Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

Hey hun!
Hope you are feeling better and tucked up in bed. Colds are rife at the moment :( glad you appointment went well... I am sure your BP reflected the walk to QE- the hills are huge around here and to be honest I get tired and out of breathe just walking! Clever boy being head down though- sorry he isnt engaged but still good to hear he is in the right position! :)

My MW was ok- still fundal height is small also I have felt as if movements have reduced so the MW thought I better get monitored at Fetal Assessment Unit. I popped there and they are happy with babba's HR and the number of movements in 20 minutes. It is less that two weeks ago so I am not going mad. But still enough for their normal range. Also my 28w bloods came back- had to ask for them- idiots! and my Glucose level is slightly up so tomorrow morning before my scan I will go to QE early and get a GTT (Glucose tolerance) test done. Did you have one done?

I have my scan tomorrow so I will keep you posted on that. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that there is some growth and the amniotic fluid has not reduced! If the worst has happened they will consider C section and soon. I have faith in my acupuncture guy who I saw later this afternoon- he is working on points to increase energy (blood?) to uterus and see if that helps with fluid and growth! eeek! As soon as he stuck needles to increase energy I could feel her tons more! How mad is that?

Bet you are looking forward to Jay having two weeks off? Are you guys planning anything?

Better get to bed- I have to be at QE early. TC and sleep well tonight :hugs:


Glad to hear you're doing ok! Let me know how your scan went tomorrow....

I made myself a nice bath tonight, stuck my laptop on a little table next to it so I watched desperate housewives while I was in the bath!
Little boy has been going MENTAL all night.. I swear he was trying to escape through my belly earlier! And it wasn't just like a big roll over or anything that lasts about 5 seconds, he kept going for about 30 seconds at least! And he has been rolling and wiggling NON STOP.... well he obviously stops every now and then (to rest probably, and of course he wasn't moving when Jay came home for a couple of minutes :p). I was researching on the internet about LOTS of movement and some researchers find that very active baby's (in the womb) tend to be irritable infants, so I said to Jay he's gonna be like him, as Jay gets very irritable if he's around a lot of people :p haha...
But I have NEVER felt him move this much before... Wonder what's going on!!!!

I don't have my mw appointments at QE - if I did, I didn't have to walk up a hill as we literally live across the common from QE, so I'd just have to walk over the field. Would be easier, but hey! At least I get some exercise this way, walking up a hill and walking for about 40 minutes in total (20 there and 20 back)!! :p

I'm in bed at the moment, just watching some of my beloved programs (likemy Dutch soap and Brothers & Sisters, and maybe some Grey's Anatomy later :p)
Jay told me not to go to sleep too late though, so I guess I'll be going to sleep in about an hour (or 2 :p)

Anyway, let me know how your scan went tomorrow!!! Oh and I never had my glucose tested I don't think.... my mw did say she was missing some of my booking results though (they re-did them at 28 weeks as I had just moved here at the time and they didn't do all the same bloods in Canterbury as they want done here....But I only got some of the results back, so I think she was gonna chase them up).

Well, I'm off!! Sleep well!!
Hope you managed to get some rest in last night. I love the idea of the laptop in the bathroom- will have to get DH to do that for me- I hate taking baths as I get so bored in them. I ask DH to come and talk to me but he gets bored too! LOL

Did you enjoy all your catch ups last night? Hope Lucas calmed down a little. I have not heard about the research you mentioned. That is interesting though isnt it. We will have to see when he is here!!

My GTT this morning went well- I am not sure when and where those results go. I then went to get scanned and had a very nice sonographer called Amanda Ayee or something. She was much more friendlier than the one we had on friday :(
She went through and did her measurements- Basically there has been growth since the 28w scan! :wohoo: but babba is still measuring in the 5th percentile. The only downside is the Amniotic fluid has decreased from Friday's measurements to 4.2cm so more than a cm (Friday was 5.9 cm) So I am really worried now. The MW and Fetal assessment unit just sent me home and said they would wait and see what the consultant wants to do. My appointment with her is next friday 15th! They told me to not worry and to carry on as normal!!! WTF!!!

I am just worried if the drop was so quick in five days- by the time I see the consultant there will be nothing there!!!!!! I have another scan booked for the 2oth of Jan for my 32w so still two weeks for that one! I done some research but there is very little on the condition - oligohydramnio and even little on what happens when it begins to drop!

My Acu guy panicked me as he said it was not a good sign to have it drop since Friday. I am awaiting his 'super' herbs tomorrow as I asked him to post me some... but who knows how much that will help huh?

Anyway- still feel kicks so as long as that is ok I am somewhat calm. I will pop into Fetal assessment again between now and the consultants as I am sure I will worry and they were really nice and said to come along! What a palava heh?

So how was your day? I went to see one of my Yoga friend in Blackheath and got home around 4. Started researching on the internet but so tired I fell asleep. I have been habing some throbbing pain in my cervix area too which was quite strong when I as sleeping this afternoon. Have you had this?

Well I better stop bombarding you with info and questions! I have a few nursery places DH and I are going to visit tomorrow - not in the mood at the moment but I guess we should start eliminating them if I am to go back to work!

Hope you had a good day and write soon and let me know how you are- and if Lucas is causing a storm! LOL

Good to hear that the little girl is still growing and moving about!! :)
I know it's hard and can imagine that you're worrying, but if they say not to worry, try not to!! If anyone knows when to worry it'll be them!! And if they would be (very) worried they would've kept you in.

I'm not doing a lot, feel really really tired today!! Even though I did sleep till 11 (didn't go to sleep till about 1.30 though). I feel like I can sleep all day and night and still be tired. Cause I always wake up tired!!
Jay's at home today, so that's nice! He's got his last guard shift tomorrow and then he's got 2 weeks off, so we can do that last shopping before baby arrives :)

I've never had the throbbing pain in my cervix.....have you looked it up on the internet?? Did you get any contractions with it?? Cause if you did you might be dilating..... Dunno! :shrug:
trying not to worry- like you said they would keep me in if they felt there was anything to worry about :)

I bet your looking forward to the next two weeks- what things are you guys getting.
DH is sorting out spare room with more storage space for baby things. I cant wait to get stuff from my nice SIL! Will feel more real then!

I am also tired- do you reckon it is the third trimester tiredness I have read about? Kinda like getting us rested before the storm! LOL- enjoy the sleep and make sure you do rest as much as you need to- only a few more weeks to go so make the most of it.

Are you sleeping ok? I am still tossing and turning but feel like I can sleep for England. have been falling asleep downstairs for a few hours! And then like you up until 1!!

we have Antenatal tomorrow with NCT- all day- and then DH's friends over for dinner- Long day. I am already tired from it! LOL

No contractions hun- just some pains- I am going to see if I can see the Nurse tomorrow too so I'll ask about them. They ocme and go so I am assuming they are normal. I will do a google search on them now :)

Hope you had a great day and glad Jay is home for a bit! How is bump doing with you?

Oooh... bet you're looking forward to your NCT classes though?!
We've got our first class on wednesday night. I am really looking forward to it!!!

I can sleep for both England and Holland together :p hahaha.... I'm trying not to sleep later than 11 though - if I wake up around that time and still feel tired I make myself stay awake, cause I think I might not sleep at night if I would go back to sleep.
It's weird cause I feel tired all morning and then in the evening I usually don't feel tired anymore and I don't feel like I'd be able to sleep before 1 or 2 am..... I'm gonna try and go to sleep in a little while though. I am watching the Duchess at the moment but when that dvd is finished I'm gonna go to sleep. Hopefully that'll help!!
I usually sleep fine though, sometimes I don't even wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, if I'm lucky :p

Bump is alright, he's been moving quite a bit again tonight, and hurting me!! :( When I lay on my side and he pushes his limbs out it hurts quite a bit sometimes! Feels a bit like a balloon stretching :p (well obviously I don't know what that feels like, since I am not a balloon, but you get what I mean :p)
I have been getting some weird sensations in my cervix since I wrote this morning, or well down there somewhere, which I am assuming is my cervix. (I know what and where my cervix is, but have never really had any sensations from that area before).
And I had a weird sort twinge of a nerve in my lower back tonight, which hurt a bit! Dunno what it was, but I don't think it was a contraction or anything.

Hopefully little Lucas won't make us wait too long now :p
I did this 'when will you go into labour' quiz - someone posted a link on here about it, so I thought I'd give it a go, for a laugh. And it reckons I will have our boy 3-6 days before he's due, and he'll weigh 7.8 pounds and I think it said labour would be about 12 hours, but I can't remember that one for sure.... Hope so though, sounds good to me! :p Oh and it also said he'd be born in the morning... hihi... Wonder if it's gonna be right.

Well I'm gonna go, off to bed! Let me know how your NCT class went tomorrow!! Have fun!!
just a quick one to see how you are doing! I hope Lucas is doing well.
I'm just waiting on consultants appointment this Friday- very tired and achey!
Post more later but wanted to say Hi! :wave: and see how you are doing! :flower:
Minimin x
Hey! I was just thinking about posting something yesterday, but then forgot again..... :blush:

Not a lot going on here... Went to Bluewater on monday, my feet were killing me and I couldn't wait to sit down when we got home!! :p I was knackered!
We bought the last bits for the baby (nursing bras, grooming kit, towels and some socks and booties) and we bought a wii game and braintraining for my new nintendo DS :p
Spent quite a lot of money actually :blush: Ah well....

Going to our first antenatal class tonight, and Pizzahut afterwards (for our 3 year anniversary, which was on the 28th of dec. :p) We were gonna go on monday, after coming back from Bluewater but we weren't hungry and came back too early to have dinner.... Didn't end up having dinner till about 10pm that night cause we weren't hungry.
Anyway, so our first antenatal class & pizzahut tonight!
Apart from that I'm just doing some laundry and washing up today.

Lucas is doing fine....Wonder if there's gonna be any change next week at MW appointment.... Jay is coming with me so that would be good :)
How's your little girl doing??
Any news yet on fluid levels and her growth??
Hope you guys are ok!

What have you been upto the past week then?? Anything interesting?
Hey you!
Sounds like a nice evening planned. Let me know about Antenatal. When I have more energy I will update on our one we had last week. Suffice to say I found it basic as I had done alot of it either as Biology student or in Pregnancy Yoga. Still some useful info. DH found it very useful as it was the first time he has thought about things. Also nice for him to meet other dad's to be. We have another one on Saturday- I have the intensive booked so it is our last session for the fill day.

Last week was manic busy- I had Antenatal Friday all day then Vin's godson and family over- KNackered as we were entertaining until 1am and they stayed over. They were all recovering from Flu but I dont think they were fully recovered as I am achey and very tired today :(
Went to my Mum's Sat and Sunday had a friends engagement in the morning, lunch with a friend who came back from South Africa and then visiting DH's cousin who has a 7week old! Phew! Then drive back form North London to South!
Monday we went to Ikea (so we were both out all day) and tell me about being tired. I was so shattered I could hardly move when we got home. I fell asleep on the sofa and then moved to bed- completely aching body and almost hallucination dreams mixing reality (TV was on) and my thoughts! Well weird. I wasnt sweating or anything otherwise I would have been worried it was a fever or something.
Yesterday I had to sign on and then met my Yoga friend followed by Acupuncture so headed into town. Long travel times knacker me so when I got home last night at 6 I was shattered. Did manage to make a decent meal.I feel like we have been eating total crap this past few days- we even had MacDonalds for dinner! Not nice after scoffing it as I was so hungry!
Today has been the first day in a while where I have not had an appointment of some sort! Better to enjoy it but have been on the phone, Laundry and now more calls LMAO! No rest for the wicked huh??
Think the Acu herbs (taste VILE) are working as I can feel my bump has got bigger- more tightness and more movement.

I have my Consultants this Friday morning so I shall see what they say. I am sure she can not make an assumption from the last scan as it will be almost 2weeks old so I am hoping they scan me again and i will find out if the AFI has increased. Trying not to think about it and worry. As long as I feel movement I am hoping all is ok.

We did get tons of babba stuff from my mum's this weekend! All clothes form 0-12mnths, muslin squares, booties, bibs, car seat, moses basket, playmats, breast pump, bottles, milk storers, sterilisers, Formula feed holder, room thermometer, blankets, dummies/pacifiers, cotton wool, baby bath, gripe water, maternity pads, bed lining (incase i leak in bed (gross)) Nursing pads and so many toys!!

All taking up space in the spare room atm! LOL I wish I had the energy to sort it out. All the clothes have been washed but need to perhaps do a few loads with the blankets and Moses Basket stuff!

We still need a baby towel as we only have one- how many did you guys get?
Have you got your hospital bag ready!
I hope you have everything else ready to go hun! We just purchased a few more cabinets to go in the spare room as we dont have enough space - ironically for DH's stuff! He is such a girl!

Well enjoy your day - I hope Lucas is in prime position when you see the MW next week. How have you been feeling?
It will be nice to have Jay with you! Dh has yet to come to one of mine!
Are you feeling tired?
Oh and where did you sign up for your NHS Antenatal? Are they at QE? I am sure you told me before but I am being baby brained and have forgotten :(

Minimin x
Hehe, you've been really busy then!!! Sometimes I wish I was busy, cause it would make time fly by and make me feel less bored.... Even with Jay at home I'm bored sometimes... Had a couple of days lately where I felt like crap, just not feel up to doing anything, but bored at the same time so I wanted to do something so I wasn't bored anymore... So Jay told me to get the wii up here and he'd play some games with me :) Was fun, cause we hadn't played the wii since before we moved here!

I know what you mean about eating crap... We've not really been bothered to cook properly lately.... (partly asda's fault for not having any mince when I ordered it, so we can't make half the food we usually have!) But yeah we've been having quite a bit of chips and pizza and stuff like that :blush: Had sausages & mash the other night though, with veggies!! So that's good and healthy :) (we cook the sausages in a George Foreman grill, so they're not as fatty/greasy as they would be if you'd cook em in a frying pan).

Glad to hear you feel like baby's growing!! My bump has grown quite a bit since last week, I was really surprised to see it! And for the first time I really felt like people could see I'm pregnant (when I saw my reflection in the mirror in the bathroom in Bluewater :p)

Hope you get another scan on Friday!! Bet you love seeing her so often!! :) Even if you don't get to see all of her, cause she won't fit in the picture anymore, does she?? Do they check her position aswell when they scan you??
Does your hubby come with you when you have those appointments??
Jay tries to come to all appointments with me, but he usually can't cause of work. He went with me on my 2nd mw appointment, both scans (and 4D scan). He didn't come when I had my 2nd 20 week scan (when we moved here) though, cause he was working and he hasn't been to any mw appointments since that 2nd one either I don't think! But it'll be nice for him to come, and I like it aswell!! He just said to me: I'm a good daddy cause I try to come to all the appointments with you!!

The other day we had a really good chat! I was watching one born every minute and I thought that girl was over-reacting a little (dunno if you've seen it, but she was a bit over the top! She was even screaming when she had the epidural and she even said she didn't feel anything, so why the hell are you screaming then!!! :doh:) And Jay said: oh you'll be like that! And that really hurt me, cause it made me feel like he thinks I can't do it, or I can't handle pain or anything.... I was actually wishing I didn't have to do it, because of him saying that.... so I started crying and we had a chat - he didn't mean it that way, he thinks I will be mean though, telling him it's his fault and stuff... But that's only cause people always say women are like that in labour, but I don't think that's true (I've never seen it on tv before!! And that says something, cause those girls are usually quite bad and loud and horrible).
Anyway, we had a chat and he told me that the whole eastenders storyline made him worry sometimes and it was really nice to hear him say that cause I was gonna say something about that (that it makes me worry, or just hope that nothing like that would happen to us) but I didn't cause I thought he'd just brush it off, saying: it'll be ok! But it was really nice to know that he worries aswell and that he is a little bit scared too, cause it's all new and gonna be different. I love it when we have open conversations like that, we were also both crying.... but I 'like' it when he cries, cause it lets me know that he cares! :)

What were you and OH like when you had your miscarriages??? Or is that too personal/painful?
We thought we had a miscarriage in November 2009 - but when we went to the doctor they said: oh it might have just been your hormones going weird.... cause I was late with my period and then finally got my period but with LOTS of pain.... And we were both really upset about it at the time, and we talked about Ricey (that's what we called it) the other night aswell.

Anyway.... I see you got LOTS of stuff from your mum then!! Looks like you're getting ready!!! :) We've got everything ready now! Hospital bag is packed.... I need to get a couple of new PJ's and put at least 1 pair in my bag, and we still need to put the camera in the bag and obviously last minute things like my notes and my toiletries (like toothbrush and that). But apart from that it's all ready :)

I was just saying to Jay that if he'd decide to come today we'd be ready to go :) Feels nice to know you're ready!
We bought a pack of 3 towels from mothercare.
We also saw this really really cute monkey-suit at mothercare, but didn't buy it... Maybe we'll get it later! It was soooo cute!! :)

I am quite tired most of the time, but I feel quite good today! :) Well it took me a while to get ready and out of bed and get things done, but Jay got me my croissant and some juice and after I had that I got up, got dressed and put a load of laundry on and I've done the washing up aswell now :) Just put the laundry up to dry! So I'm just relaxing now, and waiting till it's time to go to the antenatal class (at 5.30).
The midwife here told me about the classes and said I didn't need to sign up for them, just turn up. So she gave me the dates and times and she gave me a phonenumber to book a breastfeeding workshop, but I got a letter about the bf-workshop the other day and they are on thursday mornings in Brookhill Childrens Centre (on Brookhill Road in Woolwich). That's where the antenatal classes are aswell. Might go to the bf-workshop tomorrow, but I'll see how I feel tonight and whether I'm gonna be able to sleep 'early-ish' cause the bf-workshop starts at 10am I think, so I'd have to get up quite early (for my standards :p)

Ok well I've written enough, bet you'll get a headache just reading all this!! :p haha - Sorry!! ;)

I'll let you know how the class was!!
Hey! How did Antenatal go? Did you find it useful? How are the other couples? We had just four other couples in our group and I felt it was useful for DH as he had not really discussed things with me or tought about things. I knew alot of things from doing my pregnancy Yoga stuff but it was nice to refresh them. Also the lady did have stuff about QE she knew which was nice to know- like they keep you in for around 6 hours and then discharge you if there are no complications.
When is your next one? Did you get a tour of QE. I will have to book that if I cant make their Antenatal. Do you know when the next batch start?

It is good for the OH's to come to appointments. Vin doesnt come to MW as they are every two weeks for me atm. I also just get pee and BP checked and Babba's HR. He has come to all the private and early NHS scans as we were worried things would go wrong.
I have been on one scan on my own (last week) other than that he has been to them. I think he likes to come and see her. He gets a better view than me too!
It is nice to see her again- I do hold my breathe each and every time as I am worried they will say there is no heart beat or something! I just cant help but be in disbelief we have got this far! Our next scan in next wednesday at 32w but I am hoping we get another one on Friday. We shall see.

So I caught up on 1 born every Min. OMG! WHAT A WOMAN! SHE really was thrashing about and going mental. I dont know how far into labour she was but she really was vocal. I thought it was a little OTT but then thought- perhaps her being vocal is her releasing the pain. It was just painful for us to watch! I did watch it alone so dont have a clue what DH would think. He wont watch them with me. I think he watched one of the Christmas ones :(
DH also says to me he is scared and I will be mad and mental- I think they dont know what else to say really. When the time comes I bet Jay is flabbergasted and will do all he can to help you. Even suggest you swear or hit him as he will see there is nothing else he can do to help you. It is also lovely you guy talk about it. DH has said to me "oh your not scared are you?' I just said 'no' as it is easier. Perhaps once Antenatal have talked a bit more this weekend it will be nice to speak to him about it.
Though having said that I know DH was not happy about Eastenders storyline as it unfolded. I was more diplomatic about it and kept saying 'it is a story for a soap hun!'
Overall, I think my DH and I have a weird relationship where we have not really talked about emotions/feelings/pain etc of the three we MC/Ectopic. There are a few one line conversations I can recall here and there but we have not ever sat down like you and Jay. Perhaps too painful, or perhaps a little too soon I dont know. But like you said it is nice to know as it makes you aware he cares. You are very lucky :hugs:

I am pleased your bag is ready to go! I bet your all set now. Once you get to this stage I think your body knows you are ready and starts preping. I bet your lil one will be here in no time at all :)

I went to see the nursery at Brookhill Childrens Center last week! I loved the nursery and asked about the Antenatal but the lady didnt know where I could sign up! I asked if she knew someone I could speak to and she was no help! I'll ask my MW this Tuesday as I see her again. I think it maybe worth something if I can get to see the hospital etc.

Right enough gassing. I better start winding down- Few more internet things and then read/bed.
Hope you sleep well and let me know about your class wont you!

Antenatal was fine!! I knew most of the things she talked about... only thing I didn't know was about lotus birth (which I personally find a bit weird...) and about the uterus actually getting smaller (and therefore helping you push the baby out) as it contracts... She used the arm muscle as an example... She said if you flex your arm the muscle gets longer but then when you relax it it'll go back to the same size it was before, but the uterus is the only muscle that actually gets smaller than it was before... in the whole flexing and relaxing process.
Jay didn't know about the placenta jab you can get though and he didn't know about the mucus plug (I have told him about it before but he probably forgot).
I also asked the MW afterwards how long you usually stay in hospital after giving birth and she also said, as long as your labour was straightforward without any complications you can be out as soon as 2 hours if you'd want, but they usually want to see you breastfeed first and make sure that's all ok, so usually it is about 6 hours she said. But she said you can also stay overnight if you want, as you'll have help in the middle of the night if the baby doesn't want to feed or anything like that. But we've decided I'd like to get out as soon as possible (so probably after 6 hrs or so) cause my MIL will probably stay with us for at least the first night - but we reckon she'll probably wanna stay to help out for a couple of days!

Our next class is next wednesdaynight 6-8 pm And you don't have to sign up for them, so if you want you can just turn up.... Our group was MASSIVE though!! There were about 14 couples or something! But you can just join if you want! And they got bf-workshops there every thursday from 10am till 12pm. I didn't bother going this morning, as I was still asleep, cause we didn't get home till 10pm last night (after pizzahut). I'll probably be going next week!

Oh and hospital tours... Someone asked about that cause they wanted to go earlier, as they were due around the time the hospital tour with the antenatal class would be going down there.. And the MW said to phone delivery suite on sundays - around mid-day to see when they're doing their next tour. So you don't have to go with the whole class....apparently they do them like every sunday or something (at least that's what I thought she said, I didn't hear everything, cause it was after the class). Jay doesn't see the point in going on the hospitaltour, I don't really mind. We'll see whether we make it I reckon.... If the little one is still in there we might go - maybe he'll realise that it's time for him to come out then :p haha
I bet he's gonna stay in there at least till his duedate anyway.

I don't get why everyone makes such a big deal about the eastenders storyline... it's FAKE, it's a soap!!! I get why people think it's not acceptable to make entertainment out of something like that, but at the same time, why is it acceptable to make entertainment out of someone getting killed and then hiding it from everyone (like with the lucas story or stacey and archie) Or Janine making Ryan sick (almost killing him). It's just as bad. I mean a storyline about someone getting killed is harder for people that had someone killed in their family than a story about a baby dying. And same the other way around. If you get what I mean. People just gotta remember that it's just a story!!

Are you nervous for your scan tomorrow???
Hey you! WOW sounds like your class was massive! It is nice to get Jay involved isnt it. There were tons of things I am sure I had mentioned to DH but he claimed he didnt know anything about it! Grrh Men! Still I am hoping he gets it in the end.
BF on thursdays at Brookhill- I will note it in my diary but may go at the end of the month as I have a class on it next Friday anyway. See what my Antenatal group does and then jump over! I am worried now that I wont produce any milk. Is there anything we can do to help it?

How was Pizza Hut? I had some wraps at around 3 and couldnt face eating in the evening. But then was so hungry last night. Had breakfast this morning and another late lunch for me so I better think of something lighter to eat tonight.

I think if things are straightforward there isnt anyneed to stay in the hospital. Being at home in your own environment will be much nicer. Also it is great you will have your MIL there. I am still debating whether to go to my Mum's as my MIL is useless! but then I want the comfort of my own home! decisions decisions!

I agree on the EE storyline. Like you said there are so many other stories that are painful but idiots are jumping on this one as it is about babies. FFS!!! Still I will be watching it as it is the only trash telly I watch! LMAO- you know what we watch is already recognizable to our little ones. I know mine will know the EE theme tune! Sad!

Oh and thanks on the hozzie tours. I will book one in.I should also ask if my Antenatal group do a tour. I will put that in the diary too- we can probably go in Feb sometime.

Well I better cut this short- I am supposed to be working on the lists today- clothes list, gift list, hospital bag list and the nursery list etc. Starting on the Hospital list now!

What are you doing today! I already had a nap at noon- I was so tired and doing some breathing exercise's and fell asleep.. OOps. I dont imagine I will be doing that in real Labour!

Hope you have a good day x
How come you're scared you won't produce milk???
I was a bit concerned after my husband told me his mate at work asked if I was lactating yet... I was like: do you always talk about my boobs at work?! :p But they were talking about the baby or something and then he asked that, and said if I wasn't then I should get it checked out cause his wife had clogged milk ducts or something like that and apparently that got quite painful. But I think i've started leaking a little the last couple of days! Yay!! :happydance: (in a weird way:p)
Sure you'll be ok.... when Jay told me about that mates wife I looked it up in my book cause I was sure it said that not everyone leaks milk before giving birth. And I was right... it said that not everyone leaks, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to BF.

Pizzahut was nice! Was nice to go out again. We had a voucher from the army so we'd get 50% off (if you have your army id with you) but Jay lost it!! Must've accidentally pulled it out with his fags on the way there.... Ah well, it was only about 20 quid anyway :) We had a large pizza but as usual we didn't eat all of it, but we did take the last 2 pieces home :)

Do you know if you're supposed to take your own towel(s) with you when you go into hospital?? For when you have your first shower after giving birth or if you use the pool...... I forgot to ask yesterday, but I'll check with the MW next week.

Our baby must know all the crappy shit I watch then!! :p Gilmore Girls, Jeremy Kyle, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Houswives, Brothers & Sisters, Hollyoaks, Eastenders..... All sorts :p haha

If you need any help with your lists, let me know!! Not that I'm the expert on it :p

Not doing a lot today.... Just watching tv, playing a bit on my laptop and that..... Getting hurt by our little boy :p Poking his limbs out!

Hope you get all your lists done!! :)
Hope your day has been chilled and little :baby: boy has been behaving himself. :thumbup: Bummer on the voucher. Can you use it another time? I hope so.. then you have an excuse to go out again :happydance:

Thanks on the information re: non leakage.:thumbup: I dont have any at the moment so worried. No real reason why I should be as yet! I hope I dont get blocked ducts. It sounds sore. I am DD/E on my boobs so they are big as it is- I have stopped underwire about 10 weeks if not more, ago as they were uncomfortable. Funny that your DH and his mate talk about milk- :haha: I wonder if mine does. Most of the time I think he forgets we are having a baby...and SOON!

Got alot done on the lists hun :wohoo: It is not often I have a burst of energy and actually do something productive :lol:

I will ask your advice though. I just went through the clothes that SIL gave me and separated into New Born and 0-3months. I envisage babba being in NB clothes for a few weeks and then 0-3months so have separated the stages. I just dont know if I have enough stuff:

eg New Born 0-3months

Babygrows 5 6
Baby Vests 12 9
Tops 7 8
Bottoms 5 5

I have socks, mitts, booties, tons of dresses and hats etc but the main clothes I thought for the early months are baby vests and grows as they are easy to change them all the time and deal with their leaks and spillages!

Is that similar to your list for the first three months?:shrug:

Also for the hospital bag I have for the baby:
1 x Babygrow type coat
1 x Cardigan with hood (i think!)
2 x New Born hats
2 x New Born Baby Vests
2 x New Born bottoms
2 x New Born tops
2 x Bibs

Other items
11 x New Born Nappies (pack of 10 and 1 freebie!:winkwink:)
16pk Baby Wipes
Sudocream pot
Cotton wool

What else can you think of that I will need for the wee one? Just thought as you have already packed your bags you may have some idea.

right- I just pulled up the list I altered this morning and looks like the darn computer has not saved my changes...hmmm I wonder where I saved that version!

I just need to get some dinner on and then EE followed by more form filling for tomorrow as i need to go to Job Centre. They are changing my jobseekers to maternity allowance and I need to ask a few things, need to go to the library, Royal mail office etc as well. I have my consultants appointment tomorrow at 10.50am so I think I will run all these other errands in Woolwich after that (assuming appointment goes well) I have not been to Woolwich since before Christmas so will be a change.

Anything fun planned tonight for you guys?
Haha funny you should say that :p Little boy has been a pain in the bum today....or in the tummy :p Going mental in there!

You don't need to worry about the boobs.... I didn't get any leakage until a couple of days ago, so you've got a couple of weeks yet before you have to start worrying :p And like my book said: just cause they're not leaking doesn't mean you can't BF.
I'm still wearing underwires.... And am also a DD normally got measured at mothercare in Bluewater on monday and she said I'm a 38E now...
But half the time I'm not wearing any bra's cause I spend most my time in my pj's.... :p

On my list as to what I wanted to have for 0-3 months was (at least):

10 bodysuits/vests
7 sleepsuits/babygros
3 jumpers or cardigan type things
2 pairs of booties
3 hats
10 pairs of socks
a sleepingbag
2 short sleeve t-shirts
3 long sleeve t-shirts
10 bibs
3 pairs of trousers/jeans
10 muslin squares/burp cloths
and a snowsuit (though we don't have one and I'm not bothering, cause we'll just put his coat on and a blanket over his legs (and probably upto his chin :p) We've got a snowsuit that apparently fits from 3 months, but it seems SO big!!!! :shrug:

As for normal clothes like jeans and dresses and tops and that you probably won't need them that much the first 3 months anyway cause it's just easier to have them in sleepsuits and vests. I reckon so anyway.

As for my hospitalbag for baby I've got:

2 hats
2 pairs of booties (cause I wasn't sure if 1 of the pairs fits and the other pair is just a tiny bit smaller)
3 pairs of socks
a coat
2 blankets (a fleece one and a cellular blanket)
3 burp cloths
2 t-shirts (different sizes)
1 pair of trousers
2 sleepsuits (2 different sizes)
and 2 bodysuits/vests (2 different sizes again)
And a pack of nappies, small pack of wipes and sudocrem.
Also gotta pack some cottonwool, but I only have a massive bag, so I have to put some cottonwool in a smaller bag.
I think that's all I got packed for baby.

Seems like your lists are fine to me :)

Have you also been feeling so rubbish lately?? I'm getting a bit sick of feeling like crap and not wanting to do anything!! I wake up and still feel tired and all I can do is just stay in bed and be bored and really can't be bothered to get out of bed. I reckon it's time for this little one to come out so I can feel a bit better - though I'd still be knackered :p with all the feedings and stuff during the night :p But at least I'd have a reason to get up then and probably feel a bit better about myself as I'll feel useful.... And I've got a little boy to look at then to cheer me up :)
Just wish hubby would take me out for some drinks with his mates sometimes as I don't really know anyone around here myself. But he doesn't go out very often himself - hasn't done since before I was pregnant I think....
Hoping my sister and her husband will come round soon! At least we got some friends coming round next week and we're planning on going to see Jay's parents in Brighton again sometime soon!

Ok right, I think I'm gonna have a shower and then get into bed and watch a film or something.

Good luck at your appointments tomorrow!! Hope everything will be ok :)
Let me know how it went!
thanks for that list- sounds like we are in the same kind of ball park with items.
Appointment was ok. Waiting over an hour to see not EVEN the bloody consultant but someone who works with her! grrrhhh just recapped my history- like I dont bloody know! And then checked babba's HB and sent me on my way with another appointment in two weeks to 'see' the consultant. They didnt do anything more than the MW appointments grrrhhh waste of my time and bus fare!

I guess they are just happy the HB was ok- we dont know if the AFI levels have dropped as they have not bothered to check today. I do have a scan in a week where they will monitor her growth compared to two weeks ago so hopefully all will be ok then.
Until then nothing!

Walked about Woolwich as I had to go to the library- jobcenter (Which gave me the run around :grh: and then a few shops. Went to Primark and picked up another loose Bottoms I can pack to wear after babba is here and a top to replace one DH ruined of mine in the wash!

Just a bit of walking and meandering in shops and I was so tired. Came home and had lunch and now relaxing- I cant believe how tired I get with just 4 hours of walking about :(

How are you doing today? I hope you are feeling better. I have been like that recently but when I do something- like go out, or at my mum's I feel better. Mostly when I am stuck at home I am feeling like you do. Do you think this is normal for the last bit of our pregnancy? Like you said- it will be nice when little ones are here so we got something to get up for. ATM- I kinda laze about and find it hard to motivate myself to do anything.

Today I was meant to come back and finish the clothes list, fill my Surestart form, Maternity allowance form and then call more nurseries to visit- but am too tired and also little less motivated so am going to do that on Sunday.

Hubby is out tonight with his work mates- funny as he had a crap day yesterday and said he was going out tonight to get drunk. I thought 'alright for some heh?' If I have a crap day- I cant get drunk and I am certainly not going anywhere!

Perhaps if you say to Jay to arrange an evening where you go out for a drink or something. I dont think you will be doing it much once Lucas is here so fit a 'date' night in? I will ask DH to go to the movies one night and theatre another. Two things before babba is here!Whether he actually will I dont know!!

Well I better get my email checked. I dont want to look in case there is something I have to do LOL
How lazy!
Hope you had a good day and write soon.
Oh and I am up for meeting in woolwich for coffee if you really feel down and need to get out :hugs:


Sounds nice - them making you wait for ages and then not even checking you properly. I mean what's the point in coming all the way here if they just do the standard mw check?!
You should've asked them to check the AFI I reckon... But hey, I always say that sort of things yet I wouldn't really do it myself either :p

Sounds like you had quite a day today then!!

I haven't been upto much. Woke up, had a shower, put a wash in the washing machine and then when Jay woke up we played our new wii-game... which is really good!! Glad we got it!
Especially since it's something fun to do without having to go out or pay for it. And all the other wii-games we had were getting a bit boring! But this one is really good!! :)

Been having some period like pains and some stabbing pains in my pelvis and lower abdomen though, and had 1 shooting pain (probably in my cervix, as it felt like it was in my bum, but since your cervix is sort of where your bum is it's probably that!) Hoping it's a good sign, but not sure! Probably just getting my hopes up :shrug:

Sometimes I just wish he would hurry up a bit!! :p I was just saying last night that it's starting to get a bit annoying... cause it hurts when he moves (quite often) Of course I do like it when he moves, cause it means he's doing well, but it's starting to get really painful sometimes and it's just starting to annoy me!! :p
I just think it's time for him to show up! :p

Are you the same??
Bet you want her to wait till you've got everything ready :p
Yeah I wished I had been a bit more forceful but tbh I have lost most of my faith in the NHS a while back :( If I had not had Acu[uncture I dont think we would be this far along in pregnancy and I would still be getting tests done to see why I MC'd.

Glad your new Wii game was exciting. Even better that you and JAy had some fun time playing it.

I fell asleep at around 5 and didnt get up until 7pm. So angry with myself as it means I will be up for ages tonight. I have to be up early for NCT tomorrow :( I hate it as I feel groggy all evening now!

Whats for Tea your side? I had a late lunch- hence falling asleep- so no idea. DH is drinking in the Dome- but should be home by 9pm. I said we would figure dinner when he gets in.

Your period like pains sound promising! I thought those and then back pain- lower are signs things are progressing. You had them before though right? I had some a while back and now they stopped! Like you I get shooting pains/aches in my cervix. I know it is that as I felt it when I had my MC at 9 weeks. Does it take your breathe away? It is pretty sharp but resides quickly.

Girl 3 more days and you are FULL TERM :wohoo: I am not suprised to hear you are ready for him to be here. I guess after this weekend you guys are on stand by.

When is your next MW appointment? Maybe if all is well you can start tricks to get things moving - :lol:
For me I hope she stays put for another 6 weeks to 37 week gestation. Then she isnt a premie and hopefully no extended stays in hospital. If I could get to 38 weeks now it would be great! LMAO. Still tons to do- get the storage cupboards, shelves and drawers up, cot to get, bedding, monitor, and raincover for our pram. Although all she will need in the first few weeks is all set to go!

Have a good evening- I am waiting for EE to come on and DH to come home!
Speak soon- i'll update if we learn anything fun at Antenatal tomorrow. Think we are covering pain relief and how DH/OH can help us in Labour.


Just had my dinner.... Chicken pie and mash and some veggies.... I would've done chips with it but we've been eating chips too often lately and haven't had too many veggies lately, so I just had a load of broccoli and carrots :) Good for the iron intake aswell (the broccoli).
I'm sooooo full now!! All I wanna do is just lay down, but you can't just after dinner... gotta let it settle first.

I have been on standby for 2 weeks now :p haha.... even though I knew he wasn't supposed to come before 37 weeks :p
But I'll be even more on standby from monday :p
Got my next MW appointment on tuesday and then another antenatal class on wednesday night (also on pain relief) and hoping to go to the breastfeeding workshop on thursday morning.
Having those pains in my cervix also reminded me of that (supposed) MC we had... Bloody hurt!! And is quite scary aswell when you get it now.... Even though now it should be a good sign :)
Hope he'll show up soon!!

I can understand you want to keep your LO in for another 6 weeks!! I guess everyone does (at least till full term, as there aren't really any risks then) - though it's hard to keep those thoughts by the time you get to 35 weeks or so :p
At least you still have some stuff to do to keep you busy :)
All I'm doing now is waiting :p haha
Might try :sex: when we're full term :p Just hope it won't be too uncomfortable... Last time we did I was glad Jay was done tbh :blush: I like everything else around the whole sex thing, just not the actual deed (at the moment that is).

Hope you find something nice to eat later and hope your hubby isn't too drunk when he gets back :p At least he doesn't come stumbling through the door at like 3am or something!!
And good luck/have fun at your classes tomorrow :)

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