't turn up, so had to wait ages... Was tempted to take the taxi that was across the road but that would've been really expensive, so waited for the bus anyway.

I really want snow!! Everyone's getting snow all over the place... my sister just posted a picture of her backyard on facebook - all nice and snowy :( I want snow too!!!!

At least you got your dinner done then... All you have to do is heat it up at dinnertime, or have it now... :p Nice of your mum to give you loads of food... My mum never does :p haha ;) We're having fish pie tonight, so that's nice and easy...

Wonder how your NCT classes will be... I looked into it but found it way too expensive... My mw just told me about the nhs classes when I went to see her last tuesday. So I'm sure your mw will tell you about them when you're 28 weeks. Otherwise just ask her at your next appointment....My mw said I didn't need to book them, just turn up. She gave me the dates and times and everything... It's in the Brookehill Childrens Centre, dunno if you know it.
But hey you got loads of time yet - then again, that'll go quick probably.
I guess I am just thinking out aloud with regards to the antenatal classes :)
What a nightmare of a trip to Woolwich- there does seem to be a big congregation of weirdo's in that place. Hit and miss- sometimes they all come out at the same time!
I can just imagine an old woman with her shopping putting on card into the post box at a time! grh!! Specially in this cold!

Did you get anything nice from Primark and Mothercare? Can you believe I forgot to go in over the weekend! LOL- my baby brain!

Fish pie- did you make that already- I am just waiting on DH and then dinner will be served. I have noticed anything with a bit of spice is giving me heartburn but I am craving this curry my mum gave me so I shall just have to make sure Milk is at hand.Watch out I will be moaning about it later on tonight :wacko:

Are you working on your X-Stitch still- I know you said you were nearly finished but still some pages to go! I am going to seriously start some crocheting next week. I have a fairly manic week this week so the time off I do have I am going to any excuse huh!

Whats your plans this evening? a night of telly, internet and reading my book this side of Woolwich
We finally have snow!!!! :happydance: YAY!!! (sorry just had to get it of my chest :p)

Hehe at least the postbox was inside (in WhSmith) so I wasn't cold.
There are too many weirdo's in Woolwich... it's like it's an attractive place for weirdo's - like honey for bees :p haha
I didn't get anything from Primark, I returned something... cause my hubby bought it for me last week, I tried it on in the shop but then bought 1 size bigger, cause of the bump and that (cause they don't have maternity clothes there) but when I put it on the next day - to actually wear it - I looked like a bat if I spread my arms out... the sleeves were way too big, and I didn't like the whole look of it on me.. dunno why, cause it was fine in the shop (the smaller size). Ah well..... I bought something else a couple of days ago in peacocks though, similar to it. (I think it was in one of the bumppictures I showed you, a knitted grey tunic thingy, with little pockets and no sleeves, but I wear a 3/4 sleeve shirt under it)
And I didn't get anything from Mothercare, but thinking about it now... I'm allowed to order our steriliser set from amazon today - cause hubby got paid and we need to get it now.. the last 'expensive' thing we still need to get before the baby is here. (We still need a new mattress for the cot and bedding for the cot, but he won't be sleeping in that straight away anyways).

Did you get yourself a cot/cotbed yet??? Cause you were looking for one weren't you?? Can't remember if that was you :blush:

Do you get a lot of heartburn??? I don't get it very often, but if I get it it isn't so bad either.... Wonder if our babies are gonna have a lot of hair - cause they say that's why you get heartburn, cause of the hair....

I just finished another page on my cross stitch 2 days ago, so I'm on 7 of 9 now, which will be (more than) halfway finished tonight.... So I'm doing good.
We just need some way to get to a hobbycraft to get the right frame (that matches the other frames we used for the other cross stitches we gave my MIL).

Didn't do much last night... a mix of watching desperate housewives online (but I watch it with this site called megavideo and unless you pay for it you can 'only' watch like 60 minutes and then wait another 60 minutes before you can watch again.... So it was a mix of that and tv (while I was waiting to be able to watch again...)

What are you upto today??? Liking the snow???

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